
Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna

Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna
Gopis performing Devotional Service to the Lordships Sri Sri Radha Krishna

Lessons in life

Lessons in life

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, 03 September 2016, Cape Town, South Africa, Srimad Bhagavatam 1.9.25)


In this chapter, the passing away of Bhismadev, in the purport to this verse there is a list of challenges for society at large to improve their quality of life. The first challenge is, "Not to become angry!" We remember Upadesamrta, the Nectar of Instruction Verse 1, vaco vegam manasa krodha vegam, one must control the pushings of anger. So even when anger is pushing, one must somehow or other subdue it. Bhismadev also said that in order to conquer anger, one must learn to forgive because it is very difficult to judge with two types of measurements – measurement for others and different measurements for ourselves. For ourselves, there are so many explanations for our mistakes, "It wasn't really my fault. It was just circumstances. I didn't intend it that way…"whereas for others, "How could they do that! This is outrageous." We judge them different and the same extenuating circumstances are not being considered so Bhismadev points out that we must learn to forgive. We have to see that others make mistakes because then we can overcome anger.  

Forgiving is not necessarily the same as forgetting. If someone has committed an abominable activity, we may forgive but it does not mean that we forget. We will remember but we will also keep a special eye – if someone puts his fingers in the money box then after that we keep him at a distance from the money box obviously. So forgiving and forgetting is not necessarily the same. Also, there may be a point when we forget, it depends on the seriousness of the offence.

Sometimes though, anger is required. Sometimes, it is necessary to send out a signal that from now it is too much. This has to stop. BANG, fist on the table! Everyone needs that also. It is not that anger per se is bad. Those who are envious sometimes deserve anger. Those who are envious of devotees, we need to sometimes check it with anger. That is also there. But Bhismadev is referring to uncontrolled anger. Controlled anger has a place. Srila Prabhupada would also get angry at times but his anger was always related to Krsna and to whatever was favourable to Krsna. When there was neglect, Prabhupada was not tolerating that. He would point it out!

Best Regards,


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Transcendental morality

Transcendental morality

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, 03 September 2016, Cape Town, South Africa, Srimad Bhagavatam 1.9.25)

Continued from, "Lessons in life," Bhismadev's list of challenges for society at large to improve their quality of life…


With regards to these moral principles given by Bhismadev here in the purport, the principle of, "Not to lie," may be exempt in exceptional circumstances. When devotees are hiding in the basement and a soldier comes looking for them then we can say, "Devotees, I don't know, I've never seen them!" One must not take these principles in a fundamentalist way, they must be applied with intelligence. Fundamentalism is a form of reductionism where we try to eliminate the complexities of life and try to get a few slogans which are applied at all times, all places, all circumstances and which cannot be possibly adjusted in any situation. This creates fanaticism and can create many problems.

Prabhupada also gave the example of the father who has to lie to a child to give the child medicine and tells them that it is sweet. For a higher purpose! Once there was a debate about book distribution because some book distributors were at times not so moral and not so honest in the way they were distributing books. There was another group who was into honesty and it became a big issue. This matter was taken to Prabhupada. Prabhupada said that not to lie and to be honest is very important. He wrote this in a letter to Bhurijana and said that he upheld the importance of moral behaviour and honesty and then Prabhupada asked, "What about those who are so moral, are they distributing books?" The answer was, "Not so many as the other group…" and Prabhupada asked what was the point of morality, books have to somehow or other go out! So sometimes, we have transcendental morality that for the sake of Krsna things may be different…

Also Yudhisthir Maharaj's example can be applied. At the end of his life, Yudhisthir went to hell, well not himself but he saw that all his brothers had gone to hell and Yudhisthir asked how was that possible – there was Arjuna who gave his life to Krsna's service, Bhima who had no evil in his heart, Nakul and Sahadev – how could they go to hell!? But this was the punishment that Yudhisthir had to go through for hesitating to lie when Krsna requested it. However, this does not justify that in the name of transcendence, to lie left and right. We cannot take these stories and say that for Krsna and for the sake of sankirtan it is perfectly alright to tell endless lies. 

Even though we have principles, we are not being relieved from using our brain. We have to, in a refined way, take these principles and say that this is dharma and dharma is to be followed and then, there is apad-dharma, religious principles which is followed in case of emergency and sometimes one may deviate from the principle i.e. not to lie, not to get angry…

Now what if we have to apply this to the four regulative principles. Let's say there was a plane crash and the only survivors were in a jungle and there were no vegetables that one could eat but there were these fat birds which moved very slow, so what are you going to do!? Fast for the first couple days and then what to do… apad-dharma?? I will leave that up to the individual, to their intelligence but personally, I will tell you that I would fast… and if I die that is okay, it is all still in Krsna hands wherever we go! That part does not warrant apad-dharmaAs far as the four regulative principles go, I think it is very important to keep those very fixed.

Best Regards,


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Glorification of Srila Prabhupada from a 1970 BTG

From: Bhakti Vikasa Swami 

nama om visnu-padaya krsna-presthaya
bhutale srimate bhaktivedanta-svamin iti namine.

