
Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna

Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna
Gopis performing Devotional Service to the Lordships Sri Sri Radha Krishna



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via GITA COACHING by Akrura on 9/30/11

Before you get married, explore with your partner these questions. It can help you make a better decision and have a successful marriage.


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This is a Marriage Quiz for your marriage success.


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via GITA COACHING by Akrura on 10/3/11

By Srila Prabhupada

It is said that forgiveness is a quality of those whoare advancing in spiritual knowledge.

A sadhu, a devotee, is never angry. Actually the realfeature of devotees who undergo tapasya, austerity, is forgiveness. Although aVaisnava has sufficient power in tapasya, he does not become angry when putinto difficulty.

A brahmana is highly qualified when he can control hissenses and mind, when he is a learned scholar in spiritual science and when heis tolerant and forgiving.

Theduty of a brahmana is to culture the quality of forgiveness, which isilluminating like the sun. The Supreme Personality of Godhead, Hari, is pleasedwith those who are forgiving.


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via GITA COACHING by Akrura on 10/4/11

Recently a devotee who counsels devotees wrote me: "If I can be a safe place for a person to express their anger, I can helpthem move to the deeper feelings underlying the anger."  

It is a very valuable service to devotees if they can have someone to speak to openly about their feelings and experiences, without being afraid that they will be judged or misunderstood. Patience is love in action.

In the Srimad Bhagavatam we read how Narada Muni let Daksa express his anger and curse him. Why Narada Muni stayed in the presence of Prajapati Daksa and tolerated all his accusations and curses? It was for Daksa's deliverance. Narada Muni should have left immediately, but he purposely stayed to hear all Daksa's strong words so that Daksa might be relieved of his anger. 

Prajapati Daksa was not an ordinary man; he had accumulated the results of many pious activities. Therefore Narada Muni expected that after delivering his curse, Daksa, satisfied and freed from anger, would repent his misbehavior and thus get a chance to become a Vaisnava and be delivered. After the incidents concerning the loss of his many sons, Daksa repented his misunderstanding with Narada Muni, and continued his duties as a Prajapati.

Similarly, Krsna's devotees may sometimes be angry and not willing to forgive. If we accept that and respect their free will, we might discuss with them and gradually discover what is the best way to proceed, and how to turn anger and resentment into enlightenment and progress. 


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So what is realistic?


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via by hina on 10/5/11

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, 2004)

How can you figure out what's realistic while you're in maya?

A brahmacari called Giriraj Das once said to Prabhupada:

"Prabhupada, sometimes I'm in maya".

Prabhupada said:

"What do you mean, you're always in maya!"

Are we any different from that? Aren't we always in maya?

So how can you figure out what's realistic when you're in a illusion?

There is a fundamental difficulty there. So we can only figure out what's realistic, if we're free from maya in a sense. Therefore it's better to take the superior instruction from our Spiritual Master, who will tell us when to walk on our toes and when to relax- that's safer!


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Developing a very condensed Krishna Consciousness


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via by hina on 10/5/11

(Kadamba Kanana Swami,2004)

We become attached to the deity. To just see the deity, and diety's darshan. It's a whole experience and we wouldn't want to miss it; to do the service for the deity, kirtan, prasadam……all these things we develop attachments – hearing Srimad Bhagavatam and so on.

We are hankering for the association of the devotees. Just go away from the devotees for a while and then we are getting eager to be with the devotees again. So like this, we are noticing that our attachments to these items is growing, and gradually the denseness of many aspects of Krishna Consciousness that we get attached to, are just growing and growing. And we go from one attachment onto the next!

In this way our whole day is filled with different types of attachments to Krishna! So we can see what is really developing is very condensed, ecstatic Krishna Consciousness or:

'sāndrānanda-viśeṣātmā,(Bhakti-rasāmṛta-sindhu 1.1.17).

So we are seeing how the gradual quality of, 'sāndrānanda-viśeṣātmā',
or a very condensed Krishna Consciousness is developing. Not only is the quantity developing but also the quality is developing. Our relationship with the various items of devotional services is growing, as we are putting more and energy in serving Krishna in these various ways (through the sixty four aspects of devotional service, especially through the five principle ones) we begin to experience more and more attachment there and also more intensity.

So again we can see how, 'sāndrānanda-viśeṣātmā', is very condensed – bliss that it cannot be penetrated by anyone else anymore! From one attachment to Krishna to another, and there is no more room for anything else to enter!


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Srila Prabhupada speaks on: Spiritualize Your Subtle Body

Spiritualize Your Subtle Body

Srimad-Bhagavatam 1.2.8
September 6, 1972, New Vrndavana


Srila A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

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Devotee: (leads chanting, etc., with Srila Prabhupada responding with devotees)

dharmah svanusthitah pumsam
visvaksena-kathasu yah
notpadayed yadi ratim
srama eva hi kevalam
 [SB 1.2.8]

Prabhupada: That's all. So dharmah svanusthitah pumsam. In the human society, there is always some kinds of religious institution. That is called dharma, faith. Real dharma means -- that I have already explained -- occupational duty. Constitutional duty, that is called dharma, functional duty. So real dharma, real religion is to become servant of God, or to render service to God. That is real religion. But we have manufactured so many religions. Different societies, different circumstances, different country. Therefore it is advised herewith that you may execute any kind of religious faith or [break] ...principle, but the result should be [break] ...perfect. You can say, "I am very perfectly executing the ritualistic ceremonies, and the tenets described in my scripture, Bible or Veda or Koran." That's very good. But what is the result? The result is that you must develop or increase your tendency to hear about God. But if your ultimate truth is impersonal Mostly they consider God has no form. Then if God has no form then what he'll hear about Him. Simply formless, formless, formless. How can you, how long you can go thinking like this, "God is formless"? If God is formless, then your idea of hearing about Him is finished, because formless, there is nothing, activities.

