
Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna

Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna
Gopis performing Devotional Service to the Lordships Sri Sri Radha Krishna

Hare Krishna: Bhisma Deva on the all-powerful Lord Śrī Kṛṣṇa

Hare Krishna: Bhisma Deva on the all-powerful Lord Śrī Kṛṣṇa: ‎.

‎"Bhismadeva said: Let me now invest my thinking, feeling and willing, which were so long engaged in different subjects and occupational duties, in the all-powerful Lord Śrī Kṛṣṇa. He is always self-satisfied, but sometimes, being the leader of the devotees, He enjoys transcendental pleasure by descending on the material world, although from Him only the material world is created."

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How to Make a Mountain <>

by jahnavi <>

It's that time of year again. Today is Govardhan Puja, when we remember Sri Krishna's incredible lifting of a sacred mountain in Vrindavan. In the Vaishnava calendar there are so many festivals and as the years go by they stack on top of one another like layers of sediment. I imagine my life so far as a rock - each layer a testament to the moments that I spent thinking about Krishna - the thick, densely packed areas,  or not - those are the crumbling parts.

I can remember so many distinct Govardhan pujas - many spent in the soggy English October, inside a white marquee, huddling in front of blow heaters while we listened to narrations of the amazing story. As children one of our favourite parts of the day was the creation of 'the hill'. This is a giant mound of sweets, dressed to mimic Govardhan Hill - usually complete with ponds of honey, boulders made of milk sweets and bright green shredded coconut for grass. The hill would be covered with plastic animals - deer, birds and lots of cows. After everyone had performed the puja of walking around the hill three times, the sweets would start to be handed out, and along with them, the plastic animals. My toy cupboards at home were full of the most prized- the cows. My small herd grew each year, and I would eagerly look forward to e ach year's festival, when I would wait with hands outstretched as a priest plucked animals off the mound and dropped them into the reaching palms of all the kids.

So why build a hill of sweets? It's definitely fun, but deeper than that, it's just one way to remember the miraculous activities of Krishna, and help our love for him to grow. It's also a beautiful way to celebrate Govardhan Hill, also known as Giriraj - the king of mountains. In Krishna's world, everyone has personality - nothing is just stone, or just a tree. Everything is full of life, full of love, full of desire to serve. Giriraj is considered to be one of the greatest servants of Krishna, since he limitlessly gives the bounty of his forests, waterfalls, minerals and more to the villagers of Vrindavan.

Last year I spent Govardhan Puja in Vrindavan, where it is extra special, since the real Govardhan Hill is only miles away. In the central courtyard of the Krishna Balaram temple, I stood on a raised platform with six other girls, scooping handfuls of scorching, fragrant halava and pressing them onto the plastic covered frame of the hill. Our hands quickly became tender, burnt by the steam, and we slid about as the hot ghee oozed from the mound around our feet. In the meantime, raucous, joyful kirtan thundered away. The following week, I was staying at the foot of Govardhan itself. It was one of the most sacred, deep experiences of my life. Each day I would wake and watch the sun light pass over the rocky face of the hill, and after a day absorbed in chanting and hearing about Krishna, I would sit in a small grove of trees a nd listen to the night songs of the crickets. I never believed I would really feel that a hill was a person, but after seven days, I felt his deep presence, blessing all who came near him to pray.

At the end of my time there, I built a tiny house of stones. Some people do this to pray to Giriraj for a safe, happy home to live in, but I prayed that however long it took, I may one day live there in that sacred place. These days I stay in Manhattan on the 21st floor. Outside my windows the tops of towering buildings remind me of his ridges and peaks, and I realise that whether here or there, his blessings are near.

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jahnavi <> | October 27, 2011 at 2:58 pm | Tags: festival <>, giriraj <>, govardhan <>, moutain <>, sacred <> | Categories: Inspiration! <>, Krishna Consciousness <>, Photos <>, Seasonal <> | URL:

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One can engage in all 9 devotional processes, or 8 or 7 or atleast in 1, and that will surely make one perfect [BG.11.44]

Bhagavad-gita As It Is | Part [BG.11.44]
(Purport to 11.55 continued)

No work should be done by any man except in relationship to Krishna. This is called krishna-karma. One may be engaged in various activities, but one should not be attached to the result of his work; the result should be done only for Him. For example, one may be engaged in business, but to transform that activity into Krishna consciousness, one has to do business for Krishna. If Krishna is the proprietor of the business, then Krishna should enjoy the profit of the business. If a businessman is in possession of thousands and thousands of dollars, and if he has to offer all this to Krishna, he can do it. This is work for Krishna. Instead of constructing a big building for his sense gratification, he can construct a nice temple for Krishna, and he can install the Deity of Krishna and arrange for the Deity's service, as is outlined in the authorized books of devotional service. This is all krishna-karma. One should not be attached to the result of his work, but the result should be offered to Krishna, and one should accept as prasadam the remnants of offerings to Krishna. If one constructs a very big building for Krishna and installs the Deity of Krishna, one is not prohibited from living there, but it is understood that the proprietor of the building is Krishna. That is called Krishna consciousness. If, however, one is not able to construct a temple for Krishna, one can engage himself in cleansing the temple of Krishna; that is also krishna-karma. One can cultivate a garden. Anyone who has land—in India, at least, any poor man has a certain amount of land—can utilize that for Krishna by growing flowers to offer Him. One can sow tulasi plants, because tulasi leaves are very important and Krishna has recommended this in Bhagavad-gita. Patram pushpam phalam toyam. Krishna desires that one offer Him either a leaf, or a flower, or fruit, or a little water—and by such an offering He is satisfied. This leaf especially refers to the tulasi. So one can sow tulasi and pour water on the plant. Thus, even the poorest man can engage in the service of Krishna. These are some of the examples of how one can engage in working for Krishna.