I offer my humble obeisances unto His Divine Grace Prabhupada A.C.
Bhaktivedanta Swami, who is very dear to Lord Krsna on this earth, having
taken shelter of the lotus feet of that ever-youthful, beautiful,
transcendental Lord,

who, alone, in his seventieth year, threw family, society, friendship, love
to the wind, left mother India and set sail around the earth to foreign,
unknown shores because his spiritual master spoke to him in a dream,

who carried the glorious message of the munificent Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu
to a nation plagued with the leprosy of voidism and impersonalism, who
brought an ageless message of love of Godhead,

who landed in Manhattan with saffron robes, a suitcase and seven dollars and
wondered at maya's skyscrapers and empty, noisy dreams,

who, with white, pointed holyman shoes, walked through the snow to Times
Square and laughed at Kali's cinema ads,

who accepted residence with hashish-yogis who believed they were moving the
sun and moon,

who played cymbals and chanted Govindam adi-purusam tam aham bhajami, "I
worship Govinda the Primeval Lord," explaining to void-meditators that
Krsna's transcendental body is unlimited, that He can extend His hand to all
parts of His creation, that any one part of His body can perform all the
actions of all the other parts, and that simply by glancing at nature He
impregnated her with countless living entities and set the cosmic systems
spinning and struck up the song of the universe,

who journeyed downtown, out of compassion, and set up quarters in Lower East
Side narrow mice-ridden storefront and trusted Krsna to bring next month's

who opened the storefront doors even to Bowery derelicts and clashed cymbals
and chanted Sanskrit hymns to God, whose vibrations caught the ears of young
psychedelic middle class renegades searching for alternatives to their
legacy of lies and materialism,

who had and everlastingly has infinite mercy, delivering it free of charge,
a matchless gift, to whomever stops to hear,

who never, to my knowledge, turned one soul away, who effused them all with
kindness, affection, truth,

who had mercy on my soul one bright July morning amidst the roaring
Manhattan traffic of Houston and Bowery (Most holy spot! Transformed to
Vaikuntha by his feet! Bowery transformed to Vaikuntha!),

who lectured every morning on Second Avenue and as the gold of dawn lit his
face played cymbals and chanted softly, careful not to awake the neighbors
lest they pour hot water through the floorboards,

who opened Bhagavad-gita and explained Sri Krsna's message verse by verse
and set His names -- Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare, Hare
Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama Hare Hare -- on the lips of the young,

who, by contact only, warmed their hearts and lit the fires of love of God
in their souls and smeared their eyes with the ointment of devotion,

who defied cheap popular adoration by truthfully telling the youth of
America that to have Krsna the soul must be pure, free of everything,

who supplanted the old white-bearded Judaic-Christian God with a beautiful,
blue adolescent Boy and evoked gopi tears from the eyes of men,

who led his flock to Washington Square to chant, was invited off the grass
by the cops, sat complacently anyway on the asphalt and Hare Krsna'd as
nervous sailors flicked their cigarets,

who initiated his first dozen disciples with a fire sacrifice in his
apartment, told them their real, spiritual names, chanted their beads, threw
rice and ghee in the flames (Svaha!) and sat smiling amidst the smoke as
they coughed and ran to open the windows,

who listened, tolerant, to the threats of Jewish, Catholic and Protestant
mothers accusing him of stealing their sons, and offered them bananas,
apples, dates and tangerines and charmed them with his smile,

who every Sunday afternoon for a month sat down on the ground in Tompkins
Square Park, pounded a bongo and chanted Hare Krsna three hours straight
while dancing angels dropped exhausted and Lower East Side Ukranians and
Poles stared uncomprehendingly and grumbled,

who delivered a beautiful lecture on the spiritualization of energy to a
thousand empty seats in midtown's Judson Hall while across the street
hundreds flocked to hear the Boston Pops at Carnegie,

who patiently endured the red tape visa harassment of immigration offices
and allayed the fears of his children as they swore to follow him to India,

who, on a sudden invitation, jumped a jet to Frisco, telling his New York
disciples he'd return in a fortnight, and after four months' absence
laughed, "You have not reckoned a day of Brahma."

who lectured a thousand Hell's Angels, hippies and teenieboppers in the
strobe-flashing Avalon ballroom on the glories of Lord Caitanya's sankirtan
movement and, hands upraised, danced with poet Ginsberg, Moby Grape,
Grateful Dead and Big Brother to Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna as Tim
Leary looked on benevolently,

who chanted and danced in a ring with longhair boys, girls, beads, beards
and headbands below the shadow of Hippie Hill in Golden Gate Park on bright
March and April afternoons,

who lectured at Frisco Christian Yoga societies, to hippies in the
Panhandle, to pacifists at Berkeley, to yellow, red, white and black
nationalists, to anyone, everyone and no one in the streets and parks of
Saint Francis,

who taught the students of Palo Alto a new dance -- the "swami" -- which in
fervor surpassed the frug and watusi,

who led a nighttime firelit kirtan at Frisco beach, roasted potatoes and
sang starlit hymns to Narada Muni,

who sauntered through Muir woods contemplating the redwoods and reflecting
how tired their souls must be for having to stand so long without Krsna,

who, back in Manhattan, wore his body down chanting and glorifying the
transcendental blue body of Krsna, cooking and writing for Krsna, and
suffered a stroke that would have killed a mere man, left his body and then
returned with the names of his love on his lips,

who sang to Yamaraj, Death, as he stood before him, sang songs of love to
the lotus-eyed Boy with pink bottom'd feet,

who, in Beth-Israel Hospital, sat like a helpless child as demonic needles
came at him, tolerated them and listened to the Western diagnosis: "Tell him
to take it easy. The old man prays too much,"

who, after five days, baffled obscene doctors by walking out the sickward's
pea-green walls to recuperate across country in the dazzling Pacific sands
of Stinson beach,

who sat amidst a labyrinth of kelp horns and sea shells proclaiming that
there are only devotees and demons, naught between,

who composed Sanskrit odes to the Primeval Spirit whose eternal teenage lips
play a flute,

