
Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna

Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna
Gopis performing Devotional Service to the Lordships Sri Sri Radha Krishna

Lord Radha Madhava = Lord Nrsimhadev, Lord Ramachandra

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Pictures of the day!!

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Radha Madan Mohan


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via Gita Coaching by on 19/05/11

Ljubljana, Slovenia

If we do not become angry when attacked or insulted for no apparent reason, and if we do not become enlivened when glorified or worshiped, we have passed the test of self-realization and are considered to be firmly fixed in spiritual intelligence.


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Only animal or animal like humans can neglect the nectar!

Sumeet Chopra 6:12pm May 19 

Who, other than one who is not a human being, can exist in this world and not be interested in the ultimate goal of life? Who can refuse the nectar of narrations about the Personality of Godhead's activities, which by itself can deliver one from all material pangs?
The narration of the activities of the Personality of Godhead is like a constant flow of nectar. No one can refuse to drink such nectar except one who is not a human being. Devotional service to the Lord is the highest goal of life for every human being, and such devotional service begins by hearing about the transcendental activities of the Personality of Godhead. Only an animal, or a man who is almost an animal in behavior, can refuse to take an interest in hearing the transcendental message of the Lord. There are many books of stories and histories in the world, but except for the histories or narrations on the topics of the Personality of Godhead, none are capable of diminishing the burden of material pangs. Therefore one who is serious about eliminating material existence must chant and hear of the transcendental activities of the Personality of Godhead. Otherwise one must be compared to the nonhumans.
SB 3.13.50
Translation and purport by His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupāda


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Weapons for killing demons,actually the demonlike thoughts of conditioned souls!

In Kali yuga,everyone is demonlike.We should pray to Lord Nrsimhadev
so that we can preach the demonlike people to make them suitable
candidates for the mercy of the Lord.Otherwise,they remain demons&will
be finished by the material energy of the Lord.These insignificant
demons today are not qualified to be killed directly in the hands of
the Lord.Our weapons are Harinam&Prasadam.


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Symptoms of Kali Yuga (part 4)


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via by Aatish on 17/05/11

Transcribed by Dips Prabhu

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, 2011)

We are the Golden Age!! How fast it will come?

Well that depends on how fast we will make it happen! As simple as that, and how fast we get into it, and then others will become influenced by us. So in that way we can cause a domino effect!
It will just spread, and ultimately Krishna Consciousness spreads from person to person and that is how it spreads. This also means that all the people of the world are meant to change their ways, and therefore we are the ones that have to change our ways!

"So why is that the Golden Age is not happening yet?"

This is because we are not happening yet, which is why we are not seeing it yet, and to some extent we maybe showing some Krishna Consciousness, but we still show a lot of compromise with the ugra karma work style.

Prabhupada called the modern factories in the Bhagavatam:

"The dungeons of the demons"

So we are working in the dungeons of the demons, and we are living in the Kali-yuga cave with the Kali-yuga dwellings and everything is like that, and everything is artificial. In Kali-yuga everything is artificial – artificial clothes, artificial food and everything is toxic – toxic paint on the walls. Everything is full of magnetic fields as well as radiation, and you would think that if you don't have a phone, then you don't have to worry about radiation, but everybody else has one and they are just zapping us! So it is like being zapped by a hundred phones – all at the same time! Some have not turned off their phones, and some people have the foolishness that when the phone rings, instead of turning their phone off, they go out of the Bhagavatam class!

I can appreciate if the wife is in hospital and ready to deliver the child, you know, that would be a reason to walk out of the Bhagavatam class, otherwise I would say chuck your phone into your drink, since it becomes pathological. If that phone wants to make you walk out on a Bhagavatam class then this is all influenced by the age of Kali – because the Bhagavatam class must be given priority over.
In everything, with whatever is going on now must stop, since one should take it like that – in that spirit, as it is given so much priority in the Bhagavatam.

Sanatana Goswami is describing that he has a prayer for the Bhagavatam which says:

'The Bhagavatam is my best friend.
The source of deliverance.
The Bhagavatam is my eternal companion.
May I never be separated by the Bhagavatam'

So this is the Golden Age, here in this room is the Golden Age right now!


