
Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna

Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna
Gopis performing Devotional Service to the Lordships Sri Sri Radha Krishna

Sign of a Devotee

So, what is the symptom of a devotee? How do you recognize a devotee?  Do we recognize a devotee by his birth? By his material condition? By  his material situation? No, the sign of a devotee is through his  surrender to the Supreme Personality of Godhead. It doesn't matter  from whatever category, whatever background one comes. Like candalo'pi dvija-shrestho hari- bhakti-parayanah. One maybe a candala but hari bhakti parayanah, when he becomes a devotee of Hari, Krishna, then he is dvija shrestha, he is superior, he is greater than a brahmana.

Here also we are seeing that so many devotees, as I just mentioned  like they are born in a demoniac family. By birth they are demons,  Prahlada Maharaja, Bali Maharaja, but why they have been recognized as great devotees, exemplary devotees? Because of their devotion to the  Supreme Personality of Godhead. Therefore, it has been pointed out that vaishnavera nahi jati kuladi vicara. There is no consideration  for jati, kula. Jati means caste and creed of a Vaishnava. Vaishnava can appear in any family.

What to speak of human beings, even an animal can become a devotee of Krishna. A wonderful example is Hanumana. In the community of monkeys
there is Hanumana and there are so many other monkeys who are great  devotees. The bird can be a devotee. Example is Garuda, example is Jatayu, example is Sampati. They are birds, but they are great devotees of the Lord.

So the Vedic Karma Kanda section may have consideration for caste and creed but when it comes to devotional service there is no such  consideration. Because the devotional service is the activity of the soul, soul's activity. Now, the soul can, any soul at any place can  become a devotee. But what is the criteria for becoming a devotee?When can one become a devotee, or when does one get the opportunity to become a devotee? That is the most important consideration. One can become a devotee only by coming in contact with a devotee. Without the  contact of a devotee it is not possible to become a devotee. That is
why the devotional consideration is not of birth or any other criteria.

Yes, to be a brahmana generally one has to be born in a brahmanas  family, generally. But that also is not sufficient. One may be born in a brahmana family but he has to practice as a brahmana. He has to  become qualified. In our scriptures we find there are many…brahmanas, they actually were demons. Like Ravana, he is born of an exalted
brahmana father, Vishrava. Hiranyakasipu, Hiranyaksa [born of] Kashyapa, son of Brahma. So, by birth they may be very exalted, but their activity is making them into demons. Whereas the devotion can be practiced by…but to receive, how can one become a devotee? The answer is only by coming in contact with a devotee. That is why it is important that the devotees go out and preach. Preach means provide the opportunity to others to become a devotee.

(H.H Bhakti Charu Swami Maharaj)


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Teach me,Oye Vaishnava Thakura!

Oh Vaishnava,ocean of mercy,Teach me to control the six
passions,rectify my six faults,give me six positive qualities,offer me
the six kinds of holy association

The six passions are of

The six positive qualities are
1.Enthusiasm in practicing Devotional Service
2.Firm faith in Devotional processes
3.A strong desire to attain Prema-Bhakti
4.A favourable Service attitude
5.Avoidance of non-devotees-asat sanga tyaga
6.Appreciation of the company of devotees-sat sanga

The six faults are
2.Attachment2material things
3.Inability to follow the regulative principles
4.Sense gratification
5.Useless idle talk
6.Impure habits.

The six methods of association are
1.To go to the assembly of devotees
2.To invite devotees to one's home
3.To discuss and hear Devotional topics-sharing secrets
4.To take the maha-prasadam of devotees
5.To offer maha-prasadam to devotees
6.Accepting and receiving gifts among devotees
-Bhakti Vinoda Thakura in Oye Vaishnava Thakura,Stanza#2,Saranagati


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Relationship of Varnashrama to Bhakti Yoga

Urmila Edith Best The relationship of varṇāśrama to bhakti-yoga

Bhagavad-gītā Chapter 12

In order of preference:

1) Fixed mind and intelligence on Kṛṣṇa

If one can't do that, then:

2) Following sadhana (practice) yoga to develop a desire

If one can't do that, then:

3) Do some work for Kṛṣṇa and assist His devotees

If one can't do that, then:

4) Give in charity

If one can't do that, then:

5) Cultivate knowledge of one's spiritual identity

If one can't do that, then:

6) Meditate on oneself as being one with the Supreme

If one can't do that, then:

7) Follow the rules of varṇāśrama

Relevant quotes:

Just fix your mind upon Me, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and engage all your intelligence in Me. Thus you will live in Me always, without a doubt. 12.8

My dear Arjuna, O winner of wealth, if you cannot fix your mind upon Me without deviation, then follow the regulative principles of bhakti-yoga. In this way develop a desire to attain Me. 12.9

From the purport: To practice the regulative principles of bhakti-yoga one should, under the guidance of an expert spiritual master, follow certain principles: one should rise early in the morning, take bath, enter the temple and offer prayers and chant Hare Kṛṣṇa, then collect flowers to offer to the Deity, cook foodstuffs to offer to the Deity, take prasādam, and so on. There are various rules and regulations which one should follow. And one should constantly hear Bhagavad-gītā and Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam from pure devotees. This practice can help anyone rise to the level of love of God, and then he is sure of his progress into the spiritual kingdom of God. This practice of bhakti-yoga, under the rules and regulations, with the direction of a spiritual master, will surely bring one to the stage of love of God.

If you cannot practice the regulations of bhakti-yoga, then just try to work for Me, because by working for Me you will come to the perfect stage. 12.10

From the purport: If one has sufficient money, he can help in building an office or temple for propagating Kṛṣṇa consciousness. Or he can help with publications. There are various fields of activity, and one should be interested in such activities. If one cannot sacrifice the results of his activities, the same person can still sacrifice some percentage to propagate Kṛṣṇa consciousness. This voluntary service to the cause of Kṛṣṇa consciousness will help one to rise to a higher state of love for God, whereupon one becomes perfect.

