
Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna

Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna
Gopis performing Devotional Service to the Lordships Sri Sri Radha Krishna

Even mountain Meru is sometimes movable but not Himalayas [BG.10.29]

TEXT 24:

purodhasam ca mukhyam mam

viddhi partha brihaspatim

senaninam aham skandah

sarasam asmi sagarah



Of priests, O Arjuna, know Me to be the chief, Brihaspati. Of generals I am Kartikeya, and of bodies of water I am the ocean.



Indra is the chief demigod of the heavenly planets and is known as the king of the heavens. The planet on which he reigns is called Indraloka. Brihaspati is Indra's priest, and since Indra is the chief of all kings, Brihaspati is the chief of all priests. And as Indra is the chief of all kings, similarly Skanda, or Kartikeya, the son of Parvati and Lord Siva, is the chief of all military commanders. And of all bodies of water, the ocean is the greatest. These representations of Krishna only give hints of His greatness.  



TEXT 25:

maharshinam bhrigur aham

giram asmy ekam aksharam

yajnanam japa-yajno 'smi

sthavaranam himalayah



Of the great sages I am Bhrigu; of vibrations I am the transcendental om. Of sacrifices I am the chanting of the holy names [japa], and of immovable things I am the Himalayas.



Brahma, the first living creature within the universe, created several sons for the propagation of various kinds of species. Among these sons, Bhrigu is the most powerful sage. Of all the transcendental vibrations, the om (omkara) represents Krishna. Of all sacrifices, the chanting of Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare/ Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare is the purest representation of Krishna. Sometimes animal sacrifices are recommended, but in the sacrifice of Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, there is no question of violence. It is the simplest and the purest. Whatever is sublime in the worlds is a representation of Krishna. Therefore the Himalayas, the greatest mountains in the world, also represent Him. The mountain named Meru was mentioned in a previous verse, but Meru is sometimes movable, whereas the Himalayas are never movable. Thus the Himalayas are greater than Meru. 

Translation and commentary by His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada


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Padmanabha Temple, Thiruvananthapuram

Unearthed a rich and glorious past in Padmanabha Temple, Thiruvananthapuram.

As per the evaluation of the value of treasures found from the underground cellars of the Sree Padmanabhaswamy Temple there is around 1,00,000 crore rupees (1 Lakh Crore Rupees)There are 6 cellars in the Sree Padmanabhaswamy Temple that were marked from A to B. Among them the cellars A and B are not opened for past 150 years.Other cellars were containing precious items for festivals, daily poojas .etc.The detailed list of Treasures found in Sri Padmanabhaswamy Temple are,

1 Lakh Gold Coins
Rare Priceless Gems
Precious Diamonds like Indraneelam, Belgium Diamonds, Emeralds, Rubies
1200 Sarappoli Gold Chains
Gold Crowns like Kulashekharaperumal Crown which was used by Kings of Travancore
KashuMala (Necklaces)
400 Gold Necklaces with Marathakam stone
More than 2000 Gold ornaments
Gold Plates (Swarna Thalika)
Gold Chains of up to 3 and 10.5 kg and of about 18 ft also
Golden Idol of Padmanabha Swamy
Swarna(Gold) Dhanuss
Swarna(Gold) Pathakams

4 Feet tall Golden statue of Lord Vishnu studded with precious emeralds

Gold Staffs
Golden Utensils
Golden Umbrellas (Thankakuda)
Gold Pots
Gold Varpu, Uruli (Big Utensil)
Gold Kazhuthu Kudam, Kazhuthukootam
Silver Moola Pattika
Gold, Silver Nilavilakku
Gold Kindi
Silver, Gold Dharakidaram

God Shiva Idols made of Gold
Serpents idols in Gold
Golden rings
Finding from Sree Padmanabhaswamy Temple
Mahavishnu Idol - 32 KG

Vishnu Idol - 5 KG

Treasury 17 kg of gold coins of the East India Company time


Golds in temple.jpg

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Sree Padmanabhaswamy temple gold coins photos.jpg

sree padmanabhaswamy temple gold treasure p1hotos shells.jpg



Gold Chains of up to 3 and 10.5 kg and of about 18 ft also

gold-chains chain.jpg






Gold Crowns like Kulashekharaperumal




shells of gold.jpg

sree padmanabhaswamy temple gold treasure.jpg


Precious Diamonds like Indraneelam, Belgium Diamonds, Emeralds, Rubies


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Another Dimension

Posted: 07 Aug 2011 04:01 PM PDT

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, 2004)

'Asta-kalika-lila' – more or less describes how Radha and Krishna meet at different times of the day, in different groves around Radha-Kunde. There are numbers of groves that are attained by the asta saktis. Each of these groves have their kunjas, and that is where they have their loving pastimes.

