
Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna

Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna
Gopis performing Devotional Service to the Lordships Sri Sri Radha Krishna

Maya is marketing herself in a vibrant way....and finally you are cheated!!!

Marketing is, making you buy what you really dont want. Maya is also marketing with her illusory beauty of this body and all that is associated with the body. We really dont need this body to be happy. It's actually this body which is the cause of all suffering and if used properly the same body can help us get liberated.

There are two kinds of things..Needs and Wants

1.Needs are like basic things without which survival itself is not possible Eg: Eating, Sleeping, Mating, Defending
2.Wants are those that are really not necessary but may be used part of Luxury or comfort. Eg: Unwanted luxury which binds one further

Senses are pulled by the sense objects,therefore mind is pulled by the senses and then the intelligence and finally the soul himself is dragged down helplessly to experience the miserable existence of binding oneself further. 

Cannot even think properly without goodness, nothing works without passion and we cannot sleep without ignorance and all this is required in the material world when in material body.

When we start using the products that are marketed we will understand it's unworthiness. Without even using the product we would have been hassle free but it's too late by the time we have the product with us :) And it's the same case with our body and all that is associated with that. In the beginning it may appear there's some pleasure but that is the cause of the suffering ahead. It's all the passion that brings all the suffering. Honour, Prestige, Fame, House, Children, Wife, Cars are all products of passion. Goodness is better than passion and passion is better than Ignorance but Pure Goodness is above all these three. When one is situated in Devotional Service then one is said to be in pure goodness.



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Complete Purification by Devotional service


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via GLORIOUS KRISHNA by Jyoti & Vidya on 8/26/11

Another example given in Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam concerns the elephant who enters into a lake and takes a bath very seriously, cleansing his body thoroughly. Then as soon as he comes onto shore he again takes some dust from the earth and throws it over his body. Similarly, a person who is not trained in Kṛṣṇa consciousness cannot become completely free from the desire for sinful activities. Neither the yoga process nor philosophical speculations nor fruitive activities can save one from the seeds of sinful desires.
Only by being engaged in devotional service to Krishna can this be done.
- Srila Prabhupada (Nectar of Devotion)


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Attainig Krishna Prema by Chanting Offenselessly


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via GLORIOUS KRISHNA by Jyoti & Vidya on 8/26/11

"One should never lose hope in spite of being attacked by wicked thoughts while chanting the holy name. All these thoughts will gradually disappear as one becomes fixed in chanting. But if one does not chant with enthusiasm how will such materialistic thoughts disappear?"

The best way to overcome the material energy is to associate with pure devotees and to chant the holy name of Krsna. A devotee's advancement can be measured by how much he is attracted to chanting the holy name.

"The end of all study and knowledge is the chanting of Krsna's holy names. Devotion to the Lord means faithfully chanting the holy name of Krsna. One who chants the holy name without offenses will very quickly attain Krsna prema."

- HH Mahanidhi Swami
Art of Chanting Hare Krishna


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'Krishna will never forget His devotee'


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via GLORIOUS KRISHNA by Jyoti & Vidya on 8/24/11

If a devotee takes to Krsna Consciousness very seriously and sincerely but if he falls down due to some reason, Krishna never forgets that sincere service rendered. If we have pleased Him or His devotee, Krishna will never forget that and He will intervene and give us the chance again and again may be in this birth or some future birth. It depends on us whether we use our free will to surrender to the Lord or to surrender to our material desires. But once we establish the relationship, He will never let us go for long.

There was once a devotee who left Krsna Consciousness and wanted to enjoy material life. He flew to another country and as soon as he came out of the airport, one devotee came and asked him to buy a book. He just ignored and thought to himself that why is Krishna doing this. When he entered His hotel room and switched on the television, on some news channel He saw devotees chanting the Lord's blissful names. Whatever He did, wherever he went somehow Krsna kept reminding Him of the transcendental life he had given up for the poisonous nectar of this world.

That's when He understood that Krishna is so merciful and kind that He is never going to let me go irrespective of my foolishness and disobedience. At that same point, that devotee returned back to the temple and dedicated himself whole-heartedly in the service of the Lord.

Hare Krishna.

(HH Radhanath Swami)


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Steadiness in Devotional Service


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via GLORIOUS KRISHNA by Jyoti & Vidya on 8/24/11

By HH Sivarama Swami

Devotees often ask what the meaning of steadiness is: some consider that chanting sixteen rounds a day and following the four regulative principles means that one is steady, while others say it is steadiness in one's service; yet others give different variations of what they consider steadiness to mean. But these things mentioned—regularly chanting and regularity in serving—are physical symptoms that may or may not indicate real steadiness.