If, however, you are unable to work in this consciousness of Me, then try to act giving up all results of your work and try to be self-situated. 12.11

From the purport: by the practice of giving up the fruits of one's activities one is sure to purify his mind gradually, and in that purified stage of mind one becomes able to understand Kṛṣṇa consciousness. Of course, Kṛṣṇa consciousness is not dependent on any other experience, because Kṛṣṇa consciousness itself can purify one's mind, but if there are impediments to accepting Kṛṣṇa consciousness, one may try to give up the results of his actions. In that respect, social service, community service, national service, sacrifice for one's country, etc., may be accepted

If you cannot take to this practice, then engage yourself in the cultivation of knowledge. Better than knowledge, however, is meditation, and better than meditation is renunciation of the fruits of action, for by such renunciation one can attain peace of mind. 12.12

From the purport: As mentioned in the previous verses, there are two kinds of devotional service: the way of regulative principles and the way of full attachment in love to the Supreme Personality of Godhead. For those who are actually not able to follow the principles of Kṛṣṇa consciousness it is better to cultivate knowledge, because by knowledge one can be able to understand his real position. Gradually knowledge will develop to the point of meditation. By meditation one can be able to understand the Supreme Personality of Godhead by a gradual process.  In the cultivation of knowledge there are processes which make one understand that one himself is the Supreme, and that sort of meditation is preferred if one is unable to engage in devotional service. If one is not able to meditate in such a way, then there are prescribed duties, as enjoined in the Vedic literature, for the brāhmaṇas, kṣatriyas, vaiśyas and śūdras, which we shall find in the last chapter of Bhagavad-gītā. But in all cases, one should give up the result or fruits of labor; this means to employ the result of karma for some good cause.Wall Photos



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1. Earth will yield its products when all good qualities manifest in
people especially in the leader.
2. A qualified leader is one who has the qualities recommended in
scriptures. A real king should have both rajo and sathva guna inorder
to fight and also be detached and have compassion to living entities.
3. When we please the Supreme Lord automatically the devathas and
earth are also pleased. Dharma also pleases the lord, so he tells when
dharma is destroyed he comes here.
4. Higher than dharma is jnana and higher than jnana is yoga and
higher than yoga is bhakti.
5. It is not necessary that one has to do all sacrifices , if one
simply performs bhakti one can please the lord.
6. One's advancement in bhakti is the sign of pleasing the lord.
-HH.Bhanu Swami Maharaj(SB#5.15.10)
Source#SB notes from Priyadarshini Mataji


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Being a devotee of the Lord is the most successful thing

1. Avataras are expansions of the Lord and they show some other
qualities of the Lord.
2. Certain jivas are given power by the Lord.devathas-demigods,
sages,manus are all posts, where new set of the above come and replace
the old.
3. Kings rule over the citizens and all is arranged by the Supreme
Lord and the Kings allow them to enjoy but also regulate them.
4. Thus simultaneously satisfying the jiva and also offering them a
stage so that they can get out.
5. Kings were ruling very nicely, they were able to maintain all
principles , did all sacrifices, beyond that one should be a devotee
of Lord Krishna and that is the most successful thing.
-HH.Bhanu Swami Maharaj(SB#5.15.1)
Source#SB notes from Priyadarshini Mataji


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Being most attached to Him&His devotion is really the most detached(from false identification)

1. One of the qualities of bhakti is, liberation will be considered to
be insignificant.
2. Renunciation is associated with desire for liberation. When one is
not interested in liberation it is difficult to give up.
3. In Bhakti, attachment to the Lord is so wonderful that one is saved
from bondage in material world.
4. Bhakti destroys karma, ahankar, avidhya and so on..liberation is
already achieved and these are secondary results and not the goal of
5. Goal of bhakti is to attain more attraction for the Lord and more
Devotional Service.
6. At the stage of prema, the Lord becomes most attracted to His devotees.
-HH.Bhanu Swami Maharaj (SB#5.14.44)

Source#SB notes from Priyadarshini Mataji


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Bhakti creeper is destroyed only by the elephant of offences!

1. One of the Qualities of bhakthi is,it is very rare. To attain
bhava stage one has to go through sadhu sanga, bhajana kriya ..and so
on,it cant be attained by any other process.
2. Even though the Lord reveals himself in the bhava stage there may
be a slight tinge of maya.
3. Effect of our sinful activities are destroyed but the effects of
aparadha(offences will remain even during bhava stage.
4. But even when there is a fall in bhava stage we should not
criticize just like how we dont talk ill of the moon even though there
are spots.
5. Process of bhakthi alone leads one,to the stage of bhava and then
to prema. One destroys punya-piety by enjoyment but the effect of
bhakthi is not destroyed unless one commits aparadha-offences.
-HH.Bhanu Swami (SB# 5.14.42)
Source#SB notes from Priyadarshini Mataji


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Spiritual life is not bound by rules/rituals but whatever works for devotion is just the priority

1. Kings were expert in dharma but they are materialistic leaders
they conquer regions, get wealth but they end up in death.They dont
strive for eternal happiness.
2. Kings follow the varnashrama system, even in ideal varnashrama
system people are predominantly interested in material life.
3. To perform jnana and yoga one should be brahminical for which most
people are not qualified.
4. Even if one is in the varnashrama system or not one can strive for
success by the process of bhakthi.
5. One should surrender to the devotees of the Lord and through them
they surrender to Krsna.
6. One can try to bring good qualities but overemphasis on good
qualities is not an anga of bhakthi.Ultimately spiritual life is not
bound by Rules
-HH.Bhanu Swami Maharaj(SB#5.14.40)

Source#SB notes from Priyadarshini Mataji


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Eternal Happiness!

