
Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna

Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna
Gopis performing Devotional Service to the Lordships Sri Sri Radha Krishna

Bhava Grahi Janardana

Bhava Grahi Janardana

The Supreme Lord Sri Krishna is also called Bhava Grahi Janardana. If you call a person by a slight variation of his name, the person wouldn't even turn to hear what you have to say. Say if you call me Danish instead of Dinesh, I wouldn't even know that you are calling me in a different way.

The Lord only sees the Bhava or the mood in which one approaches Him. Someone may be saying Kishta due to his not being able to pronounce the name but with more love than someone who says precisely as Krishna. But The Lord accepts only the Bhava or the mood of love and not just expert recitation of the names.

Based on the teachings of HG.Dravida Prabhu 




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Lord is awaiting to receive His devotees quickly without any delay.

For the devotees who are aspiring to attain love for Krishna, He is very careful about what He gives to them. For this reason we find in the Bhagavatham that the material desires of devotees are sometimes fulfilled in the dreams only and not in reality. The Lord is awaiting to receive His devotees quickly without any delay. He doesn't care for any processes like leaving the body at darkness or light to leave the material world as in the case of yogis. He Himself comes on His carrier Garuda and picks His devotee without any delay.



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Krishna Prasadam - Plain vermicelli upma, Pappad


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Svarupa Damodara And Devotees Chant The Name Of Krishna Into Chaitanya Mahaprabhu's Ear

Svarupa Damodara And Devotees Chant The Name Of Krishna Into Chaitanya Mahaprabhu's Ear 

Svarupa Damodara, along with Govinda, stayed by the door to Chaitanya Mahaprabhu's room, and heard that he was awake throughout the entire night, chanting Hare Krishna very loudly. When they heard no more chanting, Svarupa Damodara entered the room but could not find Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. All the devotees became anxious and looked everywhere for Lord Chaitanya, using a small lamp. They found him lying unconscious in a corner. His body had become elongated and all the joints in His arms, legs, neck and waist were separated by at least six inches. They saw no breath coming from his nostrils and His body temperature was very low. Seeing this, all the devotees were very unhappy, but they began to chant the holy name of Krishna very loudly into the ear of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. After chanting in this way for a long time, suddenly Chaitanya Mahaprabhu arose with a loud shout of "Haribol!" and His body returned to normal
-Summarized from Chaitanya-charitamrita, Antya-lila 14.58-71



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I am not hungry but I eat that which is offered with love

Lord Sri Krishna said, "One has to endeavor so much to worship demigods. If one just offers Me with love and devotion, a flower, fruit, leaf, water I accept, but they must be offered with love. I eat that which is offered with love, although I have no desires and I am not hungry. Devotion is the appetizer that creates My appetite. A devotee's mood of love makes Me eat. A pure heart with no other desires, that is Bhakti"

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