
Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna

Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna
Gopis performing Devotional Service to the Lordships Sri Sri Radha Krishna - Spiritual life means hard work! - Spiritual life means hard work!

Spiritual life means hard work!

Posted: 14 Jun 2011 05:56 AM PDT

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, October 2010, Sydney, Australia)

Spiritual life is never cheap, never ever! It's never that you get it for nothing. Without
the effort it is not possible. Spiritual life means that you always need to make an
endeavour and each time there is a new one; just as you think, 'I've got it under
control, now I've got it figured out! Now I've done this for a year and it's not a problem, I can rise early…' right there, there is a new challenge. And if you don't stay on the cutting edge of taking a
challenge for Krsna and trying to do difficult things for Krsna then immediately
spiritual life becomes dry again.


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The ultimate goal of life!

"One should hold one's body, neck and head erect in a straight line
and stare steadily at the tip of the nose. Thus, with an unagitated,
subdued mind, devoid of fear, completely free from sex life, one
should meditate upon Me within the heart and make Me the ultimate goal
of life."
B. G. Chapter 6, Verse 13-`14


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Spirit is willing, flesh is playing!

Just like when we put on a coat, we think that we have become that
coat and we take pride on that covering. One other instance is when v
drive a car v think I am going faster than others but it's the car and
not me.
Same way we are inside this body and thinking&acting as if v r this
body. Spirit is willing, flesh is playing :) finally suffering :(


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Who's responsible for my suffering?

We act according to our whims, and the resultant action is there
immediately. Nature's law, God's law, is there. It is not God's
creation that somebody is suffering from some painful condition and
somebody is enjoying. No. We infect ourselves with some
contamination because this material world is full of contamination.
You must remain very cautious. Otherwise you will have to suffer.

His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
In his conversations in Mayapur, 19th March, 1976.


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Of all the yogis, one who constantly thinks of Me is the highest-Thats is My opinion!

Bhagavad-gita As It Is 6.47

yoginam api sarvesam


sraddhavan bhajate yo mam

sa me yuktatamo matah


yoginam -- of yogis; api -- also; sarvesam -- all types of; mat-gatena -- abiding in Me, always thinking of Me; antah-atmana -- within himself; sraddha-van -- in full faith; bhajate -- renders transcendental loving service; yah -- one who; mam -- to Me (the Supreme Lord); sah -- he; me -- by Me; yukta-tamah -- the greatest yogi; matah -- is considered.


And of all yogis, the one with great faith who always abides in Me, thinks of Me within himself, and renders transcendental loving service to Me -- he is the most intimately united with Me in yoga and is the highest of all. That is My opinion.


The word bhajate is significant here. Bhajate has its root in the verb bhaj, which is used when there is need of service. The English word "worship" cannot be used in the same sense as bhaj. Worship means to adore, or to show respect and honor to the worthy one. But service with love and faith is especially meant for the Supreme Personality of Godhead. One can avoid worshiping a respectable man or a demigod and may be called discourteous, but one cannot avoid serving the Supreme Lord without being thoroughly condemned. Every living entity is part and parcel of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and thus every living entity is intended to serve the Supreme Lord by his own constitution. Failing to do this, he falls down. The Bhagavatam (11.5.3) confirms this as follows:

ya esam purusam saksad

atma-prabhavam isvaram

na bhajanty avajananti

sthanad bhrastah patanty adhah

"Anyone who does not render service and neglects his duty unto the primeval Lord, who is the source of all living entities, will certainly fall down from his constitutional position."

In this verse also the word bhajanti is used. Therefore, bhajanti is applicable to the Supreme Lord only, whereas the word "worship" can be applied to demigods or to any other common living entity. The word avajananti, used in this verse of Srimad-Bhagavatam, is also found in the Bhagavad-gita. Avajananti mam mudhah: "Only the fools and rascals deride the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Lord Krsna." Such fools take it upon themselves to write commentaries on the Bhagavad-gita without an attitude of service to the Lord. Consequently they cannot properly distinguish between the word bhajanti and the word "worship."

