
Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna

Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna
Gopis performing Devotional Service to the Lordships Sri Sri Radha Krishna

Irresistible Krsna 2


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via by Yadurani on 8/17/11

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, August 2011, New Vraja Mandala, Spain)

Krsna consciousness is about Krsna, the all-attractive Supreme Personality of Godhead. He attracts. It's not always that we have to push ourselves to be Krsna conscious- how am I going to be Krsna conscious? Somehow or other I must be Krsna conscious! I don't know how going to be Krsna conscious! It's so difficult to be Krsna conscious! How am I going to be Krsna conscious?' No, that is not our process. Our process is very simple; it is simply to hear about Krsna, to hear about His qualities, to hear descriptions about His form, His pastimes, His name and so on. And sooner or later we will become attracted automatically. It is not possible to hear about Krsna, to hear His name or about His qualities without becoming attracted. It may take some time but gradually it will penetrate. The living entity is covered by a layer of lust and envy but gradually the influence of Krsna will penetrate into those layers and it will manage to attract the heart.


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Irresistible Krsna 1


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via by Yadurani on 8/17/11

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, August 2011, New Vraja Mandala, Spain)

….This is the mood of the conditioned soul, 'I'll never be a servant! Better a king in hell than a servant! But actually we know that Krsna Himself becomes a servant because this kind of service has nothing to do with the slavery of the material world. This kind of service is not forced by whips, '….and you shall bow and you shall now crawl and you shall do as I say (whipping noise).' It is simply service that comes out of love. It is the mood of wanting to do something for someone else because this person is very dear to us. In this way the devotees want to serve Krsna and in the same way Krsna wants to serve His devotees. It is that relationship that is the essence of all existence…


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Capture Crafty Krsna

From: HH.Bhakti Vikasa Swami

Krsna said that "This war, your fight, is family. I am connected with both
the families. So I cannot take part in this war." But they insisted that "At
least You take some part as You like." Then He said that "I divide Myself
into two. So one side, all My soldiers, eighteen aksauhini soldiers, and one
side, I am alone. Now you select. Which one you want?" So Duryodhana's
thought that "What shall I do with Krsna? He's one man. Let me take His
soldiers." So he took all the soldiers. And Arjuna said, "No, Krsna, I want
You." Then Krsna said, "No, I'll not fight." "No, You simply remain in my
side." "All right, I shall become your chariot driver, that's all."
So this is intelligence. You just capture Krsna. And Krsna, how He can be
captured? Krsna can be captured by your bhakti. Otherwise, He's very, very,
crafty. You cannot capture Him.

>>> Ref. VedaBase => Srimad-Bhagavatam 3.25.37 -- Bombay, December 6, 1974


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Picture of the day!

Check out the picture!



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Ice breaker-What's Arranged&Love marriage?

Arranged marriage is like
"While u r walking,
unfortunately a dog bites u"
Love marriage is like
puting hands in dog's mouth &saying,
Kadi!Kadi..!(bite bite) :-)
Gud Nite!


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Drops of Bhakti!

1. People use huge amount of money for marriages and it is foolish in
one sense as they do it for their advertisements,and because of
attachment in the material world.
2. Another eg where python means sleep. Prabhupad tells half of ones
life is spent in sleeping.krsna tells in bg that one has to restrict
eating and sleeping to a certain degree.
3. Since our goal is to enjoy we restrict the enjoyment of others ,
so one develops enemies where they cause more problems.
4. Karma yoga compromises by giving some enjoyment like swarga loka
but still it is a part of the material world where one suffers death
and is subjected to rebirth and falldown.
5. Varnashrama system is not considered to be the real solution. The
real solution is to go beyond all this and surrender to the lotus feet
of the supreme lord and his devotees.
--HH.Bhanu Swami Maharaj SB#5.14.8
Source#SB notes from Priyadarshini Mataji


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Among women I am fame, fortune, fine speech, memory, intelligence, steadfastness and patience

Bhagavad-gita As It Is | Part [BG.10.35]



TEXT 34:

mrityuh sarva-haras caham

udbhavas ca bhavishyatam

kirtih srir vak ca narinam

smritir medha dhritih kshama



I am all-devouring death, and I am the generating principle of all that is yet to be. Among women I am fame, fortune, fine speech, memory, intelligence, steadfastness and patience.