But actually God is not formless. Several times I have explained. God has got His form. (aside:) What is that sound? He is person. He has got His activities. Therefore in the Bhagavad-gita it is said, janma karma, ajo 'pi sann avyayatma bhutanam isvaro 'pi san. Although He is aja, nobody has to die, aja. Aja means birth. Nobody takes birth. Either the living entity or God, na jayate na mriyate. In the Bhagavad-gita it is said that the living entities, we are all living entities, na jayate, they do not take birth, neither they do die. Na jayate na mriyate va kadacit, at any time. Then what is this death and birth? The death and birth is simply change of the body. The subtle body and the gross body.

Just like every night we die. The gross body remains inactive on the bed, and the subtle body takes me away. I dream, I go in the dreamland. I have gone to some friend, I am talking with somebody, I am working in a different way. That is our daily experience. This means that we have got two kinds of body. One body is this gross body, and the other body is subtle body, made of mind, intelligence, and ego. So foolish person, they do not see the subtle body, but the subtle body is there. Everyone will accept. I am working with my mind, intelligence and ego. Everyone knows. So although we cannot see the subtle body, it is there. So death means this gross body, this overcoat is left, and I am carried away by the subtle body, and I enter into another overcoat, or gross body. So practically this is called death. Because we have no vision of the subtle body, how the soul is being transferred or transmigrating from one gross body to another gross body, keeping the subtle body intact. And the subtle body is given up when one is liberated. And at that time he goes, when he is liberated, freed from this subtle body also, at that time he is promoted to the spiritual kingdom in spiritual body. Therefore while living in this gross body, we have to educate our subtle body in such a way that it becomes spiritualized completely.

The subtle body is mind, intelligence and ego. So if we think of Krsna in the mind, always, and if we work intelligently for Krsna, that is mind and intelligence. And if we change our false ego, ego means, "I am." So I am at the present moment thinking, "I am American," "I am Indian," "I am white," "I am black," like that. "I am human being," "I am animal," "I am cat or dog," so many things, "I am." This "I am" has to be changed. I am eternal servant of Krsna. In this way, if you educate or transfer the activities of the subtle body, mind, intelligence, and ego, then, at the time of death, you give up this subtle body, material subtle body, mind, intelligence, and ego, and by your spiritual body you go back to home, back to Godhead. This is called Krsna consciousness movement. Gross body, automatically we give up. Now, we should practice to give up the subtle body. To give up this subtle body, one has to develop love for God, prema. And the process is, how to give up the subtle body.

Adau sraddha, first of all sraddha. Sraddha means a faith or some respect. Actually it means respect. Just like you have come here out of faith and respect. So here they're talking about God. There is temple of God, let us go there. This is faith and respect. Adau sraddha. This is the beginning. Now, after coming here, when you hear about God, because we, our only business is, we don't talk here politics or sociology or anything. That comes automatically as subordinate things, but our business is to talk about God. So those who talks about God, they are called saintly person. There are two kinds of men within this world. Materialistic person and transcendentalist, or man interested in spiritualism. So those who are interested in spiritual life, they talk of self-realization. And those who are materialistic person, they also talk. They talk about this body, how to keep this body nicely. There are politics, sociology, welfare activities, so many things, all concerning to the body. So there are many talks, just like in the newspaper. In your country especially, bunch of newspaper. So many talks, advertisement, fashion, this news, that news, full up. So the materialistic person, they read the newspaper, but we read Srimad-Bhagavatam. That is the difference. We are also reading. They are also reading. So nrnam santi sahasrasah, srotavyadini rajendra nrnam santi sahasrasah [SB 2.1.2]. Sukadeva Gosvami said to Pariksit Maharaja, "My dear king, there are many hundreds and thousands of topics for the materialistic person." Sahasrasah. Sahasrasah means thousands, and that is a fact. So many novels, so many fiction, so many so-called philosophy, newspaper, cinema paper, this paper, that paper, so many. Sahasrasah.

srotavyadini rajendra
nrnam santi sahasrasah
apasyatam atma-tattvam
grhesu grha-medhinam
 [SB 2.1.2]

Apasyatam atma-tattvam. Because they do not know, they have no information of the soul, they are talking about this body. Or sometimes about this mind. Philosophical speculation, concoction. One philosophy is theorizing something, another philosopher is theorizing something. Lots of literature. All nonsense, because it is mental speculation. I speculate in one way, you speculate in another way. You refute me, I refute you. So therefore, these talks of the body and talks of the mind, there are varieties. Nrnam santi sahasrasah apasyatam atma-tattvam [SB 2.1.2]. Why they are engaged in so many talks? Because they do not know, apasyatam. They have no vision of the soul, atma-tattva. Grhesu grha-medhinam. Grhamedhi, those interested simply to maintain this body, they are called grhamedhi.

