
Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna

Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna
Gopis performing Devotional Service to the Lordships Sri Sri Radha Krishna

Lecture on Holy Name by HH.Jayapataka Swami Maharaj

The following is the lecture given by HH Jayapataka swami Maharaj in Chennai on 12th September 2011

 CC.Adi lila.7.73:

Translation: Simply by chanting the holy name of Krishna one can obtain freedom from material existence and simply by chanting the holy name of Krishna one can see the lotus feet of Krishna.

Commentary by HH Jayapataka Swami Maharaj

      I am very happy.This week is the holy name week.This holy name is nondifferent from the lord.Thats why in  whole vrindavan  they chant the name of Krishna.When Krishna left the gopis in the rasa dance ,the gopis chanted hare Krishna.When yasoda was churning butter she chanted krishna's name."Golokera prema dana hari nama sankirtana".The chanting of the holy name of Krishna brings Krishna prema from goloka vrindavana.In Coimbatore 10000 people chanted the holy name.They chanted 108 times.Some said the voice inside them is repeating these names. When I was a new devotee in Montreal that time we went outside to maintain Srila  Prabhupada and ourselves.When I was working one workman fainted. So I chanted hare Krishna in his ear.Very soon he came back to his conciousness. He said the sound was like echo. This became louder and louder. It became much louder that it pulled him out. That sound filled the whole universe.That holy name is non different from Krishna. By chanting the holy name are you feeling spiritual bliss? Is that true? I heard that a program was conducted only for girls and they were chanting, dancing(mantra rock),feeling bliss.Recently I went to a program in Durgapur in NIT. There engineering students listened to all our presentations and lectures. Then I said how Lord Caitanya had given this process which is simply bliss. "sironmani kevala ananda kanda"I said prabhupada went to the west to give this process chanting hare Krishna, dancing, hearing some classes and eating some prasadam. Mahaprabhu has given this process chant and dance,move your chairs.Everybody danced and chanted.I went to srilanka the people asked me why are you always telling from Bhagavatam? Tell from skanda purana,siva purana.In skanda purana there is one quote. That is we should chant the two syllables hari.By chanting this hari, Krishna will steal from you all your sufferings, garbage, bad karma. Hari Hari Hari .If we chant the names of Gaura hari,Gaura hari nityananda, we get love for Krishna. So this process of chanting the holy names is mentioned in all the puranas.That was propagated by Lord Caitanya and Lord Nityananda.So they are supremely merciful."parama karuna bahuduhi jana nitai gaura Chandra".They are supremely merciful.That means parama karuna.They are the Lords.Incarnations of Krishna and Balarama.

They have nothing to achieve. They have everything.But they give their mercy. Locana dasa thakur recommends "bhajo bhajo bhai caitanya nitai".They tell us give up these illicit activity. Gambling,meat eating,intoxication,drinking wine,girls association.We are against illicit sex, but we are promoting families. On july 30th I read srila prabhupada letter "these children are sent by Krishna".We are very fortunate to help them on their spiritual platform.They are actually vaikunta kids. Brahmacaris and Sanyasis we can not help kids. So Prabhupada said don't be confused this is very important seva.? He wrote to Arundathi mataji if you don't have time to take care your child give up your pujari service. Ladies you must take care of your children.I am very happy to see here today nice kids. This is oneway of making devotees. But it also takes lots of time. Its not easy service. We should encourage them to take care of their children and make them very much positive to Krishna. So we give up illicit activity. We absorb ourself in the rasa of Krishna bhakti. Also we chant the holy names-yuga dharma. We are absorbed in Krishna consciouness and chant

" hare Krishna hare Krishna Krishna Krishna hare hare

 hare rama hare rama rama rama hare hare".

