
Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna

Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna
Gopis performing Devotional Service to the Lordships Sri Sri Radha Krishna

When will I renounce the circle of material family life, and, drowning in transcendental bliss, go to Vrajabhumi?

Beautiful Vrindavan

Beautiful Vrindavan is filled with cintamani gems and many jewel palaces and temples. Many regal swans play in the waters of the Yamuna, and in those waters a splendid golden lotus flower grows.

In Vrndavan the kadamba trees offer obeisances, their flowering branches reverently touching the ground. Bumble bees enjoy pastimes in Vrndavan, which is filled with a very sweet fragrance.

Radha and Krsna stay in the place where They enjoy pastimes. How beautiful They are. Their bodies are decorated with jewel ornaments, and They are wealthy with many gem mines of intelligence and wit.

Vrindavan -  YamunaWhen will I renounce the circle of material family life, and, drowning in transcendental bliss, go to Vrajabhumi? O Lord Hari, Lord Hari, when will this be?

When will I see Govardhana Hill, my eyes filling with tears? When will I reside at Radha-kunda? When, as a result of constantly wandering in Vrndavan, will this body fall down?

When will I become pure at heart by bathing in the waters of the Yamuna?

When will I circumambulate the land of Vraja, wandering from forest to forest? When, becoming fatigued, will I stop to rest on the shore of the Yamuna?

When will I be able to see the gardens of Vrndavan where the great devotees worshipped the Lord?

When will I find relief from the heat of midday by resting in the cooling shade of Vamsivata? When will I associate with the Vaisnavas in the groves of Vrndavana?

(Narottama dasa Thakur - Prarthana)



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Holy Name reveals Himself accordingly!

Utterance of the holy name while one engages in sense gratification is
an impediment on the path toward achieving ecstatic love for krishna.
On the other hand if one who is eager for devotional service utters
the holy name even partially or improperly, the holy name, which is
identical with the supreme personality of god head, exhibits its
spiritual potency because of that person's offenseless utterance. Thus
one is relieved from all unwanted practices and gradually awakens his
dormant love for krishna. CC.


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Loving Devotion

The Lord reciprocates with His devotees on the basis of transcendental
love not on the basis of the phiosophical knowledge or fruitive
activities. The gopis of vrndavana were neither highly learned
scholars nor mystic yogis. They had spontaneous love for the Lord, and
thus He became their heart and soul and gopis also became the heart
and soul of the Lord. Lord Caitanya approved the relationship of the
gopis with the Lord as supreme. SB 3.4.10 purport.


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O Lord, there is no treasure worth seeking in this world other than Your lotus feet

Vidyara Vilase

Friday, May 20, 2011, 4:14:48 PM | ISKCON Desire TreeGo to full article

Book Name: Saranagati (Section: Dainya Song 2)
Bhaktivinoda Thakur

vidyāra vilāse, kāṭāinu kāla,
parama sāhase āmi
tomāra caraṇa, nā bhajinu kabhu,
ekhona śaraṇa tumi

podite podite, bharasā bārilo,
jñāne gati habe māni'
se āśā biphala, se jñāna durbala,
se jñāna ajñāna jāni

jaḍa-vidyā jata, māyāra vaibhava,
tomāra bhajane bādhā
moha janamiyā, anitya saṁsāre,
jīvake koraye gādhā

sei gādhā ho'ye, saṁsārera bojhā,
bahinu aneka kāla
bārdhakye ekhona, śaktira abhāve,
kichu nāhi lāge bhālo

jīvana jātanā, hoilo ekhona,
se vidyā avidyā bhelo
avidyāra jwālā, ghaṭilo biṣama,
se vidyā hoilo selo

tomāra caraṇa, binā kichu dhana,
saṁsāre nā āche āra
bhakativinoda, jaḍa-vidyā chāḍi,'
tuwā pada kore sāra
1) With great enthusiasm I spent my time in the pleasures of mundane learning, and never worshiped Your lotus feet, O Lord. Now You are my only shelter.
2) Reading on and on, my hopes grew and grew, for I considered the acquisition of material knowledge to be life's true goal. How fruitless those hopes turned out to be, for all my knowledge proved feeble. Now I know that all such erudition is actually pure ignorance.
3) All the so-called knowledge of this world is born of the flickering potency of Your illusory energy (maya). It is an impediment to the  xecution of devotional service to You. Indulgence in mundane knowledge verily makes an ass of the eternal soul by encouraging his infatuation with this temporary world.
4) Here is one person who has been turned into such an ass, who for so long has carried on his back the useless burden of material existence. Now in my old age, for want of the power to enjoy, I find that nothing at all pleases me.
5) Life has now become agony, for my so-called erudite knowledge has proven itself to be worthless ignorance. Material knowledge has now become a pointed shaft and has pierced my heart with the intolerable, burning pain of ignorance.
6) O Lord, there is no treasure worth seeking in this world other than Your lotus feet. Bhaktivinoda abandons all his mundane knowledge and makes Your lotus feet the sum and substance of his life.