Generally, atheist class, they have no interest in God. The atheist class long, long ago, thousands of years ago, there was atheist also. Because there are two classes of men always within this world, atheist and theist, asura and deva, devata. So not that atheist class men have developed at the present moment. It may be the number has increased, but atheist class of men were long, long ago also. There was Carvaka Muni, he was also called muni. Muni means mental speculator, or thoughtful. So this Carvaka Muni, he also presented his philosophy, atheism, that rnam krtva ghrtam yavaj jivet sukham jivet. So long you live, you live very joyfully by enjoying your senses. This is atheistic principle. And in India the sense enjoyment principle is based on ghee, clarified butter, because if they get butter, they prepare so many nice preparations. You have also learned how to do it. (laughter) In India there are varieties. If you sometimes go to India... In Delhi there are shops, many varieties of foodstuffs, all from grains and fruits, that's all. Grain, fruits, ghee, sugar, and salt. Varieties, hundreds. So eating, sleeping, the basic principle is eating, sleeping, mating. So Carvaka Muni says that "Live very joyfully, and eat very nicely, enjoy your senses, finish your life. That is atheism. Apasyatam atma-tattvam [SB 2.1.2]. They have no vision that there is soul.

The soul is migrating, transmigrating. There are 8,400,000 species of bodies; and you are transmigrating from one to another, another, another, in this way. They don't care for it. Even if you are Hindu... [break] ...he is informed, that if you are acting like this you are going to be a tree next life, "Oh, it doesn't matter, let me enjoy." You see. They say frankly, "If I become tree what is the harm? I shall forget." The people have become so rubbish that they have lost their self-interest. Just like if you say to a child that "You are always playing, you are not going to school, you are not becoming educated, you will suffer in your future life, you will have no position in the society." But if he says, "I do not care..." He may say that, but the risk is there. Similarly the modern human being, you inform him about the transmigration of the soul, and by his activities he is supposed to become next life very low grade animal, or aquatics, or reptiles. So if they are informed, if they do not care, that is not very good intelligence. This is a fact.

Just like, in my, this life, I can experience. In each stage of my life, I have my past, present and future. You are all young boys. You had your past, as a child, as a boy. Now you are young, and your future is also there as old, as I have become old. So in any stage of life, there is past, present, and future. So why not, I am old man, so when I shall die, why there is no future? There must be future. I had my past, I am at present, and there must be future also. The future is that I must get another body. That body may be of animal or trees or demigod or God. That is stated in the Bhagavad-gita, yanti deva-vrata devan pitrn yanti pitr-vratah [Bg. 9.25]. You can prepare yourself for your next body. So ultimate goal is to get a body in the kingdom of God. That is -- samsiddhim paramam gatah -- that is highest perfection. You can get a body next in, as a human being in the rich man's family, or as a king, or as a leader, or as a cat, as a dog, as a tree. That will depend on your work. Similarly you can get your next body as associates of God, Krsna. That is stated, that you can have, mad-yajino 'pi yanti mam. "Those who are My devotees, they come to Me," Krsna says.

And what is the benefit of going to Krsna? Mam upetya kaunteya duhkhalayam asasvatam napnuvanti [Bg. 8.15]. "If someone comes to Me, then he does not get any more this material body to come to this material world." What is the harm if I come to the material world? That duhkhalayam asasvatam [Bg. 8.15]. This material world is full of miseries, and that also temporary. Even if you accept that I shall adjust my miserable condition of life, but still nature will not allow you to live there. You may think that "We are Americans, we have got enough money, vast land, resources, I shall live as American." But you can live as American, say for fifty years. You'll not be allowed to live as American or as Indian or this or that. Even as Brahma you will be not allowed. Brahma has got his one day millions of years. He will also not be allowed. The ant will not be allowed, a cat will not be allowed, an elephant will not be allowed, a man will not be allowed, a demigod will not be allowed -- to live forever. Hiranyakasipu tried to live forever. He underwent severe penances to become immortal. It was not possible. That is not. Of course, the lunatic scientist says that "By scientific advancement we shall become immortal." They are lunatic. It is not possible. Because in the past there is no such incident, so in the present there is no such incident, how you can expect in the future such incident? That is not possible.

Therefore, intelligent persons, they should try to get the ultimate transmigration. Ultimate transmigration means go back to home, back to Godhead. That should be the actual aim of life. That is first class intelligent. But they do not know. Therefore we are trying to render our humble service to the human society, to give this information, that "You are trying for so many things for becoming happy, but instead of being happy, you are becoming hippie. So please take this Krsna consciousness and actually you will be happy." That is our mission. That is our mission. Therefore the Bhagavata says to this hu..., civilized human being, those who have got some religious principle, church, religious institution, that "You are executing your religious principles very nicely, that's all right. But if you do not develop the propensity for hearing about God..."