Suddha-bhakti-cintamani deals with the subject of steadiness from several different perspectives. What does real steadiness mean? nasta-prayesv abhadresu nityam bhagavata-sevaya: "nasta-prayesu," when almost all the inauspicious things in the heart, which are of so many variations, when they are more or less eradicated then there is steadiness. And this "more or less," Srila Prabhupada said "75%," so when 75% of impurities in the heart are eradicated, then the devotee achieves a certain level of spiritual steadiness that enables him to think about Krishna, to chant Krishna's names, because his mind and senses are no longer distracted from chanting, serving, and thinking of Krishna. Why? Because the effect of the anarthas still remaining in the heart is minimal when compared to the storehouse of devotional energy that the devotee has acquired.
So when we speak of steadiness we speak of a certain degree of purification of the heart which has its threefold symptoms, according to Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura: steadiness of mind, speech, and physical activities. These are listed in increasing order of grossness; the most subtle form of unsteadiness is in the mind. A devotee can determine how steady their mind is by how easy it is for them to think about Krishna, to chant Hare Krishna and not allow their mind to wander and be distracted. That may happen once in a while, but overall they are able to focus on the holy name. With steadiness of speech, one is able to avoid prajalpa, unnecessary and foolish talks. And steadiness in bodily activities, this means sensual steadiness.
So these are the symptoms of steadiness, but real steadiness is that 75% purification of the heart. It is technically called nisthita bhajana-kriya, when the kriya, the activities, of one's bhajana are unwavering, then that is steadiness, or, as Srila Prabhupada said, "fixed up" in devotional activities. And by definition of the word itself, bhajana kriya, the activities of bhajana will really indicate how steadily one is situated in Krishna consciousness. For instance, we will often see how someone is so fixed up in their service they don't even have time to chant sixteen rounds a day, and this is no good. When that devotee is asked to just sit and chant and make up their missing rounds, then we see that they cannot do so, their mind is distracted.
Therefore, even though someone may appear very steady in terms of their activities, it simply means they have some other qualification: it may be that by nature they're very dutiful persons. That someone is dutiful does not necessarily indicate that they are steady in devotional service. If someone is steady in devotional service, then they will be dutiful, but the converse does not automatically apply. As a good friend used to say, "I judge a man by his japa!"

So this is nistha bhajana kriya: chanting Hare Krishna, hearing Srimad-Bhagavatam associating with Vaisnavas, worshipping the deity. And when devotees have fixed attention to the performance of these activities, a natural, observable taste for these activities of pure devotion exists in the devotee. Even if it may appear that they are not so steady in their duties, still this kind of devotee is superior to those who may appear to be steady in their duties but who are not steady in devotion. Because ultimately, even if one can imitate the external activities, or if one has a particular karma or qualification and therefore has the external symptoms of nistha, still if the concomitant purification of the heart is not there, then one will not advance to the next stage of devotional service, which is rucih.
The spiritual benefit of being steady in devotional activities means that one actually focuses on the acts of sravanam kirtanam, when one is not distracted. Therefore by being offenseless in those activities, one achieves the full benefit. And that is rucih: param drstva nivartate, one attains a higher taste, and when that happens one becomes attached to Krishna Himself. This higher taste is attachment to the acts of devotion, and those acts mature into an attachment to Krishna, His form, His pastimes. That ultimately becomes the doorway to transcendence.

So Vaisnavas really strive to achieve this purity of heart called steadiness, because from that stage devotional service progresses rapidly. There are no significant obstructions to one's advancement in Krishna consciousness and the devotee can really shoot forward, back home, back to Godhead, without delay.
So let's be conscientious in our bhajana kriya, even if we are not nisthita, even if we are anisthita, unsteady, then by effort and good association with devotees who are fixed, by avoiding bad habits, by avoiding carelessness in devotional activities, by avoiding offenses, then very quickly the process of chanting and hearing fructifies, and one of the primary benefits of that maturing creeper of devotional service is that it becomes steady. Just like a tree at a certain point is no longer a sapling, it isn't green and tender, prone to being easily toppled, but it starts to develop a bark, it becomes brown and strong and can stand on its own without any kind of support, so it is with the creeper of devotional service when the stage of steadiness is achieved. And this is, as Srila Prabhupada says, the stage of 75% purification of the heart, purification from these unwanted habits.

Hare Krishna.


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Krishna is your friend!


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via GLORIOUS KRISHNA by Jyoti & Vidya on 8/24/11

"We are becoming leaders, the friend of the people. But we are not friend of the people. Krsna is the friend, suhrdam sarva-bhutanam. [Bg 5.29] If I simply say that "I am your friend in this sense, that I deliver the message to you that 'Krsna is your best friend.' I do not... I am friend so far I am giving you this information. But actual friend is Krsna, suhrdam sarva - bhutanam. So this is friendship. If one preaches Krsna consciousness and teaches everyone that Krsna is your best friend... He does not say, "I am your best friend." "I am your best friend in this sense that I am giving you this information." Actually, Krsna is your best friend. What can I do? I am a teeny living entity. What can I do for you? I may become your friend, but when you are in danger, I cannot give you any protection. Krsna can give you protection. This is real friendship. He does not take himself. He always carries the message only. Ya idam paramam guhyam mad-bhaktesv abhidhasyati. [Bg 18.68] Simply our business is to carry the message of Krsna. Then we are friend. Otherwise we are not friend. We may pose to become friend, but we are not friend because we do not know how to benefit the friend. Sometimes we mislead him. Therefore our business is to point that "Krsna is your friend." Suhrdam sarva-bhutanam.
(Srila A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada's lecture on The Nectar of Devotion, Vrindavana, 31 October, 1972.)


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Krsna Consciosuness is eternal!


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via GLORIOUS KRISHNA by Jyoti & Vidya on 8/25/11

Indian man (5): Krsna consciousness is the oldest teaching of God, or Krsna.
Prabhupada: Yes. That is mayy asakta-manah. That is explained.
Indian man (5): But the Gita was written about five thousand years ago.
Prabhupada: No. You have not read Bhagavad-gita. Did you read? Did you read Bhagavad-gita?
Indian man (5): Yes, I read some portion.
Prabhupada: Then why do you say like that, five thousand years?
Indian man (5): All the scriptures were written (indistinct).
Prabhupada: Hm? What does he say?
Indian man (5): Then how come in the locational(?), archaeological and ontological records, Krsna consciousness is not mentioned by other religions?
Prabhupada: Krsna consciousness is always there. You are calculating with reference to your age, but Krsna consciousness is there. In the Fourth Chapter, you read, imam vivasvate yogam proktavan aham avyayam: [Bg. 4.1] "I spoke this Krsna consciousness science first of all to the sun-god." Then how do you say five thousand years? There is reference to the Manu. And if we take the, all these advanced calculation, then it becomes that forty millions of years ago Bhagavad-gita was spoken by Krsna to the sun-god. Have you got forty millions' history? (laughter) So don't bring it into historical reference. It is eternal.