1. In the whole material world suffering is never completely
extinguished, but it is designed in such a way so that one cannot give
it up.
2. There is necessity that we have to take shelter of devotees
through them ultimately we take shelter of krsna. Through devotees we
get knowledge of the supreme lord , inspiration to serve and leave the
material world. 3. The idea of leaving the material world should not
only be because of miseries , if the suffering aspect is more
prominent it becomes mixed devotion.
4. In pure bhakthi the motivation is to simply please the supreme lord.
5. When we tell chant and be happy our promise is for their eternal happiness.
-HH.Bhanu Swami Maharaj(SB# 5.14.36)

Source#SB notes from Priyadarshini Mataji


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Date: Wed, 31 Aug 2011 05:15:15 +0000
Subject: - Brain dead

Brain dead

Posted: 30 Aug 2011 09:30 PM PDT

Sometimes you see these pictures of a man looking for a guru and hes
climbing up a mountain.and finally he gets on the top of the mountain and
theres a big monitor with google on it! This is the situation of this age.
We have become brain dead gradually, gradually becoming more and more dull,
books are being written on how the computer and especially the internet has
changed the thought pattern of people. I read the title of a book about
this topic- is the internet making us stupid? It is a fact, the internet is
making us stupid because before we use to think, now we searchSrila
Bhaktivinoda Thakura writes in his essay called ethics of the Bhagavata
that actually when we are reading, that reading is not merely meant for
retention of knowledge but that rather, one should be creative with that
knowledge and take that knowledge and think of how to apply that knowledge.
Its not merely meant for storage, as nowadays where you just throw it on
your hard disk
(Kadamba Kanana Maharaja, September 2009,  Durban, SA)

Having Faith Part 1

Posted: 30 Aug 2011 03:00 PM PDT

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, Finland, 2011)

We have no idea of the mercy that actually we are getting. We are thinking
that we understand all the mercy of Gaura Nitai, but we have no idea. Srila
Prabhupada told Dhananjaya:

"These deities of Gaura Nitai could just be given away to the people on the
street! You tell them that they are souvenirs….that these dolls are
souvenirs from the Hare Krishna and you can keep the doll. Everyday you can
put some water in front of the doll, which will bring luck for the whole
family. So you tell them".

Prabhupada was ready for that. It was inconceivable….what a vision of them.
What a faith in the mercy of Lord Caitanya, that somehow or other
everything will transform and that it will all work.

Kirtan Mela 2011

Posted: 30 Aug 2011 11:56 AM PDT

When the Vaisnavas assemble and chant kirtan for the pleasure of Krishna,
then the atmosphere becomes magical, the spiritual world manifests, and
Krsna is present. As different birds fly at different heights in the sky,
different devotees are on different levels of realization. Some may feel
the presence of the Lord and others may actually see Sri Caitanya
Mahaprabhu and His associates while chanting and dancing in kirtan. When
Narottama dasa Thakura performed his kirtan festival at Kethuri after Sri
Caitanya Mahprabhu had disappeared from this world, the devotees present
could see Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and His associates chanting and dancing
in the greatest ecstasy. They themselves were then swept up in waves of
transcendental love. When Vaisnavas gather for kirtan, it is not only a
festival of temporary inspiration but an eternal benediction of lasting
benefit. When Vaisnavas gather for kirtan, it is an event not to miss!

(H.H. Kadamba Kanana Swami)

Watch the 12 hour Kirtan Mela 2011 live at:

From 30 August- 4 September 2011 from 10am-10pm (CEST)

More information can be found at:


Because of Lord Caitanya

Posted: 30 Aug 2011 05:34 AM PDT

We chant Hare Krsna and we immediately think, Im a great bhakti yogi, I
mean what can Maya do to me.! And meanwhile Lord Caitanya is there every
moment blocking maya every step of the way and protecting us. Every step of
the way we are being protected otherwise we would fall down, a hundred
times, a thousand times a day! But by Lord Caitanyas personal intervention,
a hundred times, a thousand times a day we are saved! We dont see it. So we
can pray to Lord Caitanya in gratitude for saving us
(Kadamba Kanana Maharaja, September 2009, Durban, SA)

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Ice breaker-an ill husband

Wife takes very ill husband to doctor.
Doc says to wife: Give him healthy breakfast daily, be pleasant & in
gud mood... Cook tasty dinner & don't discuss ur problems with him.
Stop watching tv shows & facebook. Dont demand new jewels. If u can do
this for one year ur husband will be ok.
On the way to home, husband asks wife: What did doctor say..
your condition is critical and hopes of survival are less!


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Picture of the week!

Sri Radha Madhava in picture!


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For a living entity it is not possible to understand the unlimited infinitet [BG.11.03]

Bhagavad-gita As It Is # Chapter 11


manyase yadi tac chakyam
maya drashtum iti prabho
yogesvara tato me tvam
darsayatmanam avyayam 


If You think that I am able to behold Your cosmic form, O my Lord, O master of all mystic power, then kindly show me that unlimited universal Self. 


It is said that one can neither see, hear, understand nor perceive the Supreme Lord, Krishna, by the material senses. But if one is engaged in loving transcendental service to the Lord from the beginning, then one can see the Lord by revelation. Every living entity is only a spiritual spark; therefore it is not possible to see or to understand the Supreme Lord. Arjuna, as a devotee, does not depend on his speculative strength; rather, he admits his limitations as a living entity and acknowledges Krishna's inestimable position. Arjuna could understand that for a living entity it is not possible to understand the unlimited infinite. If the infinite reveals Himself, then it is possible to understand the nature of the infinite by the grace of the infinite. The word yogesvara is also very significant here because the Lord has inconceivable power. If He likes, He can reveal Himself by His grace, although He is unlimited. Therefore Arjuna pleads for the inconceivable grace of Krishna. He does not give Krishna orders. Krishna is not obliged to reveal Himself unless one surrenders fully in Krishna consciousness and engages in devotional service. Thus it is not possible for persons who depend on the strength of their mental speculations to see Krishna. 

Translation and commentary by His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada



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Special favor of Krishna to His Devotees

Srimad-Bhagavatam 2.8.4-5

srnvatah sraddhaya nityam grnatas ca sva-cestitam kalena natidirghena
bhagavan visate hrdi

TRANSLATION: Persons who hear Srimad-Bhagavatam regularly and are
always taking the matter very seriously will have the Personality of
Godhead Sri Krsna manifested in their hearts within a short time.

pravistah karna-randhrenasvanam bhava-saroruhamdhunoti samalam
Krsnahsalilasya yatha sarat

TRANSLATION: The sound incarnation of Lord Krsna, the Supreme Soul
[i.e. Srimad-Bhagavatam], enters into the heart of a self-realized
devotee, sits on the lotus flower of his loving relationship, and thus
cleanses the dust of material association, such as lust, anger and
hankering. Thus it acts like autumnal rains upon pools of muddy water.

