
Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna

Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna
Gopis performing Devotional Service to the Lordships Sri Sri Radha Krishna

Who is perfect in the eyes of Krishna?

Those who fix their minds on My personal form and are always engaged
in worshiping Me with great and transcendental faith are considered by
Me to be most perfect.
(Lord Sri Krsna - Bhagavad-gita 12.2)


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Liberation is hell!

Liberation is hell for a devotee. A devotee never seeks liberation but
he's already liberated. Haridas Thakur said this liberation is
available even for the devotees who chant with nama abhas what to
speak of advanced devotees? Impersonal Liberation is equivalent to
killing oneself. Of course there is some peace and freedom from
material desires&material nature's influence,but no happiness. There's
absolutely no chance to serve the Lord or think about serving the Lord
once after becoming one in the Brahma Jyoti.
It's even more dangerous than our present condition because even with
our body,mind,intelligence,wealth,family, we can engage in Devotional
service&attain Supreme bliss but not in liberation. Dhuruva Maharaj
even though had been provided with material boons,he was able to
utilize that for Devotional Service to the Lord-notes taken from
HH.Bhanu Swami Maharaj SB class


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Happen Once only!

King of learning4once& d daughter is given in
marriage4once.All these things happen once&once only-Chanakya Pandit


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What relieves a grief stricken man?

When one is consumed by the sorrows of life,3 things give him
relief;offspring,a wife and the company of Lord's devotees-Chanakya


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  • Technorati - Goloka – The Core of the Spiritual World - Goloka – The Core of the Spiritual World

Goloka – The Core of the Spiritual World

Posted: 03 Jun 2011 02:00 PM PDT

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, 2005)

There are many dimensions that remain unknown to us, and therefore from our present position in the material world, we cannot understand the spiritual world. So it is said that in the spiritual world there are also divisions. You can also see in this chart……how the rasas are manifesting in various realms.

It is said that in the spiritual world there are different areas – there are the planets of Vaikunthas, and above these planets of the Vaikunthas is Ayodhyā. Actually we could explain it more simpler. The spiritual realm is unlimited and it consists of the effulgence of Brahman. Within the effulgence of Brahman, there are unlimited Vaikuntha planets, and within that realm of Brahman, there is a huge area which takes up about half of it – which is Goloka, and it is in a form of a lotus with petals. On the petals of that lotus – just on the external side we find Ayodhyā, the abode of Lord Ram, and then on the inner side of the petals we find Dwarika. Then in the actual core we find Goloka!

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Only Spiritual Master can solve our real problems&lamentation!

Only Spiritual Master can solve our real problems&lamentation!

There r many economically developed countries with all material comforts&facilities,still they lack peace&happiness.Why so? Arjuna said2Krsna,Even if I win a prosperous&unrival Kingdom on Earth like demigods of heaven,I'll not b able2solve my problems of life.So Academic knowledge,hi position,scholarship r useless in solving life's probs.Only a Spiritual master like LordSriKrsna can solve d real problems(oldage,disease,death,repeated birth)of life2saveUs.


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Why is There Suffering in the World?

Why is There Suffering in the World?

Radhanath Swami • April 15, 2011 • Comments (0)

It's usually the sufferings of this world that serve as an impetus for us to not just theoretically try to understand what is beyond, but to feel the urgent need to do something about it, to realize and experience the essence of the self.

According to the Bhagavad-gita, as well as according to the teachings of Lord Buddha, the source of suffering is in the fact that the body is temporary, that life is temporary, and therefore everything is subjected to birth, old age, disease, and death.

The Vedas explain that there are three types of suffering: Adhyatmika, sufferings of one's own bodyand mind; Adi-bhautika, sufferings due to other living beings; and Adi-daivika, sufferings due to natural circumstances like heat or cold, or earthquakes. These sufferings are always there, potentially posing threat to the physical body at any moment.


The soul, Krishna explains, is never born and never dies. That source of life within the body, the source of consciousness, is the atma or the soul. The soul is transcendental. In Sanskrit: sat, cit, ananda – the soul is eternal, full of knowledge, and full of bliss. That is who we are.

The soul is like the driver of the car, and the body is like the car. We are seeing through our eyes, hearing through our ears, smelling through our nose, tasting through our tongue, touching through our skin, thinking through our brain. But who are we? Are we a brain or a heart or an eye or an ear?

