
Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna

Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna
Gopis performing Devotional Service to the Lordships Sri Sri Radha Krishna

Is this my heart?

An Excerpt from

HH. Satsvarupa das Goswami

Is this my heart? It is shaped like a heart but it is made of iron or steel and it is locked. My heart is locked against harinama. The key is devotional, attentive chanting, but I seem to have misplaced it. It is a very formidable lock, and I can't cut it with scissors or a chisel. The best thing is to find the key and open it. The spiritual master gave the key and said to keep it safely. We have misbehaved.

Let us sit down and discuss how we may open this lock; we have to ask the spiritual master to help us to find the key again.

But he may be deliberately keeping it from me for my misbehavior.

Can we go to a professional locksmith and have him trick open this lock or make a new key? They are expert in those things. You could even use dynamite. But explosives might destroy the door and the contents behind the door. I think it requires a delicate operation, the finding of the person with the original key. Let us ask in the neighborhood. Let us chant Hare Krishna at the entrance of the heart shaped lock and pray and beg for the appearance of the spiritual master, the original giver of the key, to appear and give us back the key or a spare. I do not want to attempt a violent operation. It may damage the heart. If we can only find the key!

But we could get a locksmith to make a new key or open this one and then keep it open. There is no need to keep the heart locked on the harinama. Do you really think our spiritual master locked the heart or that we did it ourselves and threw the key away? We should open the heart and chant in freedom.

I am not sure what to do and how this predicament arose. But we should go on chanting at the door. Pray to the spiritual master in the heart and consult his instructions and his devotees and ask for advice.



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The Stages of Spiritual Life:

The Stages of Spiritual Life:

1. Worldly Person
2. Spiritual Aspirant
3. Spiritual Seeker
4. Spiritual Master

1. Worldly Person: A worldly person is the one who cannot think beyond the five senses. Sensual pleasure alone gives him pleasure and if restrained from it he feels annoyed. He prays God and pleads Him for money, wealth and sense pleasures.

2. Spiritual Aspirant: A spiritual aspirant is a person who acknowledges that his present condition cannot give him permanent happiness and something must be done to overcome this limitation. However, an aspirant is often a confused person. He knows that he wants to change but he doesn't know how. He then starts looking for various spiritual paths. While searching a spiritual path an aspirant often shows selfishness. He expects that the path he selects should be easy. Though he knows that some change is needed in his life he is not wholeheartedly ready to take efforts in that direction. Once he feels that the path of Knowledge is right for him and the next moment he thinks that path of Devotion is more suited for him. When he comes across the path of Yoga he starts evaluating its merits and demerits. The idea of rigorous self-disciplines makes him nervous. Can I do it? Why is such strict life needed? Well, I can do that even without any disciplines, such are his thoughts.

An aspirant often hops from one Guru to the other. He considers himself so much knowledgeable that he tries to judge the Gurus. He decides on his own that Guru A is bad and Guru B is good. Out of thousand spiritual aspirants only few realize that in order to attain some spiritual progress honesty and determination is needed. Changing path or Guru often provides no solution. In fact it makes the situation worst. They now make up their mind to follow a chosen path and Guru. They sincerely request the Guru to impart his teachings. They are now ready to spend their entire life in the pursuit of the spiritual goals. This is how an aspirant evolves into a seeker.

3. Spiritual Seeker: A spiritual seeker is a person who has chosen a particular spiritual path and Guru and is dedicated wholeheartedly to the path. A true seeker rarely engages in acquiring knowledge via mere reading. More importantly Guru's words are scriptures for him. He has full faith in his Guru's teachings. No situation in life can shatter his belief from his path and Guru. Such a person alone can make any real spiritual progress. A true seeker rarely engages in intellectual debates. He rarely criticizes other paths of spiritual unfoldment. He says "My path is good for me but the other paths are equally good for their followers." Such a seeker works hard towards his goals. He has no doubt left about his path. At the advanced stages he starts getting glimpses of the Truth. Though he has made considerable progress there is still danger of degradation. Even an advanced seeker can get carried away from his path if he is not alert and allows worldly events to interfere in his spiritual life. Even if he might have got glimpses of Divinity but still he comes back to the material plane again and again.

4. Spiritual Master: After a lot of rigorous practice a seeker realizes the Truth. He gets convinced by the Truth and is able to dwell day in day out in the state of realization. He now becomes a master. Now he doesn't have slightest of doubt about the Truth because he has experienced it. He continues to live like an ordinary person but he is no longer affected by material events. He eats, drinks, sleeps and works like an ordinary person but he has become a Jivanamukta. Such a master can kindle the spiritual flame of thousands of seekers or he may opt to serve silently to the God. His life is now controlled by the Divine will. He lives his life only to finish the prabdha karma never to return back in this worldly plane.

