
Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna

Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna
Gopis performing Devotional Service to the Lordships Sri Sri Radha Krishna


Song Name: Gurudeva! Boro Krpa Kori
Author: Bhaktivinoda Thakura
Book Name: Saranagati (Section: Bhajana Lalasa Song 10)
boḍo kṛpā kori’, gauḍa-vana mājhe,
godrume diyācho sthāna
ājñā dila more, ei braje bosi’,
hari-nāma koro gāna
kintu kabe prabhu, yogyatā arpibe,
e dāsere doyā kori’
citta sthira habe, sakala sohibo,
ekānte bhajibo hari
śaiśava-yauvane, jaḍa-sukha-sańge,
abhyāsa hoilo manda
nija-karma-doṣe, e deho hoilo,
bhajanera pratibandha
vārdhakye ekhona, pañca-roge hata,
kemone bhojibo bolo’
kāńdiyā kāńdiyā, tomāra caraṇe,
poḍiyāchi suvihvala

1) Gurudeva! Because you are so merciful, you gave me a place in Godruma amid the woodlands of Gauda, with this order to fulfill: “Dwell here in this Vrndavana and sing the holy name of Hari.”
2) But when, O master, out of your great mercy, will you bestow upon this servant of yours the spiritual competence to fulfill that order? When will my mind become tranquil and fixed? When will I endure all hardships and serve Lord Hari without distractions?
3) Due to attachment to worldly pleasures in childhood and youth, I have developed bad habits. Because of these sinful acts my body has become an impediment to the service of the Supreme Lord.
4) Now, in old age, afflicted by the five-fold illnesses, how will I serve the Lord? O master, please tell me. I have fallen at your feet weeping, overwhelmed by anxiety.

Song Name: Gurudeva Krpa Bindu Diya
Author: Bhaktivinoda Thakura
Book Name: Saranagati (Section: Bhajana Lalasa Song 11)
kṛpā-bindu diyā, koro’ ei dāse
tṛṇāpekhā ati hīna
sakala-sahane, bolo diyā koro
nija māne spṛhā-hīna
sakale sammān, korite śakati
deho’ nātha! jathājatha
tabe to’ gāibo, harināma-sukhe
aparādha ha ‘be hata
kabe heno kṛpā, lobhiyā e jana
kṛtārtha hoibe, nātha!
śakti-buddhi-hīn, āmi ati dīn
koro’ more ātma-sātha
jogyatā-vicāre, kichu nāhi pāi
tomāra karuṇā sāra
karuṇā nā hoile, kāṇḍiyā kāṇḍiyā
prāṇa nā rākhibo āra
1) Gurudeva, give to this servant just one drop of mercy. I am lower than a blade of grass. Give me all help. Give me strength. Let me be as you are, without desires or aspirations.
2) I offer you all respects, for thus I may have the energy to know you correctly. Then, by chanting the holy name in great ecstasy, all my offenses will cease.
3) When will such mercy fall to this one who is weak and devoid of intelligence? Allow me to be with you.
4) If you examine me, you will find no qualities. Your mercy is all that I am made of. If you are not merciful unto me, I can only weep, and I will not be able to maintain my life.

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Atma Nivedhan!

Song Name: Atma Nivedana Tuwa Pade
Author: Bhaktivinoda Thakura
Book Name: Saranagati (Section: Atma Nivedana Song 8)
ātma-nivedana, tuwā pade kori’,
hoinu parama sukhī
duḥkha dūre gelo, cintā nā rohilo,
caudike ānanda dekhi
aśoka-abhoya, amṛta-ādhāra,
tomāra caraṇa-dwaya
tāhāte ekhona, viśrāma labhiyā
chāḍinu bhavera bhoya
tomāra saṁsāre, koribo sevana,
nāhibo phalera bhāgī
tava sukha jāhe, koribo jatana,
ho’ye pade anurāgī
tomāra sevāya, duḥkha hoya jato,
se-o to’ parama sukha
sevā-sukha-duḥkha, parama sampada,
nāśaye avidyā-duḥkha
pūrva itihāsa, bhulinu sakala,
sevā-sukha pe’ye mane
āmi to’ tomāra, tumi to’ āmāra,
ki kāja apara dhane
bhakativinoda, ānande ḍubiyā,
tomāra sevāra tare
saba ceṣṭā kore, tava icchā-mato,
thākiyā tomāra ghare

1) I have become supremely joyful by surrendering myself at Your holy feet. Unhappiness has gone away, and there are no more anxieties. I see joy in all directions.