Some of these descriptions can get very intimate. Some of the books from the ācāryas really elaborate on these things and it gets too much. Then it starts to really look to much like….sex….biting! If one gets to the biting part, than it gets too much…………….. This gives another dimension to it all, and can be too much……for us at this stage.

Therefore, one must be a little bit reserved about this. It's not that you can't read anything about it! I met some devotees who stayed in the Vrindavan temple, when I was the temple president at that time. They got really into this and this one devotee said to the other devotee:

"Do you want to have these books?"

He was talking about Prabhupada's books.

"Well can I just take it?"

"Yes, just take it. I never read them anyway!"

Since he was now reading all these glossy kind of literatures. This is not the idea! When it comes to reading, I usually explain it like:

"Prabhupada's books – Srimad Bhagavatam, Bhagavad Gita, Nectar of Devotion and Caitanya Caritamtra….they are like rice, dahl, subji and chapatti. And the other things are like chutneys and extra preps. If you only live on chutneys and extra preps, than how long can you live only on that? That's the point."

The reasons why we are giving all these warnings is because people like to make things black and white. It's either 'ok' and then it's like 'lets go!!' or it's 'off'….and there is nothing in between! This is the problem!

The Human form of Life

Posted: 07 Aug 2011 01:32 PM PDT


(Kadamba Kanana Swami, Sweden, 2010)

Transcribed by Madhumati Devi Dasi

So in this age of Kali the human form of life is awarded to those who are not very qualified. In Satya-yuga, the human form of life is only awarded to those who are great souls and all others are in lower species. In Treta-yuga, the standard of human life goes down and even one who is not completely perfect and pure can still be a human being.

In Dvapara-yuga, that standard still goes down, like the ones who have no piety still get human form of life. In Kali-yuga, even if one who has no good qualities at all can still get a human form of life and with that the intelligence and capacity to take up spiritual life!

Cologne Ratha Yatra

Posted: 07 Aug 2011 05:09 AM PDT

From Switzerland, Guru Maharaja made his way to Cologne (Germany) to participate in a great Ratha Yatra Festival. Many devotees travelled far-and-wide to get there too, attracted by the incredible line up of special guests namely: HH Kadamba Kanana Maharaja, HH Sacinandana Maharaja, HH Bhakti Charu Maharaja and HH Radhanatha Maharaja.

The four hour parade transcended the inner-city and then stopped next to the famous Dom of Cologne, where a good crowd of people were present. Unfortunately the weather didn't cooperate after the parade, as heavy rain set in. It lightened to a dizzle but stayed with us almost until the end of the program. However, it didn't dampen the spirit of the devotees who were eager to see the different bhajanas, dancers and speakers.

The Ratha Yatra concluded with an ecstatic final kirtana led by HH Radhanatha Maharaja. Enjoy the pictures!

If you cannot view the slide show below, please visit flickr.

A Summercamp in the swiss mountains

Posted: 07 Aug 2011 03:58 AM PDT

After being separated for one week from Guru-Maharaja, I joined him again in Switzerland, where he participated in a summer-camp, high up in the Flumser alps, a calm part of the earth, in a nice wood house. The programs were mainly led by Kadamba Kanana Maharaja and Deena Bandhu Prabhu, who gave inspiring seminars and classes. Deena Bandhu Prabhu, with his ecstatic narrations about Krsna and his pastimes in the holy Dhama, took the devotees directly to Vrindavana, whereas Maharaja inspired them with philosophical classes on the topic: "On the way to Krsna, we meet ourselves."

All in all it was a peaceful camp, that gave Maharaja a good possibility to relax a little for the upcoming Ratha Yatra in Cologne. Enjoy the pictures!

If you cannot view the slide show below, please visit flickr.


