
Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna

Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna
Gopis performing Devotional Service to the Lordships Sri Sri Radha Krishna

Is Bhakti Predestined?

Question: Was it destined when I was born that I would one day become associated with ISKCON and do all these spiritual activities? If yes,then why do we preach? Won't people destined to join ISKCON join it,and those not destined to join ISKCON not join it? If no, then does it mean that joining ISKCON is outside the influence of destiny?


Answer: Bhakti is supreme, causeless and fully independent - no material cause can either induce or impede bhakti from appearing in one's heart. Srila Visvanatha Cakravarthi Thakura analyses this as follows: if material pious deeds, suffering, blind fortune or any such material condition could guarantee or give rise to bhakti, then that material cause would be considered more powerful than bhakti - this is contradictory and cannot be true.


It is therefore understood that bhakti is attained only by the mercy of bhaktas, who carry pure devotion for Krishna in their heart. In other words, bhakti (present in the heart of devotees) is the cause of bhakti. Lord Caitanya taught that a rare and fortunate soul achieves the seed of bhakti through the mercy of a pure devotee.


brahmanda bhramite kona bhagyavan jiva

guru-krishna-prasade paya bhakti-lata-bija


"According to their karma, all living entities are wandering throughout the entire universe. Some of them are being elevated to the upper planetary systems, and some are going down into the lower planetary systems. Out of many millions of wandering living entities,one who is very fortunate gets an opportunity to associate with a bonafide spiritual master by the grace of Krishna. By the mercy of both Krishna and the spiritual master, such a person receives the seed of the creeper of devotional service." (Cc Madhya 19.151)


Devotional service is thus not predestined. It is by the causeless mercy of devotees that one attains the opportunity for pure devotional service and to revive one's forgotten relationship with the Supreme Lord. Therefore the pure devotees of the Lord move here and there out of great compassion, taking great troubles to create opportunities for people in general to render devotional service.


Even upon receiving the mercy of the devotees, and getting the seed of this devotional creeper (bhakti-lata-bija), it is the choice of the living entity to take up the process of devotion. In other words, it is a matter of individual freewill. At every point, the conditioned living entity has full freedom of choice to turn his misdirected attention back to the Supreme Lord or not - otherwise there would be no meaning to the term freewill at all.


Thus, it is only by the causeless mercy of devotees, when received and accepted by a conditioned living entity by proper use of their freewill, results in their taking up pure devotional service.It is sometimes seen that certain individuals take to the process of

devotional service very quickly and effortlessly, upon coming in contact with devotees - just like dry wood catching fire. In such cases, it can be understood that they are continuing or resuming their spiritual progress from a previous life. One who takes up the path of spiritual realization, or devotional service, but does not achieve complete success in this lifetime is given a further chance in the next life - this is confirmed by Krishna in BG 6.41-44. The Lord arranges in the lives of such persons an environment or an opportunity that is conducive to once again take up the process from where they left. But even in such a case, it is not quite a matter of predestination - the individual still has the full freedom to choose or reject the opportunity given to them, to misuse or to properly

utilize it.


Also, Krishna is fully independent, and so is Bhaktidevi - thus, it cannot be expected that bhakti is obliged to appear because of one's previous devotional practices. Srila Prabhupada explains how the transcendental system of devotional service is fully independent — it may or may not develop in a particular person even after he undergoes all the detailed formulas. Similarly, the association of devotees is also free from material causes. One may be fortunate to have it, or one may not have it even after thousands of endeavors. Thus, freedom is the main pivot in all spheres of devotional service. (Cf. SB 1.6.37p) By sincerely surrendering to the Lord through the transparent medium of the spiritual master, we can hope to attract His causeless mercy.


- HH Romapada Swami



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With a single fragment of Myself I pervade and support this entire universe-Lord Sri Krishna

Bhagavad Gita Chapter 10 

TEXT 42:

atha va bahunaitena
kim jnatena tavarjuna
vishtabhyaham idam kritsnam
ekamsena sthito jagat
But what need is there, Arjuna, for all this detailed knowledge? With a single fragment of Myself I pervade and support this entire universe.
The Supreme Lord is represented throughout the entire material universes by His entering into all things as the Supersoul. The Lord here tells Arjuna that there is no point in understanding how things exist in their separate opulence and grandeur. He should know that all things are existing due to Krishna's entering them as Supersoul. From Brahma, the most gigantic entity, on down to the smallest ant, all are existing because the Lord has entered each and all and is sustaining them.