We are the witness – the soul. That is who we are. That soul is by nature full of love and always fulfilled. But when that soul identifies itself with the body and becomes immersed in that state, then the soul has to identify with all of the vulnerabilities and frailties of this body. That is the source of all suffering!

The Purpose

In many ways, the sufferings in this world are blessings because they help us to take life very seriously, if we make that choice, to really understand what is deeper, what is higher than all these temporary pleasures and pains, honor and dishonor, happiness and distress, health and disease, success and failure, birth and death.

The world around us is constituted on the basis of dualities. One brings pleasure, the other one brings pain. To the degree we are attached to something that gives us pleasure, to that same degree we suffer when it is lost. Ultimately, because everything is under the consumption of time, everything will be lost.

So going through these experiences, thoughtful people contemplate, "Is there something higher?" "Is there something deeper?" "Is there something more to life than this?"

All the great saintly teachers and all the great sacred scriptures are leading us in that direction, that "There is something more." This world is just a temporary place but this world can be a launching pad to help us realize the inner treasures within our own heart.

It's usually the sufferings of this world that serve as an impetus for us to not just theoretically try to understand what is beyond, but to feel the urgent need to do something about it, to realize and experience the essence of the self.

The Light

In the Bhagavad-gita Krishna tells, dukhalayam asasvatam, that the nature of this world, when we are in ignorance of our true self, is suffering. Potentially there can be suffering at any moment, whoever we are, however wealthy, however educated, however powerful. Disease, people, natural circumstance, etc., they all could create a disaster, create a tragedy. So whatever happiness anyone has in this world, it is so tottering. It is like a drop of water on a lotus leaf – at any moment it could slip away. So where is permanent happiness? Where is freedom from suffering? It exists only on the spiritual platform. And that is what all the great sages have come to tell us.

In the Bible it is said, "Make your treasure not in this world, but make your treasure in the kingdom of God. In this world your treasure will be stolen by thieves, or rusted by the elements, or eaten by moths. But if you make your treasure in the kingdom of God, it will be perfect and infallible." And then Jesus said, "The Kingdom of God is within."

Similarly, Lord Krishna tells in the Bhagavad-gita, "One should find pleasure within". One should find satisfaction within. One should be enlightened and illuminated from within. The life of such a person is of substantial quality and real intelligence."

We should seek that eternal reality beyond all the sufferings of this world and thus find realhappiness.


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Who is Rupa-manjari?

Posted: 02 Jun 2011 03:48 PM PDT

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, 2005)

It is said that Srila Rupa Goswami was none other than Rupa-manjari. 'Rupa-manjari….Who is Rupa-manjari?'
Rupa-manjari is the intimate servant of Lalita Devi …'Who is Lalita Devi?' Lalita Devi is the direct associate of Srimati Radharani. So, Rupa-manjari is very close to Srimati Radharani. Therefore, Rupa-manjari is heading up our sampradāya. So Srila Rupa Goswami is the leader of our disciplic succession – coming down from Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, and therefore we are chanting the verse:

sthāpitam yena bhū-tale
svayam rūpah kadā mahyam
dadāti sva-padāntikam'

One must take shelter of Srila Rupa Goswami. It is by taking shelter of Srila Rupa Goswami then one can fully….fully realise all the conclusions of devotional service!

A taste of where we could be

Posted: 02 Jun 2011 12:07 PM PDT

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, Durban – South Africa, April 2011)

To not be concerned with one's position, to give up all designations, not to consider: 'I am this, I am that!  I have these qualifications.'  To simply free oneself from all these designations and to dedicate oneself fully to serving the senses of Krsna – that is the essence of the residents of Vṛndāvana.

So by hearing about such Vaisnavas, who are just selflessly labouring to serve Krsna and to connect others with Krsna, such Vaisnavas are very inspiring personalities.  And they can strengthen our faith.

In the Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu, which Srila Prabhupada translated as The Nectar of Devotion, there is something called chaya bhava, which is an interesting phenomenon.  It describes that when we are associating with a great devotee, that great devotee has natural deep emotion or attraction to Krsna, and in his association we may also feel a little bit of chaya bhava, which is a shadow reflection of his mood.  So in the presence of the great Vaisnavas we feel uplifted, we feel like dancing, singing… we feel very enlivened in our Krsna Consciousness suddenly.  And then, after some time, when we are no longer in the association, we feel 'out of it'.   But something of that shadow reflection is actually valuable.  Although it was a temporary inspiration, it gives us a taste of where we could be.