Vidyara Vilase – Sung by HG Achyutananda Prabhu
Vidyara Vilase – Sung by HG Jai Sachinanadana Prabhu



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Ultimately the pleasure to be had in the company of beautiful young women turns to fearfulness and distracts one from the real goal of life

Yadi Te Hari Pada Saroja Sudha

Friday, May 20, 2011, 4:41:08 PM | ISKCON Desire TreeGo to full article
Yadi Te Hari Pada Saroja Sudha

Official Name: Sri Godruma Candra Bhajanopadesa
Author: Bhaktivinoda Thakur

yadi te hari-pāda-saroja-sudhārasa-
pāna-paraṁ hṛdayaṁ satatam
parihṛtya gṛhaṁ kali-bhāva-mayaṁ
bhaja godruma-kānana-kushja-vidhum

nahi nityam anukṣaṇa-nāśa-param
tyaja grāmya-kathā-sakalaṁ viphalaṁ
bhaja godruma-kānana-kushja-vidhum

ramaṇī-jana-sańga-sukhaṁ ca sakhe
carame bhayadaṁ puruṣārtha-haram
bhaja godruma-kānana-kushja-vidhum

jaḍa-kāvya-raso nahi kāvya-rasaḥ
kali-pāvana-gaura-raso hi rasaḥ
alam any-kathādy-anuśīlanayā
bhaja godruma-kānana-kushja-vidhum

bhaja godruma-kānana-kushja-vidhum

hari-kīrtana-madhyagataṁ svajanaiḥ
bhaja godruma-kānana-kushja-vidhum

nava-khaṇḍa-patiṁ yati-citta-haram
sura-sańgha-nutaṁ priyayā sahitaṁ
bhaja godruma-kānana-kushja-vidhum

bhaja godruma-kānana-kushja-vidhum

yad abhīkṣṇam udeti mukhābja-tatau
tam akṛṣṇam iha vraja-rāja-sutaṁ
bhaja godruma-kānana-kushja-vidhum

iha copaniṣat-parigīta-vibhur
dvija-rāja-sutaḥ purṭābha-hariḥ
nija-dhāmani khelati bandhu-yuto
bhaja godruma-kānana-kushja-vidhum

avatāra-varaṁ paripūrṇa-phalaṁ
para-tattvam ihātma-vilāsa-mayam
bhaja godruma-kānana-kushja-vidhu

śruti-varṇa-dhanādi na yasya kṛpājanane
balavad-bhajanena vinā
tam ahaituka-bhāva-pathā hi sakhe
bhaja godruma-kānana-kushja-vidhum

api nakra-gatau hrada-madhya-gataṁ
kam amocayad ārta-janaṁ tam ajam
avicintya-balaṁ śiva-kalpa-taruṁ
bhaja godruma-kānana-kushja-vidhum

vara-varṇa-dharo harir āvirabhūt
tam ajasra-sukhaṁ muni-dhairya-haraṁ
bhaja godruma-kānana-kushja-vidhum

abhilāṣa-cayaṁ tad abheda-dhiyam
aśubhaṁ ca śubhaṁ ca tyaja sarvam idam
anukūlatayā priya-sevanayā
bhaja godruma-kānana-kushja-vidhum

bhaja godruma-kānana-kushja-vidhum

vada yādava mādhava kṛṣṇa hare
vada rāma janārdana keśava he
vṛṣabhānu-sutā-priyanātha sadā
bhaja godruma-kānana-kushja-vidhum

vada yāmuna-tīra-vanādri-pate
vada gokula-kānana-pushja-rave
vada rāsa-rasāyana gaura-hare
bhaja godruma-kānana-kushja-vidhum

cala gaura-vanaṁ nava-khaṇḍamayaṁ
paṭha gaurahareś caritāṇi mudā
luṭha gaura-padāńkita-gāńga-taṭaṁ
bhaja godruma-kānana-kushja-vidhum

smara gaura-gadādhara-keli-kalāṁ
bhava gaura-gadādhara-pakṣa-caraḥ
śrṇu gaura-gadādhara-cāru-kathāṁ
bhaja godruma-kānana-kushja-vidhum

(1) If you want your heart to be always absorbed in drinking the ambrosial mellows of the lotus feet of Lord Hari, then give up household life, which is full of quarrels and strife, and just worship Lord Gaura, the moon of Godruma's forest bowers.