As soon as a man is born, he dies at every moment. Thus death is devouring every living entity at every moment, but the last stroke is called death itself. That death is Krishna. As for future development, all living entities undergo six basic changes. They are born, they grow, they remain for some time, they reproduce, they dwindle, and finally they vanish. Of these changes, the first is deliverance from the womb, and that is Krishna. The first generation is the beginning of all future activities.


The seven opulences listed—fame, fortune, fine speech, memory, intelligence, steadfastness and patience—are considered feminine. If a person possesses all of them or some of them he becomes glorious. If a man is famous as a righteous man, that makes him glorious. Sanskrit is a perfect language and is therefore very glorious. If after studying one can remember a subject matter, he is gifted with a good memory, or smriti. And the ability not only to read many books on different subject matters but to understand them and apply them when necessary is intelligence (medha), another opulence. The ability to overcome unsteadiness is called firmness or steadfastness (dhriti). And when one is fully qualified yet is humble and gentle, and when one is able to keep his balance both in sorrow and in the ecstasy of joy, he has the opulence called patience (kshama).

Translation and commentary by His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada



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  • Technorati - Gradually Krishna Takes Over!

Gradually Krishna Takes Over!

Posted: 16 Aug 2011 12:31 PM PDT

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, Slovakia)

In the Srimad Bhagavatam, Bhisma Dev says:

"Gradually, Krishna takes over, and there's no room in the heart for anything else, but only Krishna!"

Honesty and Humilty

Posted: 16 Aug 2011 11:49 AM PDT

When we become honest then we have a chance to become humble. To be honest is not so easy because we are so use to cheating others and we so use to cheating ourselves, we believe our own lies but if we actually become honest then the result will be humility.

(Dramatic) 'Prabhu, I am the most fallen, I am so sinful, lower than a worm in stool, I am so sinful that anyone who just sees me loses all his pious credits.' If a psychiatrist would hear about this they would immediately admit such a person in the hospital! 'This person is on the edge of suicide, very dangerous so put him in the hospital!' and this person happens to be Krsnadas Kaviraja Gosvami! So how is it possible for a vaisnava to speak like that about himself, 'lower than a worm in stool.' 'What's wrong with some self-esteem? This is very healthy.' No, a devotee is always remembering that, 'I have no credits, Krsna gives me His credits.' Anyway, when we look at Krsnadas Kaviraja Gosvami, there are these two verses: lower than a worm in the stool and more sinful and so on. So these two verses are there but then there is a third verse and the third verse says that, 'despite the lack of my qualification, I received the mercy of Lord Nityananda.' This is described as 'dainya- bodhika,' to think oneself as very fallen. One the one hand we see ourselves as fallen but on the other hand we think, but I got the mercy. So then you don't become depressed. Otherwise, 'yes I'm lower than a worm in stool, I'm a hopeless case, I'm just totally fallen, is there a bridge somewhere? Yes I'm going to jump off a bridge…' that's natural then. But we always should remember that we got the mercy also.

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, August 2011, New Vraja Mandala, Spain)


Our Responsibility

Posted: 16 Aug 2011 11:46 AM PDT

Different devotees are empowered in different ways and therefore different devotees are fulfilling different purposes. And of course sometimes there is a pure devotee, like Srila Prabhupada, who had been chosen to lead the world. But otherwise many pure devotees who are all serving the great acaryas and who need each other to improve the quality of service. In this way a vaisnava is never independent. A vaisnava is ready to hear from the other vaisnavas, to be corrected by other vaisnavas. But still a vaisnava has to keep his own integrity. Especially in maturity one has his own responsibility to represent Krsna and the parampara. One cannot say, 'oh everyone is doing it in this way, then that must be alright so I will follow the majority.' No, a brahmana is responsible to personally understand the scriptures, assimilate it and put it into practice. So with time we have greater and greater responsibility, to become representatives of the will of Krsna. But when coming before a greater vaisnava, we must be willing to bow down

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, August 2011, New Vraja Mandala, Spain)



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Among all kinds of killers, time is the ultimate because time kills everything

Bhagavad-gita As It Is | Part [BG.10.34]

TEXT 33:

aksharanam a-karo 'smi
dvandvah samasikasya ca
aham evakshayah kalo
dhataham visvato-mukhah


Of letters I am the letter A, and among compound words I am the dual compound. I am also inexhaustible time, and of creators I am Brahma.