Study my dear brothers you don't find no kind persons than these two with in the 3 worlds as merciful as nitai gaura Chandra.Even the animals are chanting.Stones melted.This actually happened.By Lord Caitanyas mercy the animals of jharikand also chanted hare Krishna. In the alarnath temple we also see how Lord Caitanya melted even the stone.Srila prabhupada said "Lord caitanya made animals to chant,you make atleast humans to chant.I like that all the girls are chanting.This is the week of the holyname. We have to see everybody chanting and dancing in bliss. Sukadeva Goswami says that this kaliyuga is the ocean of defects.Kalav dose nide rajan…It is not idly dosa. Its ocean of defects.But there is one good quality.What is that?

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare

 Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

Only one good thing.One good quality.If you are not chanting then what it is? Nothing good. I am also happy that Sumithra Krishna prabhu and many others are giving opportunity for everyone to chant the holyname. This chanting process not only free's us from maya but also takes us to the supreme destination.So please chant everyday. By chanting your life will be perfected.

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare

 Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

Prabhupada said you cannot chant any name of Krishna,any name of lord.When Prabhupada came to Calcutta in 1975,he mentioned that he talked to Islamic followers. Allah oh Akbar means parabrahma.So like that he told if you are not chanting hare Krishna you chant allah oh akbar.Like this Christians can chant the names of god in Hebrew. I heard in south America one Christian lady is chanting jeso Krishna jeso Krishna…Then she thought oh no one is watching,why not chant hare Krishna. Then she chanted   Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare

                  Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

And she told this is the same and it is still more powerful. In our Vedas there is only one god. One parabrahma. He has unlimited names. So like that please make everybody chant. Especially this week. If they don't want to chant hare Krishna tell them to chant whatever name they like. It should be a name of god. So like this everybody should merge in the chanting of the holyname. Now ofcourse in india 80% are hindus more or less.So every Indian tell all of them to chant hare Krishna this week. Lord Caitanya when he visited the temples of karthikeya,ganesha,durga,shiva,Vishnu he chanted hare Krishna maha mantra. He also wanted to chant hare Krishna in all the temples. Demigods are pleased if we chant hare Krishna. Infact in shiva purana it is said chanting sahasranama is transcendental. Chanting one name of Rama is equal to the thousand name of Vishnu. It is spoken by lord shiva.If you chant one name of Krishna that's equal to three thousand names of Vishnu. You don't know that sloka? Lord Caitanya like to quote  from Brhad naradiya purana.Harer nama harer nama harer namaiva kevalam…So please engage everybody to chant. This chanting is very very powerful. We cannot under estimate how powerful is it. We cannot over estimate.Is there any question of the holy name which I answer? Srila prabhupada never converted anyone from his religion. He said we are not changing anyone but we are making them to believe fully. Christians believe in one god. We don't have to reject jesus. We respect jesus. But we chant hare Krishna. Jesus is a son of god we know. But Krishna is the father. This vaisnava religion is very great it brings all together.

We are conducting big programmes and making people to chant once and they are not coming again so what is the benefit we get from that?

Coimbatore youth said they asked the people to chant one round everyday.70% agreed to chant one round everyday. They got 3000 contacts .If some people accepts chanting,please tell them to chant everyday. Also from those who are interested try to take their names,contacts. Even if they chant one time it puts them in the orbit of Krishna. So like this also by chanting one time they are inspired they again and again also come in to the association of devotees.

How to practically increase the taste for chanting?

We should chant more and more. Also get the mercy of Lord Caitanya,Nityananda.

"Sri Krishna caitanya prabhu nityananda sri advaita gadadara sri vasadi gaura bhakta vrnda"

I met one man he was chanting 16 rounds for 26 years but he felt no taste. I asked did you chant the name of Lord Caitanya. He said no,I came from some other sampradaya. I gave this panca tattva mantra and he started chanting it first and then hare Krishna. After 3 months I came back to the same place. From a distance he came running he fell at my feet.With tears in his eyes he asked what mantra you gave me? Now I got taste to chant hare Krishna. Also srila prabhupada said someone who is too sinful he can chant the name of nitai gaur. Others give their mercy to their followers. But nitai gaur gives mercy even to the non followers. Jagai,Madhai they are not followers.They were very bad people.They were even antisocial enemies. They can also get the mercy of nitai gaur."Paapi thapi thaka chilo harinama udarilo tara sakshi jagai madhai". In katwa I saw the Samadhi of jagai,madhai. It was 200m from the ganges. Everyday they go there chant and dance.They will cry

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare

 Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

What mercy? What mercy? Please grab the lotus feet of nitai gaur.Haribol.