The comparison to the autumnal rain that falls on muddy reservoirs of
water is very appropriate. During the rainy season, all the waters of
the rivers become muddy, but in the month of July-August, the autumn
season, when there is a slight rainfall, the muddy waters of the
rivers all over the world become at once clear. By addition of some
chemical, a small reservoir of water like that of a metropolitan
waterworks tank can be cleared, but by such a tiny effort it is not
possible to clear up all the reservoirs of water like the rivers. A
powerful pure devotee of the Lord, however, can deliver not only his
personal self but also many others in his association.

By sincere efforts to hear Srimad-Bhagavatam one realizes his
constitutional relationship with the Lord in the transcendental humor
of servitude, friendship, paternal affection or conjugal love, and by
such self-realization one becomes situated at once in the
transcendental loving service of the Lord.

Not only were all the pure devotees like Narada self-realized souls,
but they were engaged in preaching work automatically by spiritual
impetus, and thus they delivered many poor souls entangled in the
material modes. They became so powerful because they sincerely
followed the Bhagavatam principles by regular hearing and worshiping.
By such actions the accumulated material lusts, etc., become cleansed
by the personal endeavor of the Lord within the heart. The Lord is
always within the heart of the living being, but He becomes manifested
by one's devotional service



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  • Technorati - The real problem

The real problem

Posted: 29 Aug 2011 09:19 PM PDT

We may think that our biggest problem, our one obstacle on our spiritual path are material desires. That, we may feel, is the one thing that is making it a little difficult. We want to be devotees, we are attracted to Krsna but the problem is that we are not only attracted to Krsna but we are also attracted to Maya! And Srila Bhaktisiddhanta wrote this letter and said that Hiranyakasipu was looking everywhere and could not see Krsna anywhere, whereas Prahlada, wherever he looked, he saw Krsna. And we are in between! So that's the situation, we are sometimes seeing Krsna, sometimes not seeing Krsna, sometimes seeing Maya and then we are attracted to both! Therefore what sometimes causes doubt in us is that we are attracted to both and we feel that, 'can I make it? Can I actually make it? And some people think, 'it was a mistake that I took initiation. I shouldn't have done it. I actually wasn't ready for it and I realise that actually I cannot make it.' But the truth of the matter is that no one can make it. It is only by Krsna's mercy that one can overcome the material energy. Therefore material desire is not the issue, that's not the problem, the problem is the offenses against the holy name because the process of devotional service is so powerful it will purify the material desires and if we just get absorbed in service, the material desires will go. They will gradually become less and less but if you commit offenses in chanting the holy name then you delay the material desires from going away. And not only that, we can create new anarthas….
(Kadamba Kanana Maharaja, April 2011, Radhadesh, Belgium)

Becoming free through hearing

Posted: 29 Aug 2011 09:18 PM PDT

The first chapter of the Antya lila of the Caitanya Caritamrta is dedicated to a drama of Rupa Gosvami and this is the Vidagdha-madhava. Ramananda Raya was interviewing Rupa Gosvami about the drama and Caitanya Mahaprabhu was listening. And Rupa Gosvami was explaining the opening verse. He was saying, "may the pastimes of Krsna reduce the miseries of this world and nullify all unwanted desires." So the opening verse was very strong because this is our position, we are struggling with this- with material misery and unwanted desire. We all have this and Rupa Gosvami is beginning to offer us a solution in our life. And he's pointing out that it is by hearing about Krsna that we will rise above the miseries of this world. It is by hearing about Krsna that we will become free of unwanted desires.
(Kadamba Kanana Maharaja, August 2011, Spain)

The Potency of this Movement

Posted: 29 Aug 2011 02:00 PM PDT

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, Finland, 2011)

Srila Prabhupada once gave an example about the microphone. He said:

"We don't really need a microphone. We are only using the microphone to purify the microphone maker."

When I heard that it was like, 'someone pushed the button' and I was thinking:

"Well if it's the microphone maker, then what about the maker of the seat? The one who made the wood for the floor? The one who made the lights on the ceiling? All the things we use….and so many things…..and if all these people are getting purified, than how great is the effect of this movement!"

Just as I was thinking like that, I saw little devotee children riding on little tricycles, and I was thinking:

"As they were riding on their tricycles, they were delivering the three worlds!"

One might think that I was exaggerating, but no, they were devotee children. They're presence is auspicious! They are actually bringing auspiciousness wherever they go! So in this way we begin to see this movement more and more in all its potency!

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Posted: 29 Aug 2011 01:09 PM PDT

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Invest now!

Posted: 29 Aug 2011 03:46 AM PDT

During the good times in spiritual life, it's not the time to enjoy. No, when the good times are there it's time to stock up, to store as much Krsna consciousness as we can, take real advantage because we are going to need it….we are going to need it when hell comes! Every little bit of investment in Krsna consciousness pays off…

(Kadamba Kanana Maharaja, September 2011, Durban, SA)

Only spiritual sound

Posted: 29 Aug 2011 03:42 AM PDT

Our spiritual practice is from morning till night. From the moment we come into conscious in the morning it begins, even before we open our eyes already there is a duty immediately. And the first thing we do when we open our eyes is to offer obeisances, immediately. In the Hari Bhakti Vilasa it is said that one should remember the name of one's worshipable deities, that one should offer prayers. Not that in the morning you quickly read the sms's that might have come in over night or download mail before you brush your teeth or start mundane jokes. One of the principles in spiritual life is that we avoid mundane sound vibration in the mornings as much as possible. I personally try when I have the opportunity to just have no mundane sound at all for as long as possible- delay it, postpone it somehow or other. Don't let it enter, no mundane sound. Only spiritual sound!





Posted: 29 Aug 2011 03:31 AM PDT

Fruska Gauranga, Serbian Summer Camp


… Now, the interesting part is the topic of empowerment. Nakula Brahmacari became empowered in an extraordinary way. But empowerment is a very important principle in our spiritual life, because improvement means that Krishna will give us power which goes beyond our own ability.