A-kara, the first letter of the Sanskrit alphabet, is the beginning of the Vedic literature. Without a-kara, nothing can be sounded; therefore it is the beginning of sound. In Sanskrit there are also many compound words, of which the dual word, like rama-krishna, is called dvandva. In this compound, the words rama and krishna have the same form, and therefore the compound is called dual.
Among all kinds of killers, time is the ultimate because time kills everything. Time is the representative of Krishna because in due course of time there will be a great fire and everything will be annihilated.
Among the living entities who are creators, Brahma, who has four heads, is the chief. Therefore he is a representative of the Supreme Lord, Krishna.

Translation and commentary by His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada


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Jaya Jaya Sundara Nanda Kumara

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Song Name: Jaya Jaya Sundara Nanda Kumara
Official Name: Volume 6 Song 3
Author: Rupa Goswami
Book Name: Stavamala
Language: Sanskrit

jaya jaya sundara nanda-kumāra




(Refrain) O handsome son of Nanda, O Lord who enjoys springtime pastimes in the fragrant forest of Vrndavana, all glories to You! All glories to You!

1-3) O Lord whose curling hair is splendid with many new flower-buds, O Lord anointed by loving friends with kunkuma and powdered camphor,  O Lord the very gentle smile shining on whose lips is gazed at by Your friends, O Lord whose restless sidelong glances arouse the amorous desires of Radha, O Lord whose jewel necklace moves with Your graceful dancing that enchants the world, O friend of the devotees, O Lord whose incarnations enjoy pastimes in Sanatana Gosvami's heart, (followed by refrain) O handsome son of Nanda, O Lord who enjoys springtime pastimes in the fragrant forest of Vrndavana, all glories to You! All glories to You!


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Radhe Syama Syama Syama!

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Song Name: Jaya Madhava Madana Murari
Official Name: None
Author: Anonymous
Book Name: None
Language: Braja Bhasa

jaya mādhava madana murārī rādhe-śyāma śyāmā-śyāma
jaya keśava kali-mala-hārī rādhe-śyāma śyāmā-śyāma

sundara kuṇḍala naina viśāla, gale sohe vaijantī-mālā
chavi balihārī rādhe-śyāma śyāmā-śyāma

kabahūń luṭa luṭa dadhi khāyo, kabahūń madhu-vana rāsa racāyo
nācata vipina-vihārī rādhe-śyāma śyāmā-śyāma

gvāla-bāla sańga dhenu carāi, vana-vana brahmata phire yadu-rāi
kāńdhe kāmara kārī rādhe-śyāma śyāmā-śyāma

curā curā nava-nīta jo khāyo, vraja-vanitana pai nāma dharāyo
mākhana-cora murārī rādhe-śyāma śyāmā-śyāma

eka-dina māna indra ko māryo, nakha upara govardhana dhāryo
nama paḍayo giridhārī rādhe-śyāma śyāmā-śyāma

duryodhana ko bhoga na khāyo, rūkho sāga vidura ghara khāyo
aise prema pujārī rādhe-śyāma śyāmā-śyāma

karuṇā kara draupadī pukārī, paṭa lipaṭa gaye vana-vārī
nirakha rahe nara nārī rādhe-śyāma śyāmā-śyāma

bhakta-bhakta saba tumane tāre, binā bhakti hama ṭhāḍe dvāre
lījo khabara hamārī rādhe-śyāma śyāmā-śyāma

arjuna ke ratha hāńkana hāre, gītā ke upadeśa tumhāre
cakra-sudarśana-dhārī rādhe-śyāma śyāmā-śyāma

(Refrain) Glories to the husband of the goddess of fortune, who is the transcendental Cupid and the enemy of the demon Mura. Glories to the divine couple Radhe Syama, also known as Syama Syama! Glories to Lord Kesava, who has fine hair, who removes the miseries of the age of Kali—Radhe Syama Syama Syama!

1) O Krsna, You wear beautiful earrings, and You have lovely widened eyes. Around Your neck hangs the splendrous vaijanti flower garland. Your complexion is most excellent—Radhe Syama Syama Syama!

2) Sometimes You secretly plunder yogurt and eat it, and sometimes You design a rasa-dance performance with the young gopis in the forest of Madhuvana. There dances Vipina-Vihari, You who love to sport in the forest— Radhe Syama Syama Syama!