who wept in a Frisco storefront -- "Take to this process. I may be with you
or not, but it is eternal." -- and bade farewell to his students who thought
he was going to India to die,

who bathed in the sun wearing a turban and flying on a carpet as the Pacific
crashed in his ears -- "All glories to the assembled devotees! All glories
to the Pacific Ocean!" -- and finally, following the sun, whizzed to Delhi,
Vrndavana and Calcutta to Ayur-Vedic physicians,

who bathed in the Yamuna, where Lord Krsna played His water games, and lived
in Radha-Damodar Temple, where repose the samadhis of Rupa and Jiva Gosvami,

who traveled through India, defying pneumonia, looking for a house for his
American children,

who returned to the U.S. via Japan, trying to see the mayor of Tokyo to
institute the International Society for Krishna Consciousness in a glass
American-made skyscraper,

who finally proclaimed the Japanese "not ready," and returned to a deluge of
tears and flowers in Frisco airport,

who, surpassing the Chinese, instituted a yearly festival of Jagannatha love
down Haight Street through Golden Gate to the beach, nine miles, and led
twenty thousand before the cart of Krsna, Subhadra and Balarama,

who bowed to Radha and Krsna in Seattle and sat in new glory on the New York
Vyasasana, the floating dais of praise, as his children fell at his feet,

who forgave his renegade disciples in Montreal with a garland of roses and a
shower of tears,

who told golden beachboys in Honolulu and Kaaawa, Oahu that sun, beach and
palm worship is all maya, that golden flesh, after all, is just a bag
covering blood, bone, stool, puss, bile, urine and guts, all rotting moment
by moment,

who danced to Krsna beneath the sun in L.A. and beneath the red, white and
blue flashing neon illusions of Hollywood Blvd., Kali-yuga plastic America,
and beneath the moon danced to Govinda and Radharani in a Manhattan alley,
searching for a possible temple,

who proclaimed natural vegetarian prasadamism to the nation's hamburger
stands, the cow-eaters of America, the pig-eaters, bird-eaters, fish-eaters,
lamb-eaters, threatening them with endless rebirths as tigers,

who declared that Colonel Sanders of the Fried Chickens of Kentucky would
have to undergo a chicken-birth-life-and-death for every chicken smeared
with his recipe making its saucy way into the all-devouring mouths of the
American karmavores,

who burst two thousand Ohio State students out their skins and jumped for
joy on his dais in the All-American City,

who, lauding the "big mrdangam," bought a press, said, "This is my heart,"
and printed his own books in Boston,

who, having chanted six years in temples of Vrndavana, India, where Lord
Krsna's lotus feet danced, walked two miles up a West Virginia dirt road,
stopping only once briefly for breath, and founded New Vrndavana in the
locust-flower'd hills,

who lived there in a shack, sauntered on morning walks through the locusts
and maples and blessed the dandelions, blackberries and pokeweed with his

who sat quietly beneath a persimmon tree reading Srimad-Bhagavatam and
musing over the Appalachians,

who boarded the jet age from New York to Hamburg, carrying over the Atlantic
real Aryan Vedic civilization in his head and magic mantras on his lips, the
Paramhansa on Lufthansa, descending on Europe on his silver swan, singing
songs of Krsna-love for fractured Germany,

who, not knowing one word of German, lectured on ecstasy in a little
storefront temple on Eppendorfer Weg, chanting Hare Krsna uber alles,

who defined real Aryanism -- life according to spirit, not to flesh -- to
rapt disciples following him on a vigorous morning walk amidst cold,
implacable North German beer consciousness, sausages and Volkswagens,

who sat before an Elbe sunset, holding up a picture of Radha-Krsna dancing
on the lotus shaped Vaikuntha planet, and who smiled and transformed the
Elbe into the Yamuna,

who descended on London reporters like a thundercloud and deluged them with
the Absolute Truth -- "I have come to teach what you have forgot." "Which
is?" "God."

who sang "Bhaja Govindam" to this century's British bards, the Beatles --
"What are you doing? Your philosophical speculation and grammatical word
jugglery will not save you at the moment of death, so bhaja Govinda, just
worship Krsna," and struck up a new song in George's heart,

who shouted down the new crows in London's Conway Hall and continued playing
cymbals as their wings fluttered,

who founded a six-story Radha-Krsna temple a block away from a storehouse of
ravaged Indian treasures, the British Museum, and despite a Gandhi
exhibition began the Vaisnava colonization of England,

who buried his head in flowers and danced in ecstasy before the Lord,

who saw Arjuna throw down his bow at Kuruksetra and Lord Krsna and Balarama
pass through Mathura with Their cows and boy friends as the city girls
showered Them with flowers from their balconies,

and who at this moment deluges the blazing fire of the soul trapped in
materials and drowns the conflagration of even the most obdurant (my own!)
soul entangled in the great chain fire of action and reaction,

who even now insists on wishing me well despite my pigheaded gnawing at
o'erchewed stool,

who knows the innate sweetness of the soul in love with Krsna and who
delivers that love with truth, who draws it out the timid soul with truth
and who demands its flourishing and wishes it well,

who resides at the lotus feet of Krsna eternally, who is His ambassador on
earth, transmitting His message infallibly,

who views this universe to be no more significant than water in a calf's

who floats upon the tossing ocean of material and looks with compassion upon
the countless dynasties of suffering souls struggling below,

who hears the discordant sounds of Kali's millennia and blends them in
harmony to one song that anyone can sing,