Last question.

How many rounds we have to chant to come out of the mental stress?

You keep on chanting continuously and tell me when it disappears.16 rounds works I think. Whoever chants 16 rounds daily they chant one crore names in one year.In one year you become a crorepati.12 rounds then 75 lakhs names,8 rounds 50 lakhs names,4 rounds 25 lakhs names. Exactly how many rounds removes the stress is the good experiment. I got so much bliss, on first day I chanted 32 rounds. So all my stress,all gone. So I don't want to ask. I am not the person to ask. It depends on how much anxiety,how much stress you have. Also you can chant panca tattva mantra. This will help you.

So thank you all very much
Source : Transcribed by HG.Ranjani Gopika Devi Dasi



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Get up! Prepare to fight and win glory-Bhagavad-gita As It Is | Part [BG.11.19]

Here comes the real personality dont have to go anywhere but read Bhagavad Gita As It Is for developing you personality from the lower modes to the transcendental consciousness which is Krishna Consciousness. The Supreme Lord Himself gives the counselling. Who is more perfect than the Supreme Lord?
Bhagavad-gita As It Is | Part [BG.11.19] 

TEXT 33:

tasmat tvam uttishtha yaso labhasva
jitva satrun bhunkshva rajyam samriddham
mayaivaite nihatah purvam eva
nimitta-matram bhava savya-sacin



Therefore get up. Prepare to fight and win glory. Conquer your enemies and enjoy a flourishing kingdom. They are already put to death by My arrangement, and you, O Savyasaci, can be but an instrument in the fight.



Savya-sacin refers to one who can shoot arrows very expertly in the field; thus Arjuna is addressed as an expert warrior capable of delivering arrows to kill his enemies. "Just become an instrument": nimitta-matram. This word is also very significant. The whole world is moving according to the plan of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Foolish persons who do not have sufficient knowledge think that nature is moving without a plan and all manifestations are but accidental formations. There are many so-called scientists who suggest that perhaps it was like this, or maybe like that, but there is no question of "perhaps" and "maybe." There is a specific plan being carried out in this material world. What is this plan? This cosmic manifestation is a chance for the conditioned souls to go back to Godhead, back to home. As long as they have the domineering mentality which makes them try to lord it over material nature, they are conditioned. But anyone who can understand the plan of the Supreme Lord and cultivate Krishna consciousness is most intelligent. The creation and destruction of the cosmic manifestation are under the superior guidance of God. Thus the Battle of Kurukshetra was fought according to the plan of God. Arjuna was refusing to fight, but he was told that he should fight in accordance with the desire of the Supreme Lord. Then he would be happy. If one is in full Krishna consciousness and his life is devoted to the Lord's transcendental service, he is perfect. 


Translation and commentary by His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada 

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Yamunacharya – Alabandara – “The Conqueror”

 Yamunacharya – Alabandara – "The Conqueror"

"The Life of Ramanujacharya" by Naimisaranya Das, published by the Vaisnava Educational Alternative (VEDA) in 1989. There are many nice stories in this book about this great vaisnava Yamunacharya (the predecessor to Sri Ramanuja).