3) You herd the cows in the company of the cowherd boys. You, the monarch of the Yadu dynasty, thus wander from forest to forest, carrying a blanket draped over Your shoulder— Radhe Syama Syama Syama!

4) Because You, O Murari, repeatedly steal fresh butter from the homes of the women of Vraja and secretly eat it, they have named You ‘Makhan-Chor’ (the butter thief)— Radhe Syama Syama Syama!

5) One day You curbed the pride of Indra by lifting the great mountain Govardhana upon the tip of Your fingernail, thus winning for Yourself the name GiridhariRadhe Syama Syama Syama!

6) You did not accept the sumptuous feast of the wicked Duryodhana, but took the coarse food offered by Your devotee Vidura. Therefore You are worshipped by love and not by mere rituals—Rädhe Radhe Syama Syama Syama!

7) To bestow mercy upon Draupadi, You, the Lord of the forest, supplied unlimited cloth to protect her from shame, while the assembly of men and women looked on— Radhe Syama Syama Syama!

8) You deliver each of Your devotees in unique ways. Alas, we who are bereft of devotion are standing here outside Your door. Please favorably receive the news of our presence— Radhe Syama Syama Syama!

9) You were the driver of Arjuna’s chariot, and on the battlefield You gave Arjuna the instructions of the Bhagavad-Gita. During the fight You exhibited Your form as the wielder of the discus SudarsanaRadhe Syama Syama Syama!

Remarks/ Extra Information:
This song can be sung in Raga Jhinjhoti in Sitarkhani Tala (as Jagjit and Chitra Singh sang it in Samarpan), or Raga Yaman Kalyana (as Acyutananda Swami introduced it) in Kaherva Tala.

Jaya Madhava Madana Murari


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  • Technorati - Transcendental Consciousness

Transcendental Consciousness

Posted: 14 Aug 2011 03:26 PM PDT

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, Slovakia)

Lord Caitanya was in a completely transcendental consciousness – totally attached to Krishna. There was no material consideration. He was not caring about material things ever. He just cared about Krishna and He showed that.

'So what about us? Should we also become like that?'

We should but, it must be the result of love of God. Not that he became careless out of laziness. Now we are taking responsibility to use the material energy in the service of Krishna. But as love of God is awakening within the heart, then one becomes so overwhelmed than they may no longer be able to deal with all these material things! Then Krishna becomes everything!

Fully Focused On Krishna's Desires

Posted: 14 Aug 2011 01:15 PM PDT


 (Kadamba Kanana Swami, Sweden, 2010)

Transcribed by Madhumati Devi Dasi

Even a pure devotee in one sense is limited by this material world, but he is not affected. He accepts that:

'This is what Krishna has given me'.

Everyone has limitations and one may have the desire to do more for Krishna, but the power may not be given…. and we will have to just accept it………………………….. So in this material world and even in the spiritual world, we accept the service and role that He gives us. We have to simply become so focused on Krishna's desire and not our own as to; What we want to do for Krishna? But what is it that Krishna wants of me? What is my role?

Within time, that role becomes more and more clear. Just accept that role and make it something wonderful, which is what we have to do in this world! So in this way, the pure devotee is experiencing freedom, as he is something that Krishna wants him to be, and then one can serve Krishna in one's capacity and just do that. That's the 'jivan-mukta' – liberated.


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United we stand, divided we fall!

By simply associating with devotees who are practicing Krishna
consciousness to the fullest of their hearts, I could easily transcend
the modes of material nature. It appears that the hearts are cleaned
by bleaching powder or disinfectant. By my own endeavors, I am pulled
down, no matter How much effort I take. It shows individually we are
weak in front of the thieves and in the war. Union is Strength!


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Freedom from Frustration Part 3


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via by gurudasa on 8/12/11


(Kadamba Kanana Swami, Sweden, 2010)

Transcribed by Madhumati Devi Dasi

In the Srimad Bhagavatam, it is said that Yudhiṣṭhira Maharaja was blessed to fulfil all his desires on this planet, which is amazing! Who can actually say that? I can think on the top of my head of all of the unfulfilled desires. I need a lot of money and that desire hasn't yet been fulfilled. I need billions of euros or pounds which is worth something, because I have so many plans and I know how to spend that money quite well.