See, for example, I am from Holland, it is a very flat country and very low. There is a lot of water around, and every field is just flat and it has water around it on four sides, little canals. So Dutch boys – they play with that. We all go and jump over the canals. Sometimes they are two meters wide, sometimes three, sometimes four… You know… It's a fun game. Everybody knows for himself what he can and cannot do. Three meters – ok, four meters – maybe, but five meters – no, not really! J

So, like that, we calculate. And life is all about calculation! We calculate if we can cross the round before the car comes, we calculate what we can do with our money, we calculate how we can deal with people, and we calculate how much we can say to a certain person: to one a little more than to another one… Anyway, when the element of empowerment comes into our life it means that somehow all the calculations are no longer valid. And that I find very interesting.

Because we always think: I am limited in this way, I can only do so much. And in our spiritual life we are fearful. We are afraid to just give up what we have… We all calculate like that: I will nicely renounce the things I didn't want any way, but somehow or other I'll engage all things that I want to in Krishna's service, of course. On my nice car I'll put a new number plate: 4 U Krishna  (for you Krishna)… Like that, we are afraid to let go. And we are calculating little by little, we let go of a little and then we see: what mercy has Krishna given me now? And if He gives me some, then I'll let go of some more.  And in this way we don't advance, in this way for years we just stay in same old position… Stay kanistha adhikari -those who have kamala sraddha, weak faith.  Whereas the madhyama adhikari should put full faith in the instruction of Krishna and just believe: that is where happiness is to be found! Even if on the material plain it doesn't look logical, I'll put my faith in the scripture. And then Krishna will help.

This element of empowerment is element where Krishna gives us strength. That would be available for such devotees. So empowerment begins for those who are ready to rely on Krishna. And then, of course, the more and more one relies on Krishna, the more Krishna will arrange…



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What pleases Krishna?

After receiving initiation at Gaya from Srila Iswara Puri, Sri Gaurasundar, the son of Mother Sachi, returned to Nadiya with a happy heart. One day, Vishwambhar gave transcendental knowledge to some pure brahmin boys of Nabadwip who were his students. Lord Gaura Hari said: pana eka satya vastu - krsnera carana sei vidya - yathe hari-bhaktira laksana
You should study only the one truth - Krishna's feet. One who knows that truth has the ornament of devotion for the Lord. (Text 11)
The sastras describe that anything other than this is ignorance. Do not study anything other than devotion to Sri Sri Radha-Krishna! (Text 12)
Persons intoxicated with pride in their learning, wealth, and birth do not attain Krishna. By devotional service one easily attains Krishna, the Lord of the Yadus. (Text 13)
Krishna is conquered by the nectar of devotional service. To prove this I quote these words from the sastras: (Text 14)
Where was the hunter Dharma's piety, Dhruva's maturity, and Gajendra's knowledge? Where was Kubja's beauty? Where was Sudama's wealth? Where was Vidura's noble birth? Where was Ugrasena's chivalrous strength? Lord Madhava is pleased only by devotional service and not by material qualifications. (Text 15: quoting Rupa Goswami's Padyavali, text 8).
--Adapted from Srila Lochan Das Thakur's Caitanya-mangala, Madhya 1.11-15



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The complete knowledge of the complete person,Lord Sri Krishna

People used to travel by different means such as walking, bullock
carts, chariots driven by horses, cars, superfast trains,
airplanes,ships in the ocean,boats in rivers. But all these are within
the world. Later in the 1950s,people were eager to travel in outer
space and other planets by using rockets,spaceships. People want to
travel to the highest places in the Universe but they have not found
any means yet to do so.
This eagerness to travel is quite common for dwellers of other
planetary systems as well. We find saucers of other planetary systems
flying around this world. They are much more faster than ours.
This kind of architecture of spaceships is found even in the
Bhagavatam. We find Vimanas with their proper structure for travelling
in space. The temple structures even though not flying are also called
as Vimanas. It could be because temples are helping us to take us to
the Spiritual world :)
We find in the Bhagavatam that Dhuruva was taken by Pushpaka Vimana.
Actually that Vimana is Spiritual one unlike the material ones.

To understand an object we use our different senses. Lets take the
example of Milk. Milk when seen with eyes we get the knowledge that
it's in white colour. With the touch of fingers we understand it's in
liquid state. With our nose,we smell the fragrance and with tongue we
taste it. With eyes we cannot taste.
Only when we experience this through all our different senses,we get
the complete knowledge of what milk is all about.

Similarly there are different levels of God realization and different
means to attain different realizations. The Vedas are like desiretrees
which can give whatever one desires. There are 3 categories in the
Vedic literature based on 3 modes.
Goodness-Vishnu(example-Garuda purana,Vishnu purana), Passion-Brahma,
Ignorance-Shiva(example skanda purana)
Mahabharata & Ramayana are itihasaas.
There are 3 things
1.Sambhanda(foundational knowledge)
First thing is we need to have the knowledge of what is what. Only if
we know where we are, we can think about where we want to go.
Then secondly we have to practice based on the acquired knowledge.
And finally we yield the results of our practice.
The jnanis and yogis will attain Brahman.Those practicing Bhakti will
go to Vaikuntha but those who read Srimad Bhagavatam and understand
Krishna will go to Goloka.
Srimad Bhagavatam is nirguna,not in the modes whereas the Vedas deal
mainly with the 3 modes of material nature. The mature ripen fruit of
all the Vedas is Srimad Bhagavatam.One can have complete knowledge of
the Supreme Lord only by approaching Bhagavatam. Knowledge of the
Supreme Lord as Shyama Sundara with His 2 handed form is the perfect
and complete knowledge.Krishna is always surrounded by His intimate
associates with different rasas. The highest destination one can reach
by travelling is the Devotional Service taught by Lord Chaitanya.
(Excuse me for any errors or misinterpretation. I was not very brisk
during the class due to excessive travelling in a short period. Anyone
can correct or add more)
Notes from a presentation by HH.Bhanu Swami Maharaj


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  • Technorati - A new day everyday…

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Date: Mon, Aug 29, 2011 at 10:35 AM
Subject: - A new day everyday…
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A new day everyday…

Posted: 28 Aug 2011 09:17 PM PDT

This movement is made of the mercy of Krsna and the problem is that being conditioned souls, we are very inspired and excited when something is new but then after a little while it becomes routine. So by now it's just, 'this Hare Krsna movement, we are apart of it…' and it's just routine and it's apart of our life. So when spiritual life has become a routine then it means we are taking the mercy for granted. We are no longer seeing the mercy, no longer appreciating the mercy.So we have to everyday again make a special endeavor to attract the mercy of Krsna. One has to renew day by day his surrender. Everyday start again, 'today I'm going to start again. I'm going to make a renewed endeavor to attract the mercy of Krsna.' Everyday again and again. It's not like, 'oh, I'm trying and it just doesn't work, I've been trying now for the last seven years and I'm just a conditioned soul, there is no hope for me…' No. Then today, realizing that we are that, then today we make a special endeavor, today do something extra. You don't have to be superman, (dramatic) 'tadada, tadadada, tadadada….super bhaktas in town!' We always want to be super bhakta. But we can just do something nice for Krsna today. Instead of making it 'another day in KC' we can make this a special day!