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Diary of a Travelling Preacher, Volume 11, Chapter 17

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From: Indradyumna Swami <>
Date: Sun, 7 Aug 2011 22:47 +0200
Subject: Volume 11, Chapter 17
To: "IDS Diary (of a Traveling Monk)" <>

Diary of a Traveling Monk

Volume 11, Chapter 17

June 30, 2011

By Indradyumna Swami

"Your New Mayor Is Wonderful"

In the spring, Nandini dasi built up a full itinerary for our summer
festival tour along the Baltic Sea coast in Poland. All the town officials
were cooperative, even vying to have the festival at peak times during the
tourist season. In many cases Nandini simply e-mailed or telephoned the town
administrations. But for some of the larger places, she had to visit the

One morning, however, she awoke and realized she'd missed her appointment
with the mayor of a large town.

"I've never done such a thing before," she told me over the phone.

"What will you do?" I asked.

"I've been calling the mayor's office all day, but no one's picking up the
phone," she said. "I may have to drive up north and see what I can do."

Early the next morning she began driving the six hundred kilometers from
southern Poland to the Baltic, arriving late at night. The next morning she
was at the town hall when it opened. She ran up the stairs to the mayor's
office and went in.

"I had an appointment with the mayor three days ago," she told the
receptionist, panting for breath. "I completely forgot about it. I'm so
sorry. Can I see him now?"

"There are a lot of people with appointments," said the receptionist. "You
can wait and see if he becomes available."

"OK," said Nandini, "I'll wait."

The receptionist began looking through Nandini's file. "I see it's about
getting permission for the Festival of India," she said. "I wouldn't get
your hopes too high. This is a new mayor, and I can tell you he's not

"What happened to the other mayor?" said Nandini.

"We had elections this year," said the receptionist, "and the previous mayor
lost, although he had served for twenty-six years."

"He was a good friend of our festival," said Nandini.

"Well, this one's a friend of nobody," said the receptionist. "I can't
believe he won the election. He doesn't even say hello when he walks into
the office in the morning. And he gives only five minutes of his time to
each visitor when he's supposed to give ten. He just asks what they want and
provides a quick reply, which is usually a no, hardly ever any discussion.
Good luck, lady."

There was a long line of people at the mayor's door. After an hour Nandini
became impatient, as she had also made arrangements to go to two other towns
on this trip. So while smiling and explaining her situation, she made her
way to the front of the line. Most people were sympathetic.

Soon the current visitor emerged from the mayor's office with a scowl on his
face. "He hardly listened to me," he mumbled.

Nandini hurriedly went into the mayor's office.

"Yes?" said the mayor, without looking up.

"Mr. Mayor," said Nandini, "we desperately need your help. We had planned to
do our Festival of India in your town in July, but we've heard nothing back
from your administration."

"We're not interested," said the mayor, while signing his name to a

Nandini just stood there, not knowing what to say.

"Just what would our city stand to gain from your festival?" said the mayor,
still not looking up.

"Our festival is a cultural event," said Nandini. "People will get to learn
about India, in particular its ancient spiritual tradition."

The mayor finally looked up. "And how much money do you hope to make?" he

"That is not our objective," said Nandini. "Of course, we sell food and
other things, but our main purpose is to enlighten people about the higher
values of life."

The mayor looked at her for a few moments, then put his pen down. "Sit
down," he said. "Tell me more about your event."

"Well," said Nandini, "there's an exhibit with photos and in-depth details
of Vedic marriage, the four social classes, astrology, cow protection, the
process of creation, the spiritual world, and much more.

"There are tents with ancient Sanskrit texts translated into Polish. There
are yoga demonstrations, explanations of reincarnation and karma,
face-painting, and a restaurant with vegetarian food. And we have a
five-hour stage show, including singing God's name in Sanskrit with musical
instruments. Also..."

"That's enough," interrupted the mayor. "Now tell me something about your

For more than an hour Nandini talked about Krsna consciousness and answered
the mayor's many questions. Suddenly he looked at his watch.

"Oh my!" he said. "It's almost lunch time. We'll have to continue our
discussion another day."

"Mr. Mayor," said Nandini, "before you go, may I ask if we have permission
for our festival?"

The mayor smiled gently and nodded. "Yes," he said, "of course you do."

"Thank you," said Nandini.