2) Your two lotus feet are reservoirs of immortal nectar where one may live free from sorrow and fear. I have found peace there now and have given up the fear of worldly existence.
3) I shall render service in Your household and not endeavor to enjoy the fruits of that service, but rather I shall strive for whatever pleases You, fully devoted to Your lotus feet.
4) Troubles encountered in Your service shall be the cause of great happiness, for in Your devotional service joy and sorrow are equally great riches. Both destroy the misery of ignorance.
5) I have completely forgotten all past history by feeling great joy in my mind. I am most certainly Yours, and You are indeed mine. What need is there of any other treasure?
6) Bhaktivinoda, diving into the ocean of bliss, devotes all his efforts for Your service and dwells in Your house according to Your wishes.

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via Gita Coaching by on 5/27/11

This model was designed by Sacinandana Swami. You can use it to solve problems and work on your goals. And I can assist you with using it to succeed in areas of sadhana, service, relationships, finances, etc.

1. Sattva: think, feel, will and act in goodness; keep your body, mind and spirit in goodness and in balance
2. Dharma: find your varna and asrama, live in harmony with natural laws, find what you like to do and become an expert in it, define your life roles, define your personal mission
3. Atma: discover the great potential of your real identity, use your spiritual intelligence, make the mind your friend
4. Paramatma: listen to your Inner Guide, connect with your conscience and intuition, follow the higher connection
5. Bhakti: develop an attitude of friendship, love and service towards God and all His creatures


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Actual poverty is lack of Krsna Consciousness!

Many organisations do the propaganda that Service to Man or
humanitarian activities are greater than Service to God.This is
absolutely rascaldom.People have almost become athiests to accept this
non-sense because of their inability to understand God.
In this modern society we think that we are producing everything.
No,it's not. We produce only frustrated young men,women(by
industrialization), plastics,iron not grains.Grains are dependent on
rains.Rain is absolutely a deciding factor for food production.
Rains are dependent on sacrifice(as per Bhagavad Gita). Sacrifice is
service to God. So if God is served nicely then everyone is served
automatically. There's no need to serve humans or animals individually
and is not possible also to serve the unlimited population by our tiny
efforts. How many poor people we can feed by our efforts? God is
already feeding everyone.But humans have created disturbance in the
society by not equally distributing the natural resources provided by
God.There's no Poverty in the entire Universe but only because we deny
Sacrifice(Service to God),mother nature is stopping the supply. God is
unlimited,so His material nature can feed unlimited no of people in
the Universe.Overpopulation&poverty on account of it is a foolish
athiestic idea.There's only lack of Krsna/God consciousness which is
the Actual Poverty.


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Idol worshippers - Meeting at Kuwait Airport.

Idol worshippers - Meeting at the Airport.