In the south of India many great devotees have appeared to spread the glories of the Lord. Of all these devotees, perhaps the most famous is Sri Ramanujacharya, whose life is the subject of this book. However, just before Ramanuja there lived another great Vaisnava whose life and teachings had a tremendous influence on Ramanuja, although in fact the two of them never met. This was Sri Yamunacharya, also known as Alabandara – "The Conqueror". It is appropriate in considering the life of Ramanujacharya that we should first look briefly at this great soul, the illustrious writer of the famous Stotra-ratna.
Yamunacharya was born around AD 918 in the city of Madurai in south India, which was then the capital of the mighty Pandya kings. His grandfather was a well-known scholar and devotee known as Nathamuni, who was also famous for his mystic abilities and expertise in the practice of astanga yoga. It was Nathamuni who first compiled the songs of Nammalvara, a famous south Indian devotee, and had them set to music.
Nathamuni's son was a handsome, intelligent young man named Isvaramuni, who married a beautiful young wife. Shortly after the wedding, Isvaramuni travelled with his wife and parents to visit the holy places of pilgrimage in northern India, including Vrindavan, the birthplace of Lord Krsna. Just a few months after their return from this pilgrimage, Isvaramuni's wife gave birth to a baby boy, and, in memory of the sacred river which flows through Vrindavana, Nathanmuni named him Yamuna.
However, the joy of the young couple was but short-lived, for just a few years after the birth of the child, Isvaramuni passed from this world, leaving his young wife a widow.
Nathamuni was so distressed by the untimely death of his son that he decided to have no more to do with the affairs of this world. He left his wife and relatives to take up the life of a renounced sannyasi, totally dedicating himself to the worship of Lord Visnu. Thus at a very young age Yamunacharya was left to be brought up by his mother and aged grandmother, living a life of great poverty.
The Challenge
When he was five years old, Yamunacharya went to study at the school of Bhasyacharya and quickly won his teacher's affection, both for his sweet nature and his ability to learn quickly. He studied hard, and by the time he was twelve years old he was Bhasyacharya's best student.
In those days in India, great scholars used to challenge one another to see who was the more learned in Vedic scriptures and more skilled in the science of logic. While Yamunacharya was studying at the school of Bhasyacharya, there was a great scholar who lived at the court of the Pandya king. His name was Kolahala, and he was a great favorite of the king because he could defeat any other scholar in a debate. In fact, the king had passed a law decreeing that every scholar who had been defeated by Kolahala must pay a tax to him every year – if anyone refused he would be put to death.
Now Yamunacharya's teacher, Bhasyacharya, had also been defeated by Kolahala, and so he too was obliged to pay this tax. However, because he was a very poor man, he had not been able to pay for the past two years. One day, when Bhasyacharya was away on business and all the other students had gone home, Yamunacharya was left alone in the school. At that time one of Kolahala's disciples came there to collect the overdue tax from Bhasyacharya.
"Where is your teacher?" he demanded in imperious tones when he saw that Yamunacharya was alone in the school.
"Might I know, sir, who has sent you here?" replied Yamunacharya in a very gentle voice, anxious not to give any offense.
"What!" exclaimed the disciple, "do you not know that I am a disciple of the greatest and most erudite scholar in all of India? Kolahala is the terror of all other scholars, and even the great Pandya king is his obedient servant. All those scholars defeated by the great Kolahala must pay a yearly tax or else forfeit their lives. Has you teacher become insane that he dares to withold payment for two years? Or is it that he intends to challenge my master again, just as a moth rushes into a blazing fire."
Yamunacharya was by nature very kindhearted, and he hardly ever quarreled with his fellow students. However, he also had great love and respect for his teacher. Therefore, when he heard Bhasyacharya being spoken of in that contemptuous manner, he felt such pain at heart that he could not restrain himself and replied very strongly to Kolahala's messenger. "How foolish you are and how foolish your teacher is as well, for who but the greatest fool would train his disciple to possess such monumental pride, instead of removing such qualities from his heart. Why should my noble teacher waste his time debating with such a man? Go and tell you master that the lowest disciple of the great Bhasyacharya challenges him to a debate. If he dares to face me, let him send his reply at once."
