
Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna

Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna
Gopis performing Devotional Service to the Lordships Sri Sri Radha Krishna

Pleasure and Pain


Pleasure and Pain

Posted: 16 Nov 2011 03:32 AM PST

Walking down the road, a man sees some stool and the stool is soft, and he thinks, "This is nasty." And a little further down the road, he again sees stool, but it has been in the sun for sometime, and becuase it is hard, the man thinks, " This is good." - But he does not stop to consider that hard or soft, stool is stool.

Pleasure or pain - they are the same.

In this material world, pleasure is simply hard stool. But we are thinking it is so nice.

- Srila Prabhupada to Brahmananda (Hare Krishna Explosion)


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  • Technorati - Krishna is extremely tolerant

Krishna is extremely tolerant

Posted: 02 Nov 2011 03:27 PM PDT

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, June 2011)

Just imagine Krishna as the Supersoul and what He has to go through to be conscious of all these thoughts of all the living beings! Oh my God, just the thought of it makes my mind feel intense, and if I would know all the thoughts of everyone in this room, then that would really be too much!

Can you imagine Krishna knowing all the thoughts of all living beings, in all of the universes as well as the spiritual world! It's just something else……inconceivable. But by just seeing the material universes, then Krishna has to deal with all these thoughts: The positive ones; the negative ones; the envious ones; the greedy ones, and so on. We would say:

"Oh no! Here we go again. Oh my God……oh no not greed again! Not anger again!"

If we read someone else's thoughts, then it's not only beautiful thoughts of nice poetry…! It can be all kinds of negative experiences. What to speak of the animal forms, such as Krishna being situated in the heart of the spider, that is sitting there in the sun waiting for the mosquito to fly into the net:

"And then I will wrap my sticky string around this mosquito and strangle him for a bit. When he is sufficiently flat for a while, than I'll sting him with some poison, and I'll suck him dry!"

What a consciousness, and Krishna has to tolerate all of this! So Krishna is extremely tolerant……extremely tolerant!

Krishna's appearance is like the sun

Posted: 02 Nov 2011 02:38 PM PDT

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, June 2011)

As we understand from Srila Prabhupada's explanation that, Krishna's appearance is just like the sun. As the sun is rising and setting, it is not that actually the sun turns red in the morning and then turns red in the evening – as if the flame of the gas has been turned down, or something like that, and the colour changes. No! The sun keeps its same bright effulgence, but because the sun is disappearing from our vision, then from our perspective it appears to become reddish, and setting and so on. But the fact of the matter is that the sun is shining somewhere else!

One who flies can experience that. For example, if you fly from Australia, towards Europe and you kind of leave at sunrise, then you can have sunrise for ten hours! The sunrise just stays – that's possible, you can have those kind of experiences. So a variable sun rise. It is from our own perspective that the sun has this reddish colour but actually the sun is always shining somewhere!

In the same way the pastimes of Krishna are always going on somewhere else. Krishna lifted Govardhana Hill here five thousand years ago on this planet. Now in another universe………….just right now, Krishna is lifting Govardhana Hill! In another universe – just now, Krishna is killing Putana! And again, in another universe, Krishna is killing Aghasura. Like that these pastimes of Krishna are going on eternally in unlimited universes, and all are simultaneously going on. By Krishna expanding himself like that, is not a problem……or difficulty at all!



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To make progress through impersonalism is always difficult but personal feature through Bhakti Yoga is simple and easy.BG#12.05

Bhagavad-gita As It Is | Part [BG.12.05]


kleso 'dhikataras tesham
avyakta hi gatir duhkham
dehavadbhir avapyate



For those whose minds are attached to the unmanifested, impersonal feature of the Supreme, advancement is very troublesome. To make progress in that discipline is always difficult for those who are embodied.



The group of transcendentalists who follow the path of the inconceivable, unmanifested, impersonal feature of the Supreme Lord are called jnana-yogis, and persons who are in full Krishna consciousness, engaged in devotional service to the Lord, are called bhakti-yogis. Now, here the difference between jnana-yoga and bhakti-yoga is definitely expressed. The process of jnana-yoga, although ultimately bringing one to the same goal, is very troublesome, whereas the path of bhakti-yoga, the process of being in direct service to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, is easier and is natural for the embodied soul. The individual soul is embodied since time immemorial. It is very difficult for him to simply theoretically understand that he is not the body. Therefore, the bhakti-yogi accepts the Deity of Krishna as worshipable because there is some bodily conception fixed in the mind, which can thus be applied. Of course, worship of the Supreme Personality of Godhead in His form within the temple is not idol worship. There is evidence in the Vedic literature that worship may be saguna or nirguna—of the Supreme possessing or not possessing attributes. Worship of the Deity in the temple is saguna worship, for the Lord is represented by material qualities. But the form of the Lord, though represented by material qualities such as stone, wood or oil paint, is not actually material. That is the absolute nature of the Supreme Lord.


A crude example may be given here. We may find some mailboxes on the street, and if we post our letters in those boxes, they will naturally go to their destination without difficulty. But any old box, or an imitation which we may find somewhere but which is not authorized by the post office, will not do the work. Similarly, God has an authorized representation in the Deity form, which is called arca-vigraha. This arca-vigraha is an incarnation of the Supreme Lord. God will accept service through that form. The Lord is omnipotent, all-powerful; therefore, by His incarnation as arca-vigraha He can accept the services of the devotee, just to make it convenient for the man in conditioned life.

Translation and commentary by His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada



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Breaking News, Flash News

Everyone is eager to know the news all the morning without fail, be it president, ministers or any layman on the street. But no one is willing to know the news about the self which is really the breaking news for everyone. There's no news more important than this for the self. That too people are more interested in seeing Breaking News or Flash News. So the following is no ordinary news but a breaking news for human beings to listen to!

Yudhistra Maharaja said,

"This world full of ignorance is like a pan. The sun is fire, the days and nights are fuel. The months and the seasons constitute the wooden ladle. Time is the cook that is cooking all creatures in that pan (with such aids); this is the news"

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via GITA COACHING by Akrura on 10/30/11

Everyone is in ignorance because the evolution is coming from the lower species of life, and in Western countries the Darwin's theory of evolution is very prominent, and they believe that man is coming from monkey. Of course, the Vedic sastra also says the birth of human being are from three sources: one from the cow, the other from the lion, and the other from the monkey. The "monkey" word is there. Those who are coming in the sattva-guna, modes of goodness, their last birth is as cow. And those who are coming through the rajo-guna, their last birth is lion. And those who are coming through the tamo-guna, their last birth is monkey.

Srila Prabhupada, Lecture: Bhagavad-gita 9.3 -- Melbourne, April 21, 1976


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