who must play in the starry sandbox of the universe like a child with his

who must laugh at the maya karmaval, the vast play of illusion, of America,
of the world,

who must talk to Krsna alone at night, sitting on his bed, conferring,
listening carefully to His advice,

who perpetually receives the waters of benediction from the ocean of mercy
and who pours them forth in torrents to extinguish the flames of

who, always engaged in chanting and celebrating the message of Lord
Caitanya, sometimes dances in ecstasy and trembles and quivers in his

who, with his disciples, untiringly worships Sri Sri Radha and Krsna in
Their temple,

who is always offering food to Krsna and who derives great satisfaction in
seeing his disciples eat bhagavat-prasadam, the delicious mercy of the Lord,

who is eternally eager to chant and preach the glories of the loving
exchanges between Lord Krsna and Radharani and who aspires to relish these
pastimes at every moment,

who expertly assists the gopis, Lord Krsna's transcendental cowherd girl
friends engaged in the perfection of Radha-Krsna conjugal love affairs, who
makes various tasteful arrangements for Them,

who, as all scriptures reveal, should be honored as highly as the Supreme
and Almighty Lord, for he is the Great God's most confidential servitor,

whose mercy enables me to receive the benediction of the mercy of Krsna and
without whose mercy I cannot advance on the spiritual path, and who is
therefore worthy of my perpetual obeisances and my worship.

by Hayagriva Prabhu, From BTG #36


Best Regards,


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Don’t be mechanical in worshipping Krsna!

Don't be mechanical in worshipping Krsna!

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, 22 December 2014, Cape Town, South Africa, Disciple Meeting) 

Comment: You were saying how the altar is actually the spiritual world. However, I experience how personal worship of the deity can become mechanical, like a routine ten minute puja.

radha_madhavaIt can be but if every day, you try to do something special then it does not become mechanical. That is the trick. See, if you just do the standard way every day, then it becomes mechanical but if you go a little bit beyond and try to do something extra – that is what keeps the freshness. We should get on the platform of trying to do something extraordinary and that is the way to get out of any mechanical relationship, not only with the deity but also any other relationship.

In a marriage as well, it becomes mechanical after a while, 'Here is your brekky!'  and then, one day you go out of your way and prepare a special breakfast and he goes like, 'Whoa! What's that!? Mmmmm! May I have more of that, please!'  Then there is some magic and it comes from making a special endeavor. That is the nature of relationships and deity worship is all about relationship – to do something special for our deity. It is then that the relationship comes to life.

We have to be careful also because the deity may go away. What if Krsna comes in your dreams and says that he now wants to go away somewhere else? Therefore we must be very careful not to become mechanic

Best Regards,


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Beyond philosophy

Beyond philosophy

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, 05 June 2016, Radhadesh, Belgium, Caitanya Caritamrta Madhya 25.57)


A verse from the Mahabharat points out that logic alone remains inconclusive. One philosopher has one interpretation while another philosopher has another interpretation and sometimes there is no end to an argument. It just goes on and on and on, if one tries to establish the truth on basis of argument.

Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya said, tarka-śāstre jaḍa āmi, yaiche lauha-piṇḍa (CC Madhya 6.214) that, "As a result of preoccupying myself with the study of these arguments of logic from various scriptures, my heart became hard like an iron bar." So this is the result, when everything is based on logic there is no room for the heart.

Later when Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya became a vaisnava, he is quoted in the Padyavali, in the book which is compiled by Srila Rupa Goswami, "We are not logicians. We are not great philosphers who have crossed the ocean of Vedanta. We are not expert debaters. We are simply the servants of a rascal cowherd boy." 

So the whole spirit had changed. It is not that the vaisnavas are NOT expert in philosophy but their main interest is not only tattva (philosophy) but there is also rasa (relationship). Without the combination of tattva and rasa, how can transcendental knowledge ever be complete!? If there is only tattva, only philosophy, then where is the heart? Just like it says in the Caitanya Caritamrta, "What is the use of the words of a poet? What is the use of the arrow of a hunter, if it does not pierce the heart and make the head spin?" 

So in this way, what is the use of the truth if ultimately the heart is not involved…

Best Regards,


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Improving our spiritual life

Improving our spiritual life

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, 10 April 2016, Durban, South Africa, Sunday Program Lecture)


Let us dedicate our whole life to Krsna. Let us gradually get rid of interruptions. It is said that pure devotional service is that which is uninterrupted. But what we do is a little service and then we think we deserve some sense gratification, "Okay, I did some service at the temple, so now I can watch TV." In this way we are interrupting our service but gradually, we have to un-interrupt it. There should be no more time in between. Everything should be service. Every place should be a holy place. Your home should be a temple, your car should be a temple and even at work something sacred should be there. Somehow or the other, every place should be dedicated to Krsna, every action should be dedicated to Krsna. In this way, we can improve our spiritual life.

Best Regards,


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The magic of Krsna consciousness

The magic of Krsna consciousness

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, 20 March 2016, Durban, South Africa, Sunday Program Lecture)


'Sixteen rounds done! It's over! The happiest moment of the day!' Is this our spiritual life? Is this how we are practicing every day? Was there any attentive round? Can you remember one moment today when chanting was attentive? Can you then remember any moment, while chanting was attentive, that you actually felt something for Krsna?

Rupa Goswami said, 'Give me millions of ears and millions of tongues while chanting Hare Krsna!'  This is when everything becomes magic; when Krsna consciousness becomes magic. Things become magic when we love it. Everything you do out of duty is not magic; it is only when we love it that it is magic. And the more we love it, the more magic there is!