The culmination of all kinds of yoga practices lies in bhakti yoga. All other yogas are but means to come to the point of bhakti in bhakti-yoga. Yoga actually means bhakti-yoga; all other yogas are progressions toward the destination of bhakti-yoga. From the beginning of karma-yoga to the end of bhakti-yoga is a long way to self-realization. Karma-yoga, without fruitive results, is the beginning of this path. When karma-yoga increases in knowledge and renunciation, the stage is called jnana-yoga. When jnana-yoga increases in meditation on the Supersoul by different physical processes, and the mind is on Him, it is called astanga-yoga. And when one surpasses the astanga-yoga and comes to the point of the Supreme Personality of Godhead Krsna, it is called bhakti yoga, the culmination. Factually, bhakti-yoga is the ultimate goal, but to analyze bhakti-yoga minutely one has to understand these other yogas. The yogi who is progressive is therefore on the true path of eternal good fortune. One who sticks to a particular point and does not make further progress is called by that particular name: karma-yogi, jnana-yogi or dhyana-yogi, raja-yogi, hatha-yogi, etc. If one is fortunate enough to come to the point of bhakti-yoga, it is to be understood that he has surpassed all other yogas. Therefore, to become Krsna conscious is the highest stage of yoga, just as, when we speak of Himalayan, we refer to the world's highest mountains, of which the highest peak, Mount Everest, is considered to be the culmination.

It is by great fortune that one comes to Krsna consciousness on the path of bhakti-yoga to become well situated according to the Vedic direction. The ideal yogi concentrates his attention on Krsna, who is called Syamasundara, who is as beautifully colored as a cloud, whose lotuslike face is as effulgent as the sun, whose dress is brilliant with jewels and whose body is flower-garlanded. Illuminating all sides is His gorgeous luster, which is called the brahmajyoti. He incarnates in different forms such as Rama, Nrsimha, Varaha and Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and He descends like a human being, as the son of mother Yasoda, and He is known as Krsna, Govinda and Vasudeva. He is the perfect child, husband, friend and master, and He is full with all opulences and transcendental qualities. If one remains fully conscious of these features of the Lord, he is called the highest yogi.

This stage of highest perfection in yoga can be attained only by bhakti-yoga, as is confirmed in all Vedic literature:

yasya deve para bhaktir

yatha deve tatha gurau

tasyaite kathita hy arthah

prakasante mahatmanah

"Only unto those great souls who have implicit faith in both the Lord and the spiritual master are all the imports of Vedic knowledge automatically revealed." [SU 6.23]

Bhaktir asya bhajanam tad ihamutropadhi-nairasyenamusmin manah-kalpanam, etad eva naiskarmyam. "Bhakti means devotional service to the Lord which is free from desire for material profit, either in this life or in the next. Devoid of such inclinations, one should fully absorb the mind in the Supreme. That is the purpose of naiskarmya." (Gopala-tapani Upanisad 1.15)

These are some of the means for performance of bhakti, or Krsna consciousness, the highest perfectional stage of the yoga system.

Courtesy & Reference :


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  • Technorati - The Revolving Door Dynamics - The Revolving Door Dynamics

The Revolving Door Dynamics

Posted: 13 Jun 2011 01:37 PM PDT

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, 2005)

If you go by statistics, than enough people become involved in Krishna Consciousness – and so many thousands were, and where are they now! They came. Sometimes they call this movement a revolving door…a revolving door and people come in, they spin around and then they go out from the other side. That is what is going on – the revolving door. So basically we are speaking about the revolving door dynamics! But they will come in and they shoot back out – and they will come in again – then they shoot back out again……come in again and gradually they will stay longer. So you have to look at it over a longer time span. We are just looking at it at a too shorter time span.