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Who's really happy?

Only two kinds of people are happy in this world.
1.The transcendentalist/Paramahamsa who is beyond the touch of
material world even though living in this world. Their sole purpose of
being here is to lift the conditioned souls back to Godhead
2.Foolish sensual person who has no knowledge of Spiritual life.
Actually even the happiness that he gets is only a Sense of happiness
which is due to the contact of senses with Sense objects and is
miserable in the beginning, middle&end.

But the aspirant devotee is lying between the pull of lower animal
nature and the transcendental realm. Even the happiness experienced by
such an aspirant devotee is far more greater than that of jnanis,yogis
or mental speculators.


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via Gita Coaching by on 5/17/11

Krtina, Slovenia

To take care of yourself ensure you have a taste for the holy name. This will make you constantly satisfied and help you deal with other areas of your life.

To take care of devotees - serve them. Serve them in any ways you can. Serve their body, mind and spirit - the best you can. It will help them and it will please Krsna.

To take care of everyone else reach out and give Krsna consciousness to others in any way you can. People need spiritual guidance and support and you can provide it. If you don't know how, you can learn it. Be merciful to others by giving them the greatest benediction.


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via Gita Coaching by on 5/16/11

Krtina, Slovenia

A devotee of Lord Nrsimhadeva, Prahlada Maharaja, prayed like this:

"May there be good fortune throughout the universe, and may all envious persons be pacified. May all living entities become calm by practicing bhakti-yoga, for by accepting devotional service they will think of each other's welfare. Therefore let us all engage in the service of the supreme transcendence, Lord Sri Krsna, and always remain absorbed in thought of Him." SB 5.18.9

Srila Prabhupada writes in the Purport:

Therefore Prahlada Maharaja prays that all envious persons may undergo a change of heart and think of the welfare of others.

If the Krsna consciousness movement spreads all over the world, and if by the grace of Krsna everyone accepts it, the thinking of envious people will change.


This is a way to achieve peace in the world -- by reducing or eliminating the envy between people and towards other living entities.

All living entities are parts of God and children of God.

There is no reason to be envious of our brothers and sister.

Better to think how we can help them succeed on their journey back to Godhead.


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via Gita Coaching by on 5/16/11

Krtina, Slovenia

Srila Prabhupada wrote to a disciple:

You are experiencing some doubts, that you cannot believe that the Krishna from Krishna Book can be the Supreme Personality of Godhead, that it must be like some fairy-tale.

To clear up these things the best remedy is to discuss amongst yourselves all members regularly all our books in classes, then these doubts will be killed.

Without reading books it becomes hackneyed and such obnoxious ideas trouble us.

Our thoughts are always changing, that is the nature of the mind, so you cannot expect that even the great saintly persons are free from thoughts coming and going.

But after thinking there is feeling and willing, willing being the stage of putting the thoughts into action.

So if we are able to employ our intelligence, then we kill the thoughts before they become manifest in activity, but because we are so much inclined to enjoy something unintelligently, we have to therefore daily sharpen our intelligence faculty by reading and discussing and preaching to others.

In this way we are able very easily to defeat all challengers to our philosophy and everything becomes very clear as it is revealed from different angles of vision.

Krishna makes promise to one who is striving to serve Him sincerely that He will give such devotee the intelligence by which he may come to Him.

Therefore we should always pray that Krishna may kindly provide me the intelligence to kill all demons of doubt, and because He understands the heart of His sincere devotee, immediately He gives assistance.


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Chandan Yatra. The festival of the hot season


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One should never say that a vaiṣṇava is a brāhmaṇa, kṣatriya, vaiśya or śūdra

Beyond Varnashram

by Sri Srimad Gour Govinda Swami on Friday, May 13, 2011 at 8:43pm

By offering the fruits of one's activity for the pleasure of Lord Hari the heart will become purified of material desires. When one becomes free from desires for one's own enjoyment and happiness, and under the guidance of a bona fide guru utilizes the fruit of his activities for Lord Hari's satisfaction, then one is elevated to the stage of pure devotion, śuddha-bhakti. He will then inquire and put forward questions, tattva-jijñāsā, about the soul and the Supersoul. A taste for hari-kathā will develop. By these symptoms it may be understood that such a person is not in the category ofvarṇāśrama-dharma but has gone above it. Therefore it is said that a vaiṣṇava does not belong to any caste. One should never say that a vaiṣṇava is a brāhmaṇa, kṣatriya, vaiśya or śūdra. He is avaiṣṇava. A vaiṣṇava is not under the modes of material nature. He is beyond them. (Process of Inquiry, p. 40. Lecture, Bhubaneswar, 5 November 1994.)