There is a Mission that regularly propounds that worship of any demigod will lead one to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, or the supreme goal. But worship of demigods is thoroughly discouraged herein because even the greatest demigods like Brahma and Siva represent only part of the opulence of the Supreme Lord. He is the origin of everyone born, and no one is greater than Him. He is asamaurdhva, which means that no one is superior to Him and that no one is equal to Him. In the Padma Purana it is said that one who considers the Supreme Lord Krishna in the same category with demigods—be they even Brahma or Siva—becomes at once an atheist. If, however, one thoroughly studies the different descriptions of the opulences and expansions of Krishna's energy, then one can understand without any doubt the position of Lord Sri Krishna and can fix his mind in the worship of Krishna without deviation. The Lord is all-pervading by the expansion of His partial representation, the Supersoul, who enters into everything that is. Pure devotees, therefore, concentrate their minds in Krishna consciousness in full devotional service; therefore they are always situated in the transcendental position. Devotional service and worship of Krishna are very clearly indicated in this chapter in verses eight through eleven. That is the way of pure devotional service. How one can attain the highest devotional perfection of association with the Supreme Personality of Godhead has been thoroughly explained in this chapter. Srila Baladeva Vidyabhushana, a great acarya in disciplic succession from Krishna, concludes his commentary on this chapter by saying,

yac-chakti-lesat suryadya
bhavanty aty-ugra-tejasah
yad-amsena dhritam visvam
sa krishno dasame 'rcyate 

From Lord Krishna's potent energy even the powerful sun gets its power, and by Krishna's partial expansion the whole world is maintained. Therefore Lord Sri Krishna is worshipable. 

Thus end the Bhaktivedanta Purports to the Tenth Chapter of the Srimad Bhagavad-gita in the matter of the Opulence of the Absolute.
Translation and commentary by His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada



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Rx - The right medicine for the right patient from the right doctor!

A patient should not pretend or lie to the doctor, for the doctor might prescribe different medicine than he would have actually given for the actual disease.We are patients too, with the material disease that is keeping us for long in the clutches of the three modes of material nature. The existence of body itself is a sign that we are covered by the modes of material nature. And therefore if we can really describe the disease we are afflicted with, the doctor(spiritual master) can provide proper medicine and get us cured of the disease. If we are not accepting our real state and pretending to be so advanced,then things will blow up suddenly one day and we'll have to regret too much by then. Of Course this doctor(spiritual master) knows our state, even without we explaining the disease by just seeing our deplorable condition. The symptoms of the disease are easily identified by an advanced practitioner of Krishna Consciousness.

The last stage before one falls down is that one will start finding fault in spiritual master himself and then after everything, spiritual and material prosperties are finished and one is pushed deep down into the regions of hellish existence. For a person considering spiritual master to be an ordinary person or deities to be lifeless, he's already in hell and is mentioned that he's residing in hell.


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  • Technorati - Just one tulsi leaf

Just one tulsi leaf

Posted: 24 Aug 2011 09:05 PM PDT

I was reading in the Padma Purana that all the holy places of the universe are in one tulsi leaf. Just think about that….when you are a sannyasi, they always give you a tulsi leaf when you get the caramrta and it gets stuck in your throat! There were moments when I was thinking, 'oh God here comes the tulsi leaf!' Then Krsna made me read that all the holy places of the entire universe are in one tulsi leaf…

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, June 2011, Helsinki, Finland)


Time is very short

Posted: 24 Aug 2011 04:36 PM PDT

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, 2011)

Time…..time is very short……very short. Can anyone think of who they were in their last life? One can go to India to some fortune teller. They will tell you of course, that usually it's a prince or a sannyasi…yes…for a good price! I never heard of anyone who was a dog and somehow or other had some prasadam in that life! Or a worm who was being spat upon by a vaisnava!