Taken from a bhagavat saptah of H.H Radha Govind Maharaj at potomac.
HH Radha Govinda Maharaj meets an Airport official at Kuwait airport .
H.H Radha Govind Maharaj mentions this incident on his flight from
kenya to India his flight had a transit via kuwait. due to some delay
he had to wait for 4-5 hrs at Kuwait.While chanting Hare Krishna in
the airport lounge, 1 airport official watching the indian swami
became intrigued and called him over to speak.
At first Maharaj was feeling somewhat reluctant to go as he was in a
country which may not appreciate his path.Gathering  courage with
faith in his Lord, Maharaj went to meet the man.
The official quickly opened the discussion with his introduction and
then asked Maharaj if he was a Hindu swami.Getting his answer yes, He
asked " i heard hindus worship stone as God" Maharaj immediately
answered him in a way that he may understand "Oh, No , we don't
worship stone as God but we worship God in stone"
This answer surprised the gentleman and intrigued him. Now he wanted
to know how? Maharaj then said "Actually as per your scriptures, Allah
has a bluish face, he is playing flute and that he has many followers
devotees staying with him."
Is it ? - asked the official...
Maharaj contd " Ofcourse not all have seen him, only those who are
pure have seen him. So now if you love someone , many times people to
remember the beloved and to cherish their memories , they make a
beautiful painting or sculptor of the person. Similarly , in our
tradition those who have seen god have beautifully painted them and
carved his form for them to remember him and also help see those who
have never seen them"
"Oh thats unique" replied the kuwaiti man. Wanting to ask more , know
more - the man was ready with his queries. Just then some alarm rang
announcing time for Namaz prayers.
Politely excusing himself, the man there and then opened up his mat
put it on ground and began offering prayers. He was not alone,
literally the whole airport joined him .
Mean while Maharaj contd chanting the holy names on japa beads in his
style. Minutes later, the man was done with his prayers and so he
joined back. This time Maharaj opened the discussion with the question
.... " Are you sure that your prayers are being heard by Allah"...
YES came the stern and serious reply.
Maharaj, "So you mean your prayers,Allah can hear !"
Man quite annoyed remarked, " Just like you can hear me, Allah can
hear all of us"
Maharaj, " That means Allah has ears to hear. Since i hear thru ears
as per your logic"
( Maharaj mentions to the bhagavat saptah audience that at this time i
didnt inform him that god need not have ears to hear......he can also
hear from legs, mouth "angani yasya sakalendriya...". He was not ready
for this advanced version
Maharaj contd " If he can hear you, can he also speak to you"
yes came the reply.
Maharaj "Then can he not see you when you are in trouble".
Sure came the reply.
Maharaj," It means Allah has ears, eyes, mouth- implies Allah has a form"
The gentleman couldnt believe how simple it could be...
Just then Maharaj heard the announcement for boarding of his flight to India.
Confirming from him the time, Maharaj asked for his leave....
Impressed by the swami, the officer asked " you do not have a watch !".
 "No" said maharaj... The officer immediately went to a shop, bought
one nice watch for maharaj and gave him as a gift saying " You may
require to check timings for your prayers".
The officer was happy to meet Maharaj and they both parted.


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SpiritualDiary-Good one to track personally or even report to confidential counsellor!!


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Cleansing agent

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The Cleansing Agent – Krishna

Posted: 25 May 2011 12:14 PM PDT

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, 2002)

In washing powder you have the active ingredients – the enzymes and whatever it is that cleanses out the dirt. So in the same way, that's the purifying agent – the cleansing agent, and you could write all these things on the package, ' The cleansing agent – the purifying agent'. So the only real cleansing agent is Krishna! It is Krishna! So wherever there is Krishna – there is purity! And where there is no Krishna than there is impurity!

Four days in Finland

Posted: 25 May 2011 04:04 AM PDT

From Germany it was off to Finland, Helsinki. After a very warm welcome from the devotees, Maharaja gave a small talk in the Helsinki temple and took an early rest to prepare for the next day. The day after we then went to some older house somewhere way out in the nature of Finland, where for three days a retreat was to take place. On the way there we stopped in the town Turku,  to bless the city with the chanting of the holy name in the form of harinama. The Harinama was received with a lot of enthusiasm, and some people even joined in the dancing.

The retreat was a relaxing weekend, filled with a lot of chanting and singing. Maharaja gave many classes about nama-tattva, which was also the topic of the retreat. There were also many programs for the devotees, like yoga, walks in the nearby forests, a real Finnish sauna and of course prasadam, which was cooked over open fireplaces.

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My home is with Krsna

Posted: 24 May 2011 11:45 AM PDT

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, Durban – South Africa, April 2011)

The materialistic devotee, the kanishta-adhikari, has weak faith and as a result he is thinking that Krsna is so far away, the spiritual world is so far away… what does it have to do with everyday life?  But that is illusion, because the fact of the matter is that Krsna is always with us, every moment.

In the Nectar of Instruction, Srila Rupa Goswami is saying that we should always hear, chant and remember the name, fame and glories of Krsna, and in that way we will reside in Vṛndāvana.  We must become residents of Vṛndāvana.  We must think: my home is the spiritual world.  My home is to be with Krsna.  Wherever Krsna is present in His eternal abode, that is my residence.  Everywhere else, I'm in transit – transit passenger.  Durban – transit passenger.  Anywhere… South Africa – transit; Europe – transit; America – transit; Vṛndāvana- home!