Whatever stage one may belong to one should eye to the next stage with constant and sincere efforts. Never feel sad about your current stage. We all can try our best and strive to reach the next level finally reaching the ultimate goal. This is the only way to cross this ocean of birth and death.



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Value of Vaishnava Association ( A story)

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From: Dr Satish Gosain (Sri Krishna Hari Das) <>

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From: Sandeep Kumar Maheshwary <>

Story from the Purana...

Once the great sage Narada was intrigued by a doubt. He was sure that 
Lord Vishnu would clear it for him. He proceeded to the Ocean of Milk and found his Lord reclining on the giant hooded serpent-bed Shankarshana, His beautiful consort, Lakshmi devi beside Him.

Sage Narada made his obeisance to Lord Vishnu and put his question to Him.
"Oh Lord, what is the value of Vaishnava Satsang, the Association of Vaishnava Devotees?"
Lord Vishnu smiled charmingly and said, "I will answer your question. But first you must do something for me. Look at that village on 
planet Earth. Can you see a small worm crawling on the ground over there?"
With his yogic vision, Sage Narada perceived it and nodded.
"Go over there and ask your question of that worm. I'm sure you'll get your answer."

Sage Narada was puzzled, but he nevertheless did as instructed. In response, the worm looked up at him, promptly rolled over and died.
Sage Narada was shocked. He hurried back to Lord Vishnu and told Him what had happened.
Lord Vishnu merely smiled and told him, "Oh, is that so? Never mind. Now do one more thing. Go over to that cow-shed you see over there, in that town. A calf was born there a while ago. Please ask the same question of that calf."
Sage Narada was still recovering from what had happened earlier.
"Oh no, my Lord! What if that calf dies as well? I cannot risk committing the unforgivable crime of `go-hatya'!"
Lord Vishnu however, was able to persuade him and sage Narada left on his new mission. Warily, he made his way into the cow-shed. It was in the middle of the night and he approached the calf unnoticed. He put the same question to the calf. In response, the calf looked at him with its large brown eyes. And then rolled over and died!
Sage Narada was horrified. Using all the yogic powers at his disposal, he fled the scene and arrived at the abode of Lord Vishnu, shaking with fear.
"Oh my Lord! What have I done! The worst sin expected of anyone; the killing of the animal most dear to you!"
Lord Vishnu pacified the trembling sage and assured him that no sin would accrue to him.
"And in the bargain, my Lord, I haven't even got the answer to my question?!" sage Narada complained.
Lord Vishnu smiled and told him that he would have to do just one last thing for him.
"You see that vast kingdom over there? The Queen has just given birth to her first child. All you have to do is ask that child your question and you will get your answer."
"No, my Lord! Please don't ask me to go there. I have no doubt that some harm will befall that child as well. I simply cannot take that chance."
But Lord Vishnu remained adamant. What could the sage do? Nervously, he set forth towards planet Earth.
Arriving on the balcony where the young prince was lying unattended, sage Narada cautiously approached him. The baby looked at him and gurgled with joy.
Hesitatingly, the great sage asked the child, "What is the value of Vaishnava Satsang?'
The child looked at sage Narada, and to his surprise, began to speak.

"O great Sage. Your question has already been answered. When you, the greatest of Vaishnavas, had first granted me your association, I was an insignificant worm. As a result of my contact with you, I left that body and was awarded the body of the most pious animal, the calf.
You graced me with your association once more, and I left that body to gain the birth of the prince and heir of this vast kingdom. And by your causeless mercy, you have granted me your exalted association yet again.
Now I have no doubt that this is my last birth on this Earth. Your association will help me attain that Supreme Destination; the abode of Lord Hari Himself!"

And this is the value of Vaishnava Association. We develop in all ways; spiritual as well as material.

Your Servant In Service Of Srila Prabhupada and Gurudev,
Story Email From: Sachin Kumar Gupta
Chant:Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare,Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare.& be Happy

Your Eternal Servant
Sandeep Kumar


"The sun is naturally warm, the moon naturally cool, the earth
naturally tolerant, the wind naturally restless, the saints naturally
grave, and the ocean naturally deep. Similarly, Krsna is naturally
controlled by love."

(Srila Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami - Sri Govinda-lilamrta)

Yours Servant

Sri Krishna Hari Das


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God gives us the best -- a small but highly illustrative story. Pls meditate.