So many people interrupt their connection with Krishna Consciousness for a while and then they pick it back up. All along they are still thinking about it and its still working in that….. and they took a little distance…….then they get back into it. So its not like all those people who went through the revolving doors came in, and went forever – never to come back… it's not like that. Once touched – it doesn't just go away, it's an ongoing fermentation process! That's what you see, if you look at it over a longer time span, than it may take longer than one life… that's all – it's not a big deal. Some people do it over a couple of lives! Whilst some do it over many years!

The principle of empowerment

Posted: 13 Jun 2011 12:46 PM PDT

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, Amsterdam, 2010)

Empowerment means that even when we can do something, we don't… we let others do it so that in the course of doing it, they grow and become powerful. The whole sankirtan movement is based on this principle where Lord Caitanya lets others to do. This is also the principal of devotional service. Therefore Prabhupada said: In the material world, if you want a job you have to go for a job interview and they are testing if you have the qualifications… but in spiritual life, first you get the position and then the qualification.

That's the nature of spiritual life because it's based on the principle of empowerment!

So Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu wants us to distribute the fruit. Because it is said that when you distribute the fruit you have, afterwards you will find that you have more than you had before. So that is also there. And in our vaishnava community, the same principle of empowerment is needed which means that if there is someone who can do what we are doing, then let them do… but then what will we do? If we let others who come up behind us take over by giving them some support and help… what will we do?

If we give someone our service, then we try and do a bigger service! Each service is a preparation for the next…

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Words of Wisdom-Canakya Pandit

A man is born alone&dies alone& he experiences d good or bad
consequences of his karma alone and he goes alone2hell or 2d Supreme
Lord's abode(place)


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Drop all negative references to your past

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From: "Dr Satish Gosain (Sri Krishna Hari Das)" <>
Date: Sat, 11 Jun 2011 16:30:25 +0530
Subject: Fwd: Drop all negative references to your past

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From: Saci Gaurasundara Das . <>
Date: Mon, May 30, 2011 at 9:07 AM
Subject: Drop all negative references to your past

Drop all negative references to your past

One of the most severely limiting beliefs that many of us have is that the
person we were yesterday is the person we have to be today. This belief
keeps us tied to our past mistakes, habits, and limitations.

We somehow buy into the notion that if we weren't successful yesterday, we
certainly can't be successful today or tomorrow.

If you can see how ridiculous and self-defeating this belief is, you can
make an instant shift toward success. What prevents us from tapping into
this potential is our own mental ties to the past. Letting go of your past
is like taking a set of heavy chains from around your neck.

Our past has no power other than the power we give it. One of the most
dynamic and significant changes you can make in your life is to make the
commitment to drop all negative references to your past, to begin living
now. The positive energy you create may shock you. New doors and
opportunities will open.

As your past habits creep into your consciousness, simply acknowledge them
and let them go. Focus on what you can do today, right now in this moment.

*Srila Prabhupada's Quote*

*Vedic system advises women to become very chaste & accept the husband as
Your husband is especially good because he is progressing in Krishna
Even if there is some misunderstanding between husband & wife
that should be completely neglected & you should always remain rigid in
service of Krishna.
- Letter to: Nandarani, Delhi, October 8, 1967*


To serve the feet of the acaryas in association of the devotees is my
desire birth after birth

Your Humble Servent :-Saci Gaurasundara Das

Chant:Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare,Hare Rama Hare
Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare.& be Happy

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Yours Servant

Sri Krishna Hari Das
(Dr Satish Gosain MBBS DNB i Med)
Congregational Preacher, ISKCON, Delhi, NCR & Gurgaon.
Dr Bharti Nursing Home, B-30 hari Nagar, New Delhi 110064
+91-97170-55006, +91-98913-86194 +91-11-2512-5595, +91-11-2512-8754
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Behold-The Friend, Well-wisher, Lover of Everyone!!!!

Make Him your Lover, understand He is your only benefactor, well wisher, enjoyer of all that you do. You will be peaceful and happy forever.And your love for Him is never lost unlike the bodily relations. Because the bodily relations are based on the external beauty so our love for the people changes in due course of time as the body changes.