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One who is in association with great acaryas, even if he is not educated or has not studied the Vedas, can become familiar with all the knowledge necessary for realization

One who is in association with great acaryas, even if he is not educated or has not studied the Vedas, can become familiar with all the knowledge necessary for realization

Bhagavad-gita As It Is | Part [BG.9.05]

In the Vedanta-sutra (3.2.26) this is also described in the following words: prakasas ca karmany abhyasat. "Devotional service is so potent that simply by engaging in the activities of devotional service one becomes enlightened without a doubt." Narada, who happened to be the son of a maidservant, had no education, nor was he born into a high family. But when his mother was engaged in serving great devotees, Narada also became engaged, and sometimes, in the absence of his mother, he would serve the great devotees himself. Narada personally says, "Once only, by their permission, I took the remnants of their food, and by so doing all my sins were at once eradicated. Thus being engaged, I became purified in heart, and at that time the very nature of the transcendentalist became attractive to me."(Bhag 1.5.25) Narada tells his disciple Vyasadeva that in a previous life he was engaged as a boy servant of purified devotees during the four months of their stay and that he was intimately associating with them.


Sometimes those sages left remnants of food on their dishes, and the boy, who would wash their dishes, wanted to taste the remnants. So he asked the great devotees whether he could eat them, and they gave their permission. Narada then ate those remnants and consequently became freed from all sinful reactions. As he went on eating, he gradually became as purehearted as the sages, and he gradually developed the same taste. The great devotees relished the taste of unceasing devotional service of the Lord, hearing, chanting, etc., and by developing the same taste, Narada wanted also to hear and chant the glories of the Lord. Thus by associating with the sages, he developed a great desire for devotional service. Therefore, he quotes from the Vedanta-sutra (prakasas ca karmany abhyasat): if one is engaged simply in the acts of devotional service, everything is revealed to him automatically, and he can understand. This is called pratyaksa, directly perceived.


Narada was actually a son of a maidservant. He had no opportunity to go to school. He was simply assisting his mother, and fortunately his mother rendered some service to the devotees. The child Narada also got the opportunity and simply by association achieved the highest goal of all religions, devotional service. In the Srimad-Bhagavatam it is said that religious people generally do not know that the highest perfection of religion is the attainment of the stage of devotional service. Generally Vedic knowledge is required for understanding the path of self-realization. But here, although he was not educated in the Vedic principles, Narada acquired the highest results of Vedic study. This process is so potent that even without performing the religious process regularly, one can be raised to the highest perfection. How is this possible? This is also confirmed in Vedic literature: acaryavan puruso veda. One who is in association with great acaryas, even if he is not educated or has not studied the Vedas, can become familiar with all the knowledge necessary for realization.

Translation and commentary by His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada


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KKSBlog - News

The Vaisnavas – They Share

Posted: 16 May 2011 02:24 PM PDT

Transcribed by Hina

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, Radhadesh, May 2011)

The vaisnavas – they share. They share their Krishna Consciousness and that's what makes it relishable! We do not just relish our own relationship with Krishna, but we relish also to hear what the other vaisnavas are experiencing, and perceiving about Krishna, which makes everything so much more rich, and so much more wonderful!!

We share realizations with one and other! Therefore, we cannot all be in our own bubble, and just, relish Krishna…. relish Krishna – then we would be cut off from all the other experiences that all the other vaisnavas would have. Therefore the vaisnavas would share!

Symptoms of Kali Yuga (part 3)

Posted: 16 May 2011 02:16 PM PDT

Transcribed By Dips Prabhu

(Kadamba Kanana Swami 2011)

What do you think it will be like in ten thousand years?