We could have few nice temples around the world with few nice festivals, and I could spend it very quickly and easily, which in no time it would be finished. It would be nice to do such thing. But here in this material world, we are always limited and we have to limit ourselves. But on the spiritual plane one becomes more and more empowered and the devotees in the spiritual sky they can execute whatever they desire as it is not only fulfilled, but even more so.

Dhruva Maharaja was saying:

"I was desiring broken pieces of glass and I got diamonds and I desired a kingdom greater than my father and grand father".

But he never realised what he would get and he got devotional service, which was so much greater. He also got a kingdom greater than his father and grandfather – a spiritual planet Dhruva Loka, and there the Lord was his personal attendant! So, he got more than he asked for or desired. So, that is the nature of devotional service. So, freedom means that instead of getting less than what we want and always feeling blocked in everything. Instead it is obtaining more than we imagined and that is the freedom! The freedom is in the experience of unlimited satisfaction were everything is perfect and that is spiritual life which in that way we attain freedom.


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To Only Think Of Krishna-Must Read!


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via by gurudasa on 8/13/11

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, Sweden, 2010)

Transcribed by Madhumati Devi Dasi

In spiritual life we get a bound day by day. Just look at the associates of Lord Krishna – Nanada Maharaja, Yasodha and Rohini as they are all in that mood of parental affection whilst they make such arrangements for Krishna's breakfast. It is just inconceivable and Krishna, who is half of the time distracted – as Radharani is there and she distracts His mind. He forgets to eat. He half plucks into the preparation and then Mother Yasodha is on top of Him:

" Krishna your not eating!"

Krishna said:

"I have already eaten so much and I am already completely full."

"No you have hardly eaten anything and you are getting weak. You have to go to the  forest for the entire day, and it has to last a long time…. so you may feel full now, but very soon it will be digested and there will be nothing to eat till lunch.The preparation is very nice and you will really like it."

She is trying to get Him to eat. He doesn't but Rohini has personally cooked and Yasodha says to Rohini:

"You speak to him, now".

Rohini is considering herself to be Krishna's mother and says:

"Listen to your mother. You are killing your mother by not eating what she has cooked for You. Please eat,"

So Krishna has to eat and eat and eat and they are forcing him more and more to eat and finally the whole ordeal of breakfast is over and it is time to go. They follow Him to the edge of the forest and then Krishna says:

"No…. no, you cannot come!"

Krishna finally asks his mother:

"What is most important for us?"

"Cows of course."

Then Krishna says:

" Isn't it true that we put the cows before us? "

"Yes of course we do".

"Then I can't have shoes unless all the cows and calf's have them".

Mother Yasodha couldn't arrange it, so that Krishna got out of it and then finally he wanted to go and Mother Yasodha, Nanda Maharaja and other elders follow him and then Krishna said:

"We cannot get in the mood of playing with the cow heard boys if the elders are around and they still don't go so".

So Krishna  gets heavy and  says:

" I will go to hell if you don't go now! If I cannot go to the forest to play with the cow heard boys and the cows, then I cannot do my sewa. Then I will go the hell if I cannot serve the cows because of you".

They still don't go,  so the final argument that does it is was:

"If you don't go home to cook then I will go hungry for lunch. I will not get lunch".

Then they realise and finally they go and get ready to prepare lunch and like that Krishna can finally go alone in the forest. So we can see the residence of Vrindavan – they get more and more bound to Krishna so much that they can't leave him and in his absence they are also bound that they can only think of Krishna!




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via Indradyumna Swami's Facebook Notes by Indradyumna Swami on 7/26/11

"An expert milk-thief, a thief of other's wives, a filcher of women's clothes, a thief of the demigods' trees, the thief of material existence, a butter thief and a thief of everything else, O husband of Laksmi, this is You."  [ Srila Bilvamangala Thakura ]


       The original text:


payah su-caurah paradara-caurah

stri-vastra-caurah sura-vrksa-caurah 

samsara-caurah sakaladhicaurah 

sriyah pate tvam navanita-caurah 



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Unfailing Devotion for Mahaprabhu


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via Indradyumna Swami's Facebook Notes by Indradyumna Swami on 7/31/11

"One who has unfailing devotion for the lotus feet of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu may be considered to have rendered devotional service to Radha and Krsna, the Lords of Vrindavan, for one hundred births."


[ Srila Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya, Susloka-Satakam, text 17 ]



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