(2) Material riches, youth, long duration of life, and royal happiness — none of these are eternal. At any moment they may be destroyed. Give up all useless topics of mundane conversation and just worship Lord Gaura, the moon of Godruma's forest bowers.

(3) O Friend, ultimately the pleasure to be had in the company of beautiful young women turns to fearfulness and distracts one from the real goal of life. Just worship Lord Gaura, the moon of Godruma's forest bowers with your mind intoxicated by the nectarine mellows of the holy name.

(4) The taste of mundane poetry does not afford the sweet taste of actual poetry. The sweet mellows of true poetry are found in descriptions of Lord Caitanya, the savior of all souls in the Kali yuga. Enough with the study of any other topics! Just worship Lord Gaura, the moon of Godruma's forest bowers.

(5) Krishna, the transcendental paramour, stands on the banks of the Yamuna with Radha, the daughter of Vrsabhanu, on His left side. He is absorbed in the pastime of playing soft, melodious songs on His flute. Just worship Lord Gaura, the moon of Godruma's forest bowers, Lord Caitanya, who is nondifferent from the son of Nanda.

(6) He is Lord Hari, shining like molten gold and surrounded by His loving devotees in the midst of hari-kirtana, He is the only ocean of mercy for the Gaudiya Vaisnavas. Just worship Lord Gaura, the moon of Godruma's forest bowers.

(7) Just worship Lord Gaura, the moon of Godruma's forest bowers — Lord Caitanya, who along with His beloved wife Visnu-priya is glorified by all demigods and saintly persons. His home, Navadvipa, is surrounded by the river Ganga, the daughter of the Himalayas. He is the Lord of Navadvipa and the stealer of the hearts of all sannyasi's.

(8) Lord Gauranga is like a powerful hammer which smashes the sin and oppression of the mad-dog of the Kali-yuga. and He is absorbed in distributing the holy name of Krishna, which is the greatest medicine to release one from the material existence. His transcendental form is beautiful , and His heart is full of compassion for the suffering, fallen souls of this world. Just worship Lord Gaura, the moon of Godruma's forest bowers.

(9) Compassion which is free from the duality of "Friend" and "enemy" is always manifest on his lotus face. He is the son of Maharaja Nanda — Krishna, who has appeared in a golden form in the land of Navadvipa. Just worship Lord Gaura, the moon of Godruma's forest bowers.

(10) In this world and in the Upanishads He is celebrated as the all-pervading Supreme Lord. He appeared as the son of a brahmana and is Lord Hari Himself, with a shining complexion of molten gold. In His own abode He sports with His cowherd boy friends. Just worship this Lord Gaura, the moon of Godruma's forest bowers.

(11) He is the most wonderful of all avataras because He is the source of all other expansions of God. He is the Supreme Truth, enjoying His pastimes here in this world. He is the embodiment of the most confidential flows that exist in the ocean of rasa.

(12) Without strong devotional worship and service, mere mundane scholarship, high family lineage ,wealth and so on are not effective for Gaura and Gadadhara and just worship Lord Gaura, the moon of Godruma's forest bowers. Invoking the causeless mercy of the Lord. O friend, just worship Lord Gaura, the beautiful moon of Godruma's forest bowers, by the path of unmotivated devotion.

(13) In His appearance as Hari, the Lord liberated Gajendra, the king of elephants, from the grasp of the crocodile in the lake, and in His appearance as Sri Caitanya, He delivered King Gajapati Prataparudra from the jaws of the kali-yuga crocodile who was lying in the lake of politics. Lord Sri Caitanya is unborn, possesses inconceivable power ,and is likened to an auspicious desire tree. Just worship Lord Gaura, the moon of Godruma's forest bowers.