When we encounter the limit of our love for Krsna, then what do we do? Sooner or later, no matter who we are, we all will encounter the limit of our love for Krsna then what do we do?

Then we turn to Lord Caitanya and take up his magic, the magic of touching other people, the magic of giving people Krsna consciousness. And when we see that they are transformed, then it is amazing. When you actually change someone's life and they start to take to Krsna as a result, something happens in your heart! There is something that really goes deep and touches the heart. You get so excited and you feel like you never felt before and you just carry on in your own Krsna consciousness. So this is the magic that Srila Prabhupada gave us because when it comes to love for Krsna during our chanting, it is not too much!

Therefore if we can see the magic in giving out this mercy then a change of heart will come. When we are busy serving Krsna, when we are busy giving out mercy of Krsna then naturally we cut the tree of samsara (material existence). In this way everything happens automatically. In this way the ancient example of the Upanisads, example of the banyan tree, the asvathama, meaning 'the tree of no tomorrow' is easily cut down by the devotees of Caitanya Mahaprabhu, by the followers of Srila Prabhupada. This is the amazing grace that rests upon this Krsna consciousness movement!

Best Regards,


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A short story about how Krishna and Balaram Arrived in vrindavan!

A short story about how Krishna and Balaram Arrived in vrindavan!

The deities of Sri Sri Krishna Balaram, Radhe Shyam and Nitai Gaura were being transported from Jaipur to Vrindavan to be installed in their new temple on Ramnavmi day. It was the middle of the night, very quiet. Suddenly, just as the transport vehicle was coming close to the temple, hundreds of peacocks started to loudly ke-ka, all around the temple area. Sometimes the peacocks will crow when there are clouds in the sky or when they know clouds are forming. But this time there were no clouds. It was a transcendental call of happiness from the peacocks.  They were experiencing great bliss as if they knew that Lord Krishna was coming to stay in Vrindavan.

Just like, just before the monsoon season in Vrindavan, there may be some small thunderstorms with thunder and lightning. You can hear the peacocks jubilantly crowing because they know the rain will start soon. So this is that season, and the peacocks and brijwasis are very happy the hot summer was end soon.

In pauganda age Krishna wears clothes of different colors, but when He gets a little older he wears clothes the color of lightning. So when we see the lightning in the sky at the onset of the monsoon season and the dark clouds, we can immediately think of beautiful Krishna.

Srila Prabhupada wrote that full absorption in thought of Krishna is the highest platform of bhakti-yoga. (SB 7.1.27p)

Best Regards,


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The cloud of illusion

The cloud of illusion

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, 03 May 2016, Vrndavana, India, Bhagavad-gita 3.34)


We may not be fully Krsna conscious, our love for Krsna may not be so deep and there may be other desires. But this is just restlessness. How much faith do we have in these other desires? Which devotee can claim to have full faith in sex life? We may be attracted to sex life but do we have full faith that it will make us happy? After having heard transcendental knowledge, it is hard to have full faith in material enjoyment. Still, we may have a flirtation with these desires here and there sometimes. For a moment we may be in the pink cloud of illusion, but then we come back to the hard reality of suffering and again, we endeavour more seriously to get out of the material world.

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A father administering candy to his son to induce the child to take medicine

A father administering candy to his son to induce the child to take medicine. 

If the child rejects the father's offer, thinking that the candy is unnecessary, the child also misses the opportunity to take the medicine that will cure him. Similarly, if a materialistic person rejects the Vedic injunctions that administer prescribed sense gratification, he will not be purified but instead will be further degraded. Śrīla Jīva Gosvāmī has described a materialistic person as one whose mind and intelligence are not faithfully fixed in the message of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. In Bhagavad-gītā Śrī Bhagavān, Lord Kṛṣṇa, gives wonderful explanations to the conditioned souls, represented by Arjuna, concerning the actual goal of life. One who cannot fix his mind on these instructions is to be considered a materialistic person who is inclined toward sinful activities and who must therefore submit himself to the standard Vedic injunctions. Such Vedic injunctions, even though fruitive, are considered puṇya, or pious, according to Śrīla Jīva Gosvāmī, and thus one who strictly performs them will not go to hell. 

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She can't become a guru

Anything powerful should be handled carefully. If we don't handle them properly it would create havoc and disaster. For instance, if we get a flammable substance we wouldn't put it anywhere carelessly. We would put it in a safe place unlike a rock which can be put anywhere without problem. Men are of neutral energy like a rock and doesn't have special needs and care.

But, women are of high energy and they should be handled with proper care and attention. If we put them in the position of a diksha guru, the kind of atmosphere it creates is difficult for most of the men to handle. 

For instance, a man at workplace has to just do the work mechanically under a male boss and if it's a female boss he has to handle it differently. Men get confused if they are put under a female boss who has different needs. 

References from Bhakti Vidyapurna Swami Maharaj class on she can't become a guru.