He is the one who is giving food for everyone and He is the one who is even digesting that. So factually we doing nothing but just watching all that is happening and accepting, rejecting all that comes on our plate. Our part is only making a conscious decision as to how to use things that comes our way - For our sake or for His sake(that matters).

Associate with the modes or rise above the modes, it's upto us. Well it's not that easy but we derive the power from the spiritual master and the devotees to keep going!!! Have a wonderful week ahead!!




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Unhappy people, because of decorating the dead body only!

Som people can b cheated4som time but all cannot b cheated all d
time.People r becoming intelligent enuf2understand d genuineness of
vedic culture.Even50yrs ago people had atleast satisfactory lives
unlike d frustrated1s 2day.Becoz modern civilization failed2c&feed d
soul&is only decorating d dead body :(


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  • Technorati - The Spirit of Humility

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From: "" <>
Date: Sun, 12 Jun 2011 05:04:56 +0000
Subject: - The Spirit of Humility

The Spirit of Humility

Posted: 11 Jun 2011 04:29 PM PDT

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, 2005)

When I first came to this movement, there was an black American devotee
who was looking after me, and he was helping me in my spiritual life. I had
jaundice so I could not eat so many things. No halwa, which was a disaster!
You join and you cannot have halwa – so it was very serious. I was
depressed to say the least, and at prasadam time I was seriously depressed.
I had to let all that good stuff go.

So, he made some special banana bread for me, which was kind of very nice.
He would just put it in my cupboard and then write a note for me, and he
would sign it as:

"Your dog servant".

And I thought:

"Oh my God! How can anyone in the world call himself your dog servant? It's
like its too much! If he had written your servant, than I could have gotten
that. But your dog servant! It's too much – its over the top!"

I really felt that it was over the top, but he would write things like
that. When that bread was there, it was so good. It was not just bananas
inside, but there was also dried fruit, figs and so many things. It was too
good, and it was a big flat bread, that I would just break a piece off and
eat it. One day he told me:

"You're just eating like a mouse!"

Because, of the way I was eating the bread, that I looked like a mouse.
It's true actually.I felt caught. He was calling himself my 'dog servant'
and I could not understand how anyone could refer to himself as so low.
This is too much, but now I understand better, that a vaisnava is looking
at himself with a magnifying glass. He is very strict, and he is looking at
himself and saying:

" I have to grow…I have to grow and change. There is so many things in me
that have to change! For so long I have been living in the wrong way, and
for so long I have developed so many bad habits…and for so long I have just
automatically let it go and I carry with me – bad habits from my last life.
In this life I have picked up many more and some I picked up from my
parents and so on. Here I am and full of bad habits and now I have to deal
with that. So therefore I have to adjust and change!"

So he looks at himself with a magnifying glass to see where to make the
changes, and he always trying to make the changes. Therefore, he is trying
to take the humble position:

"So whatever I am is not important. If whatever I am is important, than I
cannot change. How can I change? I am like this – I have been like this my
whole life! How can I change?"

But if one is humble than he would say:

"Yes I have been like this so many lifetimes, because of my foolishness".

So in the spirit of humility, one can even change their habits of many
lifetimes, but in the spirit of pride, one cannot change their habit even
in a few years. Therefore, humility is required if we want to bring about a
change of heart, but it is a fact that if one gets too much into finding
faults, by looking at ones own faults with a magnifying glass to make it
worse. One might say:

"Well that's depressing…that's too depressing".

And all day long they will say:

"I'm so fallen. I'm a rat…I'm a dog…I'm low. I can't do anything. I've got
two left hands. I'm going to jump off the bridge".

This is what comes next. Therefore, with the combination that we realise
that we have also got the mercy of the Supreme Lord and because of the
mercy of the Supreme Lord, I am becoming qualified…because the mercy of the
Supreme Lord is such that it gives us the right activity, and if I simply
take to this mercy of the Lord and do the right activity – the activity
that is not destructive but the one that is auspicious. The activity that
with every step that I take, then I am coming closer to a perfect
destination, and with my every action towards anyone, than that person is
also coming closer to an ultimate better destination.