Just like we have got this temple. We are worshiping Radha-Krsna Deity. That's all right. But side by side we must develop to hear about Krsna. Otherwise it will be finished after a few days. Sravanam kirtanam. As soon as there will be no interest for hearing about God, all these churches and temples and mosques will be finished. In the Christian world that is happening, not only Christian, in other also. They are selling churches. Nobody is going to church, because simply officially going on Sunday without any enlightenment, without any understanding about God, how long it will be prolonged? It cannot be prolonged. People will be disinterested, and they will not go. Actually it is happening. There are so many churches, nobody is going. In London, I have seen. In your country also, there are so many churches vacant. We have purchased so many churches. In Los Angeles we have purchased that church. When it was running as a church, it was a deserted (indistinct). Since we have taken that, every night, every day, hundreds of people are gathering like this, because there is words of Krsna. And people are hearing about Krsna. Visvaksena-kathasu yah. So you can have your churches, temple or mosque, but if you do not develop your tendency to hear about God, then it will not be successful, srama eva hi kevalam. Srama eva hi kevalam.

Dharmah svanusthitah. Dharmah svanusthitah pumsam visvaksena-kathasu yah notpadayed yadi ratim [SB 1.2.8], by going daily to the temple, or to the church, or to the mosque, or anywhere, any religious building or institution, if you do not develop your propensity to hear about God, then you have wasted your time. Srama eva hi kevalam. Going and coming, it is simply labor, that's all. So that is the test. Therefore either in temple, or in church, in mosque there must be regular recitation on the talks of God. Otherwise people will lose interest, and the churches and temples have to be closed.

So that talks of God is here in Krsna consciousness, because our God is not impersonal, void. No. He is the Supreme Person, Krsna. You can see personally how He's standing, how He's enjoying with His eternal consort, lover, Srimate Radharani. Here is God, actually God is not engaged in punishing somebody, original God. God is engaged in enjoying with His eternal consort, Srimate Radharani. This Srimate Radharani is enchanting Krsna, and Krsna is enchanting Radharani. This is the business of God. Duhe (indistinct) lage hari (?). In the Caitanya-caritamrta it is said that when Krsna comes before Radharani, She becomes so much engladdened by seeing the beauty of Krsna that She becomes more beautiful, and as soon as Radharani becomes beautiful, Krsna becomes engladdened and He becomes more beautiful. So unlimitedly there is competition of becoming more beautiful, duhe lage hurai (?). That is the state. Competition. Because in the spiritual world everything is unlimited. So unlimitedly both of them becoming beautiful and both of them enjoying unlimitedly.

So similarly, if we develop our propensity to hear about God and His activities, with His cowherd boys friend, with His girlfriends, gopis, with His mother, with His father, with His teacher, so many! Everything is imitation, perverted reflection here also you have got those relationship. Relationship between father and the son, relationship between conjugal lover, the boy and the girl, relationship between friend and friend, relationship between master and servant. Everything is here also, but because they are material, they do not stand. I am servant of somebody. If he does not pay me salary, I give up his service. I am friend of (indistinct). If my intention is not fulfilled, then I give up that friendship. My love with a boy or with a girl is there, but as soon as there is some discrepancy there is divorce. So here everything is perverted and with so many faulty ideas, but this, this very thing is there in the Kingdom of God. In relationship with God, Krsna. And there everything is eternal. By becoming servant of God, you'll eternally enjoy, same as master. By becoming a friend of God, you enjoy eternal friendship. By becoming father or mother of God, you enjoy the parental affection between father and son. And by becoming lover of God, you become eternally happy.

So unless you hear about these things, then how you can be intensified to go to God. Just like when I hear about some country. That this country is like this, and there is such and such happiness and such and such enjoyment, then we think of making a tourist list to go there. Therefore to go back to home, back to Godhead, unless we hear about Him, how we can be inclined. Therefore God comes, Krsna comes. He manifests His pastimes in Vrndavana. How He's dealing with friends, how dealing with servant, mother, father, lover, so that we may be inclined to go back to home, back to Godhead. This is God's mercy. Therefore executing religious principle means the result must be to develop our propensity to hear about God. Notpadayed yadi ratim. This rati, tati means just like rati is called sexual appetite.

The Gosvamis, they have described rati, how rati is explained. (indistinct). Just like young boy and young girl, they meet together. Immediately their sex impulse become agitated. It hasn't got to be taught them. Naturally. Naturally. He wants to talk or she wants to talk. So this is called rati. Spontaneous attraction. This is called, it has not to be taught, spontaneous. So as soon as there is spontaneous attraction to hear all about God, that will mean that we are attaining perfection in religion. So if you are going on as a happening program to the church, to the temple, or to the mosque, but there is no spontaneous attraction for hearing about God, then it is simply labor, simply waste of time, that's all. That is explained here.

dharmah svanusthitah pumsam
visvaksena-kathasu yah
notpadayed yadi ratim
srama eva hi kevalam
 [SB 1.2.8]

So to come to this platform of spontaneous attraction, you have to execute some other formulas. What is that? As you are coming here with some faith, sraddha, respect. Here is a temple so you should come. You should come regularly. Why? Adau sraddha tatah sadhu-sanga. If you come regularly, then these boys and girls who are engaged in the worship of Krsna, or who are developing the life of devotee, practicing under the direction of their spiritual master, they are called sadhu. Sadhu means those who are acting very pious. So those who are acting for Krsna, they're automatically pious, because God is pure, and those who are acting for God, they're pious. Each and every activities in this temple are pious activities. Therefore they are pious. Adau sraddha tatah sadhu-sanga. And as soon as you associate with the pious devotees, naturally there will be inclination to act like them. Why not act like them? Actually that is happening. They are dressing like this or they're keeping their body like this. They're chanting Hare Krsna mantra in the bag. They're worshiping. They're reading. Why not become like that?