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Krishna is Variety


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via GLORIOUS KRISHNA by Jyoti & Vidya on 8/25/11

  • Krsna is variety. There are varieties of Krsna's manifestation. Krsna is there. Krsna personally is there. At the same time, Krsna, energy, they are varieties. Parasya saktir vividhaiva sruyate [Cc. Madhya 13.65, purport]. Krsna is one, but His energies are multi-different energies. So you can take shelter of different energies or Krsna directly. The best thing is to take shelter of Krsna directly. That is intelligence. Therefore Krsna says, sarva-dharman parityajya mam ekam saranam vraja [Bg. 18.66].

  • But we prefer to take shelter of Krsna's energy. That is also external energy, this material nature. So Krsna has given us chance. You can work hard in this material energy, but that will not help you. Therefore, those who are devotees, they also take shelter of Krsna's energy. That is internal energy, not external energy. Internal. Mahatmanas tu mam partha daivim prakrtim asritah [Bg. 9.13]. Daivim prakrtim means internal energy.
  • Just like you cannot avoid government control. That is not possible. Either you are in jail life or you are in free life, you are always under government control. Similarly, either we remain in the material world or we remain in the spiritual world, we are controlled by Krsna. There is no escape. You cannot do that. But if you remain controlled by the spiritual energy, by directly being controlled by Krsna, not by His energy, or by His internal energy, then you will be happy. That is the ambition of persons who are in Krsna consciousness.
 >>> Ref. VedaBase => Bhagavad-gita 4.11 -- Vrndavana, August 3, 1974


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Krishna appreciates sincere service!


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via GLORIOUS KRISHNA by Jyoti & Vidya on 8/25/11

Just keep this, your attitude of sincere service and without a doubt Krishna will give you all intelligence to serve Him nicely. Krishna is not ungrateful but rather He sees all our efforts and appreciates our sincere service. Krishna is interested in how we engage our energies in His service. We are very small, very insignificant, so what can we do? Simply He wants to see that we are engaging our time and energy in His service.

Srila Prabhupada Letter to: Devananda - Los Angeles 23 November, 1968


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A devotee is undisturbed


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via GLORIOUS KRISHNA by Jyoti & Vidya on 8/25/11

In the Srimad Bhagavatam (10.14.8) it is stated: Whenever a devotee is in distress or has fallen into difficulty, he thinks that it is the Lord's mercy upon him. He thinks, "Thanks to my past misdeeds I should suffer far, far greater than I am suffering now. So it is by the mercy of the Supreme Lord that I am not getting all the punishment I am due. I am just getting a little, by the mercy of the Supreme Personality of Godhead."

Therefore he is always calm, quiet and patient, despite many distressful conditions.

- Srila Prabhupada (bg 12.13-14 purport)


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Vision To See Life in Stone


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via GLORIOUS KRISHNA by Jyoti & Vidya on 8/25/11

The following conversation between His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada and several of his disciples took place in June 1974 in Paris.

Devotees: A man came to the temple a couple of days ago and argued that we really can't say for sure that there's life after death, so why worry about it? Better to build a more prosperous society. At least this we can understand, and it would be a meaningful accomplishment.
Srila Prabhupada: He may not understand that the soul takes another body after death, but he can understand that he'll be kicked out of his present body. Didn't he understand this?

Devotee: He thought it was more important to engage in economic development.
Srila Prabhupada: Therefore he's a fool. Suppose I am visiting here in Paris, and you say, "As soon as your visa expires you'll be kicked out." Shall I be interested in creating anything elaborate? I shall be kicked out after two months, so why should I construct a big building? He knows that he will be kicked out, but still he works day and night to collect bricks and stones, and he becomes a "big man." 

Devotee: Sometimes people argue that God has given us our senses, so we should enjoy them.
Srila Prabhupada: The dog is also enjoying his senses. What are you enjoying that the dog doesn't enjoy? You eat; the dog also eats. You sleep; the dog also sleeps. You enjoy sex; the dog also enjoys sex. You are afraid of your enemy; the dog is also afraid of its enemy. So what is the difference between the dog's mentality and your mentality?
God has given you the intelligence to understand that you are nothing and He is everything. Just realize it—that is intelligence. When you understand, "God is great; I am His servant," that is real intelligence.

Devotee: Someone might ask why we decorate the Deity in the temple.
Srila Prabhupada: Because it is living. One who puts forward this argument does not know that we are decorating the real, living body.

Devotee: You say the Deity is the real body, but it appears to be stone. There are no symptoms of life in the Deity.
Srila Prabhupada: There is life—the supreme life—but you have no eyes to see it. Premanjana—cchurita -bhakti- vilocanena. A devotee—he can see that the Deity is alive. You think that after reading so many scriptures we are worshiping stone? You have no eyes to see the truth. You have to purify your vision to see that Krsna is personally present in the Deity.