And Srila Rupa Goswami continues to explain that if we cannot physically reside in the Holy Dhama, then we should mentally reside there.  And that is the secret of devotees who are very determined.  They have accepted that the spiritual world is more important than the material world, and therefore the spiritual world is what has meaning to them.  And they spend their time remembering the glories of Krsna, the activities of Krsna, the nature of Krsna, the descriptions about His associates and pastimes, and there, they realise, is where real pleasure is experienced, and the pleasure is especially experienced if somehow or the other they are acting in service for Krsna's pleasure.  That is the secret.


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My devotee never perishes
Posted: 27 May 2011 02:55 PM PDT

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, Durban – South Africa, April 2011)
In the association of Vaisnavas, especially advanced Vaisnavas, we become
uplifted, beyond our normal limitations of holding on to material security
and hesitating about jumping forward in spiritual life.  Krsna will catch
us!  Krsna will provide!  Krsna always protects His devotee.
Always?  But some devotees die, in not good ways.  Where was Krsna then?
Is He not protecting?  Does He protect some devotees and not others?  Does
it depend on the degree of ones Krsna Consciousness?  Does He only protect
the very advanced devotees and the less advanced ones, like us, not so much?
Na me bhaktah pranasyati My devotee will never perish!  What does it
mean?  It means exactly what Krsna says: My devotee will never perish!
There is no doubt about it!  As long as we understand in the broader sense
what it means.  It means that the body, Krsna may or may not protect.  But
the destination of the soul, Krsna will surely protect.  Without a doubt!
That is very certain!  If somehow or another our time or our mission in
this world is not yet fulfilled, Krsna may protect our body so many times I
myself, have slipped out of  extremely dangerous situations many times cat
with nine lives and that kind of story!  Yes, and there was no doubt, no
doubt that Krsna interfered.  It is not possible that by any other means I
would have survived.
But that is not ultimately what is the meaning of na me bhaktah
pranasyati.  It means that a devotee, a devotee will come closer and closer
to Krsna, and once we have made steps in Krsnas direction, Krsna will
surely protect our devotional service.  That is what it means na me bhaktah
pranasyati.  Krsna will protect our devotional service.  Therefore, there
is no fear.  We just take shelter of devotional service.  And other
things,  they come, they go.  Some hardships sometimes may come, may go,
but it will not really faze us.  And our devotional service will continue
and continue and in the association of devotees we become uplifted again
and again.

Change your lifecompletely
Posted: 27 May 2011 03:00 AM PDT

In our modern times Srila Prabhupad is the big famous acharya, who by his
extraordinary devotional service was able to spread Krishna consciousness
all over the world and convinced westerners to take up this way of life
which is not so easy. It is easy to say Im doing yoga, it is easy to say
I'm belonging to this baba or that baba, and not make any change in your
life, but what Prabhupada was asking was not just say that you belong, no
Prabhupada was asking  completely change your life, cent per cent,
everything has to change, everything, everythingcompletely. So they say,
Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakur told us, he said it is a complete
revolution – Krishna consciousness – complete. Yeah, but isn't that a
little too extreme? Can't we add Krishna consciousness to all the good that
we already have? We can begin like that. It begins like that but it cannot
stay like that, because little by little we realize that all the good that
we have is not good enough. Even the best in this world how good is it
really? Is it unadulterated? Is it pure goodness? In this world everything
is mixed, everything is tinged with imperfection. And therefore as one is
advancing in Krishna consciousness gradually there is no more room, no more
room for imperfection. When Krishna is there who is fully perfect and who
has unlimited qualities and pastimes and so on, why preoccupy ourselves
with anything else? Why look at the beautiful sunrise? In the early days of
the Hare Krishna movement Prabhupad was preaching in New York and New York
is one of those places where it's hard to see the sky, due to these
skyscrapers, when you're actually down in the street, down in Manhattan,
you don't get the view of the sky. That's just how it is – New York City.
So Prabhupad was preaching there in this small storefront – Matchless Gifts
storefront and one day they had an excursion to doctor Misra's country
asram and it is said that it was summer and several of the city boys were
sleeping outside. Well, that was amazing, I mean for a New Yorker, and they
were waking up in the morning and they saw the sun rising and Hayagriva who
was a bit of a poet got really into it and started to say it was as if a
painter from his palette hah placed red streaks in the sky and in this way
decorated it with a great variety of different shades of beauty. A poet, as
you can hear And Prabhupad was totally sober in his response and said that
"Actually we are not so interested with the beauty of the creation. We are
interested with the beauty of its maker."
(Kadamba Kanana Swami, Stockholm 2011)