So adau sraddha, first with respectful tendency to come in this center, then to make association with them. And then next stage is to become like them. Then he approaches the spiritual master, "Kindly initiate me," bhajana-kriya. And as soon as you take to this bhajana-kriya, to devotional service, anartha-nivrttih syat. Anartha, some unwanted things which you have practiced. What is that? Illicit sex. Or if you want sex, why don't you marry and live respectfully, husband and wife. Why illicit sex? This is unwanted, but we are practiced. But if you become devotee, you can give up this nonsense practice. Illicit sex, meat-eating. Why meat-eating? We have got so many nice preparation Sundays, rasagulla, halava, puri, luci. Why shall I eat this nasty thing, rotten. It is slaughtered and kept for 3,000 years in the refrigerator (laughter), and this rotten thing is taken and eaten. So why should we take that. Why smoking? This nonsense. It is stated in every cigarette box it is injurious to health or something like, what is that?

Devotee: Warning.

Prabhupada: Warning. But still they're eating that poison, they're drinking. So these are anarthas, unwanted things. By bad association we are habituated to this nonsense practice, but if you become a devotee and render service to Krsna under the direction of your spiritual master, these things will automatically vanquish. Anartha-nivrttih syat tato nistha, then your faith becomes firm. Tato nistha tato ruci athasaktis. Asakti, it is spontaneous attraction. So religious principle means you have to execute the preliminary formulas, but the ultimate end will be you'll have spontaneous attraction for hearing about God or Krsna. That is wanted. If that thing is not done, then you are simply wasting time by going to church or temple or mosque or any nonsense. Notpadayed yadi ratim srama eva hi kevalam. Simply waste of time. So don't become a showbottle of religious life. Actually try to understand what is religion, what is God, and make your life successful. (end)
>>> Ref. VedaBase => Srimad-Bhagavatam 1.2.8 -- New Vrindaban, September 6, 1972

© 2001 The Bhaktivedanta Book Trust International. Used with permission.

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[srilaprabhupadanectar] Remembering Srila Prabhupada - Reactions due to initiation

Reactions due to initiation

Later, Srila Prabhupada brought up a few more points and another letter was drafted, this time, to Ramesvara:

Through the distribution of this literature we can completely annihilate all the bogus yogi groups in the world. Of this fact I am sure. Therefore there is no need for us to directly attack these charlatans, but simply by this distribution of books the sunlight of Krishna consciousness will prevail.

It has been brought to my attention that some of my students are not studying. I do not know if this applies to you or the devotees under your care, but I must stress again that we must have our classes, one hour in the morning and one hour in the evening and the devotees must also chant regularly their 16 rounds and follow the principles. The rest of the time they may go on distribution of my books. So I hope you will do the needful in this regards.

Still again I must express my appreciation for Sriman Tripurari prabhu's outstanding service, as well as all of the devotees in your party. So my request to you is to go on in this way with more enthusiasm. This is the key. Always remain enthusiastic and inspire others, and your life will be glorious and at the end you are sure to go back to Home, back to Godhead.


Prabhupada was unable to sleep the previous night due to the increasing pain of his infection, which he said was due to the sins of his disciples. Nor was he able to do any translation work. He especially asked about recent brahmana initiations in America. He indicated that the serious commitment to following regulative principles especially obligatory to second-initiated disciples was being compromised, and consequently he was suffering some reaction.

Apart from formulating his letters in the morning, Prabhupada rested most of the day. His finger was badly swollen, and despite taking antibiotics, Prabhupada was obviously in great pain.

- From "The Great Transcendental Adventure" by HG Kurma Prabhu



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Please tolerate the wrongs I may have done You

Bhagavad-gita As It Is | Part [BG.11.29]


TEXT 44:

tasmat pranamya pranidhaya kayam
prasadaye tvam aham isam idyam
piteva putrasya sakheva sakhyuh
priyah priyayarhasi deva sodhum



You are the Supreme Lord, to be worshiped by every living being. Thus I fall down to offer You my respectful obeisances and ask Your mercy. As a father tolerates the impudence of his son, a friend the impertinence of a friend, or a husband the familiarity of his wife, please tolerate the wrongs I may have done You.



Krishna's devotees relate to Krishna in various relationships; one might treat Krishna as a son, or one might treat Krishna as a husband, as a friend, or as a master. Krishna and Arjuna are related in friendship. As the father tolerates, or the husband or a master tolerates, so Krishna tolerates. 


TEXT 45:

adrishta-purvam hrishito 'smi drishtva
bhayena ca pravyathitam mano me
tad eva me darsaya deva rupam
prasida devesa jagan-nivasa



After seeing this universal form, which I have never seen before, I am gladdened, but at the same time my mind is disturbed with fear. Therefore please bestow Your grace upon me and reveal again Your form as the Personality of Godhead, O Lord of lords, O abode of the universe.