But whatever it maybe, something went wrong in the last life and somehow or other we didn't make it. Suppose we would have been already engaged in devotional service in last life – it is possible:

'nehābhikrama-nāśo 'sti
pratyavāyo na vidyate' (BG.2.40)

That there is no loss or diminishing in this devotional service, which means in the last life, we could have been engaged in devotional service, and in this life we continued to where we left off, which means we blew it last time – basically, and these are interesting thoughts to contemplate from time to time!

I'm sometimes thinking about it:

"My God…possibly I was deeply sunken into a sinful lifestyle and upraised by the mercy of the vaisnavas. Or I was already pulled up by the vaisnavas to somewhat level of devotional service and then I blew it….and what was it in me, that made me blew it in the last life, that is still there in me in this life?"

Well if you think life in that way then it is not so difficult to deal with. Everyone can find some quality. In my case it would be my stubbornness and my tendency towards independence, which I have successfully protected all throughout my Krishna Consciousness in various ways. For that I moved to India because there was more space. For that I took sannyas because there was more space!

So somehow or other one does not surrender to that one thing….that particular quality – stubbornness and independence, but what can we do? Krishna has ways! He pulls the rug from under us at times and just upsets our whole comfortable life…..he does that!

The materialist and the devotee

Posted: 24 Aug 2011 01:20 AM PDT

We have to appreciate why Krsna consciousness is better in so many ways. And we have to be thoroughly convinced that our life is much better than the life of others and when we are actually experiencing that then we know that of course it's better.

We have the four regulative principles- the regulative principles of freedom. We have it and everyone else is caught in sinful activity, which is just creating a network of reactions leading to death and we are free. All the activities of a devotee, each act, is making us more and more free from distress, whereas a materialist, each activity is pulling him down more. From early in the morning, as soon as a materialist will open his eyes it will begin….put some coffee in there, put some cigarettes in there, put some unedible things in there and just sinful activity after sinful activity the whole day! And karma upon karma upon karma! So each day collecting more and more karma whereas a devotee each day is throwing off karma. Throwing it off, less and less and the burden becomes removed. It is mentioned that a devotee is in this way becoming released from the darkness of the sinful reactions.

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, June 2011, Helsinki, Finland)

BBT Africa publishes first book in Xhosa

Posted: 23 Aug 2011 09:50 AM PDT

On the occasion of Lord Krishna's appearance day, the African BBT has released its first book in Xhosa, one of the eleven official languages of South Africa. Xhosa is the native language for about 8 million people. The book is a translation of Srila Prabhupada's Beyond Birth and Death. Tota Gopinatha DasaTota Gopinatha Dasa First printing: 5,000 copies. The translator: Tota Gopinatha Dasa. The graphic designer: Khotso Kholopane.

read more



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Drops of Bhakti...

1. In the whole material world suffering is never completly
extinguished, but it is designed in such a way so that one cannot give
it up.
2. There is necessity that we have to take shelter of devotees
through them ultimatly we take shelter of krsna. Through devotees we
get knowledge of supreme lord , inspiration to serve and leave the
material world.
3. The idea of leaving the material world should not only be because
of miseries , if the suffering aspect is more prominent it becomes
mixed devotion.
4. In pure bhakthi the motivation is to simply please the supreme lord.
5. When we tell chant and be happy our promise is for their eternal happiness.
-HH.Bhanu Swami Maharaj (SB#5.14.36),
SB notes from Priyadarshini Mataji.


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Notes from Janmashtami lecture 2011-HH.Bhanu Swami Maharaj