24h Kirtana in Burmingham and Initiaion in Leicester

Posted: 02 Jun 2011 08:43 AM PDT

From London our trip brought us to Leicester. After the morning program, with Maharaja giving the Srimad Bhagavatam class with the topic: "Vrindavana, a state of conciousness", it was off to Birmingham, where a 24-hour kirtana took place. Guests like Sacinandana Maharaja and Madhava Prabhu made for action in the kirtana and Kadamba Kanana Maharaja once again turned raga into rock and got almost everybody to dance.

The day after the 24-hour kirtana, Maharaja held an initiation ceremony in Leicester. The initiates were Upendra and Aatish, who were given the names Bali Mardana Dasa and Gurudasa Dasa.


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In Glorification of a Vaisnava

Posted: 02 Jun 2011 03:00 AM PDT

A Vaisnava is always preaching the glories of Krishna and other vaisnava's are always glorifying those vaisnava who preach boldy. I have created this  powerpoint slideshow to show my respects to Kadamba Kanana Swami and his bold preaching all over the world.

View the slideshow:
(You need Microsoft Powerpoint to view the slideshow)

Slideshow 1

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[srilaprabhupadanectar] Remembering Srila Prabhupada - Class at Melbourne

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Date: Thu, 2 Jun 2011 20:00:25 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: [srilaprabhupadanectar] Remembering Srila Prabhupada - Class
at Melbourne

Class at Melbourne

Prabhupada's reason for travelling to Melbourne was mainly to train
and convince his disciples. Out of the nine processes of devotional
service to Lord Krsna, Prabhupada had explained that the first
process, hearing, was the most important. Without hearing sufficiently
from authentic sources like Srimad-Bhagavatam and Bhagavad-gita,
no-one could make progress in spiritual life. Thus for the devotees,
hearing directly from their spiritual master was the highlight of
their few days with him.

In the evening, Srila Prabhupada spoke to a packed temple room from
Chapter 13 of Bhagavad-gita, verse 2.

The Supreme Personality of Godhead said: "This body, O Son of Kunti,
is called the field, and one who knows this body is called the knower
of the field."

Prabhupada spoke about the body and the owner of the body, ksetra and
ksetrajnah. "Ksetra means field. Just like a tiller, agriculturalist.
He is given a certain tract of land, and he tills and produces grains
or some vegetables or something eatable. Similarly this body is the
field and I am, or you are, who is occupying this body, we are
tillers. This body is given by nature and I am spirit soul. Just like
one may possess very valuable land, one may possess land not so
valuable, ordinary, and one may possess a third-class field.
Similarly, we living entities, we are given a certain type of body to
work with and enjoy or suffer the result of an action. Somebody is
very highly intelligent. Somebody is not so intelligent. Somebody is
very rich. Somebody is poor. Somebody is middle-class. Somebody is an
animal. Somebody is a tree. Somebody an insect. Somebody is an

Prabhupada described that although there were many varieties of life,
modern universities and educational institutions could not ascertain
the exact number. "They cannot say. But, if you consult the Vedic
literatures, you'll find exactly the number, jalaja nava-laksani: 'In
the water, the aquatic living beings are nine hundred thousand
different bodies.' So I don't think there is any biologist or botanist
who can say exactly how many forms of life there are within the water.

"We have got information from Vedic literature that there is a fish
which is called timingila. Timi means whale fish. These timingila fish
swallow up these whale fish like this." Srila Prabhupada opened his
mouth and eyes very wide and imitated the timingila fish gulping down
a whole whale. The devotees laughed to see Prabhupada's perfect

"Similarly, the Vedic literatures give information, sthavara
laksa-vimsati. Sthavara means the living entities who cannot move."
Srila Prabhupada gave an astonishing example. "Here, by the side of
the wall, this house, there is a tree. It has grown. Just see that
tree is not even within the jungle. In a small space it has grown all
sides surrounded by house, and it is alone. Just see how much
condemned life. Other trees, they are at least in the jungle, in the
society of trees." The devotees laughed. "But this tree is alone. We
have to consider this, how this tree has been so much condemned. Tree
is condemned life because you are human beings, you are sitting here.
If you like, you can move immediately. But the tree cannot move.
'Stand up there.' By who's order? By God's order. 'You must stand up.'
Don't take it neglectfully. It is very serious. According to Vedic
calculation, this tree which has grown here, that living entity was
sometimes the owner or occupier of this house, and it had so much
attachment that it cannot go out of this house. Therefore he has been
given this body, tree. 'Alright, you live here and stand up.'"