Kolahala's disciple was so astonished and indignant that he could not think of anything to say, but left in a furious rage to inform his teacher of this insult. When Kolahala heard what had happened, he could not help bu tlaugh on hearing the age of his rival. The Pandya king decided to send another messenger to the boy to see whether he was insane, and, if he was serious about the debate, to bring him immediately. When the royal messenger came and told Yamunacharya of the kings command, the boy replied, "I will certainly obey the command of his majesty the king; but if I am to be accepted as a proper opponent of the great Kolahala, then surely a conveyance should be sent to bring me to his palace."
After discussing Yamunacharya's reply, the king and his courtiers agreed that the boy's statement was fitting and sent a costly palanquin and one-hundred soldiers to conduct him to the palace. In the meantime news of these events had spread all over the city of Madurai, and Bhasyacarya heard the whole story as he was returning home. He was very unhappy to learn of the danger his favorite student was facing, for though the king was generous by nature, it was well known that he dealt very severely with anyone who insulted the court pandita.
Yamunacharya, however, was not in the least concerned. "There is no reason, revered sir, for you to be alarmed," he consoled his teacher when he returned to the school, "for you can be certain that, by your grace, I will smash the pride of Kolahala".
While they were thus talking, the king's men arrived at the school with the palanquin. Yamunacharya worshipped the feet of his guru and calmly climbed into the palanquin, preparing himself for the great debate that was about to take place. A large crowd of people had gathered along the way, for it was unheard of that a 12 year old boy should challenge the court pandita and everyone wanted to catch a glimpse of the wonderful child. The brahmanas, many of whom had already been defeated by Kolahala, offered him blessings, saying "May you defeat this insolent pandita, just as Visnu in the form of a dwarf brahmana displaced Bali Maharaja, the king of the asuras".
Meanwhile, in the royal court a difference of opinion arose between the king and queen about Yamunacharya. The king said, "Just as a cat plays with a mouse, so will Kolahala defeat and destroy the boy."
But the queen was more thoughtful, realizing that Yamunacharya was no ordinary child. "Just as a small spark," she said, "can turn a mountain of cloth to ashes, so will this boy destroy the mountain-like pride of Kolahala."
"How can you really believe that this is possible?" exclaimed the king in amazement. "If you truly have faith in the child, then you must make a wager to back your words."
"Very well," replied the queen, "I will make a wager. If the boy does not defeat and humble the proud Kolahala, I will become the servant of your maidservant."
"This is certainly a mighty wager," said the king, "but I will match it. If the boy defeats Kolahala, as you say, then I will give him half of my kingdom."
While the king and queen were thus exchanging wagers, the palanquin arrived and Yamunacharya entered the palace. When Kolahala saw him, he looked at the queen and smiled sarcastically. "Alabandara," he said, meaning, "Is this the boy who will conquer me?"
"Yes" replied the queen quietly, "Ala-bandara. This is he who has come to conquer you."
The Contest
When the contestants were seated, Kolahala began the debate by putting simple questions on Sanskrit grammar to Yamunacharya. When, however, he found the boy could answer them with ease, he began to pose really difficult grammatical problems; but still, Yamunacharya replied to them all without difficulty.
He then spoke to the great pandita with a playful smile on his lips. "Because I am just a boy, you are insulting me by asking these simple questions. Remember that Astavakra was no older than myself when he defeated Bandi at the court of King Janaka. If you judge a person's learning by his size, then surely it follows that the water buffalo will be a greater scholar than yourself."
Although Kolahala winced at these words, he controlled his anger and replied smilingly, "Well answered. Now it is your turn to put questions to me."
"Very well" Yamunacharya responded, "I will put three propositions before you, and, if you can refute them, I shall accept defeat." Kolahala agreed and prepared to refute Yamunacharya's statements. "My first proposition is this" Yamunacharya spoke out clearly and boldly, "that your mother is not a barren woman. Refute this if you can."