Arjuna is always in confidence with Krishna because he is a very dear friend, and as a dear friend is gladdened by his friend's opulence, Arjuna is very joyful to see that his friend Krishna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead and can show such a wonderful universal form. But at the same time, after seeing that universal form, he is afraid that he has committed so many offenses to Krishna out of his unalloyed friendship. Thus his mind is disturbed out of fear, although he had no reason to fear. Arjuna therefore is asking Krishna to show His Narayana form, because He can assume any form. This universal form is material and temporary, as the material world is temporary. But in the Vaikuntha planets He has His transcendental form with four hands as Narayana. There are innumerable planets in the spiritual sky, and in each of them Krishna is present by His plenary manifestations of different names. Thus Arjuna desired to see one of the forms manifest in the Vaikuntha planets. Of course in each Vaikuntha planet the form of Narayana is four-handed, but the four hands hold different arrangements of symbols—the conchshell, mace, lotus and disc. According to the different hands these four things are held in, the Narayanas are variously named. All of these forms are one with Krishna; therefore Arjuna requests to see His four-handed feature. 

Translation and commentary by His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada



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Govardhan photos

From: Padmalochan (das) ACBSP (Mayapur - IN)

Hare Krishna,
This is mailing list for Mayapur photos. As promissed in the last posting
this time it is darsan of Govardhan (of Vraja). From next posting we will
reasume Mayapur darsan again, :-).

There are few photos in atatched zipped folder of Govardhan and places
around Govardhan, like Manasi Ganga, Radha-kunda and Shyama-kunda,
Govinda-kunda, Dhanaghati (where Padmalochan Das puspa samadhi is), also
couple of pictures from Archa-murti Mataji's transcendental Goshala, where
she looks after beautiful Surabhi cows as well as one deer, who's life she

There are too many photos to share via e-mail, so please do visit my on-line
galery to see the rest:

and for those on Face Book:

Hare Krishna,

your servant, Vrindavan Lila Dasi
 Home Page:



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Decision is yours! Love or Lust???

Those that misused their independence are covered by the densest part
of ignorance such as animal body,tree body,stone body etc. When alive
lets not degrade our consciousness by any means. Lets stay away from
Whatever that agitates our senses, mind and intelligence.Those who are
using much of the intelligence should also be cautious.Because corrupt
intelligence is dangerous. Even though we have intelligence,it's only
the mind which is making the decision. But mind is also influenced by
the past conditioning from countless number of lives. Associate only
with things that are favourable for devotion to Krishna.
One who checks the force of anger and the pull of senses in this life
is eligible for liberation.
When Arjuna asked, what impels one to commit sinful activities even
though one wants to stay away from that.
Lord Sri Krishna said,it's lust only Arjuna which is the all devouring
sinful enemy of the soul which burns like a fire.
Just like in a battle field the enemies are easily conquered by
positioning our troops at strategic points, lust captures the soul by
positioning itself in senses, mind, intelligence.

Therefore, in the very beginning, curb this symbol of sin which is
born of the material mode of passion(unlimited desires and longings)
Those who are covered by lust are blind to the reality and suffer much
from the material miseries.But the problem is that many times the soul
is distressed by the past conditioning of the lust and hence the soul
forgets and suffers from the same disease by fueling the fire.
The suffering increases manifold when the soul gets addicted to Lust
which is actually often in guise of Love.

Following are the 3 types of people cannot sleep,
1.Those who are covered by lust
2. Those who are diseased
3. Those who are hurt at heart by harsh words

But the good news to the conditioned souls is all these six enemies
can also be utilized in Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna&His
beloved devotees when one sticks to the religous principles&associates
with the saintly people.


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  • Technorati - We don’t want to miss the boat!

We don't want to miss the boat!

Posted: 03 Oct 2011 02:33 PM PDT

Kadamba Kanana Swami, Helsinki, Finland, 2011)

In preaching we should not throw Krishna Consciousness like a tonne of bricks on peoples' heads, and all at once tell them:

"You have to follow everything!"

And they runaway, and are never to be seen again. No, preaching means that we have to be sensitive, pending on what stage that person is at, and offer them the next step – that's preaching.

It's not that there is a stereotype lesson for everyone. No, each person is somewhere and the preacher has to check out partially by asking some questions and by being partially sensitive, towards this person and try to give the person the next step to take.

In book distribution, Vaisheshika was saying interesting things. He was saying:

"When we take members out of the congregation out to the book distribution for the first times. Usually I tell them that for the first three times they are not allowed to distribute any books, since they can only watch. Anybody who is a little bit of a natural – ignores those instructions and starts distributing the books. But the ones who are shy, they feel secure with them instructions. It's authorised now for them to watch three times and they don't feel pressurised".

So I thought it was intelligent………….give people the next step…….yes why not, but life is short and we don't want to also miss the boat!



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Sri Radha Krishna - Dont Miss!!!

Sri Radha Krishna
Visit my blog here to view the Picture!!! or Click Display/Show Images if in your mailbox.