The devotees were amazed to hear this description of the identity of
the young solitary rhus tree which had grown from the concrete yard at
the side of the house. Prabhupada continued: "Sometimes we become
ghosts. If we become too much attached, we cannot leave. Therefore too
much opulent apartment, opulent life, is not very good for spiritual
advancement, because we get too much attached to it. My guru maharaja
used to advise us that 'It is better to live in a rented house than to
possess one's own house'. Why? Because if we possess our own house,
we'll be more attached. [This] attachment sometimes leads me to become
a tree, a mouse, to become a serpent in the same house. After all, you
may purchase a nice house, you decorate it very nicely. But you have
to leave it. You cannot live here permanently. That is not possible."

Prabhupada concluded the class by saying that just as there are
different qualities of fields, the human body is the best type of body
for inquiry into the Absolute Truth. "Athato brahma-jijnasa. Therefore
the Vedanta-sutra says that this life is simply meant for enquiry
about the Supreme. That's all. The animals cannot do it. So, simply if
we waste our time just like the animals, then again we glide down to
animal life. That is a great loss. After many, many births we have got
this human form of life. If we simply waste like cats and dogs, then
again we become cats and dogs or trees or anything. There are so many
species of life. That will be a great mistake, a great loss. Havoc it
will be. Therefore, our, this Krsna consciousness movement, is to
educate people to God consciousness or Krsna consciousness so that his
life may be successful. Thank you very much."

After the evening program, Mohanananda, who had travelled down to
Melbourne with Srila Prabhupada, asked him frankly in his room which
temple he preferred -- Sydney or Melbourne. With a smile, Prabhupada
answered that as far as decoration was concerned, although the Sydney
altar was better, it appeared that the Melbourne temple had done a
better job overall. Mohanananda excused himself and immediately rang
Sydney to break the news, and offer some advice. Since Prabhupada was
returning to Sydney in four days, Mohanananda suggested that the
Sydney devotees should get to work immediately, upgrading the Sydney
temple as quickly and nicely as possible. And he added, in his
characteristic flamboyant style, "money is no object". The
transcendental competition continued.

- From "The Great Transcendental Adventure" by HG Kurma Prabhu

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Hippy or Happy?

Why to travel?
There's absolutely no need for any of us to travel as like we do in
our everyday life in the city. It's the miserable part of our day
which may last around 45-120 minutes one way. We can be peaceful
without industries.We can have a piece of land to grow our own
food&then live peacefully without any tension, chanting, singing the
names of the Lord,discussing about the Lord. When will that day be
No one is really happy in the city life but assume so due to the
widespread propaganda.
Hippies are the result of massive industrialization. Srila Prabhupada
turned hippies to happies by simply making them chant Hare Krishna. We
need to prioritize our values, before it becomes too late :(


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[srilaprabhupadanectar] Remembering Srila Prabhupada - Visit to Melbourne

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 1 Jun 2011 20:00:23 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: [srilaprabhupadanectar] Remembering Srila Prabhupada - Visit
to Melbourne

Visit to Melbourne

Wednesday, 5 April 1972

After five busy days of preaching in Sydney, Srila Prabhupada flew to
Melbourne, the capital of the State of Victoria. As the Ansett
Airlines flight landed at Melbourne's Tullamarine airport, about 20
devotees chanted loudly near Arrival Bay Three, despite objections
from airport officials.

This was Prabhupada's first visit to Melbourne. For many of the
devotees who lived in the fledgling temple, it was to be their premier
chance for personal association with their spiritual master, about
whom they had heard so much. The kirtana reached a climax, then
abruptly ended. As Prabhupada emerged, devotees showered him with
marigolds and purple dahlias, and prostrated themselves on the floor.
Prabhupada walked briskly to the VIP lounge for a pre-arranged press
conference as the chanting resumed.