Devotee: Most people can't even understand the existence of the soul. So how can they understand the Deity?
Srila Prabhupada: Therefore they have to become our students, our disciples, to understand this science. Then they will see that the stone Deity is also Krsna.

Devotee: Is my body also Krsna, since it is made of earth, like the Deity?
Srila Prabhupada: No, but it is Krsna's energy. Therefore the body should be engaged in Krsna's service. That is Krsna consciousness. As soon as you understand the body is Krsna's energy, you will not employ it for any purpose other than His vice. But people do not have this realization. They think the body is theirs, or that they are the body. This is illusion.

Devotee: When impersonalistic philosophers read in Bhagavad-gita [18.61] that Supreme Lord is situated in everyone's heart," they argue that since Krsna is in heart of every living entity, every living entity is Krsna.
Srila Prabhupada: Why? If I am in a room have I become the room? Is that argument very sound? Krsna is within my body, and I am also within my body, but does that mean I am the body or that Krsna is the body? Krsna is everything, and yet, Krsna is apart from everything. In Bhagavad-gita [9.4] Krsna says, maya tatam idam sarvam jagad avyakta-murtina: "I am spread all over the universe in My impersonal feature." Mat-sthani sarva-bhutani: "Everything is in Me." Na caham tesv avasthitah: "But I separate from everything." This is the philosophy of simultaneous oneness and difference (acintya-bhedabheda-tattva).


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Searching the Stars


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via Seed of Devotion by Bhakti lata on 8/23/11

(I wrote this about a month ago, before I left for the Bus Tour.)

Ever since I was a young teenager, I remember gazing up at the glittering stars in Hawaii and I would feel this empty space in my heart. Naturally, I dreamed of stargazing with my husband one day. I felt that if I could share the stars with someone, especially my husband, I would feel complete.

Back in February, one evening I was driving home from school and I began to sob and sob because I felt such a deep pain and loneliness. I didn't know who I could talk to, I felt so alienated from everyone and everything. I had communicated this loneliness to my spiritual master a couple weeks before. He had looked into my eyes with such understanding and said, "Bhakti lata, that loneliness you feel? It is actually a great gift. Not everyone feels that loneliness. It is your heart searching for Krishna, the Lord."

I began to look for Krishna when I gazed at the stars, but still I felt that loneliness.

This evening I met up with my friend Mia at the temple, and she asked me, as many people are asking me lately, "So what are you up to in life?" Somehow when she asked me that question, it really struck through to my core, and it's even the seed of the reason I am writing this now. I smiled and replied as I've replied all summer, "Spending lots and lots of time with myself."

"How are you keeping busy, though?"

"Well, I teach writing classes, I dance, come to the temple, but mostly I'm spending time with myself and spending time with God. You know, I'm really enjoying my own company. For so much of my life I'm always running around, and now I'm just... being."

We spoke for a bit more. When we walked out to our cars, I said, "I'll always remember your prayer when you offer obeisance when you come in to the templeroom... what are the exact words?"

"God, please fill me with your presence," she said.

"God, please fill me with your presence," I murmured.

We bid goodnight and I headed out to the sandy temple road to chant the Lord's name. I began to meditate on how for this summer I feel such a deep stillness within, such an ocean of quiet. Realizations come to me in waves. I'll spend hours writing in my journal, or I'll listen to the same song 20 or 30 times in a row in meditation. On days when I'm not teaching, sometimes I don't speak with a single other person. I am not lethargic; I am active - I dance, write, interact with friends, sing, teach, etc., but I don't feel frantic. I feel quiet.

This evening I meditated on one of the qualities of Krishna - that he is atmarama, or self-satisfied. He does not need anyone's love, but He wants our love. As Eric Fromm would say: "I need you because I love you."

More than ever this summer I am reflecting on marriage, and the significance of sharing my life with someone. I want to be a whole person to share myself with another whole person. To be truly self-satisfied, I realize that I need the Lord.

I walked for a long time under the stars, barefoot in the sand. The universe seemed to open up tonight in such breathtaking silence.

Just as I was about to head home, I remembered Mia's prayer. I murmured it to myself in obeisance: "God, please fill me with your presence." I searched for that empty feeling in my heart, but I did not feel it. I only felt peace, and such deep gratitude to be chanting the Lord's holy name, barefoot, under the stars. And one day my husband will not fill that space in my heart, but share it with me.


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EKADASI -- The Day of the Lord Hari


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via Padyavali Dasi's Facebook Notes by Padyavali Dasi on 8/25/11




The Supreme Lord, Shri Krishna, then replied, "Oh King, hear me attentively. The name of this sin-removing, sacred Ekadasi is aja. Any person who fasts completely on this day and worships Hrishikesha, the master of the senses, becomes free of all reactions to his sins. Even one who simply hears about this Ekadasi is freed from his past sins. Oh King, there is no better day than this in all the earthly and heavenly worlds. This is true without a doubt.


"There once lived a famous king named Harishchandra, who was the emperor of the world and a person of great truth and integrity. His wife's name was Chandramati, and he had a son named Lohitashva. By the force of destiny, however, Harishchandra lost his great kingdom and sold his wife and son. The pious king himself became a menial servant of a dog-eater, who made him guard a crematorium. Yet even while doing such menial service, he did not forsake his truthfulness and good character, just as soma-rasa, even when mixed with some other liquid, does not lose its ability to bestow immortality.


"The king passed many years in this condition. Then one day he sadly thought, 'What shall I do? Where shall I go? How can I be delivered from this plight?' In this way he drowned in an ocean of anxiety and sorrow.