She paused for a moment then continued, "But there is a problem," she said.

"What's that?" said the mayor.

"Our event is quite large, Mr. Mayor," she said, "and there's only one place
in town big enough. It's a prestigious piece of land just off the boardwalk
near the beach. But the land is in five titles and not one of the owners is
eager to let us use it for our three-day event."

The mayor's face became serious. "Don't you worry about them," he said.
"Consider it done. You have that place for your festival."

"Uh... Mr. Mayor," said Nandini, "I know I'm asking a lot, but well, would
you consider becoming a patron member of our tour?"

"Yes, of course," said the mayor. "And what's more, the town hall will
promote it."

"Well, uh, there's one last thing, said Nandini. "I'd like to..."

"You don't have to ask," said the mayor. "I will definitely open the event.
Here's my card, and if there's anything more you can call me any time. "

Nandini stood up to leave. "Mr. Mayor," she said, "you have been very kind
to us."

"Yes," said the mayor, "because everyone else comes here to take something
from us. But you people have come to give, and to give something very

As Nandini left the room the people who were still waiting looked at her. As
she walked by the desk, the receptionist leaned over. "Why were you in there
so long?" she whispered. "Was he scolding you?"

"No," said Nandini. "Your new mayor is wonderful. He's now an official
patron of our festival tour."

Everyone jumped as the receptionist's phone fell from her hand with a crash
onto the table.

Nandini smiled. "See you at the festival," she said.

Srila Prabhupada writes:

"Our only hope is to chant Hare Krishna and rectify the whole situation. I
think this is possible. It has been proved in Calcutta that the Naxalites
were very much against us holding our Hare Krishna festival, but still later
on they became sympathetic and did not cause any harm for us. If we follow
the same principles everywhere ... [governments] all over the world will
come forward sympathetically for advancing this movement."

[letter to Madhudvisa dasa, September 15, 1971]
Audio lectures:
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Know what you do&why you do?

The basics of deity worship!
Our gross body is made of the five elements
earth,water,fire,air,ether.Our five senses are interacting with these
elements.Each of our senses correspond to one of the five
elements.Eyes-fire,nose-smell from earth,ears-hear sound through
The emotions of the soul are now through the mind.Mind is the chief of
all the senses&is also callled the sixth sense.Accepting&Rejecting are
the activities of mind. Since we are not in a position to Chant the
holy names constantly with pure heart all the time,deity worship
engages all our senses to keep our consciousness pure.During the
Nose-to smell the incense,garlands offered to the Lord,eyes-to see the
beautiful form and decoration of the Vigraha(arca
murti-avatara-incarnation of the Lord), ears to hear the auspicious
sound of bell, conch shell,sankirtan.(Srila Prabhupada recommended to
produce most of the sound of conch shell,bell,sankirtan in the old
buildings bought for ISKCON temples to drive away evil spirits
Limbs to dance for the pleasure of the Lord, camara to produce air for
the deities, sprinkling the sacred waters offered to the deities. The
ghee lamp offered to the deity represents our consciousness. When the
consciousness of fire burns high,the false ego of wick and our vasanas
of ghee are burnt out to ashes.
And the namaskaras before the Lord are of two types.
1.Sashtaanga(falling before the Lordships with the whole body touching
the ground)
2.Pancha-anga(falling with 5 parts of the body-2 elbows,2 joints of
legs,fore-head-for women)
Falling infront of the Lord signifies that we are dropping our false
ego with the idea that we are servants completely dependent on the
Lord-Master for everything.
Deity worship helps us to purify our consciousness and which in turn
helps to focus better on chanting the names of the Lord. Therefore
it's very important that we do everything with proper
knowledge.Otherwise it becomes ritualistic.And when it becomes
ritual,it's mere sentimental and it will not go for long.
We are not doing deity worship as a show but to reciprocate our Love
for the Lord. A woman when she really loves the husband will serve the
husband practically by cooking nice foodstuff and satisfying him.
Merely saying that she has so much Love for the husband will not help.
Many fools say that Love should be in the heart and that need not be
shown outside. Also some rascals invented something like "helping
hands are better than praying lips" To them, we have "Prayers can move
mountains". They cant save their own self with their hands what to
speak of other living entities?
There's no limit to the sky and foolishness of the people accepting
all these childish words.


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