
Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna

Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna
Gopis performing Devotional Service to the Lordships Sri Sri Radha Krishna

Why is There Suffering in the World?

Why is There Suffering in the World?

In this interview series we asked Radhanath Swami universal foundational...   more In this interview series we asked Radhanath Swami universal foundational questions about life and spirituality. Here is a transcript of the answer to this question:

Why is There Suffering in the World?

According to the Bhagavad-Gita, as well as according to the teachings of Lord Buddha the source of suffering is that the body is temporary, life is temporary, therefore everything is subjected to birth, ultimately old age, disease and death.

And the Vedas explain there are three types of sufferings; Adhyatmika, the sufferings of one's own body and mind; Adi-bhautika, the suffering due to other living beings; and Adi-daivika, the sufferings due to natural circumstances like heat or cold, or earthquakes.

And these sufferings are always there, potentially, at any moment to this physical body.

The soul, Gita explains, na jayate mriyate va kadacin, that the source of life within the body, the source of consciousness, is the atma or the soul. And that soul is transcendental. In Sanskrit: sat, cit, ananda, the soul is eternal full of knowledge and full of bliss, and that's who we are.

The soul is like the driver of the car, and the body is like the car. We're seeing through our eyes, hearing through our ears, smelling through our nose, tasting through our tongue, touching through our skin, thinking through our brain, loving through our heart, but who are we?

Are we a brain or a heart or an eye or an ear? We are the witness, we are the soul. That is who we are. And that soul is by nature full of love, full of fulfillment. But when that soul identifies itself with the body, thinking that "This is me." and becomes completely immersed in that state, then the soul has to identify with all of the vulnerabilities and frailties of this body, and that is the source of all suffering.

But in many ways the sufferings in this world are blessings because they help us to take very seriously, if we make that choice, to really understand what is deeper, what is higher than all these temporary pleasures and pains, honor and dishonor, happiness and distress, health and disease, success and failure, birth and death.

The nature of the world around us, it's constituted on the basis of dualities. One brings pleasure, one brings pain. And to the degree we're attached to something that gives us pleasure, to that same degree we suffer when it's lost. And ultimately because everything is under the consumption of time, everything will be lost.

So going through these experiences, thoughtful people contemplate "Is there something higher?" "Is there something deeper?" "Is there something more to life than this?"

And all the great saintly teachers and all the great saintly scriptures, they are leading us in that direction, that "There is something more." This world is just a temporary place but this world can be a launching pad to help us to realize the inner treasures within our own heart.

And it's usually the sufferings of this world that serve as an impetus for us to not just theoretically try to understand what is beyond, but to feel the urgent need to do something about it, to realize and experience the essence of the self.

In the Bhagavad-Gita Krishna tells, dukhalayam asasvatam, that the nature of this world, when we are in ignorance of our true self, is suffering.

Potentially there can be suffering at any moment, whoever we are, however wealthy, however educated, however powerful.. disease, some other person, some natural circumstance could create a disaster, create a tragedy..

So whatever happiness anybody has in this world, it's so tottering, it's like a drop of water on a lotus leaf, at any moment it could slip away.

So where is permanent happiness? Where is freedom from suffering? It's only on the spiritual platform. And that's what all the great sages have come to tell us.

In the Bible it is said that "Make your treasure not in this world, but make your treasure in the Kingdom of God. Because in this world your treasure will be stolen by thieves, or rusted by the elements, or eaten by moths. But if you make your treasure in the Kingdom of God, it is perfect and infallible. And then," Jesus said "the Kingdom of God is within."

And similarly Lord Krishna tells in the Gita that "One should find pleasure within. One should find satisfaction within. One should be enlightened and illuminated from within. That is a person of substantial quality life, and real intelligence."

We should seek that eternal reality beyond all the sufferings of this world and find real happiness


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What is Real Wisdom?

What is Real Wisdom?