"One day a great sage happened by, and when the king saw him he happily thought, 'Ah, Lord Brahma has created brahmins just to help others.' Harishchandra paid his respectful obeisances to the sage, whose name was Gautama Muni. With joined palms the king stood before Gautama Muni and narrated his pitiful story. Gautama Muni was astonished to hear the king's tale of woe. He thought, 'How has this mighty king been reduced to collecting clothes from the dead?' Gautama Muni became very much compassionate toward Harishchandra and instructed him on the process of fasting for purification.


"Gautama Muni said, 'Oh king, during the dark fortnight of the month of Bhadrapada there occurs an especially meritorious Ekdasi named aja (Annada), which removes all sins. Indeed, this Ekadasi is so auspicious that if you simply fast on that day and perform no other austerity, all your sins will be nullified.


By your good fortune it is coming in just seven days. So I urge you to fast on this day and remain awake through the night. If you do so, all the reactions of your past sins will come to an end. Oh Harishchandra, I have come here because of your past pious deeds. Now, all good fortune to you in the future!' So saying, the great sage Sri Gautama Muni immediately disappeared for their vision.


"King Harishchandra followed Gautama Muni's instructions concerning fasting on the sacred day of aja Ekadasi. Oh Maharaja Yudhisthira, because the king fasted on that day, the reactions to his previous sins were completely destroyed at once. Oh lion among kings, just see the influence of this Ekadasi fast! It immediately vanquishes whatever miseries one may be suffering as a result of past karmik sinful activities.

Thus all Harishchandra's miseries were relieved. Just by the power of this wonderful Ekadasi, he was reunited with his wife and son, who had died but were now revived. In the heavenly regions the devas (demigods) began beating on their celestial kettledrums and showering down flowers upon Harishchandra, his queen, and their son. By the blessings of the Ekadasi fast, he regained his kingdom without difficulty. Moreover, when King Harishchandra left the planet, his relatives and all his subjects too, went with him to the spiritual world.

"Oh Pandava, whoever fasts on aja Ekadasi is surely freed from all his sins and ascends to the spiritual world. And whosoever hears and studies the glories of this Ekadasi achieves the merit gained by performing a horse sacrifice."







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Volume 11, Chapter 18-Must Read....Dont miss!!!..You will find yourself crying...spend sometime on this...

From: HH.Indradyumna Swami

                      Diary of a Traveling Monk

                        Volume 11, Chapter 18

                            July 5, 2011

                         By Indradyumna Swami

                       "The Signs of Change"

We were about to start our first harinama of the summer festival season. The
devotees were busy preparing the musical instruments, banners, and flags,
when a young Russian devotee walked up to me.

"Maharaja," he said, "my name is Slavik. I'm twenty years old, and it's my
first time on your tour in Poland. I have to admit I'm a little nervous
about going out on harinama because when I was younger I used to read about
all the trouble you had here."

"Times have changed," I said. I turned and handed a stack of invitations to
some devotees.

"After twenty-three years," I continued, "we've silenced most of the
opposition. Now the people in this country know us well, and many are
showing an interest. It's the result of being consistent for so long."

"But they don't seem interested," Slavik said as he watched people walking
past us.

"They will when we start chanting," I said. "The holy names quickly purify
the atmosphere. Stick with me today, and I'll show you the signs of change."

I picked up the microphone and looked over the group of seventy-five
devotees. "It's some distance to the beach," I said, "so we'll walk there
quickly to save time and start kirtana when we get there."

We hadn't gone more than thirty meters when a fruit vendor called out to us.
"Hey!" he shouted, "Why aren't you guys singing and dancing like you always
do? Come on! Brighten my day!"

I winked at Slavik. "There's your first sign," I said.

Then I turned to Tribuvanesvara dasa. "Begin the kirtana," I said.

Within seconds the holy names filled the air and people began smiling and
waving, as they accepted invitations to our festival that evening. As we
passed along the main street, a devotee called out to me. "Maharaja," he
shouted, "Get a load of that store!"

I couldn't believe my eyes. Right there for sale outside a store were
beautiful large color prints of Lord Krsna playing His flute. A man was
buying one.

"There's a second sign," I said to Slavik.

Devotees were excited to be back on harinama and distributing the mercy of
the holy names. The kirtana got louder as we neared the wide beach full of
holidaymakers. From a distance I could see people getting up from the sand
to see what all the noise was about. Just as we stepped onto the beach, a
ten-year-old boy came running forward. "Look, Mom!" he yelled. "It's the
Rama Ramas!"

"Well, that's a first for me," I said to Slavik. "I've heard them say
theHare Krsnas or just the Hares, but I never heard anyone call us the Rama

As we stopped to take off our shoes, a woman called out to us. "Don't move!"
she shouted.

I went to the front of the party to see what was happening. "Please!" she
shouted, "All of you, don't move. Your group is so beautiful, so colorful,
so attractive. Just stop for a moment so we can all look at you."

A few devotees picked up their instruments and flags to start kirtana again.
"Stop boys," I said. "The lady wants to get a good look at Lord Caitanya's
sankirtana party. We can't refuse her."

The devotees stood motionless with sweet smiles on their faces as more
people gathered to look. I waited a full minute. "OK!" I shouted. "Let's
move on!"

"A sure sign times have changed," I said to Slavik.

As we chanted along the beach and danced in choreographed steps, fifteen
devotees fanned out in a line spreading across the sand and walked alongside
the kirtana party, distributing invitations. Glancing back, I could see that
practically everyone on the beach held an invitation.