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Finding He who is difficult to find in the Vedas!


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via GLORIOUS KRISHNA by Jyoti & Vidya on 9/25/11

One may search for Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, through the pages of the Vedas and Upanisads, but it is difficult to find Him there.
However, one who is fortunate enough to associate with a devotee can see the Supreme Personality of Godhead face to face.

>>> Ref. VedaBase => KB 12: The Killing of the Aghasura Demon


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Even if there may be Problems


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via GLORIOUS KRISHNA by Jyoti & Vidya on 9/27/11

"...even if there may be some problems, always try to remain in Krsna consciousness. Do not give up chanting the Hare Krsna mantra simply due to some external difficulties. Under all circumstances you should always chant Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare, Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare. This will protect you from all danger of being influenced by maya or the material energy."

Srila Prabhupada Letter to Sudhindra Kisora Raya
10th June, 1975


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Dependent on the Mercy of Krishna


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via GLORIOUS KRISHNA by Jyoti & Vidya on 10/1/11

In the material world, to be dependent on the mercy of someone else is the utmost sign of misfortune, but in the case of our transcendental relation with the Lord, it is the most fortunate case when we can live completely dependent on Him. The material disease is due to thinking of becoming independent of everything. But the cruel material nature does not allow us to become independent. The false attempt to become independent of the stringent laws of nature is known as material advancement of experimental knowledge. The whole material world is moving on this false attempt of becoming independent of the laws of nature. Beginning from Rāvaṇa, who wanted to prepare a direct staircase to the planets of heaven, down to the present age, they are trying to overcome the laws of nature. They are trying now to approach distant planetary systems by electronic mechanical power. But the highest goal of human civilization is to work hard under the guidance of the Lord and become completely dependent on Him. The highest achievement of perfect civilization is to work with valor but at the same time depend completely on the Lord. The Pāṇḍavas were the ideal executors of this standard of civilization. Undoubtedly they were completely dependent on the good will of Lord Śrī Kṛṣṇa, but they were not idle parasites of the Lord. They were all highly qualified both by personal character and by physical activities. Still they always looked for the mercy of the Lord because they knew that every living being is dependent by constitutional position. The perfection of life is, therefore, to become dependent on the will of the Lord, instead of becoming falsely independent in the material world. Those who try to become falsely independent of the Lord are called anātha, or without any guardian, whereas those who are completely dependent on the will of the Lord are called sanātha, or those having someone to protect them. Therefore we must try to be sanātha so that we can always be protected from the unfavorable condition of material existence. By the deluding power of the external material nature we forget that the material condition of life is the most undesirable perplexity. The Bhagavad-gītā therefore directs us (7.19) that after many, many births one fortunate person becomes aware of the fact that Vāsudeva is all in all and that the best way of leading one's life is to surrender unto Him completely. That is the sign of a mahātmā. All the members of the Pāṇḍava family were mahātmās in household life. Mahārāja Yudhiṣṭhira was the head of these mahātmās, and Queen Kuntīdevī was the mother. The lessons of the Bhagavad-gītā and all the Purāṇas, specifically the Bhāgavata Purāṇa, are therefore inevitably connected with the history of the Pāṇḍava mahātmās. For them, separation from the Lord was just like the separation of a fish from water. Śrīmatī Kuntīdevī, therefore, felt such separation like a thunderbolt, and the whole prayer of the Queen is to try to persuade the Lord to stay with them. After the Battle of Kurukṣetra, although the inimical kings were killed, their sons and grandsons were still there to deal with the Pāṇḍavas. It is not only the Pāṇḍavas who were put into the condition of enmity, but all of us are always in such a condition, and the best way of living is to become completely dependent on the will of the Lord and thereby overcome all difficulties of material existence.



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Maya will slap us down!


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via by hina on 9/30/11

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, New Ekacakra, Slovakia, 2011)

One can never take Krishna for granted. He can never think:

"I've done so much service… so much! You know in my days, we used to go to sankirtan and we used to distribute so many books. There were so many books that one man could not lift them! So in the past we did so much service, and that's why in the present we don't have to do anything!"

It's not like that, then immediately maya is there!

'Kṛṣṇa-bahirmukha haiyā bhoga-vāñchā kare
nikaṭa-stha māyā tāre jāpatiyā dhare',

Jagadananda Pandita in 'The Prema Vivarta', says that:

"Maya is waiting nearby, and as soon as we are showing a little interest by just looking with interest in the material energy – maya is not waiting for us to fall down… she will slap us DOWN!"

So, yes maya is a great devotee of Krishna, and maybe a greater devotee than we are! We need the shelter of Krishna, again and again. Even in the spiritual world, we have to always conquer Krishna. In the spiritual world we are free from maya, but to get the mercy of Krishna we have to always conquer it again and again!


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No rights… no claim


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via by hina on 9/30/11

Kadamba Kanana Swami, New Ekacakra, Slovakia, 2011)

You know how it is when a lady gets married. Before the marriage everything is romantic, and then there is the marriage. Once he has the ring on his finger, then something has changed. Now you have responsibilities. He's your husband:

"You have to protect me! You have to provide. It's your duty to bring in the money!"

"Yes dear…of course….yes!"