Well, we can expect that it will take some time to catch momentum, but I think if we look at the Brahma Purana, it is said there will be:
' Ek varna Hari Bhakta ' – One class of men who will all be the devotees of Hari

So this is interesting, because it means that it goes beyond Varnashram and that it is no longer just – brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya and sudra a society of dovetailing material propensity, but Hari Bhakta means devotional service. Only one varna, so everyone is a devotee.

Well so what would the world be like if everyone was a devotee?

Then you can speculate that there are a few references. We do not have much, but we have two references in the Bhagavatam, and two purports. Srila Prabhupada says that the situation will change, and that it will no longer be like the Kali-yuga. He is saying in one purport that it will be like Tetra-yuga. In Tetra-yuga, there is some imperfection, and in another purport he says it will be like Satya-yuga. So whatever may be, it is also mentioned in the Bhagavatam that the conditions in the heavenly planets is like Tetra-yuga. So the Tetra-yuga must be pretty good! In the Satya-yuga, the grains start growing on their own – everything is jewels, minerals, gold and are just widely available without any trouble!

So what will the mentality of the people be like?

Well, it is Lord Caitanya's movement after all that we are speaking about, and so Lord Caitanya's movement is a movement of 'spontaneity'. It is not the movement of vaidi bhakti. It is not the movement of devotional service according to rules and regulations. Of course in Lord Caitanya's movement the rules and regulations are part of the process as Rupa Goswami has outlined, but it is meant to go beyond that to the spontaneous platform.

We expect that one class of men "Hari Bhakta" will be predominated by bhakti – by spontaneous devotional service and a natural attraction to Krishna. Lord Caitanya didn't expect, a temple on the street corner, a temple in the other corner, and some places for study. In other words a nice vedic society, but that's not Lord Caitanya's Golden age, because that is not what Lord Caitanya came to give.
Lord Caitanya is particularly coming to teach how to become influenced by spontaneous love:

'Namo maha-vadanyaya krsna-prema-pradaya
krsnaya krsna-caitanya-namine gaura-tvise namah'

It is about Krishna prema. Therefore what I think will happen is:
We will see people just totally absorbed – today we have a 12 hour kirtan, and then there will just always be kirtan everywhere in every house! The evil eye will disappear – the light from the television light reflecting off that wall in every living room! There will be a kirtan in every home at night.

It used to be like that in Vrindavan, in the seventies. When I used to stay in Vrindavan, there were no TV's. Everywhere, you heard people, if you walked around in Vrindavan, – you would hear people having kirtan at night in their homes and that is what we need, but we also have to get to that stage, because we are part of the ugra karma world, since we tend to sleep at night in our ugra karma beds. Ugra – because everything is artificial – blankets are polyester fibres. God knows what ugra stuff that we will actually sleep in. We sleep in our ugra karma beds and we wake up to an ugra morning. We have an ugra-karma breakfast and whatever is on our plate is all ugra you know!!! A bit of this and a bit of that and we get into our ugra cars and we go to our ugra karma jobs and everything. We drive down the ugra karma streets, in the ugra karma cities and then come home and chant our rounds in front of the television and watch the news, whilst the children watch some cartoons.

So if you have the desire, then I am always eager to come to a special program to your home, and we'll come with a kirtan party and then we will all go towards that television, pick it up, take it upstairs, open the window and then Hari bol! do the rest!!.

So if you wish to become liberated from the evil eye, then certainly at your service, any time let us know, because we need our time to chant Hare Krishna. That Golden Age is meant to come – will come through us! It's not like we're going to wait:

"Oh when will the Golden Age come? Oh when will it come?"
We are the Golden Age! It is us and how fast it will come? Depends on how fast we will make it happen!!

Lord Nrsimhadeva!

Posted: 16 May 2011 06:45 AM PDT

I came to Mayapur and I saw Lord Nrsimhadeva and I was a little bit afraid of Him.
I've never really been afraid of Him before but for the first time I started thinking,
"Ya, He's heavy with the demons and maybe there are some demoniac remnants in
me! And if He's going to purify me in this way….!" Shoo, I was a little bit afraid! What
can I say! So that's when I started to contemplate on the soft nature of Lord
Nrsimhadeva, how actually He's very soft hearted. Because after all, He couldn't
tolerate that His little boy Prahlada was being so much mistreated. And of course,
I can identify with that because if you do it in front of me then I'll also turn into
Nrsimhadeva or something very ferocious if someone is beating an innocent little
kid or creature!