After three hours we had covered eight kilometers of beach. I called out to
Kinkari Dasi on the other side of the kirtana party. "How many invitations
have we given out?" I shouted.

"About twelve thousand so far," she shouted back.

"Good work," I shouted. "Keep moving in unison."

Suddenly, a large man with tattoos all over his body jumped up from the
sand. "Stop!" he screamed. "What is this nonsense? What are you singing
about? This is a Christian country! Who is this Krsna anyway?"

Slavik cringed. I motioned to the kirtana party to keep moving. Then a woman
shouted back at the man, "You moron!" she yelled. "Haven't you been to their
festival before? The guru always says in his talk that Krsna is another name
for God. Just like the sun has different names in different languages, so
God has different names in different parts of the world. Now sit down and
shut up! And get educated. Go to their festival tonight."

The man was shocked into silence.

"That was an interesting analogy about the sun," said Slavik.

"It's from my stage lecture," I said.

After a good hour of kirtana I took the devotees to the festival site. The
crew was just finishing their five-hour marathon setting up our massive
stage and numerous tents.

"It looks like the spiritual world," said Slavik.

"It is the spiritual world," I said.

As the kirtana ended, a group of twelve teenagers ran up to us. "We want to
know where we can sign up for the parade tomorrow," said a boy.

"Yes," said another. "We saw you on the beach and we went to the tourist
information center in town to ask if there was going to be another parade

"I see," I replied, smiling at Slavik.

"They told us to come and see you and ask if the parade will be every day,"
said another.

I smiled. "We're here for three days," I said. "We'll be doing the parade
every day. You are welcome to join us."

"We don't know how to play the instruments," a boy said. "But we'd love to
wave the flags."

"Sure," I said. "No training needed for that. And we'll teach you the song
too. It's the most important part. Be here at 11:00 a.m. sharp tomorrow."

"OK," they replied as they ran off towards town.

"Need more proof than that?" I said to Slavik.

"The more the better," he said.

After lunch our entire crew of two hundred fifty devotees took their
positions onstage or in the tents. Opening time was approaching, and the
first guest appeared - with a large cup of frothing beer in his hand. Ten
steps away from me he suddenly stopped. "Whoops!" he said. "I can't bring
this in here. It's a sacred place."

He did an about-face, walked to the edge of the festival grounds, threw his
cup of beer into the bushes, and came back. He sat down in the middle of the
benches in front of the stage, waiting for the show to begin.

As I walked around the festival site, a woman came up to me. "Where is the
shop selling things from India?" she said.

"Over there," I said, pointing to the Fashion Tent.

"I'm looking for something specific," she said. "I'm wondering if I can find
it there."

"Just what is it you're looking for?" I asked.

"Well, one of your people showed me what you all keep in those little bags
around your neck," she said.

"You mean our chanting beads?" I said.

"Yes," she said. "I want to get one of those small cloth bags in the store."

"What for?" I said.

"For my rosary beads," she said, pulling out a beautiful set of reddish
beads from her purse. "I want to keep them in one of those bags and chant on
them like you do."

I looked at Slavik. "Now that really is something new," I said.

My last stop was the Book Tent, where people were already buying Srila
Prabhupada's books, even before the festival had begun.

"Guru Maharaja," said Caitanya-lila dasi, "could you sign a few books before
you go? People remember how you were signing them at last year's festival."

Almost immediately a distinguished-looking woman came up and asked me in
English to sign her copy of the Bhagavad-gita. I wrote a dedication in the
book and signed my name.

"What is your profession?" I asked, handing her the book.

"I'm the head of the Philosophy Department at one of Poland's largest
universities," she replied. "I was at your festival here last year when you
spoke about the Bhagavad-gita in your lecture, but I didn't have my purse
with me, so I couldn't buy one. I came to the festival early this year
hoping to get a copy. I've been waiting all year to read this book."

"I bought one last year," said a woman standing nearby, "but I didn't get it
signed by you. I've been reading it for eight months. Do you think you could
write a dedication with your signature on this paper plate for me? When I
get home I'll cut it out and paste it into my Bhagavad-gita."

A man came up to me. "I've watched you singing on the beach every summer for
fifteen years," he said, "ever since I was a small child. I never really had
an interest in what you were doing, but somehow the accumulated effect of
hearing your song has brought me here. I strolled into this tent an hour
ago, saw this Bhagavad-gita and can't stop reading it. I decided to buy it.
Can you sign it for me?"

As I signed the book he picked up The Teachings of Queen Kunti and started
leafing through it. "Maybe I'll buy this book too," he said. "It looks
really interesting."

I gave him the Bhagavad-gita, and he took my hand. "My soul is trembling,"
he said and turned to leave.

Slavik and I started walking out of the tent. "This is the real result of
our preaching," I said, "when people come forward to buy Srila Prabhupada's
books. Prabhupada once wrote in a letter: 'If he reads one page his life may
be turned.'"

The benches were already full, and a large crowd was forming behind them. I
was scheduled to lead the first bhajana, but it was with difficulty that
Slavik and I made it through the crowd to the stage. At the foot of the
stage we met a teenage girl dressed in an unusual sari, with something
resembling a bindi dot on her forehead. I could see she wasn't part of our

I turned to her. "Excuse me," I said, "is this your first time at our

"No, not at all," she said. "I live nearby. I've been coming for eleven
years, every summer since I was eight."

"That's wonderful," I said. "Did our festival introduce you to this

"Not exactly," she said. "My grandmother practiced yoga all her life. When I
was five she began teaching me too. When I was six she sewed this sari for
me by hand, made me a bindi, and gave me some bangles. I used to wear the
sari every summer as a little girl. One day I was riding my bike and I ran
into your festival here. I couldn't believe my eyes. I always tell Grandma
that this is my festival, this is me."