So in this spirit of embracing the mercy, one becomes very positive, then
one appreciates the greatness of Krishna, His kind mercy, and how we
ourselves are not qualified!

Carrying the Vaishnavas

Posted: 11 Jun 2011 02:05 AM PDT

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, Durban South Africa, April 2011)

Srila Prabhupada wrote 2 letters after the departure of his spiritual
master.  In the first letter he said: My spiritual master has now
returned back to the spiritual world and taken up his eternal position as a
manjari in the spiritual world.

In the second letter he writes: But l know that my spiritual master,
although he is now in the spiritual world, he is always looking at
everything I do.

In other words, he is still actively involved with the here and now. And
thats the situation.

So the great and pure devotees, they can manifest themselves either by
appearing before devotees, either by appearing in the dreams of devotees,
or either by appearing through someone else, by arranging for Krsna
Conscious influence in the life of devotees. In this there is no doubt.

We can understand that as Srila Prabhupada wrote that his spiritual master
was watching over him, that Prabhupada is still watching over us. And isnt
that what we are experiencing?

One devotee had done so much service and still had some rounds left and
was chanting, and then, just so exhausted, went to bed.  Immediately he
had a dream that there was someone at the door.  He opened the door and it
was Prabhupada, and Prabhupada said: Did you finish your rounds? Which he

So Prabhupada will help us, will help us, and the great and pure devotees
will continue to help us even though they are in the spiritual world.  And
there are others, other pure devotees who will emerge, and who will
manifest themselves and who will carry the Vaisnavas.

So one should not just look at the pure devotees who have passed on, but
one should also look at the pure devotees in the present who will, somehow
or the other, give us shelter.  We take shelter there and then everything
can be attained, because the same knowledge, the same mercy is coming in
disciplic succession.

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The character of Bharata Maharaj part-2

Even the sinful activities of the material world will subside but the
offences to the devotees of the Lord will destroy the creeper of
devotion completely. Intentional or unintentional, the offence has its
effect. In the case of Bharata Maharaj it's residual effect of some
accidental offence to a Vaishnava-notes from HH.Bhanu Swami Maharaj SB


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The character of Bharata Maharaj part-1

Verbal,mental,physical offences Last longer even upto the stage of
Bhava. This was one reason as to why Bharata Maharaj developed
attachment for deer even after having attained so much attachment for
the Supreme Lord.
And he was so unfortunate to meet death at such a time when he was
thinking of deer. But the Lord is so merciful that he was taking care
of him that he was able to remember the Lord even in the body of deer.
Once after that time Bharata Maharaj never forgot the Lord. But just
that little time which he forgot the Lord has become so detrimental
for him. Of Course that's considered a fall down-notes from HH.Bhanu
Swami Maharaj


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Knife to kill or save?

Knife in d hands of a doctor can save d life while d same knife in d
hands of a rogue can take away life.Same way dis
body,mind,senses,intelligence can b used4d SupremeLord2save our soul
or 4our SensePleasure2kill d soul.A materialist kills his own soul
while a devotee of d Lord saves both himself&others


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Modes of material nature change&we feel changed

We cannot stay in one material mode for a long time. Sometimes the
mode of goodness predominates the mode of passion&ignorance and at
other times the mode of passion dominates the mode of goodness and
ignorance while the mode of ignorance defeats both goodness and
passion. In this way there's always supremacy for one over the other.


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Leader means suffering

Leader means suffering.The King is responsible for the wrong actions
of the subjects.So it's a very dangerous position to accept
leadership.Once there was an injured dog in the Kingdom of Lord Ram
Which was waiting outside the assembly for justice from the Lord.
When enquired, the dog said a Brahmana hit him with anger on his head
for no fault of his and it was bleeding. Then the Brahmana was brought
to investigate the matter and the incident was found to be true.
Brahmana should not be punished by the King. So the dog said let him
become a Spiritual Leader. Everyone in the assembly was wondering How
that could be a punishment. Lord Ram said,the dog is well versed with
the intricacies of karma. The dog then said, I was a Spiritual Leader
in my previous life. I was taking good care of the followers yet I
didnt know what mistake of my followers brought me to the body of a
dog. This Brahmana could not control his anger&if he becomes a
Spiritual Leader,he's sure to fall down and suffer for many births
-excerpt from Ramayana.