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From: Dr Satish Gosain (Sri Krishna Hari Das) <>

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From: Sachin Kumar Gupta <>

A small but highly illustrative story




Once there was a small kid on earth. One fine day it came to know that God is distributing apples to humans in his place at heaven. The kid was so happy to receive that news and it went with lot of enjoyment to heaven to get the apple from God. There was a big queue standing to get apple from God and this kid also joined in that queue. While it was standing, it was fully excited and thrilled for the fact that it is going to receive in person from God's hands. It's turn too came and the kid showed its both the hands to receive apple. God gave the apple but unfortunately the tiny hands couldn't hold that big apple. Apple fell down and got wasted in mud. The kid got so disappointed. The ministers near the God informed that if the kid likes to have an apple from God again then it has to again follow the queue. Having waited for so long the kid didn't want to return back to earth with empty hands so it decided to wait again in the queue.



This time the queue has become even more longer than the previous one. While waiting in queue, the kid could see lot of people who returns back with apple in hands and utmost satisfaction on their faces. The kid was so much disappointed and thought why me alone didn't get the apple in hand when all others were easily able to get it. What is the sin I did that I alone should suffer like this. Now the kid was so scared that it should not miss the apple again. Again Its turn came and God gave the apple to the kid's hands and after giving the apple god spoke to the kid.



"My dear child, last time after giving you the apple only I noticed the apple I gave to you was a rotten apple and that's why I made that to fell down from your hands. Having given you a rotten apple, I felt bad for you and I wanted to give you the best apple in the farm and that time the best apple in the farm was growing and that's why I made you to wait such a long time in the queue. Here it is. Now the apple that you have in hand is 'The Best' apple in the farm till to date. "



Moral of the story and its practical application in our life


So, friends, sometimes it happens as even after we put our 100% dedication and commitment things may get delayed or things may go wrong. Believe that God has something great for us and that's why this has happened.


Principles to learn and apply in our own life :


1)                  We must have rock-like faith in God and His divine plan for us.

2)                  God loves us unconditionally and infinitely.

3)                  He wants to give us the best that He has for us.

4)                  We should be ever grateful to Him for His gifts to us.

5)                  Whatever God does, He does it for our own good.

6)                  Whether we know His plans or not, we need to put implicit

faith in Him and His loving plans for us.  Then and then alone

we will be eternally blissful in life.


Believe this and see the world..... Your world will also look happy......




Our gratitude to our dear Raghuveer Prabhu and others who have shared this mercy with us.

Your Servant In Service Of Srila Prabhupada and Gurudev,
Sachin Kumar Gupta
Chant:Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare,Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare.& be Happy

Yours Servant

Sri Krishna Hari Das


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What is the purpose of Life?

What is the purpose of Life?

The fundamental need of every living being is to love and be loved. Without that nothing can really satisfy the heart. Objects can satisfy the senses of the body. Various emotional gratifications can satisfy the mind. But the heart is yearning,longing to love and to be loved. In the brahma sutra it is said that "anandha mayo bhyasat" which means the inherent nature of every living being is we are seeking pleasure It is something we all have in common. Even the little ant that is crawling on the floor is seeking pleasure in a particle of sugar. The procreation of all living beings is based on that longing for pleasure. But only love can give pleasure to the heart. And we can see for example in a child, if a child is given a beautiful home, wonderful toys and games, but that child does not feel loved, the chid will be insecure and unstable and unsatisfied.

It is our nature, whether we are black or white or red or yellow in color, whether we are American or Russian or Indian or Pakistani or Palestinian or Israeli, Whether we are young or old, rich or poor. Whatever our particular designation may be in this world, our inherent need is to express and feel love for someone else and to feel loved by someone else. Why is it that we all have that in common?

According to the Srimad Bhagavatam, it is because it is the inherent nature of the soul. The soul is part of God.
"Nitya-Siddha Krsna-Prema sahya kabhu naya sravanadi-suddha-citte karaye udaya (Sri Caitanya Caritamrta Madhya 22.107)

That love of God is dormant within the heart of every living being but we have forgotten that love. So we are trying to find out that experience of pleasure in so many ways in this world. And because it's not really satisfying our need,So much frustration. And due to that frustration, human beings can act in such strange and often dangerous ways,to themselves, to others and to the planet. It's all in search of love. So the purpose of life is to redirect that propensity to love,of the soul, back toward God. And when we experience God's unlimited love and we feel the unlimited love of the soul for God, included within that experience is the compassion and love for every living being. That is what everyone is looking for. That is the essence of every religion. And that is the highest purpose of life!


HH.Radhanath Swami


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