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Three kinds of happinesses

Prabhupada: Yes. Three kinds of happinesses, bhoga, tyaga, and bhakti, seva. Bhoga tyaga seva. The karmis, they are after bhoga, sense enjoyment. And the jnanis, they are after another side of negation of sense enjoyment. When one is fed up with sense enjoyment... Just like in your country, the young boys, they are practically fed up with the way of sense enjoyment as their fathers and grandfathers had done. So in the name of tyaga, renunciation, they have taken another kind of sense enjoyment -- intoxication, unrestricted sex. So this is also another sense enjoyment. Bhoga and tyaga. Real enjoyment is devotion. There is a very practical example. Just like if you get all of a sudden a certain amount of money, say, one hundred rupees note lying on the street, if you get... Or lying here. So if you take it, your conscience will beat, because that does not belong to you. You have picked up. You'll always think, "Oh, I am taking somebody's money. Whose money it was? I'm doing some sinful." In this way, your mind will disturb. So that is the taking. And similarly, if you don't take, if you leave it there, then you'll also be disturbed. You'll think, "Somebody has left this money here. So I did not collect it. Somebody will collect it, and he'll take it away. This is not nice." The best thing is that you pick it up and, if you deliver to the person who has lost the money or who has left that money. Three things. The one thing is bhoga, if you take yourself. And if you don't take, that is tyaga. And if you pick it up and deliver to the right person, that is devotion.

>>> Ref. VedaBase => The Nectar of Devotion -- Calcutta, January 29, 1973 

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Six Symptoms of Surrender to Sri Hari

Six Symptoms of Surrender to Sri Hari
(Jaiva Dharma, Ch. 6, pp. 121-22)

1) anukulyasya sankalpa – doing only what is favorable for unalloyed bhakti.
2) pratikulyasya varjanam – rejecting everything unfavorable for unalloyed bhakti.
3) raksisyatiti visvaso – having faith that only Bhagavan is one's protector.
4) goptrtve varjanam – accepting Bhagavan as one's only maintainer.
5) atma-niksepa – complete submission of oneself.
6) karpanye – feeling meek, humble, insignificant, wretched, materially destitute, etc.

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****Advantages of Being a Krishna Devotee

****Advantages of Being a Krishna Devotee**** (^_^) Devotee of god

1. You will always be sure more confident that Krishna will protect you
2. No matter how much fallen you are, Spiritual master will never leave you
3. Don't worry about depression, Krishna kirtans are immediate reliefs
4. you don't need to get scared of anyone or anything, our superhero is in
always charge to rescue us by just one call in return for love.
5. You are never ever gonna be alone.24/7 365/366days he is in charge of
taking care of us perfectly any time anywhere.Eternal Companion
6. We are servants of the lord, But Krishna treats you as VIPS.He will
never bear an insult against his surrendered souls. He used his sudarshana(
DISC) weapon most powerful just for his devotee who was tested by a sage.
7.The most beautiful part is knowing you have an eternal mother and father.
that's sounds great isn't it?
8.Krishna is your True eternal Husband, Friend, Father, Child. Mother and
Everything you need him to be.
9. He crosses limits just for your love.
10. He has everything still accepts one handful of Flattened rice.
11. You will never be Disappointed.
12. You do a little service he considers it has the greatest of all
13. The one who always want you be happy.
14. You don't need a net, mobile, currency, Satellite, or not even you need
to walk along for a temple .you can speak to him at any instance. He
resides inside of your heart, Before you think he is there within you and
within everyone even The animals bees ants all the species.
15. The merciful mother.
23. You have a magic world, you can fly play with Krishna.
24. You will never lose any of you friends in that magical world
25. All are equally highly intelligent. Even trees grants your wishes
26. Knowing you are a soul, a soul cant be burnt, killed, hurt, No discrimination, no religion, no fights, all are beautiful. The only differentiation you can make out is Knowledge. Whoa!
27. Your Father is the creator, King of scientist. Lord of Brahma, Lord of Shiva, Father of jesus, father of 32crores of demigods. King of Scientist,
he makes no discoveries but creates. Your father has all magical powers.True hero of all the time.
28. You can know the truth behind your birth, Secret behind the death
That's a surprise.
29. All you need to do is chant his names sing, eat delicious prasadham
(food offered to him with love)roam around all the temple Around the globe
enjoy the nature,Dance.
Swim in Rivers. Spend a happy life finally love him more Enter the magical
eternal World called Vaikunta.
30. The one who accepts Leaf, flower, fruits, Pure water, As an offering
filled with true love.
31. You will be never bored.
32. Lord of death will be scared to come near you, Krishna will send his
personal managers to bring you back home
33.Good news is you will be never betrayed, cheated for trusting him loving
him more.
34. You will lose Many things by chanting his name! Anger, ego, lust, bad
habits, Selfishness, Loneliness, Fear Etc etc.
35. He promises to give you Knowledge about him if you just will for it.
36. He is ready to accept you the way you are.
37. You don't need to a hindu, muslim , christian, rich, powerful,
beautiful. All you need is love for him a will to understand Him.
38. Krishna is always thinking about you. Just turn back to Lord
39. He Protected Gajendra an Elephant. So he is merciful accepts devotion
in any case. You dont need human too. He is impartial excepts no money gold
valuables, The one quality is Chant call his name with love!
40. Give him love get back Unlimited.

There is countless happiness. These are Just a trailer. Welcome to our happy world you will be never sad for being a devotee surrendered soul.

Courtesy : Shyam Dasi

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Falling into a blind well full of snakes

By associating with material desires one after another, I was following the general populace by falling into a blind well full of snakes.

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Instant gratification & instant suffering

Instant noodles, instant coffee everything we need instantly in today's fast moving world. And finally what's the end result? Instant karmic reaction which is only multiplying the pain that we already have. People who are thoughtful can understand the defect of material sense gratification. We want to enjoy our senses right now & get pleasure. But the material nature won't allow us to do so beyond a limit. The more we try to enjoy the senses, the more we suffer. That's how this world is designed. 

A person who is not disturbed by the incessant flow of desires-that enter like rivers into the ocean which is ever being filled but is always still-can alone achieve peace, and not the man who strives to satisfy such desires.