(Kadamba Kanana Maharaja, June 2011, London)

When the impossible becomes possible…

Posted: 28 Aug 2011 09:15 PM PDT

It's not that we have to do the impossible. We can always meditate in Krsna consciousness on all the things that are impossible but rather than thinking about the impossible, let's do the possible. And the more we start to do all the small things that are possible then one day we find that the impossible has become possible. That's the nature of doing many small things. When we are able to take up many small things then at one point a big step becomes possible. This is a very important point in Krsna consciousness.(Kadamba Kanana Maharaja, June 2011, London)


The Mercy of Srila Prabhupada!

Posted: 28 Aug 2011 01:00 PM PDT

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, 2011)

Krishna made arrangements for the conditioned souls to receive transcendental knowledge, and He created the Vedas – the entire mountain of all vedic knowledge! Then just at the edge of this mountain, the ocean of mercy of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu had reached and the wave of Mahaprabhu's mercy washed onto the beach, and left a watermark there…on the beach…a line. On that ocean of Mahaprabhu's mercy came an extremely powerful wave, which was the mercy of Srila Prabhupada and had extended still further than the mercy of Mahaprabhu…and this made a further watermark, high up on that beach.

So in this way, we have on the one hand the vedic injunctions, and on the other hand we cannot follow all the vedic injunctions. It's very difficult to follow. We have the mercy of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and even that we find difficult to follow. Then we have the mercy of Srila Prabhupada and even that we find difficult to follow…that's more or less were it's at.

For example, if you read the book 'The Hari Bhakti Vilasa', which is a compilation of many quotes from many various vedic sources. It is said that they ask a question:

"If anyone eats on Ekadasi…well it says in the 'Hari Bhakti Vilasa' that, if we eat on Ekadasi, then in the next life one will become a hog!".

So what do you think of that? So if you eat anything, than you become a hog according to the 'Hari Bhakti Vilasa'. Really sorry – including the French fries and those Ekadasi goodies….I'm so sorry. So there is an extended license here, that we are getting over the 'Hari Bhakti Vilasa'. We have to understand that Srila Prabhupada just gave us a little bit more leeway and there you go, you are getting ready for tomorrow, and usually eat more on Ekadasi day! So that's the Hare Krishna Movement!

Attacks by the Russians

Posted: 28 Aug 2011 12:23 PM PDT

The blog has been hacked some days ago and the hackers messed up the layout and installed some nasty programs to send spam emails. I have deleted all the nasty files and cleaned up the blog software. Also all user passwords have been reset, so you have to create a new one. Sorry for the inconvenience. I hope this will not happen again.

If anything on this blog is not working properly then please let me know.

Hope against hope

Posted: 28 Aug 2011 12:30 AM PDT

Just do some service for Krsna. We don't have to be in anxiety, we can become very peaceful because we can serve Krsna so easily in a very natural way and automatically we'll become more and more attached to Krsna just by serving. But what if we leave this world before we would become very advanced? Then there is no problem also. There is no problem at all because then there is asa-bandha, hope against hope. It means that even if there is no reason to hope that we will ever be successful because we ourselves are not pure but still we hope that Krsna will give us the mercy because we know that He is very soft hearted and very merciful. So although we are not qualified we will surely get the mercy. And Prabhupada and our spiritual master, they have prayed for us. And if our service is not good enough, Krsna looks at the service of our spiritual master and our spiritual master is asking, 'dear Krsna, please take this disciple of mine back to Godhead.' Then what can Krsna do….Krsna says, 'okay then let him or her go…' So asa-bandha, hope against hope.

(Kadamba Kanana Maharaja, June 2011, New Ekachakra, Slovakia)

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  • Technorati - We are so weak

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Date: Sun, 28 Aug 2011 05:05:33 +0000
Subject: - We are so weak

We are so weak

Posted: 27 Aug 2011 01:08 PM PDT

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, 2011)

We are fighting the illusion on different levels – on the gross's
not difficult. We are walking around down town London and we've seen it
all before. We know what it's like in the pubs. We know what that life is
like. If one forgets something in the pub late at night, and one goes back
the next morning to pick it up…the smell in the morning in that pub is
inconceivable. One might think:

"Was I really there last night? I didn't smell anything then, but in the
morning, what a smell…. hell!"

That kind of grossness…the grossness of outright sinful activities are not
difficult to pierce through, but the more subtle effect of maya is the hope
that maybe after all, it can still attack us! And then in this age we are
so weak. This is the age that we are so thoroughly corrupted!

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Kasturi Tilakam-An Offering by Bilvamangala Thakura!

kastUrI tilakam lalATa phalakE vakshasthalE kaustubham
nAsAgrE nava mauktikam karatalE vENum karE kankaNam
sarvAngE hari chandanam cha kalayam kaNThEcha muktAvali
gOpastrI parivEshTitO vijayatE gOpAla chUDAmani

Meaning of this beautiful Shloka which has a contrast between ornamented god and god as the supreme ornament:

O Sri Krishna ! The Kasturi (Musk) Tilak, a red ritual mark decorates your forehead and the Kaustubha jewel ornaments your chest

The Nava mouktika, a pearl ornament on your nose, your fingertips graced by a flute, while your wrist is ornamented with a bracelet.