There are 2 kinds of appearance of the Lord.One is Lord revealing
Himself within the heart of the devotee.Another is the Lord manifests
Himself personally in a way that even the athiest,demons and common
man can see Him with naked eyes. It's made possible by the
inconceivable potency of the Lord. It was just 5000 yrs ago that the
Supreme Lord manifested in this among the mortal beings of this world.
Once in a day of Lord Brahma,the Supreme Lord comes Svayam,in His
original primeval form from whom all other plenary portions of the
Lord manifest.
Certainly the demons see the Lord differently than His devotees do.
Even Demons like sisupala got liberated and got a form in the
Spiritual world. The Lord is attractive even to the demons. When the
demons are attracted to the Lord,they too get liberated. Even
Putana(because of her maternal Love for the Lord when He appeared as
Vamana) was given the position of a nurse in the Lord's abode.
People in Kali yuga are also demons can appreciate Krishna and Krishna will
Certainly give them the perfect destination. The demons like Sisupala
were constantly thinking of the Lord because they were attracted by
the noble qualities of the Lord and His character and His beauty. But
other demons like Duryodhana were not thinking of the Lord and so they
werent attracted to Him.
Devotees dont see the Lord as Lord but as child who needs to be taken
care of,for otherwise it would harm the child. Of course they believe
that the child is protected by Lord Vishnu. They see that this boy is
one among the cowherds like us and therefore cannot be God. Sisupala
also thought that the Lord is not even a King and just a cowherd boy
and cant be God. There was a boon that mother of Sisupala took from
Krishna that He should not kill Sisupala and Krishna said ok to
forgive him for his offences 100 times.
When Sisupala insulted Krishna for the 100th time,he got completely
purified and was killed by Sudharshana Chakra. But by this time he was
allowed to enter vaikuntha with a Spiritual form.


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People of Kali yuga r more fortunate than others who are'nt.

Those who were in the previous yuga were not so fortunate,that they
never would've heard of Krishna.But people of Kali yuga r so fortunate
that they've a chance to hear about Krishna,Svayam Bhagavan,the
original personality of Godhead who is d source of all
existence&expansions of d cosmic manifestation.


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Enemy is friend?

When we get hurt by someone we see the person to be our personal enemy
and also think that person to be the cause of our distress but really
that person is just an instrument to get back our own karmic
reactions. He's really our friend indeed ;) who's helping to clear the
past karmic reactions. So developing personal enemity wont help
nullify or minimize our own karmic reactions.


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The Miscommunication Mess!

Miscommunication among the devotees is very common becoz of the
influence of kali.So we should always ensure v r well understood and
in d event of mismanagement/misunderstandings,v should be
ready2forgive&hold open talks2avoid friction in devotee relationships
which would otherwise get sour day by day,event by event across
various situations.


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  • Technorati - God a Blue Boy?

God a Blue Boy?

Posted: 21 Aug 2011 02:05 PM PDT

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, Slovakia)

It's gone very deep is Krishna Consciousness. It's touched us on a very deep level!

There was a devotee who was trying to leave Krishna! He left this movement and after three years, on the outside he wrote a book:

'God a Blue Boy?'

So the whole book was about:

'How is it possible that God is a Blue Boy?'

I met him in the street one day and I told him:

"Just see, you've left the temple three years ago and still you had to write a book about Krishna."

It goes so deep. You can't forget Krishna…you can't…..even when you try. Sometimes we want to forget Krishna. Sometimes we think:

'Can I just be in maya for one day?'

But we can't…..we will always remember Krishna!



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ISKCON Seattle VP offering 1991, written by Sukadeva dasa