Bhagavad Gita#2.7

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Humility and love of God

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, Untitled Lecture)
The quality of humility and the quality of being able to develop love of God come together. It is not possible to develop love of God if there is no humility in our hearts. A person who is proud, how can he hear!? His ears are blocked because he is overwhelmed by his own ideas that he cannot even hear what everyone else says. But if one is humble, then one can think, ‘Yes, I need mercy.’
So a humble personality is eager to hear and being eager to hear from superior personalities also brings about special dynamics. When people are eager to hear then the mature vaisnava who speaks opens up his heart. He will automatically, by the eagerness of the audience, become very enthusiastic and he will find that there are so many realizations in his heart that he did not even know he had! Because in the relationship between vaisnavas, the mood is very intimate and close and one of deep friendship; a mood of acceptance. An envious person cannot accept.
An envious person will always find some reason not to accept others, he will always find some quality that is not allowed, something wrong, ‘You can’t sit like that, you can’t look like that, you can’t speak like that…’ and so on and so on. Just on some external feature, an envious person will reject. Basically anyone who is not supporting them, adoring them, recognizing their greatness – such persons are undesirable.
So humility is the quality where one is ready to see good in others and recognizes that everyone can make a contribution which can be appreciated. So amongst vaisnavas there is an atmosphere of appreciation.


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Are you not controlled by God if you are an athiest?

What if you are an athiest & don't believe in God & His words? Are you not controlled by God if you become athiest?

The answer is 3 modes of material nature. The modes of goodness, passion and ignorance drive those who don't take shelter of the Lord. What we consider as our thoughts, likes, gut feelings, desires that are arising out of our mind are a reflection of the combination of the modes of nature we are associating with. So it's not us but the provocation of the modes within us. We don't have to react to these provocation.

Mind predominantly reflects the modes that we into. These modes are binding us and covering our real need & love. All the emotions in relationships, attachment to people places things are all from these dirty modes. So in any case we are controlled either by the Lord directly or indirectly by His material nature.


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Seeds of sinful desire arising from material association

Rising like waves from material association, these bad effects mass into a great ocean of misery.


The deluding potency, māyā, is the Lord's own energy and can thus overcome even a powerful sage. As Lord Kapila declares, "Among all kinds of living entities begotten by Brahmā, namely men, demigods, and animals, none but the sage Nārāyaṇa is immune to the attraction of māyā in the form of a woman" (Bhāg. 3.31.37). One should not flirt with māyā, thinking that one can transgress a little and then pull back later if it gets too rough. Until we are completely liberated we maintain seeds of destruction within us, and we should not allow them to grow by bad association.

Once Śrīla Prabhupāda learned that some of his initiated disciples had indulged in their former habits of smoking marijuana. Prabhupāda said that this was due to bad association, and he gave the example of bedbugs. During winter, bedbugs seem to disappear from your bed, but in due time they emerge and again bite you and grow fat on your blood. Similarly, a transcendentalist's kāma may seem to be entirely subdued, but it is actually present in a very reduced state. If given a fresh opportunity, his material desires will strike again. On another occasion, Śrīla Prabhupāda referred to "hippy seeds." Having noticed one of his brahmacārī disciples with long hair, he said the disciple's old hippy tendencies were now sprouting in the form of long hair.

So it is good to be afraid of even a little bad association and avoid it at all costs. But one may question whether this attitude is at odds with the compassionate mood of the preacher. If the preacher associates with materialists, won't he become like them? The answer is that a preacher must be strong in his Kṛṣṇaconsciousness to prevent becoming contaminated. If he follows the rules and regulations of bhakti-yoga — including association with devotees, chanting and hearing the Lord's glories, avoiding sense gratification, and so on — then he will be able to preach without falling down. Acting as the spiritual master of Lord CaitanyaĪśvara Purī gave him instructions that in truth are directed at us: "My dear child, continue dancing, chanting, and performing sańkīrtana in association with devotees. Furthermore, go out and preach the value of chanting kṛṣṇa-nāma, for by this process You will be able to deliver all fallen souls" (Cc. Ādi 7.92). Similarly, Śrīla Prabhupāda instructed his disciples to be compassionate preachers:

One who is not very expert in preaching may chant in a secluded place, avoiding bad association, but for one who is actually advanced, preaching and meeting people who are not engaged in devotional service are not disadvantages. A devotee gives the nondevotees his association but is not affected by their misbehavior. Thus by the activities of a pure devotee even those who are bereft of love of Godhead get a chance to become devotees of the Lord one day. [Cc. Ādi 7.92, purport]

Śrīla Prabhupāda sometimes told the following story to illustrate how one may mix with nondevotees and yet keep one's devotional integrity:

Once a crocodile invited a monkey in a tree to come and ride on his back. The foolish monkey jumped down from the tree and soon found himself clinging to the crocodile's back in the middle of the river.

The monkey asked the crocodile, "Where are we going?"

The crocodile replied, "I'm going to take you home, where my wife will cut out your heart and we will eat you for lunch!"

The monkey replied, "But I left my heart back on shore in the tree. Will you please let me get it?"

The crocodile thought this was a good proposal and allowed the monkey to touch shore. But the monkey jumped into his tree and refused to accept further invitations from the crocodile.

The moral of this story: You may associate with the nondevotee, but don't give him your heart.