O Sri Hari! Your entire body is bedecked with fragrant sandalwood paste, your neck has a beautiful garland

You gave Mukti (salvation) to the Gopis (lady-cowherds) who followed you, 

Victory be to that Lord who proved to be the choodamani (crest jewel - singular ornament of all ornaments) for even a commoner like a cowherd

"Kasturi Tilakam" is the 2.108 Slokam of Sri Krishna Karnamrutham, a string of Bhakthi laden poems offered at the sacred feet of the Lord . The author of Sri Krishna Karnamrutham is Bilva Mangalar (AD 1220-1300). He was a contemproary of Swami Desikan (AD 1268-1369). Since he described with great joy the leelas of Krishna like Sukha Brahmam, the author of Srimad Bhagavatham, he came to be known as Leela Sukhar. He belongs to the tradition of great devotees of Krishna of Kerala such as Narayana Bhattadhiri, the author of Sri NarayaNeeyam, Poonthaanma and Vasudeva Nambhhodhri and other great scholars of Dasama Skhandham of Srimad Bhagavatham.

(any sanskrit pandits, dont yell at me for any translation errors, sources are from internet so always cannot say it's authorized for its correctness..)


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  • Technorati - Conquering Maya

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Date: Sat, 27 Aug 2011 05:08:16 +0000
Subject: - Conquering Maya

Conquering Maya

Posted: 26 Aug 2011 09:23 PM PDT

If the whole day instead of Hare Krsna Hare Krsna, we chant no Maya, no
Maya, no Maya, no Maya then that would be difficult. So the more we are
busy in service to Krsna the less opportunity there is for Maya. That is
the way to conquer Maya. The only way to conquer Maya is by becoming
absorbed in service to Krsna. You cannot conquer Maya in any other way. Its
not, first Ill conquer Maya and then Ill serve Krsna., but it is serve
Krsna and Maya will be conquered.(Kadamba Kanana Maharaja, June 2011, New
Ekachakra, Slovakia)

To see with a more sharp focus!

Posted: 26 Aug 2011 12:30 PM PDT

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, 2011)

We are trapped in birth, death, old age and disease. So these are the real
traps and no matter how you arrange the society…no matter where we live or
how comfortable one lives, no one can overcome these basic problems.

Birth, disease old age and death, will always re emerge no matter what and
there we are really trapped -trapped in suffering. So this understanding
comes gradually. In the beginning one thinks:

'That in the world there is happiness and distress….there is enjoyment and
suffering….and if only I could get all the enjoyment and avoid the
suffering then everything would be great! And that's all….and its just a
matter of figuring it out. Eventually somehow or other doctor it out. A
little suffering – alright we can take, but if it's mostly enjoyment then
my life is a success!'

Gradually we realise that whatever enjoyment there is in the material world
then it is very meagre…very limited and that basically it can never fulfil
our need for enjoyment! We may enjoy but there is no fulfilment…and between
the two there is a big difference. Yes enjoy but still unfulfilled. That is
the best we can get out of material enjoyment. So what to do! And that is
temporary also! Therefore, gradually we begin to see with a more sharp

Making advancement all the time

Posted: 26 Aug 2011 04:23 AM PDT

The real progress that you make is from the first little bit of service to
Krsna and it gets more real day by day. But we dont realise it yet. I
compare that to growing old. Growing old is such a thing that it happens
slowly, you dont notice it until one day you look in the mirror and you
think, my God! Do I have a lot of lines! I never had those before. Thats
how growing old is, you grow old everyday but you dont see it everyday. We
make spiritual advancement everyday but we dont see it but sometimes we
have a moment where we feel, Im actually getting something But we are
making advancement all the time.

(Kadamba Kanana Maharaja, June 2011, New Ekachakra, Slovakia)

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Too much expectation is the cause of frustration!

Too much expectation is the cause of frustration. We have in our mind
that this and this should be such and such. And sometimes we may have
to tolerate by being flexible but not beyond our limit of tolerance.
When we stretch beyond our limits of tolerance we cannot continue that
for long and finally it becomes a disaster and depression of mind
resulting in madness. As far as comfort of the body is concerned,we
need to fulfill the basic offer of it in proper time at regular
intervals. It's very important that we care our body also very nicely
because only with that we can perform our services,be it material or
We are not meant to labour hard day and night like asses rather use
the body in realizing the self. The body also needs some physical
work. But in our modern offices, we sit for hours and hours and the
result is piles! We find our elders who worked for so many years this
way are suffering only with piles and other serious complications in
the body.
"To the degree we attach ourselves to a particular thing, to that
degree we will get frustrated when we lose that thing"-HH.Radhanath
And so we must be cautious in our dealings with this world. When we
get closer to something we'll have to remember and make up our mind
prepared to lose that any time.
"There'll come a time when all of us must leave here,when nothing
sister mary can do to keep me here with you. And things that seemed so
very plain become an awful pain. There comes a time when most of us
return here,backed by our desires to be a perfect entity"-George
Therefore it's essential to keep our expectation to the least possible
extent in our dealings in this world. By nature this world is meant
for giving us lessons.


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Residents of heaven&hell are so advanced materially than we are!

Actually the dwellers of heaven and hell are more advanced in
technology than we are. A speculation I make here is we find
UFOs-unidentified flying objects reported for so long in the sky since
world war times.
It could be possible that the dwellers of other planetary systems
travel in spaceships and that's not captured so well in our radars.
And their speed is more than that of sound Waves. So they know us well
but we dont know even ourselves so well what to speak of them and then
the Supreme Lord who maintains the heaven,hell and the whole cosmic


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Residents of heaven&hell are so advanced materially than we are!