From: Bhakti Vikasa Swami
My Dear Srila Prabhupada,
Please accept my humble obeisances at the dust of your lotus feet, which are
the only shelter in the three worlds from the blazing forest fire of
material existence. I sincerely pray to be always working hard in your
divine service, for that is the only pleasure of my life. Please give me the
words to properly glorify you on this holiest of days, your Vyasa-puja.
When I studied different philosophies of religion in college, it was never
an accepted fact that a bona fide saintly person still walked the face of
the earth. When I first saw you in Los Angeles, my speculative theories and
false ideologies were smashed.
I joined your movement in the summer of 1969 in Los Angeles. The devotees in
L.A. were always talking about their spiritual leader. At that time I
thought your name was Pra-buddha.
I remember when you came to the temple in L.A. and paid your dandavats to
Lord Jagannatha and Radha-Krsna. I was immediately impressed by your
I remember standing outside your door and peeking through the keyhole with
Visnujana dasa.
After services in the temple you would come outside, and all the devotees
would be on their knees waiting for you to touch them on the head.
I can still feel you placing your lotus hand on my head. I thought that I
had never felt such ecstasy in my life.
I had been praying to Lord Krsna that if it were possible, I wanted to
render you some personal service. I had been in charge of temples in
Phoenix, Tucson, Seattle, and Laguna Beach. In 1975 I was in charge of the
Hawaii temple, and I longed to do more personal service for you.
Your servant, Hari-sauri dasa, came to my office and told me you wanted a
I asked why.
He said you said I was now going to cook your meals.
Krsna had made a transcendental arrangement for me to take over the cooking
duties for you, and I relish that month I was able to serve you personally.
I prayed to Krsna for you to give me some personal words to live by, and
Krsna made that arrangement also.
I was driving you back to the temple one day and asked you, "Prabhupada, you
said that when a tree has flowers it becomes beautiful, and when a woman has
a child she becomes beautiful. When does the disciple become beautiful?"
Because he knew how puffed up I was, Srila Prabhupada immediately chastised
me: "Oh, you have not read our books? What is the meaning of this verse, ar
na koriho mane asa?"
"I don't know, Srila Prabhupada."
"Hmm ... parrotlike chanting."
I felt like jumping out of the car in embarrassment, but it would have been
difficult because I was driving.
Prabhupada, you were so merciful to me that you allowed me to save face.
"What is the meaning of this: yasyaprasadan na gatih kuto 'pi?"
Excitedly I said, "When we get the mercy of the spiritual master, we get the
mercy of Krsna. Without your grace, Srila Prabhupada, I can't make any
spiritual advancement."
"Yes, when the disciple is strictly following the orders of the spiritual
master, then he is beautiful. Otherwise, he is ugly."
Prabhupada, your words burned my heart because I could instantaneously
realize how contaminated my heart was.
Your words and instructions are my life and soul, and I am again praying to
Krsna to burn away any and all desires except one: to be continually engaged
in working hard with body, mind, and soul in your transcendental loving
Please use your transcendental feet to kick me in any way you wish so that I
can stay strongly in your divine service, for that is the only pleasure, the
only treasure, and that is the only beauty in this material world.


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  • Technorati - Mood of separation part 2

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Date: Sun, 21 Aug 2011 05:05:06 +0000
Subject: - Mood of separation part 2

Mood of separation part 2

Posted: 20 Aug 2011 02:00 PM PDT

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, Slovakia)

George Harrison sang the song, and he approached Srila Prabhupada for
initiation. And Prabhupada said:

"That's not necessary. You already have a spiritual name….Harri….son the
son of Hari! So no need for initiation".

So George Harrison – he sung it and he summed it up! It is in a way it's
our song:

'I really want to see you Lord, but it takes so long!'.

So in this way we are also approaching Krishna in separation, and we cannot
live without Krishna anymore – it's not possible!

'How could we live without Krishna?'

No, we can't since it's not possible! We are totally attached to Krishna,
and the more we serve him than the stronger that attachment becomes! Day by
day the depths of our separation from Krishna is increasing!

Irresistible Krsna 4

Posted: 20 Aug 2011 04:05 AM PDT

Krsna overlooked Putanas poisonous milk and overlooked her demoniac
tendencies but simply looked at her offering of milk. She became a datri, a
nurse in the spiritual world. Putana was delivered in spite of such a
demoniac mentality. This is the basis for us to develop faith. Therefore
with great faith we can continue approaching Krsna no matter what we are.
That false ego will not hamper us from making advancement because
advancement depends on the mercy of Krsna..(Kadamba Kanana Maharaja,
Janmastami 2010, Croatia)

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Drops of Bhakti!

1. Chakra is not only a weapon of the lord but also destroys bad elements.
2. As long as we are in the material world nobody can escape death,
generally people in foolishness surrender to demigods thinking they
can escape by getting material aspects.
3. Temptation of the material world is very very strong for the jivas
here , and to get rid of the desires is very very difficult.
4. The solution is to surrender to the authorized devotees of the
Lord. One has to get mercy inorder to get Bhakti.
5. In this age of kali, jnana and yoga are very very difficult. The
yuga dharma is one which is applicable for majority of people, since
in kali yuga most people are fallen the process is nama sankirthan
which is very easy .
-HH.Bhanu Swami Maharaj (SB#5.14.29)
Source#SB Notes from Priyadarshini Mataji


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Open Vyasa-puja book for 2011 online and in the mail


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via by uddhava on 8/19/11

The 2011 Open Vyasa-puja Book is printed and in the mail. You can also download a pdf copy right now from

The book consists of offerings to His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada by his disciples.