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Bad association!

Having a bad association is like having given refuge to a snake in the
house. The snake never minds to hurt the one who have given refuge.
Make sure the snakes make their way out from your contacts. May be FB
or orkut or even real life.Kick them out!


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Awakening The Soul

KKSBlog - News

Awakening The Soul

Posted: 26 May 2011 12:23 PM PDT

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, 2002)

If we do a lot of hearing and chanting, our mind also begins to remember Krishna, but that's not the actual remembering – it happens at a deeper level – the soul gets awoken, and begins to remember. Therefore, at one stage, the hearing and remembering at one place stays at remembering of Krishna, and is no longer here in the mental sphere of the head, but is right there in the heart!

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The seed within me & you is ever existing!

The seed within me, within you, everyone,the seed is there. And as soon as the seed takes place in the mother's womb, the seed begins to fructify, little by little. Then it comes out. When it is properly developed with hands and legs and eyes, it comes out from the mother's womb. Then again develops, again develops. He becomes a boy, he becomes a youth,he becomes a... So many things, changes everything. But that seed is permanent. The body is changing, but the seed is there. Therefore it is sanatana. It is very easy to understand how we change our body. We are changing our body every moment, imperceptibly. Imperceptibly, we are changing our body every, every moment, every second. So change of body is a fact. Therefore that bijam, that small particle, spark of spirit, that is sanatana. This body is changing. Now, when it is changed to another body, that means transmigration of the soul from one body to another. This is a fact, and it is not very difficult to understand. We are changing our body every moment-Srila Prabhupada


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As tolerant as earth!


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via Mayapur TV Archives by ashok on 24/05/11

H.G. Yajna Murti prabhu got his initiation from H.H. Hridayananda Das Goswami. He was born in Porto Alegre, Brasil. He visits Mayapur frequently. Prabhu came in contact with the Hare Krishna Movement in 1995 in Nova Gokula.
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Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 4.16.7
titikṣaty akramaḿ vainya
upary ākramatām api
bhūtānāḿ karuṇaḥ śaśvad
ārtānāḿ kṣiti-vṛttimān

titikṣati — tolerates; akramam — offense; vainyaḥ — the son of King Vena; upari — on his head; ākramatām — of those who are trampling; api — also; bhūtānām — to all living entities; karuṇaḥ — very kindhearted; śaśvat — always; ārtānām — to the aggrieved; kṣiti-vṛtti-mān — accepting the profession of the earth.

This King Pṛthu will be very, very kind to all citizens. Even though a poor person may trample over the King's head by violating the rules and regulations, the King, out of his causeless mercy, will be forgetful and forgiving. As a protector of the world, he will be as tolerant as the earth itself.

King Pṛthu is herein compared to the earthly planet as far as his tolerance is concerned. Although the earth is always trampled upon by men and animals, it still gives food to them by producing grains, fruits and vegetables. As an ideal king, Mahārāja Pṛthu is compared to the earthly planet, for even though some citizens might violate the rules and regulations of the state, he would still be tolerant and maintain them with fruits and grains. In other words, it is the duty of the king to look after the comforts of the citizens, even at the cost of his own personal convenience. This is not the case, however, in Kali-yuga, for in Kali-yuga the kings and heads of state enjoy life at the cost of taxes exacted from the citizens. Such unfair taxation makes the people dishonest, and the people try to hide their income in so many ways. Eventually the state will not be able to collect taxes and consequently will not be able to meet its huge military and administrative expenses. Everything will collapse, and there will be chaos and disturbance all over the state.