(14) Lord Krsna, who was pleased with the penances and austerities of Indra and the Surabhi cow, appeared in this world as Lord Caitanya, possessing a golden complexion. He is eternal happiness and the captivator of the intelligence of all learned sages. Just worship Lord Gaura, the moon of Godruma's forest bowers.

(15) Give up all worldly desires, monistic meditation and relative conceptions of inauspiciousness and auspiciousness. In a favorable mood, with loving devotion, just engage yourself in just worshipping Lord Gaura, the moon of Godruma's forest bowers.

(16) Remaining devoted to the service of the Vaishnava's, being addicted to drinking the sweet nectar of the name of Hari, and with a mentality endowed with modesty, humility, and compassion, just worship Lord Gaura, the moon of Godruma's forest bowers.

(17) Always worship Lord Gaura, the beautiful moon of Godruma's forest bowers, and call out to the Lord," O Yadava, ! O Madhava O Krishna, O Hari, O Rama O Janardana, O Keshava, O beloved Lord of Radha!"

(18) Just worship Lord Gaura, the moon of Godruma's forest bowers and call out to the Lord "O Lord of the Vrindavana forest, which lies along the banks of the Yamuna! O Lord of Govardhana Hill! O sun of the forest of Gokula! O giver of life to the rasa dance.! O Gaurahari!

(19) Go to Navadvipa, the land of Lord Caitanya, Read and recite with great joy the wonderful pastimes of Lord Gaurahari. Roll about in ecstasy on the banks of the Ganges, which are marked with the footprints of Lord Caitanya, and just worship Lord Gaura, the moon of  odruma's forest bowers. Remember the wonderful pastimes of Gaura and Gadadhara.

(20) Become a servant of Gaura and Gadadhara. Listen to the beautiful narration's concerning Gaura and Gadadhara and just worship Lord Gaura, the moon of Godruma's forest bowers.

Yadi Te Hari Pada Saroja Sudha – Sung by HG Agnidev Prabhu
Yadi Te Hari Pada Saroja Sudha – Sung by HG Jai Sachinanadana Prabhu
Yadi Te Hari Pada Saroja Sudha – Sung by HG Krishna Kshetra Prabhu



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Using the ointment of love to see the beautiful form of Sri Krishna [BG.11.34]

Bhagavad-gita As It Is | Part [BG.11.34]


TEXT 50:

sanjaya uvaca

ity arjunam vasudevas tathoktva
svakam rupam darsayam asa bhuyah
asvasayam asa ca bhitam enam
bhutva punah saumya-vapur mahatma


Sanjaya said to Dhritarashtra: The Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krishna, having spoken thus to Arjuna, displayed His real four-armed form and at last showed His two-armed form, thus encouraging the fearful Arjuna


When Krishna appeared as the son of Vasudeva and Devaki, He first of all appeared as four-armed Narayana, but when He was requested by His parents, He transformed Himself into an ordinary child in appearance. Similarly, Krishna knew that Arjuna was not interested in seeing a four-handed form, but since Arjuna asked to see this four-handed form, Krishna also showed him this form again and then showed Himself in His two-handed form. The word saumya-vapuh is very significant. Saumya-vapuh is a very beautiful form; it is known as the most beautiful form. When He was present, everyone was attracted simply by Krishna's form, and because Krishna is the director of the universe, He just banished the fear of Arjuna, His devotee, and showed him again His beautiful form of Krishna. In the Brahma-samhita (5.38) it is stated, premanjana-cchurita-bhakti-vilocanena: only a person whose eyes are smeared with the ointment of love can see the beautiful form of Sri Krishna.

Translation and commentary by His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada



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  • Technorati - To attract mercy

To attract mercy

Posted: 12 Oct 2011 03:59 PM PDT

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, Melbourne, Australia, October 2011)

In Kartika we will try for pure devotional service. In this month one can take vows to perform some special service! Because this month is the month of Srimati Radharani who is especially noticing this service that we render.

When she recommends us to Krishna, then Krishna will also be inclined towards us and she is very compassionate and soft hearted. Therefore, this month is especially a very favourable time to try and attract mercy!

Making a special advancement

Posted: 12 Oct 2011 03:43 PM PDT

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, Melbourne, Australia, October 2011)

There is a chance during this month to make a special advancement. Especially whoever goes to Vrindavan during the months of Kartika is very fortunate. It is said because in Vrindavan, during Kartika one can make many times more advancement under normal conditions – it's a thousand times more!