In a separate posting I'll express my thanks to all involved. For now, I just want to let you know quickly that the book is online.


Things you can do from here:



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Everywhere are His hands and legs, His eyes and faces, and He hears everything. In this way the Supersoul exists.

Chapter 13. Nature, the Enjoyer, and Consciousness

sarvatah pani-padam tat
sarvato 'ksi-siro-mukham
sarvatah srutimal loke
sarvam avrtya tisthati


sarvatah--everywhere; pani--hands; padam--legs; tat--that; sarvatah--everywhere; aksi--eyes; sirah--head; mukham--face; sarvatah--everywhere; sruti-mat--hearing; loke--in the world; sarvam--everything; avrtya--covering; tisthati--exists.


Everywhere are His hands and legs, His eyes and faces, and He hears everything. In this way the Supersoul exists.


As the sun exists diffusing its unlimited rays, so does the Supersoul, or Supreme Personality of Godhead. He exists in His all-pervading form, and in Him exist all the individual living entities, beginning from the first great teacher, Brahma, down to the small ants. There are unlimited heads, legs, hands and eyes, and unlimited living entities. All are existing in and on the Supersoul. Therefore the Supersoul is all-pervading. The individual soul, however, cannot say that he has his hands, legs and eyes everywhere. That is not possible. If he thinks that although under ignorance he is not conscious that his hands and legs are diffused all over, but when he attains to proper knowledge he will come to that stage, his thinking is contradictory. This means that the individual soul, having become conditioned by material nature, is not supreme. The Supreme is different from the individual soul. The Supreme Lord can extend His hand without limit; the individual soul cannot. In Bhagavad-gita the Lord says that if anyone offers Him a flower, or a fruit, or a little water, He accepts. If the Lord is a far distance away, how can He accept things? This is the omnipotence of the Lord: even though He is situated in His own abode, far, far away from earth, He can extend His hand to accept what anyone offers. That is His potency. In the Brahma-samhita it is stated, goloka eva nivasaty: although He is always engaged in pastimes in His transcendental planet, He is all-pervading. The individual soul cannot claim that he is all-pervading. Therefore this verse describes the Supreme Soul, the Personality of Godhead, not the individual soul.



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Love conquers even the unconquerable God!

With Love it is possible even to conquer the Supreme Lord Sri
Krishna,(the unconquerable, the perfect mystic who knows everything
but no one knows Him) what to speak of the living entities in this
world who are part and parcel of the Supreme?
By arrogance or mere administration we cannot drive people towards
harmony...but with Love!


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We are like a fish on the sand!

Real success is to conquer the Enemies within our inner self.The
Enemies are hiding themselves behind the bushes and manifests in
different ways in guise of Love.But the foolish soul gets trapped in
their nets like a fish...result is fish on the sand! The struggle for
existence in the material world continues...


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pre-Janmastami meditation; the central object of love

From: Bhakti Vikasa Swami

Lord Krsna here confirms that the conditioned soul can reach the highest
perfectional stage by surrendering to Him. One must give up all other
responsibilities. This complete surrender unto the Supreme Personality of
Godhead is the most auspicious path for the conditioned soul because the
Supreme Lord is the supreme objective of love. Everyone is loving his self
according to the advancement of his knowledge. Ultimately, when a person
comes to understand that his self is the spirit soul and that the spirit
soul is nothing but a part and parcel of the Supreme Lord, he recognizes the
Supreme Lord as the ultimate goal of love and then surrenders unto Him. This
surrender is considered auspicious for the conditioned soul. Our life,
property, home, wife, children, house, country, society and all
paraphernalia which are very dear to us are expansions of the Supreme
Personality of Godhead. He is the central object of love because He gives us
all bliss, expanding Himself in so many ways according to our different
situations, namely bodily, mental or spiritual.

>>> Ref. VedaBase => KB 23: Delivering the Wives of the Brahmanas Who
Performed Sacrifices



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