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H.G, Yajna Murti prabhu speaks on S.B.4.16.7
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Symptoms of Kali Yuga (part 8)


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via by Aatish on 23/05/11

Transcribed by Dips Prabhu

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, 2011)

In my time in Europe, we used to do hospitals with Prabhupada's books and they used to just send us into a hospital, no permission – nothing!

We just walked into the hospital with the books.

Imagine, during the visiting hour, the ward is full of people – Two devotees go and one goes and stands on a chair and gives a speech,

"Today, we are a wonderful charity action and everyone is welcome to help out"

The other one gives everyone a book and waits to accept a donation – and then one person feels generous and walks up and the devotee says,

"This gentleman gave, look people see what you can do"

and in hospital everyone is in a charitable mood, but then suddenly in the middle of it all the main nurse would walk in and say:

"What are you doing here!!?"..

and then we would have to be very relaxed and say "The charity action"

She goes: "The charity action?"

"Yeah, the charity action"

and then she goes "huh?"..

…very suspicious but bewildered at the same time – meanwhile we would collect the last bit of cash, smile to all the people and "Thank you so much, very much appreciate it"

and we came out and sometimes the nurse is standing there and then we have to talk again with the nurse – sometimes if you talk fast you could escape – and then we would go one floor down and we would do it all over again!

I was almost a patient in this hospital!


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via Gita Coaching by on 23/05/11

Ljubljana, Slovenia

The starting point of all significant change is mindset.

If there is any one secret to effectiveness, it is concentration. Effective leaders do first things first … and they do one thing at a time.

To me, shooting for the rhinoceros in our Krsna conscious Society means not so much building big temples or distributing millions of books but building a goodwill, unity and trust in our devotional communities.

In the Age of Quarrel it is very difficult to cooperate and to agree and so this is the greatest challenge.

Organization and intelligence or intelligently managed organization cannot be made without unity and trust.

These are some of the most important pillars of our leadership strategy. These are some of our top priorities.

We must work in the service of Krsna but also on the service. It means to be clear what we are doing and why. And what we are trying to achieve.

Another task is to be able to challenge people without hurting them or insulting them. One way to do that is to ask hard questions in a soft way.

The leader of the past knew how to tell. The leader of the future will know how to ask.


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Sent to you by dinesh via Google Reader:


via Gita Coaching by on 24/05/11

Ljubljana, Slovenia

If you don't care about devotee care you are not a leader or a preacher. You are only a manager.

Both leadership and management are important but you cannot manage people. We manage things, but we lead people.

People are more important than projects. Without people there are no projects.


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The Lord Forgets!

From: Dr Satish Gosain (Sri Krishna Hari Das)

The domestic scene in the majority of households in the morning time when children are getting ready to leave for the school and the adults are about to leave for their offices is one of frantic searching for things. Right from the young ones to the old ones, everybody forgets where they placed their things and this results in the morning time being the most stressful one, searching for things.

We see that children after putting in long hours of study forget the whole thing when they see the question paper. We even hear so many doctors operating the right side of the body instead of the left side out of forgetfulness. On top of all this, we conveniently forget all the favors we have received from others and thus become ungrateful personalities who are condemned everywhere. Thus forgetfulness plays havoc in the lives of everyone without exception.

This makes us feel that forgetfulness is a great curse and we start wondering as to how to get relieved of this curse. If we look deep into the matter, we will understand that even though forgetfulness leads to a lot of troubles, chaos and confusion, there are still certain advantages and merits associated with it.

Suppose we start remembering all our activities in all our previous births or for that matter if we remember everything that happens in our lives minute by minute, how can we survive without being insane? Forgetfulness is the healing agent that makes us forget the so many untoward things happening in our lives, the loss of near and dear ones, the insults and injuries meted out to us and if they keep on lodging themselves in our heart, how can we lead a normal life? So in these cases, our forgetfulness is a real boon.

All said and done, we have to accept that a good memory power is indeed essential for successful running of a household or an enterprise or a country. Then what to talk of the running the whole cosmic show? The Supreme Lord and controller must be having a prodigious memory power in order to manage the whole thing meticulously and perfectly. Srila Prabhupada says in his purport to Bhagvad Gita 15.15 "antah-pravishtah shaastaa janaanaam."The living entity forgets as soon as he quits his present body, but he begins his work again, initiated by the Supreme Lord. Although he forgets, the Lord gives him the intelligence to renew his work where he ended his last life.