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, New Simachalam, Germany, May 2008)

"Beyond Birth and Death" published in Zulu

Posted: 15 May 2011 07:02 AM PDT

BBT Africa has published Srila Prabhupada's Beyond Birth and Death in Zulu. The book (print run: 10,000 copies) was launched at the Durban Rathayatra festival by ISKCON leaders, members of the BBT publishing team, and Zulu-speaking devotee children from Soweto.

Zulu serves as the primary language for about 10 million people, the vast majority of them in South Africa, and as a secondary language for another 16 million. Since 1994, Zulu has been one of South Africa's eleven official languages. It is written using the Latin alphabet.

Translator for the book: Akhanda Kirtana Dasa (Agricious Ngcobo). Designer: Khotso Kholopane. Production Manager: Rupa-Sanatana Dasa.

In the works: Beyond Birth and Death in Xhosa, another official South African language, spoken by about 8 million people.

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Which is the norm&which is exception?

How to seduce women, dominate others, exploit others for one's own
enjoyment is the prime interest of demonic people.This was considered
as an exception in the Vedic tradition but now this is considered as
the norms&being chaste with one wife is considered as a boring life,
today. If we just promote something even though it's untruth,it will
be accepted in today's world.If we talk the truth people will kick us
or even beat with sticks.But when people are cheated with
advertisements(which means making you buy something that you really
dont want) they really Welcome that-excerpt from HH.Bhakti Vikasa
Swami in Guruvayur yatra


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Question answer session-HH.Bhakti Vikasa Swami

Being in the city,how can be bring about a radical change in our lives
to Live in harmony with the injunctions of Scripture&refrain from
following the various false propaganda in the modern society?
Should we migrate away from the city back to villages to make life
simple&Krsna Conscious?
How can we immediately give up the modern way of living in the city
that we've been absorbed into for our life?
Whether it's ancient period or modern period, as long as we dont give
up the desire for Sense enjoyment we've to suffer.
Whether you are in city or country what's important is your
consciousness. Someone may be living in the city&be Krsna Conscious
while someone else in the country may not be Krsna conscious but
contemplating on the facilities of the city.
Yes we should make our life simple by living in villages which is
conducive for Devotional service. But most of you may think it's
stupidity to do so. You may even laugh at this when the whole world is
moving towards the city.We are not holding guns at your back or
whipping to threaten you to move to the villages.
But the whips of Yama thoodas are there for sure when adharmic
activities are done. The problems of repeated birth,death oldage are
there.The problem is people in the city will not let us remain
Also we are holding back our material desire on one side&trying to do
devotion on the other side,which cant go together. When we are callled
as good Vaishnavas we feel happy but when our material desires are
pointed out we are not happy. What we like to hear is mostly the ones
that are not beneficial&what we dont like to hear are the ones usually
good for us.
Some people ask why should we torture ourselves like this? What
appears to be a torture for an aspiring devotee,is really
beneficial&that is required. The pleasure felt by even an aspirant
devotee is far more better than the pleasure derived from sensual
It's not automatic. It's not like we can enjoy life now without taking
any effort&then finally become Paramahamsas.


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Message on the appearance day of Lord Nrsimhadev from HH.Bhakti Vikasa Swami

Hiranyakashipu had everything in the Universe under his control.He
enjoyed any woman
of his choice,regardless of married or unmarried woman. He had all
facilities for his sensual enjoyment in full, of which an
exceptionally strong body was one.He was always intoxicated. There
was no one single person to contest his position.Indra was like an
insect to him. But still, his life was filled with
lamentation,fear,frustration. This clearly shows that no matter how
much material facilities we have,that alone can never ever make us
We have to learn that we can remain happy only when we accept our
constitutional position as servant of Lord Krishna. Krishna will be
happy&we will also become happy then. Lord is more
intelligent,tactful&powerful than even the most powerful
demons-HH.Bhakti Vikasa Swami


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