Actually the dwellers of heaven and hell are more advanced in
technology than we are. A speculation I make here is we find
UFOs-unidentified flying objects reported for so long in the sky since
world war times.
It could be possible that the dwellers of other planetary systems
travel in spaceships and that's not capture so well in our radars. And
their speed is more than that of sound Waves. So they know us well but
we dont know even ourselves so well what to speak of them and then the
Supreme Lord who maintains the heaven,hell and the whole cosmic


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Air Hostess who ate Prabhupada's Maha Prasadam

Air Hostess who ate Prabhupada's Maha Prasadam

......of the many wonderful pastimes of Srila Prabhupad I heard a  wonderful story that I'd never heard the second part of until now. First  part was with Prabhupad travelling to South America with his two  servants, the temple where they'd been gave them a packed lunch for the  plane, so in the air Srutakirti Prabhupad's servant opened Prabhupad's  lunch pack and served him his prasadam of puffed rice and peanuts.  Prabhupad had his fill and handed over the remnants to Srutakirti who'd  just began eating when the lady air hostess comes over and in one motion  says that looks tasty and grabs a handful throws it in her mouth.  Prabhupad smiled, Srutakirti was somewhat shocked. She then asked why  bring your own food. Srutakirti informed her  that they are vegetarians etc etc. She immediately said is there  anything else I can get you, fruit milk? Prabhupad said "Hot milk". Five  minutes later she returned with three cups of hot milk she got from  First class. Prabhupad thanked her and the devotees discussed among  themselves Prabhupad remarking that it is a natural nature of a pious  woman to serve....... Anyway over the years this had become one of  Srutakirti's favourite Prabhupad pastime stories to tell.
Anyway  now part two, he was recently again in South America doing a preaching  tour enlivening devotees there (and selling his book "What is the  difficulty?") and he told that story in Brazil. Afterward one devotee  came up to him and asked would Srutakirti prabhu like to hear an amazing  story? This devotee was out in some remote village going door to door  selling books when he knocked on a door a lady opened the door wearing  tilak. She then invited the devotee in and her house was like a  little temple,an altar with Deities, pictures on the walls and all of  Prabhupad's books in Portuguese in her bookshelf. The devotee just had  to ask her how she became a devotee....... She said she used to be an  airline hostess some years ago and she met the author of these books, he  was so saintly and gentle and kind that she looked up who he was and  what he did from his boarding pass name. She then got some of his books  and began to read, they said to chant so she chanted and offer her food  to Krishna, so she did all that an became a devotee from that small  contact.......... Srutakirti was gob smacked, while at the same time  understood the potency of Prasadam and even a moments association with a  pure devotee like Srila Prabhupad. Now that has become one of  Srutakirti's favourite stories to tell also.



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Maya is marketing herself in a vibrant way....and finally you are cheated!!!

Marketing is, making you buy what you really dont want. Maya is also marketing with her illusory beauty of this body and all that is associated with the body. We really dont need this body to be happy. It's actually this body which is the cause of all suffering and if used properly the same body can help us get liberated.

There are two kinds of things..Needs and Wants

1.Needs are like basic things without which survival itself is not possible Eg: Eating, Sleeping, Mating, Defending
2.Wants are those that are really not necessary but may be used part of Luxury or comfort. Eg: Unwanted luxury which binds one further

Senses are pulled by the sense objects,therefore mind is pulled by the senses and then the intelligence and finally the soul himself is dragged down helplessly to experience the miserable existence of binding oneself further. 

Cannot even think properly without goodness, nothing works without passion and we cannot sleep without ignorance and all this is required in the material world when in material body.

When we start using the products that are marketed we will understand it's unworthiness. Without even using the product we would have been hassle free but it's too late by the time we have the product with us :) And it's the same case with our body and all that is associated with that. In the beginning it may appear there's some pleasure but that is the cause of the suffering ahead. It's all the passion that brings all the suffering. Honour, Prestige, Fame, House, Children, Wife, Cars are all products of passion. Goodness is better than passion and passion is better than Ignorance but Pure Goodness is above all these three. When one is situated in Devotional Service then one is said to be in pure goodness.



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Complete Purification by Devotional service


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via GLORIOUS KRISHNA by Jyoti & Vidya on 8/26/11

Another example given in Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam concerns the elephant who enters into a lake and takes a bath very seriously, cleansing his body thoroughly. Then as soon as he comes onto shore he again takes some dust from the earth and throws it over his body. Similarly, a person who is not trained in Kṛṣṇa consciousness cannot become completely free from the desire for sinful activities. Neither the yoga process nor philosophical speculations nor fruitive activities can save one from the seeds of sinful desires.
Only by being engaged in devotional service to Krishna can this be done.
- Srila Prabhupada (Nectar of Devotion)


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Attainig Krishna Prema by Chanting Offenselessly


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via GLORIOUS KRISHNA by Jyoti & Vidya on 8/26/11

"One should never lose hope in spite of being attacked by wicked thoughts while chanting the holy name. All these thoughts will gradually disappear as one becomes fixed in chanting. But if one does not chant with enthusiasm how will such materialistic thoughts disappear?"

The best way to overcome the material energy is to associate with pure devotees and to chant the holy name of Krsna. A devotee's advancement can be measured by how much he is attracted to chanting the holy name.

"The end of all study and knowledge is the chanting of Krsna's holy names. Devotion to the Lord means faithfully chanting the holy name of Krsna. One who chants the holy name without offenses will very quickly attain Krsna prema."

- HH Mahanidhi Swami
Art of Chanting Hare Krishna


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'Krishna will never forget His devotee'


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via GLORIOUS KRISHNA by Jyoti & Vidya on 8/24/11

If a devotee takes to Krsna Consciousness very seriously and sincerely but if he falls down due to some reason, Krishna never forgets that sincere service rendered. If we have pleased Him or His devotee, Krishna will never forget that and He will intervene and give us the chance again and again may be in this birth or some future birth. It depends on us whether we use our free will to surrender to the Lord or to surrender to our material desires. But once we establish the relationship, He will never let us go for long.

There was once a devotee who left Krsna Consciousness and wanted to enjoy material life. He flew to another country and as soon as he came out of the airport, one devotee came and asked him to buy a book. He just ignored and thought to himself that why is Krishna doing this. When he entered His hotel room and switched on the television, on some news channel He saw devotees chanting the Lord's blissful names. Whatever He did, wherever he went somehow Krsna kept reminding Him of the transcendental life he had given up for the poisonous nectar of this world.

That's when He understood that Krishna is so merciful and kind that He is never going to let me go irrespective of my foolishness and disobedience. At that same point, that devotee returned back to the temple and dedicated himself whole-heartedly in the service of the Lord.

Hare Krishna.

(HH Radhanath Swami)


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