While press and television news crews rushed to set up their lights
and cameras, Prabhupada sat down cross-legged on a soft chair and
accompanied the chanting with karatals. He sat gravely, covered in
garlands, surveying the small band of devotees that sat before him.
Behind him on the wall, the devotees had mounted a bright red poster
advertising Prabhupada's speaking engagements over the next few days.

The questions came quickly: "What is your purpose in coming to
Australia?" asked one reporter.

"My purpose in coming is to broadcast the message of love of God,
achievable through the chanting of the holy names, Hare Krsna. By
chanting the maha-mantra, the heart becomes cleansed of all dirty

"Aren't you withdrawing from life?"

"No, we are also working, we are also eating, we are also sleeping;
but while other people are concerned with the material necessities of
life, we are concerned with the spiritual necessities."

There was a great need, he explained, for God consciousness
everywhere. Therefore, he said, he travelled everywhere, just as a
salesman travels everywhere. A salesman, he said, looks for customers
wherever he can find them. Similarly, he was travelling, searching for
anyone intelligent enough to accept his message.

"There is no difference in coming to Australia," he said. "The
governments have made a demarcation, "This is Australia", but we see
everywhere as the land of Krsna."

- From "The Great Transcendental Adventure" by HG Kurma Prabhu

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Austerity is source of joy for a devotee!

By Karnamrita Dasa <> • April
15, 2011

There are three consecutive verses in the Bhagavad-gita which delineate
austerity of the body <>, speech, and the
mind. They are considered in the mode, or quality, of goodness, and are thus
favorable for the practice of spiritual
Within these verses favorable practices for a spiritually balanced
life<> are

"Austerity of the body <> consists in
expressing devotion to Godhead, the brahmanas, the spiritual teacher, and
superiors like the father and mother, and in cleanliness, simplicity,
celibacy and nonviolence."

"Austerity of speech consists in speaking words that are truthful, pleasing,
beneficial, and not agitating to others, and also in regularly reciting
Vedic literature."

"Satisfaction, simplicity, gravity, self-control, and purification of one's
existence are the austerities of the mind" [Bhagavad-gita 17.14-16]

Austerity is also one of the qualities attributed to the brahmanas, the
traditional Vedic teachers insociety <>:

"Peacefulness, self-control, austerity, purity, tolerance, honesty,
knowledge, wisdom, and religiousness — these are the natural qualities by
which the brahmanas work." [Bhagavad-gita 18.42]

And finally, austerity is considered one of the four basic principles of
spirituality given in the Srimad-Bhagavatam. They consist of austerity,
cleanliness, mercy and truthfulness. Although these principles can be
considered as corollary factors which support the most important practices
of devotional life <>, they are essential
principles which promote a pure lifestyle.

Although sometimes Srila
Prabhupada<> would
say that human life <> is meant for
austerity, on the path of devotion, we don't engage in greatly difficult and
austere practices like the traditional yogis do. From our perspective such
austerities can make the heart hard, while bhakti is about softening the
heart through loving Krishna. Our austerity is the natural austerity which
comes in relationship to service to Krishna. For example eating (or
honoring) the sanctified vegetarian food, although enjoyable, is also an
austerity, as one doesn't eat food that cannot be offered to Krishna.
Alcohol and meat are some of the foods that cannot be offered to Krishna as
they are considered impure and polluting. Once we become attracted to
Krishna and center our life <> on his
service, many activities fall away that we used to think nothing about
doing. Some would call this austere, but for a duamevotee it becomes a source
of joy. Such natural austerities help us fix our minds and hearts on Krishna
and make spiritual progress.

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How can an ill-behaved person like me attain devotional service?