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A wise old monkey!

Hare Krishna,

I heard the following story once from an old brahmacari in temple. The idea he told was, we are enjoying the material life like the young monkeys in the story without heeding to the Spiritually advanced ones(compared to the the  wise old monkey in the story) and think that those in the temple undergoing austerity are foolish. But the fire of material life will burn us in due course of time which we seldom realize.


By: Rajiv Lochan Das-Facebook
A Wise Old Monkey A king used to maintain a group of monkeys for providing entertainment for his sons. The monkeys were very nicely fed with sumptuous delicacies every day. The leader of the monkeys was well-versed in the scriptures of such wise personalities as Sukracrya, Brhaspati and Canayaka, and he used to teach the other monkeys these scriptures. There was also a pack of sheep in the king's palace and the little princes used to ride them for fun. One of those sheep was very fond of eating anything from the palace kitchen. The cooks in the kitchen had to beat the sheep quite often to prevent it from causing mischief. The monkey leader thought that this kind of behaviour every now and then may result in something disastrous for the monkeys in the long run. The sheep are extremely gluttonous and the cooks, on the other hand, are very adept in beating the sheep with whatever they find at hand. In case the cooks any time start hitting the sheep hit a burning stick from the fire, then the furry body of the sheep would surely start burning. When such a burning sheep starts running around in frenzy and by chance enters into the nearby horse stable, then the hay inside will catch on fire and the entire stable along with it's horses will be a blazing fire in no time. One ancient expert Salihotra, who is well versed in animal husbandry prescribes that burns on horse flesh can be healed by animal skin obtained from monkeys. Accordingly, the king will have the monkeys killed. Apprehending thus, the wise old monkey leader called along all the monkeys confidentially and told them, In a place like this where the sheep and the cooks are in constant confrontation, we, the monkeys, are sure to meet with our destruction. So, let us take refuge in a forest somewhere before we are destroyed en masse. But the arrogant young monkeys did not have any respect for the wise old monkey's advice. They simply ridiculed the old monkey, saying, You must be under some sort of delusion due to your advancing age, and so you are talking like a lunatic. We are not interested in leaving the place for forest life only to live on distasteful fruits; here we are being fed with nectarean varieties of foodstuffs by the princes themselves. Upon hearing the puffed-up monkeys retorting like this, the old monkey told them with tearful eyes, O fools, you do not know the results of such pleasure. Do not you know this will be ultimately destructive for you! So let me leave for the forest alone - I do not want to see your deaths. Saying thus, the monkey-leader started for the forest, leaving behind all the other monkeys. Following this, one day that greedy sheep entered into the kitchen. The cook struck the beast with burning firewood. Immediately the sheep started crying and ran straight into the nearby horse stable. As the sheep, with the fire all over it's body, started rolling desperately over the hay-stack kept in the stable, the entire pavilion caught fire and many of the horses were burnt to death while the others just ran a mock, resulting in a great consternation all over. The king immediately summoned his veterinary surgeon for the treatment of the horses. The surgeon quoted Salihotra's prescription that monkey's tallow was essential for the quick healing of the burns suffered by the horses. So the king ordered that treatment should immediately be undertaken to save the horses, and accordingly he also issued his instructions to kill the monkeys to collect their tallows. The monkey leader got the news and was very much depressed.  PURPORT :--  This moral story as narrated by  Lion Guru His Divine Grace Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura Jagad Guru Srila Prabhupada Those who contemplate that the ageing advisor (spiritual master) might be under delusion and may not know more than a common person knows, and thus follow evil companions, will certainly meet with a disastrous end in everything.  


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