It is hard to have deep relations. The reason is that more you are controlling, more you become addicted and condition to controlling spirit. You want to control everything and everyone and you can't have deep relationships as long as you are controlling. So there is little love for people who are extremely successful. It's always been that way. The only way they can be is if you take a humble position and really accept people as your equals. So here is the promise, people are fighting, fighting to get there and then when they get there they can't give up what they have and at the same time, it's a very lonely and unsatisfying life.

Srimad Bhagavatam is trying to break through the misconception of this type of dream for happiness. That is why Srila Prabhupada was so strong when he spoke there is no really no happiness in the material world. All the so called happiness is just on the level of this ever chaning waves and foaming bubbles. In the 1st canto Prabhupada says, "All of our happiness, all of our possessions, all of our relationships in this world are like foaming bubbles on the surface of the ocean of material existence and all these bubbles any movement will burst into oblivion." So are we going to be attached to the bubble or we are going to be depth of what's deeper in the ocean. He krsna karuna sindhu. Deeper down there is ocean of Krsna's mercy, Krsna's kindness, Krsna's love. That's where we want to dive deep. The entire ocean is Krsna's love. We are attached to the foaming bubbles. Jiv Jago Jiv jago.

source :


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Today's Quote!

"If we want to attain the sea of our aspiration, we must persevere in our goal and never be discouraged by the inevitable obstacles that come on our path. All impediments are like rocks in the river of life, we should flow around them and never give up.- Radhanath Swami


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My Most Merciful Nitai-Must Read!!!!!!!!!

My Most Merciful Nitai

By Srila Vrndavana dasa Thakura


are bhai! nitai amar doyara avadhi!

jivere karuna kori,' dese dese phiri' phiri'

prema-dhana jache nirabadhi

adwaitera sange ranga, dharane na jaya anga,

gora-preme gada tanu khani

dhuliya dhuliya chale, bahu tuli' hari bole,

du-nayane bahe nitaiera pani


kapale tilaka sobhe, kutila-kuntala-lole

gunjara antuni chuda taya


kesarijiniya kati, kati tate niladhati

bajana nupura ranga paya


bhubana-mohana besa! majaila sava desa!

rasd bese atta atta hasa!

prabhu mora nityananda kevala ananda-kanda

guna gaya vrindavana dasa



 1. 0 Brothers! My Nitai's mercy is limitless. He wanders village to village giving prema-dhana (the mood of love of God) to one and all.

2. He always cuts jokes with Sri Advaita Acarya. His whole body is made of love for Gauranga Mahaprabhu. He is always intoxicated with prema-rasa. An intoxicated person is unable to walk properly. How does He walk? Like that: dhuliya dhuliya chale. Raising His arms and saying, "Haribol! Haribol! Haribol!" and shedding tears from His two lotus eyes.

3. Nice tilaka and curly locks beautifully decorate His forehead. His hair is bound up with red gunja. A blue belt encircles His lion-like waist. His feet look red. He wears nupura on his reddish feet always making a tinkling, tinkling sound.

4. His beauty enchants the whole world. Always absorbed in prema-rasa, He smiles and laughs! —Atta atta hasa! Vrndavana dasa sings, "Lord Nityananda Prabhu is my Prabhu (master). He's full of nothing but pleasure."



The Market Place of the Holy Name

By Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura

1. Nityananda Mahajana so mercifully opened a marketplace in Nadiya-Godruma for the welfare of the suffering souls. In that mar­ket place only the Holy Name is traded.

2. What is the price? sraddhavana jana he! sraddhavana jana he! Those who have faith in the Holy Name and faith in the words of sadhu, sastra, guru. This is the price! Faith! Only those persons are allowed to enter that marketplace. They can buy and sell the Holy Name. Sri Nityananda Prabhu requests the faithful persons, those who have developed faith in the Holy Name, to come and take it! Sri Nityananda Prabhu says, 'This is the order of My Lord! My Prabhu! My Master! Therefore I have come to your doorstep, 0 brother! I am a beggar! I beg for these alms. 'Utter the name of Krsna! Do krsna-bhajana! Accept what Krsna has taught us!' These are the alms I am begging from you.


Further more glories can be found in the attached word document...

Your Servant



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