Narottama Dasa Thakura
How can an ill-behaved
person like me attain
devotional service? I have
no loving attachment to Sri
Guru and Vaisnavas. My
mind is endlessly absorbed
in maya, and I don't even
have the slightest loving
attachment to the
Vaisnavas. I have been
blinded due to being
absorbed in sense
gratification day and night
and the witch named maya
repeatedly hangs a noose
around my neck.
Mar 12 · Like
Narottama Dasa Thakura
There is no way to defeat
her or give her up unless I
attain the mercy of the
saints. O Vaisnava! O
master! You do not look
for faults, but you simply
redeem the fallen! This
time redeem this
Mar 12 · Like · 1
Narottama Dasa Thakura
Verses 1-5
Song Name: Ki Rupe Paibo
Official Name: Vaisnava
Vijnapti Song 3
Book Name: Prarthana
Language: Bengali
kirūpe pāibo sevā mui
śrīguru vaiṣṇave rati nā
hoilo āmāra
aśeṣa māyāte mana
magana hoilo
vaiṣṇavete leśa mātra rati
nā janmilo
viṣaye bhuliyā andha hoinu
gale phāńsa dite phire
māyā se piśācī
ihāre koriyā jaya chāḍāno
nā yāya
sādhu kṛpā vinā āra nāhiko
adoṣa-daraśi prabhu! patita
eibāra narottame koroho


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Jewels of purity

Posted: 31 May 2011 11:42 AM PDT

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, Durban – South Africa, April 2011)

The other day I was not feeling well.  I was ill but I started reciting some verses, and as I was reciting the verses, I felt these verses were like nets that pulled me up.  The disease was pulling me down, down in misery, down and feeling like something wet and sticky and weak.  But then these verses are like little jewels of purity that give us shelter and that lift us up and keep us from going down and becoming absorbed in material life.

So in that way we have all these opportunities – little things.  It's not hard to learn a verse.  You tape it on the fridge or somewhere else.  You tape it on a wall and you see it and after a while it will be there in your mind.  All these little things – going to the temple, associating with the devotees, a verse from the Bhagavad Gita – all these are little pieces of our spiritual wealth.

Spiritual life is an enormous blessing, much greater than we realise.  Because we don't see the greatness of all the blessings we are receiving, we are not appreciating what we have.  And therefore we feel it's such a struggle – it's such a struggle!  Because we don't realise how good our spiritual life really is, we need to collect wealth – as much as possible – daily spiritual wealth.

A stay in the Manor and Harinama in Soho Street

Posted: 31 May 2011 01:14 AM PDT

Our trip to England started in the Bhaktivedanta Manor, where Maharaja gave an amazing class about the Caitanya Caritamrita, which dealt with the inner reasons of Caitanya Mahaprabhu's appearance. Based in the Manor, Maharaja attended different programs in London.

He went to London's "Matchless Gifts" program centre, which is a store-front with a small temple room in the cellar. The whole atmosphere there reminded one of the first days of Iskcon, with hippies playing different melodies and Srila Prabhupada singing the classic Hare Krishna melody, which was done this time by Kadamba Kanana Swami.

On Saturday night, Maharaja went to the famous Harinama in Soho Street. He first gave a lecture in the Radha Krishna temple there, and then the ecstatic group of vaishnavas made their way through the inner city of London. The response was amazing, with many people joining the Harinama, dancing and singing.

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Krishna is the goal, the sustainer, the master, the witness, the abode, the refuge and the most dear friend

Bhagavad-gita As It Is | Part [BG.9.18]




TEXT 18:

gatir bharta prabhuh sakshi

nivasah saranam suhrit

prabhavah pralayah sthanam

nidhanam bijam avyayam



I am the goal, the sustainer, the master, the witness, the abode, the refuge and the most dear friend. I am the creation and the annihilation, the basis of everything, the resting place and the eternal seed.



Gati means the destination where we want to go. But the ultimate goal is Krishna, although people do not know it. One who does not know Krishna is misled, and his so-called progressive march is either partial or hallucinatory. There are many who make as their destination different demigods, and by rigid performance of the strict respective methods they reach different planets known as Candraloka, Suryaloka, Indraloka, Maharloka, etc. But all such lokas or planets, being creations of Krishna, are simultaneously Krishna and not Krishna. Actually such planets, being the manifestations of Krishna's energy, are also Krishna, but actually they only serve as a step forward for realization of Krishna. To approach the different energies of Krishna is to approach Krishna indirectly. One should directly approach Krishna, for that will save time and energy. For example, if there is a possibility of going to the top of a building by the help of an elevator, why should one go by the staircase, step by step? Everything is resting on Krishna's energy; therefore without Krishna's shelter nothing can exist. Krishna is the supreme ruler because everything belongs to Him and everything exists on His energy. Krishna, being situated in everyone's heart, is the supreme witness. The residences, countries or planets on which we live are also Krishna. Krishna is the ultimate goal of shelter, and as such one should take shelter of Krishna either for protection or for annihilation of his distressed condition. And whenever we have to take protection, we should know that our protection must be a living force. Thus Krishna is the supreme living entity. Since Krishna is the source of our generation, or the supreme father, no one can be a better friend than Krishna, nor can anyone be a better well-wisher. Krishna is the original source of creation and the ultimate rest after annihilation. Krishna is therefore the eternal cause of all causes.