Hearing this, Kolahala remained silent. "Had my mother been barren, my birth would not have been possible" he thought. "How can I refute this statement" Seeing Kolahala as silent as a dumb man, all the courtiers were astonished. Although the great pandita tried to conceal his anxiety, he could not prevent a flush from crossing his cheeks.
Yamunacharya spoke again, "Sir, if in spite of your all-conquering intelligence you are unable to refute my first proposition, then please hear my seond. It is this, that the Pandya king is supremely righteous. Refute this if you can." On hearing this Kolahala, was deeply disturbed, sensing his imminent defeat. With the king seated there in front of him, how could he deny the boy's statement? Again he remained silent, the color draining from his face as he was scarcely able to control his anger.
Yamunacharya spoke again, "Here is my third proposition – that the queen of the Pandya king is as chaste and faithful to her husband as was Savitri. Refute this if you can."
Seeing how he had once again been trapped by the intelligent boy, Kolahala could no longer restrain his anger. "You rascal" he screamed, "how can any loyal subject say that his king is unrighteous or his queen unfaithful to her husband? It is true I have not replied to your statements, but that does not mean I am defeated. First you must refute your own propositions, and, if you cannot, you should be put to death, for the implications of you words are treason against your king and queen."
When Kolahala shouted out these words, all his disciples and supporters cheered; but all those who favored Yamunacharya cried, "No, Kolahala is defeated. He is simply letting forth his anger, because he could not refute the statements of Yamunacharya as he promised to do".
Thus an argument broke out in the palace, but in the midst of the contention Yamunacharya quieted them all by saying, "Please stop this argument, for it is unnecessary. I shall refute all my propositions one by one. Please hear me." At this everyone fell silent and turned their attention to Yamunacharya, wondering how he could possibly do this and yet not offend the king and queen.
"My first statement" he continued,"was that our great pandita's mother was not a barren woman. However, it is stated in the Manu-samhita that a woman who has only one child is to be considered barren. As your mother gave birth to only one son, even though he is a man of such merit as yourself, according to the sastra, she must be considered barren. Secondly, I stated that the king of the Pandyas is a most righteous man. However, the Manu-samhita states that a king enjoys the benefit of one sixth of the religious acts of his subjects, but also has to bear the burden of one sixth of their sinful deeds. Because in the present age of Kali men are more prone toward sinfulness than piety, it must follow that our king, although flawless in his own character, is bearing a heavy burden of unrighteousness. And now to my third proposition, which stated that our queen is as chaste and faithful as was Savitri. But again, if we consult the laws of Manu, it is said that the king is the representative of Agni, Vayu, Surya, Chandra, Yama, Kuvera, Varuna, and Indra. Therefore, the queen is married not to just one man, but to these eight demigods as well. So how can it be said that she is chaste?"
On hearing these wonderful answers, all the people were filled with amazement, and the queen joyfully cried out, "Ala-bandara! Ala-bandara! He has conquered! He has conquered!"
The king immediately came forward and embraced Yamunacharya. "Just as on the rising of the sun" he said, "all the insignificant stars fade away, so you, O learned Alabandara, have conquered the proud Kolahala by your learning and skill. This fellow just a short while ago was demanding your death, now you may deal with him as you see fit. I have also promised to give you half my kingdom as a prize for this victory, and that promise I will certainly fulfill."
Of course, Yamunacharya forgave Kolahala, and, although he was but a boy of 12 years, he began at once to rule the kingdom he had won. Thus his days of poverty were over.

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Messmerizing Govinda Mana Laga-By HH.Lokanath Swami


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Radha Damodara-By Gauravani AKS, my most favourite song, all time favourite!!!

Was Wondering Why Radha-Damodara instead of Yashoda Damodara..Not only mother Yashoda tied the Krishna with a rope, Radharani also has tied Krishna by Her rope of Love!!! And so the Lord has the name Radha-Damodara!!!

Listen Online Here!!!

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