Thus our greatest good fortune is that our Lord has an exceptional memory power as we see again from the following verse. In Adi purana the Lord Krishna says to Arjuna,

shraddhayaa helayaa naama ratanti mama jantavah
teshaam naama sadaa partha vartate hrdaye mama

"O Arjuna, listen attentively! When the living entity chants My name, whether out of devotion or indifference, then his name will remain forever in My heart, I will never forget such a soul."

We insignificant mortals are so much dependent upon this memory power of the Lord to remember the good things done by us that in Ishopanishad text 17 there is a fervent appeal to the memory of the Lord.

vaayur anilam amrtam / athedam bhasmaantam shariram
om krato smara krtam smara / krato smara krtam smara

"Let this temporary body be burnt to ashes, and let the air of life be merged with the totality of air. Now, O my Lord, please remember all my sacrifices, and because You are the ultimate beneficiary, please remember all that I have done for You."

Fearing the worst that we will be overwhelmed by our forgetfulness of the Lord at the time of death, Shri Kulasekhara Alwar prays in his famous prayer "My Lord Krishna, I pray that the swan of my mind may immediately sink down to the stems of the lotus feet of Your Lordship and be locked in their network; otherwise at the time of my final breath, when my throat is choked up with cough, how will it be possible to think of You?"

The magnanimous Lord replies in Varaha purana carama sloka that all that a devotee has to do is to surrender to Him, when in full possession of his faculties. At the moment of death, even if the devotee were to lie unconscious and senseless as a stone, the Lord with the long memory remembers what the devotee did when he was well, takes the person under His wings and bestows on Him the best of all worlds. Lord assures - "aham smaraami mad bhaktam", telling us that not a single good thing we do to Him (!) is forgotten.

As we relax ourselves that the Lord indeed remembers, we shudder at the thought of what would be our position if the Lord starts remembering all our offences so meticulously. Here comes Lord Ramachandra (whose glorious appearance day was celebrated yesterday), pacifying us and assuring us with His magnificent attribute as extolled in Srimad Ramayana

kathanchit upakaarena krtena ekena tushyati
na smarati apakaaraanaam satamapi aatmavattayaa

"Lord Ram is eternally pleased by even a single small favor done at some point of time, whereas He forgets in a jiffy all the bad turns done to Him however grave and numerous they are. "

Thus this attribute is of paramount importance for the sinful living entities like us. That is why the Lord is glorified as Hari medhase, whose brain works only for the deliverance of the conditioned soul. (SB 4.30.24 )

Source: An extract from an email addressed to Grantraj Yahoo Groups by H G Vaijayanti Mala mataji, disciple of H H Maha Vishnu Goswami Maharaj.

Your unworthy servant,


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Yours Servant

Sri Krishna Hari Das
(Dr Satish Gosain MBBS DNB i Med)
Congregational Preacher, ISKCON, Delhi, NCR & Gurgaon.
Dr Bharti Nursing Home, B-30 hari Nagar, New Delhi 110064
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Getting Juice?

What will you get from the cane if it's crushed again and again and again???
There'll be no more juice...That's the same case with Sense enjoyment.
Initially it may appear to have some juice but in due course of time
it becomes more and more miserable.


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Why do we feel emptiness in heart even tho in the midst of all facilities?

God is the source of all that is moving and not moving in the
Universe.Everything is owned and controlled by Him.But v act so
intelligently to remove God from everything and put ourselves in
everything.This is the reason for the complete chaos&dissatisfaction
all around the world.
It's simply a child's play for our claim of false proprietorship. Of
course We can make use of the resources provided by Him but with
gratitude&proper knowledge for His satisfaction. If He's satisfied by
our activities then our life becomes perfect. Just like in a family
also we can see the man works so hard for the satisfaction of the
family members but in the end the gift he gets in return is oldage and
disease only. All the love everyone had on him will be lost&he'll be
considered invalid for his inability to do anything himself.


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