Therefore, being in Vrindavan during Kartika is very, very special. Not all of us have the opportunity or the time to just leave everything and go to Vrindavan for Kartika, but one can at least go in consciousness, because sometimes the acaryas – Srila Jiva Gosvami are pointing out that:

"Mathura is not a place, it's a state of consciousness"

So the consciousness of Mathura (or Vrindavan) is what really transports us there! Therefore we can also invoke that atmosphere from wherever we are, and in that way one can reside in Vrindavan by remembering Vrindavan, because remembrance on the spiritual platform is as good as being there, and we simply remember the spiritual world. So it is a month to meditate on Krishna!

A lecture about the month of Kartika

Posted: 12 Oct 2011 04:12 AM PDT

This is a lecture on the topic of the month of Kartika, given by HH Kadamba Kanana Swami on the 11 October 2011 at a home program in Melbourne, Australia.

In the lecture Maharaja explains the importance and meaning of Kartika. He especially emphasises the immense benefit one can make in this month, simply by taking on vows, which then should be kept throughout the whole month.

To download the lecture, click here.




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Ice Breakers - TREE SHAPING- unique tree stems. Amazing!


TREE SHAPING- unique tree stems. Amazing !


You might find this interesting, if you haven't already seen it.

Peter and Becky of Australia have mastered the art of Tree Shaping. 
Pooktre, as they have called it, has perfected a Gradual shaping method, which is the shaping of trees as they grow along predetermined designs. 
Designing and setting up the supporting famework are fundamental to 
the success of a tree. Some are intended for harvest to be high quality. Indoor furniture and others will remain living art. 





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There is no limit to the increase of material desires.

There is no limit to the increase of material desires. This is how it works: if one obtains a desire, then he gets poked by the thorn of disappointment. By that he is forced to look forward to still another desire, and in this way one keeps on continuously moving on and on from one desire to the next.
                  - Selected Texts from Kalyana Kalpataru by Bhaktivinoda Thakura


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What is the use of an insignificant victory or defeat, anger, envy, or hatred towards other living entities?

What is the use of material happiness, distress or fearfulness? What will you gain by considering everything in terms of "I" and "mine"? What is the use of an insignificant victory or defeat, anger, envy, or hatred towards other living entities?
 -Selected Texts from Gitavali by Bhaktivinoda Thakura


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You are always engaged in useless activities. Your life may end at any moment! Just consider this once

O living entities! You have become entangled in the network of illusion, so that you are always engaged in useless activities. Your life may end at any moment. Just consider this once. You have been wandering in this world, under the control of your material desires. But what kind of happiness are you looking for? Who are you? Where were you before this lifetime? Why have you come here? What have you accomplished and where will you go after death?
-Selected Text from Gitavali by Bhaktivinoda Thakura



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  • Technorati - Making the movement grow!

Posted: 11 Oct 2011 04:17 PM PDT
(Kadamba Kanana Swami, Helsinki, Finland, 2011)

Devotee: To have children is also a way of making the movement grow!
Maharaja: You can see that the Muslims are doing well. They have twelve children, and the Muslim population is growing everywhere. So therefore, having children in Krishna Consciousness is all right. One can try to make these children into devotees. It is not always easy because they also have a mind of their own!
One cannot make it the all in all. The female tendency is that once the child is there and then it's like the whole universe is centred around the child! So in everything its:
'The child…..the child…….the child'
But Krishna should stil be more important than the child! The universe should continue to be centred around Krishna. So that's an adjustment, which takes a little bit of an effort to return it, and that is okay. We can understand that it is all about giving the children Krishna, and then you do what you can for your children but you are also a little detached. You also seem like:
"Well let's see what they will become. So it's all through a little independence. These children are placed under my care for sometime by the Supreme Lord. Their souls are on their own way, and for a little while, I can try to give them with as many benedictions as possible……and that's what I am doing with these children. They are really not like expansions from me……and it's not really like, I am living in my son! Or a little piece of me is living in my son!"
No! These are simply spirit souls who are placed in our care for a little while, and we have the opportunity to give them mercy as much as possible – that's all and then we are a little detached with the result of Krishna!
Posted: 11 Oct 2011 03:00 PM PDT
Below is a link to the Introductive talk given by Kadamba Kanana Swami earlier this year in Helsinki, Finland.

Helsinki – Introductive Talk



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Karthik Month - Offer a Lamp

Please find the lamp offerings attached!



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