I was speechless. So was Slavik.

"My parents are a little worried about my involvement," she continued,
"especially because I'm chanting sixteen rounds a day. But Grandma says I
can join the festival tour when I'm twenty-one."

"Did someone here give you beads and show you how to chant?" I asked.

"No," she said. "I'm quite shy. I've never spoken to any of you before. I
bought the beads in the shop years ago and read how to chant on them in one
of the books. I love the books. Besides my school books they're all I've
ever read."

A stagehand called out. "Hurry up, Maharaja," he said. "You're on."

I looked up and saw devotees sitting on the stage waiting for me to begin
the bhajana.

"Slavik," I said, "get this girl's email address."

Then I ran backstage, up the stairs, and onto the stage. I could see more
than fifteen hundred people on our festival grounds.

After twenty minutes I brought the kirtana to a close and left the stage so
the main program could begin. Within moments fifteen members of the dance
group Sankhya, whom we'd brought from India, were dazzling the audience.
Dina-dayal Das was in the wings waiting to go on with his South Indian
martial arts performance, complete with flashing swords and a powerful

As I left the stage a man came running up to me. "Maharaja," he said, "do
you remember me?"

"I'm sorry, I don't," I said. "You'll have to excuse me. I meet so many
people every day."

"I'm from Zary," he said, "where the Woodstock festival used to take place.
I would go to Krsna's Village of Peace to eat the food and watch the

"What I liked most," he continued, "was your singing. Just now my wife and I
and our two daughters were walking on the beach on the other side of the
forest, and we heard you singing. My wife said, 'That's Maharaja,' and we
all came running. We got here just in time to see you finish."

"Thank you," I said. "I'm humbled by your appreciation."

He gave me a hug and then started to cry. "It's like seeing an old friend
again," he said.

I hugged him back. "Why don't you take a walk around the festival site," I
said. "It's just like the old days in Zary, only a little smaller."

As Slavik and I continued walking we saw that the Restaurant Tent was
packed, there was a long line for yoga classes, and many people were
browsing through the various exhibition tents. People were crowding to get
into the Questions and Answers Tent.

The pleasant weather added to the charm of the event, and the evening went
smoothly as people constantly went to and fro. After my lecture I again
signed books in the Book Tent, and at one point enjoyed serving prasada.

Toward the end of the evening the devotees presented our puppet show,
Krsna's Pastimes in Vrindavan. Even from a distance I could see the
life-size puppets. The Krsna puppet had recently been redone and was
especially beautiful with big lotus eyes, red lips, cute smile, and long
black wavy hair. The crowd was cheering as the play began, and many of the
children ran to the front of the stage to get a good view.

I came closer to watch the fun as Balarama killed Dvivida Gorilla, who was
more than two meters tall. After a minute or two I sensed a woman standing
close to me and turned to see it was our old friend the mayor.

"Oh, Madame Mayor," I said. "What an honor it is you've come to our

"Is it such a surprise?" she said. "I've been coming every summer for ten
years. All the citizens come as well, and the tourists too."

She turned around. "Look at the crowd you have this time," she said. "There
must be two thousand people here."

"Yes," I said. "It's very satisfying."

"It's a tradition in our town," she said. "But let's not talk now. Let's
just sit here and watch the show. Old friends don't always have to talk.
They can enjoy just being in each other's comany."

Seeing the mayor looking for a seat, the crowd immediately scrambled to give
us places to sit. Slavik came with us. Forty minutes went by, and we sat
through almost the entire production. At one point she leaned over to me.
"Maharaja," she whispered, "there's something I've wanted to ask you for
many years."

"Really?" I whispered back, "What is it?"

"Can you give me a spiritual name?" she said.

"What?" I said.

"I've known you people for more than a decade," she said. "Everything about
you is so beautiful. I've done everything I can to promote your festival. I
even went to court one time to defend it. Do you remember?"

"Yes, I do," I said. "We wouldn't be here today if not for you."

"After all these years I feel like part of the family," she said. "That's
why I want to have a spiritual name. I will ask my family members and the
citizens of the town to call me by that name from now on. I like the name

"How do you know that name?" I said.

"Radhika is Krsna's girlfriend," she said. "I've been watching your puppet
shows for years.  But one of your tour members is named Radhika. So maybe
you could give me a name connected to Radhika."

"OK," I said, "we'll call you Radha-lila."

"But there's something missing at the end," she said.

"You mean Dasi," I said. "Your name is Radha-lila Dasi, servant of the
pastimes of Radhika."

Slavik spoke up. "Good name," he said. "The mayor's done so much to promote
these festivals."

"I know it's not exactly like getting baptized," the mayor said, "but I
appreciate it just the same. And who knows? Maybe one day I will get
baptized into the faith."

Just at that moment the puppet show finished and another surge of children
headed for the stage as the puppets took their bows. Suddenly, a piercing
scream came from the front row of benches. The mayor and I jumped up and ran
toward the sound. As we got closer I saw a little girl screaming. "Mommy!
Mommy!" she shouted. "I want Krsna! I want Krsna, the blue boy!"

The whole audience was looking at the little girl. "Mommy, please!" she kept
screaming. "I want the blue boy! I want Krsna!"

Her mother, looking embarrassed, turned to the onlookers. "I'm sorry," she
said. "I've never seen her like this. I don't know what's gotten into her."

