
Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna

Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna
Gopis performing Devotional Service to the Lordships Sri Sri Radha Krishna - A world of difference

A world of difference

Posted: 09 Sep 2011 05:06 PM PDT

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, Finland, 2011)

I was travelling to India, and there was a lady sitting next to me who was a yoga teacher. She was going to India for training with Iyengar. She was a serious yoga teacher, because Iyengar is serious yoga.

So anyway, she was a serious person, wasn't just in general but a thoughtful serious person. We had a nice discussion and she was interested in Krishna Conscious and everything, but I didn't immediately tell her that I was from the Hare Krishna Movement, since I was just preaching.

Anyway she said:

"So, actually what are you?"

So then I explained:

"Well okay I'm a member of the Hare Krishna Movement".

"Oh…no! Oh no… oh Hare Krishna…oh no!"

So I asked:

"Well, what happened to you? Did you have a bad experience with the Hare Krishnas?"

She replied:

" Oh…oh…I got so badly cheated. You know I have one problem. I cannot say no!"

So you can just imagine a sankirtan devotee found a lady who just couldn't say no!

So she got a full set….the whole set….the complete everything…all the small books and everything. I don't know how much she paid but, she must have paid thousands for it. Then her husband came home later, and there was a big drama! She spent thousands on these books, and these books they had been standing there…and they are like the joke of the family. Whenever there was a family gathering, they have to make some jokes about her books:

"Oh! Look at them! They're they are!"

She cannot throw them away, because she spent so much money on them. So how can you throw them away. The books were just standing there to testify for her stupidity…now she got cheated! So this is the story she had told me on the plane, and then I said:

"Well, how do you know that you got cheated? Did you read them?"

She replied:

"No…actually no…I never read them".

So I said:

"Why don't you read them…maybe they're really nice…if you read them and find them really nice, then you can tell your whole family":

'Actually I didn't get cheated they are good books…they're really nice'.

She said:

"This is great! I'm going to read these books!"

So sometimes just a conversation with someone can make a world of difference – that is also giving!

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The happiness of others

Posted: 09 Sep 2011 04:14 PM PDT

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, Finland, 2011)

Happiness is natural. It is said that,

'Anandamayo 'bhyasat', – every living being by nature is looking for happiness, and every living being is meant to be happy! So the art though is to know that the greatest happiness is to see happiness in others. If by our actions we can create happiness in others – that is greater than if by our actions we are concerned with our own happiness. And the greatest happiness is found, when we are trying to please Krishna! When we are trying to make Krishna happy, and then with all others, when we give them Krishna….then we give them happiness!

So there in giving happiness is found and not in taking. So we have to get out of this mentality:

"What's in it for me? What am I getting out of this? I've been a member of Iskcon for so many years – so what am I getting? I am disappointed…no really. I had expected more! First of all, I thought that devotees would be more elevated. But now I know the truth! I just thought that really there would be much more support… I thought that I would get much more support. If I would have known that I would have gotten only so little support than I wouldn't have started this…so little!"

So the mentality is:

"What am I getting? I'm not getting enough. I'm not getting what I need. I'm not getting".

But actually, we have to think:

"What am I giving? I should give?"

And if we start to think about this 'giving' then automatically the happiness follows…automatically!

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Hear the cry of the soul!

Hear the cry of your soul...
We are spirit souls possessing material body and not that we are body
and we have a soul.
The nature of the soul is to always be happy but because the soul now
is bound by the gross and subtle bodies, the soul is feeling great
discomfort like a fish on the sand.
No matter How much wealth you have. No matter How beautiful your wife
is. You can never be satisfied by these material elements which are
covering the Actual self,soul.
The soul can only be satisfied when serving the Supreme Lord. Without
connecting the self with Supreme Lord,it's not possible to remain
satisfied and happy. By reviving our dormant God consciousness, all
birds, beast, men,everyone will feel the bliss in their heart of the
hearts. That's the only solution to all problems of the world.
Everyone will understand that we are children of God and universal
brotherlihood will be the result.
Hear the cry of the soul and reunite with the Supreme Lord to become happy...


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Enjoyment in this world is worse than miseries

Enjoyment in this world is worse than miseries, because this little
enjoyment is going to trap one further to this maveral world.Miseries
atleast help us to remind us of our precarious position in this
material world&give realizations to understand what where How why we


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A MONKEY for 20 days!


Sent to you by dinesh via Google Reader:


via Gouranga-Epistle Of Love by Maral Alimova on 8/7/11

In Holy Braj, no, it is not good,
To maintain material mood.
Those desires me now killing,
As if they stopping my breathing.

I am in the topmost place,
In the holiest land in all universe.
It is Radha and Shyama Kund,
Crest jewel of all which are around.
The foolish monkey is me,
For saintly people as like enemy.
Everyone busy with Holy Names,
Loudly chanting: Radhe! Radhe!
All came to serve, all came to chant,
To feed their Bhakti plant.
Surrounding Sri Govardhan they do penance,
Walking around with not a step but obeisance.
24 hours some do sing,
The Holy Names as a Holy song.
2-3 drops some take from Kunds,
To purify forever their bodies and souls…


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Echo in Krishna's ear


Sent to you by dinesh via Google Reader:


via Gouranga-Epistle Of Love by Maral Alimova on 8/19/11

-Do you hear this sound, Arjuna?
-Which sound? No, I do not hear anything.
            It was long after battle of Kurukshetra. Arjuna and Krishna were sitting together and Krishna opened His heart to His friend. He told that still I hear the crying voice of Draupadi calling My Name: "Hey, Govinda!" This echo is still there in my ear and heart. And every time I keep Myself ready to run to help to her."
            When Draupadi was put before the assembled guests of Hastinapur in not suitable form and cruel hearted Duhshasana wanted to take her sari out she, crying, started to beg for the help. She asked for the help to the most powerful warriors like Bhishmadev, Dronacharya what to say about her own husbands?! For that time, even being an emperor, Dhiratashtra refused to help her. Then loosing her hope for anyone, Draupadi thought she will protect her herself.
            When Duhshasana shamelessly started to pull her sari she tried to catch her sari and stop him. Later she understood that her strength is nothing comparatively to Duhshasana's. She remembered Krishna, that He only can help her. That He is only dearest Friend and real Protector of helpless. Draupadi catching with one hand her sari and another holding up, cried out:
-Hey, Govinda!!! Hey, Govinda!!!
Within last moments, she was in the stage of being disgraced to whole society. What to do? Who will help her?
Realizing that she can not do anything, loosing her hope for her own endeavors she surrendered to the will of Krishna.
Crying loudly, holding both of her hands up, she called:
-Hey, Govinda!!!
Only You can help me!
-Hey, Govinda!!!
Please, beg You, hear me!
-Hey, Govinda!!!
Oh, dearest Friend, my only Shelter! Please, do not neglect me!!!
Of course, Krishna is with us always. Every moment He is waiting us to turn our glance towards Him. He never leaves us alone, because He knows that we are being insignificant may be lost in this huge creation.
We should understand that whatever difficulty we see in our life is only for our benefit. Difficulties are there to give to us a lesson and the understanding that only Krishna can help us.
If we even once call the Name of Krishna with full faith and surrender to Him, He will deliver us. He will take us to His lap. Pure sound of His Holy Names uttered by sincere Devotees with shivering voice will create echo in His ears.

Bhakti Shastra lectures given by His Holiness Bhakti Vigyana Maharaja
(1999-2002 collections).  


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