The relationship that Krishna has with the gopis is 'parakīya', paramour.

Paramour – no rights… no claim… nothing. In married life some claim is there. But with paramour there is no claim – that's Krishna Consciousness!


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We have to change


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via by hina on 10/1/11

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, New Ekacakra, Slovakia, 2011)

We have to try and understand what Krishna is teaching us. Krishna is the teacher. He is teaching Bhagavad Gita. So Krishna says:

"In this material world there are three modes of material nature. We gradually have to rise from the lower modes of nature of passion and ignorance to the mode of goodness!".

In the mode of passion, we don't think, we react immediately! If someone says:

"You stupid!"

We say:


No thinking in between, since in the mode of passion we respond immediately! But in the mode of goodness, we don't respond immediately, since we have to think first! So if someone says to us:

"You stupid!"

"I have to think about that. Or maybe he's right… but still I wish he didn't say all of that to me."

Well Krishna says in 'The Nectar of Instructions' that:

"There are six loving exchanges between devotees".

It says that one of these exchanges is that you have to give gifts to devotees.

"Maybe I'll try that… or some prasadam – maybe that will work".

Even if the other devotee still doesn't change, and continues to say:

"You stupid".

At least we will change by trying to act as a vaisnava, and gradually we develop the qualities of the vaisnava, and then we become more tolerable by doing all of these things. So we are no longer disturbed.

The fact that we are disturbed when someone doesn't behave very nicely with us, means that we are still under the influence of the three modes of material nature. So we are not transcendental.

So lets first come to the mode of goodness and think before we act, and look at what Krishna says, to do in these situations. That's how we deal with these situations!

Everyone has somebody or a few people who they don't get on so well with. Some people don't get on with anybody! We have to try to change, by becoming more in the mode of goodness. It will take some time, but we have to practise it!


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Conquering Krishna


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via by hina on 10/2/11

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, Helsinki, Finland, 2011)

We are chanting in a matter of routine – the same everyday…….and everyday we are not making a fresh attempt. It's because we are affected by impersonalism, because we are chanting the holy name without appreciating that the holy name is Krishna. In the relationship with Krishna, one has to always conquer Krishna. We have to always keep in mind, that each time we want the mercy of Krishna than we have to conquer Krishna and never think:

"I did it yesterday, so I have a special relationship with Krishna. I have done all this service in the past and therefore Krishna will grant me special mercy!"

No! One has to conquer Krishna again and again! That is what we see….Krishna in Vrindavan…..he disappears from the rasa lila. The devotees have to conquer him again and again! So we also have to think like that, that everyday again we have to try a special endeavour.

It's difficult to do….it's not so easy. It is for that reason that the acaryas have selected quotes from the scripture about the special dates in Krishna Consciousness. For example, Ekadasi, and on such days we try and do something more. Or in Janmashtami, we try and do something more, in terms of chanting and service.

Those special occasions are very important, because they break the routine of getting into an automatic level of chanting. But then when we sometimes try something special, then we can break out from this mood of routine.

So Srila Prabhupada did not recommend that the devotees would regularly take time off from active service to chant very large numbers of rounds. We don't see that, that Prabhupada started a day with chanting sixty four rounds like everyday or on Ekadasi, or regularly. But Prabhupada at least recommended that one would chant twenty five rounds on Ekadasi. Prabhupada was certainly in favour in chanting more rounds. In one letter he said:

"Why sixteen rounds? Why not sixteen thousand rounds?"

So he definitely was wanting us to do more.

And at the time of initiation, we also ask devotees to chant inimum of sixteen rounds, but not just sixteen but a minimum!

So one must have the attitude of trying to chant more and especially on special occasions!


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Realizing the mission of the spiritual master


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via Divyangi Lalita Devi Dasi's Facebook Notes by Divyangi Lalita Devi Dasi on 8/3/11

When your heart becomes clean, then you will realize the mission of the spiritual master more and more. Your role there also will become very clear because you will realize that you are an eternal servant of Krishna and that serving the spiritual master's order is not different from serving Krishna. But without hearing it is very difficult for the heart to become clean.


HH Niranjana Swami


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Why the Lord tests His devotees?


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via Divyangi Lalita Devi Dasi's Facebook Notes by Divyangi Lalita Devi Dasi on 9/23/11

Radhanath Swami also reveals God's plan in testing His dear devotees. God wants us to be purified of all contamination and be desirous of exclusive dedication to a spiritual cause. He wants to also strengthen our faith in him. Quoting his guru, Radhanath Swami offers another interesting reason why God tests his devotees. "God wants to glorify His devotees to the whole world", says Radhanath Swami, "He wants us to see the calibre of His dear devotees who face hardships, and yet never give up their loyalty to God." Radhanath Swami gives the analogy of an Indian home where the daughter-in law is new to the customs of her husband's family. The mother-in-law sees minor mistakes in the cooking of the newly arrived bride. She knows if she corrects her, she would be nervous. Hence she chastises her own daughter about a mistake, within the earshot of the daughter-in-law. The daughter-in-law then gets the message and learns her lessons. Similarly, Radhanath Swami says God puts his own dear devotees in difficulties so that a neophyte can take inspiration and learn his own lessons in his spiritual quest.


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