Preachers living in ISKCON temples follow this advice daily. They rise early and gather for mańgala-ārati before the temple Deities, chant kīrtana and japa, hear Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam class, and honor prasādam in the association of devotees. Strengthened by this morning program, they go out to preach in the most materialistic places in the world, offering people a chance to receive Kṛṣṇa's mercy in the form of literature, prasādam, or hari-nāma. In the early evening the preachers return to the temple for more chanting and hearing. While they are with the nondevotees, they do not compromise their devotional principles, and thus they keep their hearts aloof from the modes of material nature and bad association.

Of course, if a preacher finds himself being overwhelmed by the material energy, he should save himself instead of allowing māyāto swallow him up while he's trying to save others. But Nārada's advice against bad association does not mean that those who are strong enough to preach should not approach the Jagāis and Mādhāis of this world and humbly offer them the holy name and transcendental literature. If devotees don't approach them, how will the fools and rascals be saved?

- Srila Prabhupada

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Sometimes he laughs, sometimes he weeps, sometimes he cries out very loudly, sometimes he sings, and sometimes he dances

One who understands perfectly the process of devotional service in love of Godhead becomes intoxicated in its discharge. Sometimes he becomes stunned in ecstasy and thus enjoys his whole self, being engaged in the service of the Supreme Self.

Purport :
How one becomes intoxicated in devotional service is very nicely described in the Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam (11.2.40):
evaḿ-vrataḥ sva-priya-nāma-kīrtyā
jātānurāgo druta-citta uccaiḥ
hasaty atho roditi rauti gāyaty
unmāda-van nṛtyati loka-bāhyaḥ
"A person engaged in the devotional service of the Lord in full Kṛṣṇa consciousness automatically becomes carried away by ecstasy when he chants and hears the holy name of Kṛṣṇa. His heart becomes slackened while chanting the holy name, he becomes almost like a madman, and he does not care for any outward social conventions. Thus sometimes he laughs, sometimes he weeps, sometimes he cries out very loudly, sometimes he sings, and sometimes he dances and forgets himself." These are the signs of becoming intoxicated in devotional service. This stage, called the ātmārāma stage, is possible when the Lord bestows His mercy upon a devotee for his advanced devotional activity. It is the highest perfectional stage because one cannot reach it unless one has attained pure love of God.
Neither formal religious rituals, economic development, sense gratification, nor liberation can compare with this sweet stage of perfection of love of Kṛṣṇa, love of the Supreme Lord. The Caitanya-caritāmṛta (Ādi-līlā 7.97) describes this stage of ecstasy and intoxication as being far above the ecstasy of realizing oneself as Brahman, or the supreme spirit. Lord Caitanya says that the ecstasy of bhakti (love of Godhead) is so vast that it is like an ocean compared to the drop of pleasure derived from understanding oneself as one with Brahman. In all Vedic literature, the highest perfectional stage is said to be the state of intoxication of devotional service. It is not achieved by ordinary persons, the nondevotees.

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We had to suffer such miseries as living in a womb

MM 47: What person, even if most sinful, has ever said aloud the blessed name Narayana and failed to fulfill his desires? But we, alas, never used our power of speech in that way, and so we had to suffer such miseries as living in a womb.

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The magic jewel

MM 30: He is the jewel riding on the back of Garuda, who carries away the Lord's devotees on his wings. He is the magic jewel protecting the three worlds, the jewellike cloud attracting the cataka-bird eyes of the gopis, and the jewel among all who gesture gracefully. He is the only jeweled ornament on the ample breasts of Queen Rukmini, who is herself the jewel of beloved consorts. May that crown jewel of all gods, the best of the cowherds, grant us the supreme benediction.

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Are men regarded as superior to women?

There's a number of quotes from acharyas, you can find which is supporting your own view. If you are feminist, you can see quotes that are supportive to your views and if you are anti-feminist you can see the quotes that fits your perspective. If you put a red glass everything you see appears red. It's easy to manipulate the quotes of Acharyas in one angle and conclude biased opinions.

Woman reporter: What about women who do not have children?

Prabhupada: Well, that is also another unnatural thing. Sometimes they use contraceptives. They kill children, abortion. That is also not very good. These are all sinful activities. These are sinful activities, to kill child in the womb.

Prabhupada: Yes, that is a fact. In the history there is no woman who is a big philosopher, a big mathematician, big scientist, big educationist. We don’t find. They were all men.

Disciple: Women’s liberation has become successful because man is now the servant of woman.

Prabhupada: It is not successful. That I was pointing out. It has caused the disaster because the whole women become dependent on the welfare gift of the government, and the government has to raise tax heavily for this purpose. The tax is given by the general public, but it is going for one individual person, and I have heard that government is embarrassed.

Prabhupada: By nature’s way, if the husband takes care of the wife and children, this problem is solved immediately. But the man takes advantage. He goes away after making the woman pregnant. And the woman is embarrassed and the government is embarrassed.

Disciple: And the child grows up to be a criminal.

Prabhupada: Yes.

(Television interview with Srila Prabhupada, July 9, 1975, Chicago)

Reporter: Are men regarded as superior to women?
Prabhupada: Yes, naturally. Naturally, woman requires protection by the man. In the childhood she is protected by the father, and youth time she is protected by the husband, and old age she is protected by elderly sons. That is natural.
Female Reporter: That goes against the thinking of a lot of people in America now. Do you know that?
Prabhupada: No… America, maybe, but this is the natural position. Women require protection.
Female Reporter: Who decides who’s natural? And what’s natural?
Prabhupada: Natural means just like in psychology it is said that woman, the highest brain substance of woman is thirty-six ounce, whereas the highest brain substance of man is sixty-four ounce. So there is difference by nature, of the brain.

(News Interview with Srila Prabhupada, March 5, 1975, New York)

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