An elderly woman spoke up. "Give her Krsna," she said. "Give her the

"Yes," said another woman. "Give her the blue boy."

"Yes," said a man. "Give Him to her."

I turned to a devotee, "Run and get the Krsna puppet," I said.

Within moments the puppet was there. The little girl lunged forward and
hugged the puppet, who was almost as big as she was. She settled down.
"Krsna, I love you," she said over and over to the puppet. For the rest of
the evening no one could separate her from the puppet.

As we walked away I turned to Slavik, "In order to go back home, back to
Godhead," I said, "we must have the same intensity of love for Krsna that
that little girl showed for the puppet."

No sooner had I said that than a loud crash of thunder startled us.
Lightning streaked through the sky as the rain started pouring. People ran
for shelter in the tents. Slavik and I ran for cover on the stage. But I was
surprised to notice a sea of umbrellas covering the benches.

"They don't want to leave," said Nitai Das, one of the stagehands. "They're
under their umbrellas, but we'll have to cancel the final kirtana. The kids
will be disappointed. Many of them were waiting for the contest."

"What contest?" said Slavik.

"The dance contest," I said. "We invite all the children to dance in front
of the stage during the last kirtana. Afterwards we pick the ten best
dancers, bring them onstage and give saris to the girls and sweets to the
boys. It's always a big hit."

"It won't happen this time," said Nitai.

"I have an idea," I said. "I'll announce that because it's raining so hard
we'll have to cancel the kirtana. I'll invite all the children onstage and
we'll give each of them a sari or a sweet. That way they'll be satisfied.
We'll finish the program like that."

"That'll be about a hundred saris and fifty sweets, Maharaja," said Nitai.

"It's OK this one time," I said. "We can't expect all these kids to dance in
the rain. Their parents will be furious."

I turned to a devotee standing nearby. "Run and get a hundred saris from the
Fashion Tent," I said, "and a bowl of sweets from the restaurant."

I took the microphone and stepped forward. "Ladies and gentleman, boys and
girls," I said, "may I have your attention. We have enjoyed sharing this
wonderful festival with you today, but unfortunately, because of the sudden
storm we'll have to cancel the final part where we sing onstage and the
children dance in front. As a concession, all the children can come onstage
now for a free sari or sweet."

A huge number of children headed for the stage, many breaking loose from
their parents.

"No, no," they screamed in the rain. "We want to sing! We want to dance!
Please, let us sing."

I looked at Nitai. "What's going on?" I said.

"I don't know, Maharaja," he said. "None of them are coming onstage."

"We want to sing," the children screamed as their numbers increased to over
a hundred. "We want to dance."

"But it's pouring rain," I said over the microphone.

"Sing, sing, sing," the children chanted in unison. "Sing, sing, sing."

I sat down to play the harmonium and the other members of the bhajana group
quickly joined me. As I began the kirtana I turned to Mangala-vati Dasi.
"Get this on video," I said, "or no one will believe it."

The children chanted and danced along with us. In no time they were soaked,
but even through the dimness I could see their joyful, smiling faces. The
area in front of the stage soon became muddy, but nothing could stop them.
Every once in a while one of them would shout "Hare Krsna," and after some
time they formed a long line that snaked its way in front of the stage and
back near the benches. To my amazement, their parents encouraged them.

When I brought the kirtana to a close, the children cheered and their
parents applauded. I invited all the kids onstage to receive their saris and
sweets. Not long afterward the rain subsided.

That night I stood and watched all the families leaving the festival
grounds. And what a sight it was! Many of the parents had Srila Prabhupada's
books tucked under their arms while their sons happily munched on sweetballs
and their daughters proudly displayed their elegant saris. Such is the mercy
of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu, who causes the whole world to dance in ecstasy
at the sound of His holy names. And we are part of those pastimes. How
fortunate we are!


"He makes a song of the names 'Hare,' 'Krsna' and 'Rama,' and by giving it
to the mass of people destroys all obstacles such as sorrow, delusion,
greed, and suffering. He grants devotional service to the multitude of
devotees who are eager for the shelter of Lord Krsna's lotus feet. I fall
down swiftly to offer my prostrated obeisances to the Lord in His golden
form, who holds a string of meditation beads."

[Srila Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya, Susloka-sastakam, Text 23]
Audio lectures:
Facebook: Indradyumna Swami




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Earned by service

Posted: 25 Aug 2011 09:30 PM PDT

We will always be unfulfilled unless we serve Krsna…Krsna has entered into a relationship with all the devotees and Krsna is reciprocating with every living being. Yes sometimes Krsna seems to ignore His devotee for a while but then He is there again, and again and again Krsna is reciprocating with every single devotee. And the devotees, they know that they cannot just take Krsna for granted but that to get Krsna's personal attention is a very rare gift and that gift is not so easily attained. That gift must be earned by service…(Kadamba Kanana Maharaja, June 2011, Leicester)

Taste is not forbidden

Posted: 25 Aug 2011 12:46 PM PDT

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, 2011)

Taste is not forbidden. It is not something that is a taboo. It is not that spiritual life should only be a duty. Fun is actually part of spiritual life. Here is it said that:

'One who executes his duties according to my injunctions'.

The word 'duty' was a word that I was allergic to prior to Krishna Consciousness. I must admit that 'duty' felt like something extremely dry, with very little hope for inspiration and basically an austerity:

'How long can you just act on the basis of duty?'

Therefore I would like to offer that Krishna Consciousness is (Sanskrit) joyfully performed even from the very beginning, then there is so much juice and there is so much taste!



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