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Realized the Actual Relief?

A man with stomach ache finds some relief in pressing his stomach
against a pillar in a temple. His stomach ache would relieve if he
eats some food. Someone passing by offers chipped rice to him but he's
not willing to give up the pillar because he would feel the pain.So he
accepts the chipped rice with his two hands on the other side of the
pillar. Now he can neither eat nor give up the pillar. When he takes
off the hand,the rice would fall down leaving him in vain.
This is exactly our situation in the material world. Better would be
to have given up the little relief of pressing stomach against the
pillar&eaten the chipped rice to relieve the stomach pain.


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Remembering Srila Prabhupada - TV Interview

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Date: Tue, 31 May 2011 20:00:24 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: [srilaprabhupadanectar] Remembering Srila Prabhupada - TV Interview

TV Interview

A second television interview was booked for the evening.
Controversial Sydney TV personality Bob Rogers hosted a program of
music, comedy and talk, and specialised in interviewing "top-name
guests from both locally and abroad". Srila Prabhupada and his
entourage squeezed into a taxi for another long drive to ATN Seven
studios in Epping; a few other devotees joined them on-site.

Caru: We had to sit in the waiting room for a while before going on.
Meanwhile, a wall-mounted television monitor was screening a movie
depicting a graphic rape scene in a swamp. I was shocked. It was the
most explicit material I had ever seen on television. I glanced over
at Prabhupada. He watched for a few moments, then looked at us. He was
smiling. It was not a smile of pleasure, though, but rather of
sadness. Then Prabhupada shook his head with disbelief and looked
down. Perhaps he had never witnessed such a thing before. Certainly it
would have been hard to imagine the mentality that prompted
broadcasting such scenes to the public. Prabhupada's look said: "This
is unbelievable."

On air, Bob seemed uncomfortable, even a little agitated. Since his
questions were of the trivial variety, and since his mood was somewhat
condescending, Prabhupada reciprocated by looking very grave. At one
stage, Bob asked why the devotees chanted. Prabhupada briefly
explained, still with a very serious expression, about the sankirtana
movement. "You say that this chanting makes people happy," Bob
challenged, "but you don't look very happy."

Exhibiting the same solemn appearance, Prabhupada replied, "Oh! We are
happy .." He paused, and added. "Very happy!"

Prabhupada's countenance suddenly changed. His eyes lit up and
sparkled. He gave a broad smile -- and started to laugh. To the
devotees present who had been feeling a little uncomfortable, it was
as if the sun had come out on a rainy day. They all spontaneously
uttered: "Jaya, Prabhupada, jaya." Bob, embarrassed, changed the
subject. After another minute, it was all over.

In the taxi on the way back to the temple, Caru outlined his plans for
the two or three more national TV shows that he had lined up, but
Prabhupada cut him off. He appeared disgusted. "They do not know how
to ask questions. Tell them they have to give me at least
half-an-hour, otherwise I will not go." Next morning, Caru rang around
the TV stations with Prabhupada's ultimatum, but no-one could offer
more than ten minutes, and so future TV plans were dropped.

- From "The Great Transcendental Adventure" by HG Kurma Prabhu

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Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare And Be Happy

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Fructify or Rectify?

It's true that we still have material desires&we are not upto the
level of a paramahamsa. But that doesnt mean we can give up our
Spiritual practice&we can enjoy or fructify the material desires
because there is no end point for such desires. The more we enjoy, the
more we suffer or struggle. Considering the condition of such
devotees, there can be some concession given to them for getting some
attachment to marriage and family life. But the ultimate point is to
bring them back to Krishna gradually.
If you ask a drug addict to stop drugs immediately, thats very
difficult&by doing so he'll get addicted even more than usual.
Gradually the desire has to be regulated step by step.


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