The word mat-paramah refers to one who considers the association of Krishna in His supreme abode to be the highest perfection of life. Such a person does not wish to be elevated to the higher planets such as the moon or sun or heavenly planets, or even the highest planet of this universe, Brahmaloka. He has no attraction for that. He is only attracted to being transferred to the spiritual sky. And even in the spiritual sky he is not satisfied with merging into the glowing brahmajyoti effulgence, for he wants to enter the highest spiritual planet, namely Krishnaloka, Goloka Vrindavana. He has full knowledge of that planet, and therefore he is not interested in any other. As indicated by the word mad-bhaktah, he fully engages in devotional service, specifically in the nine processes of devotional engagement: hearing, chanting, remembering, worshiping, serving the lotus feet of the Lord, offering prayers, carrying out the orders of the Lord, making friends with Him, and surrendering everything to Him. One can engage in all nine devotional processes, or eight, or seven, or at least in one, and that will surely make one perfect.
Translation and commentary by His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada


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  • Technorati - Taking on personal responsibility

Posted: 26 Oct 2011 03:10 PM PDT
(Kadamba Kanana Swami, Melbourne, Australia, October 2011)
In the gṛhastha-āśrama we cannot take full advantage of the temple – it's not possible. Temple devotees they live in the temple and there is a full program, whether they want it or not. For instance, with maṅgala-ārati sometimes they do not want it:
"I hope that there will be no maṅgala-ārati today."
But it goes on everyday, without fail! That is the nature of the temple. So therefore, in the temple there is so much push to help us to overcome our weakness.
In the gṛhastha-āśrama it is not so. In the gṛhastha-āśrama, one has to take personal responsibility. If a brahmacāri did not go to the maṅgala-ārati for a few days, then he will be chastised and pulled up:
"What's going on! Pull your socks up!! It cannot go like this! Understood? Or else sanctions will follow!"
But it's not like that for the gṛhasthas, since they have to do it……'s difficult….very difficult, but together it becomes possible. So therefore, between the two of them, one must inspire the other, by setting an example:
'A competition of who can get up first…..who can get up the earliest – not who can get up the last! And the last one loses! The one who gets up first, wins for the day. Let's see who is going to win the next day'.
Like that, we must try and invest in our spiritual life!
Posted: 26 Oct 2011 03:02 PM PDT
(Kadamba Kanana Swami, Melbourne, Australia, October 2011)
The weekend is for Krishna. In the weekend we go to the temple as much as we can and partake in different things. In that way in the weekend we are free to be ourselves.
In the week, all right we have to play the game in our profession, and work life. The kids have to go to school, which is the same since we have to be part of the worldly side of life. But that isn't what we really want! We really want Krishna!



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Symphony - By Jahnavi Harrison


by jahnavi

I am writing without really knowing why. Sometimes writing is motivated by a new understanding, a 'realisation'. But what realisation do I have? You can realise something, as in understand it, but surely to truly realise something means to 'bring it into reality', to live it. So to truly have a realisation means to understand something and then apply it every day.

So what have I realised lately? In small ways, like gathering scraps and snippets and threads, I have begun to understand that the things I thought were important - security, companionship, money - are not as important as they seem. Sometimes it seems like we are all living a great misunderstanding. We need so little, and the smallest things are the greatest treasures. To sing, to love, to dance. To smile as we fall asleep and as we wake. We can choose to do these things, or choose not to.

I have begun to glimpse that life is like a symphony of beauty and pain in equal measures. The music plays on, and each of us must decide how to play. We can choose to play with grace and humility. We can choose to play in such a way as to always push ourselves beyond our perceived limits. We can choose that if we trip up on a few notes, we smile and play on, no problem. We can choose to look up from the safety of our sheet music at the conductor, and feel safety and guidance in the movement of his hands. We can choose to play alone, and sometimes that is how the music is supposed to go. But at other times we are surrounded by a full orchestra, and we can feel the joy of harmony, the thrill of delicious syncopation.

Or if we are feeling insecure, we can watch the hands and faces of our fellow musicians and feel strength in togetherness. We can sing a painful song together. Or we can even fall silent. In times when our voices will not sing and our hands will not play, we can just listen to the music that washes within and without, steady like a timeless tide.




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