
Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna

Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna
Gopis performing Devotional Service to the Lordships Sri Sri Radha Krishna

Beautiul drama on Srimati Radharani: Srimati Radharani

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Hare Krishna! A message from Radha Vrindavanchandra Das to all members of Srimati Radharani on ISKCON Desire Tree - Devotee Network!

Haribol everyone,
                         Plz go through this wonderful drama perormed on Srimati Radharani. It is in 3 parts. Here are the links

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Amar Jivana by Bhaktivinoda Thakura

Song Name: Amar Jivana
Author: Bhaktivinoda Thakura
Book Name: Saranagati (Section: Dainya Song 4)
āmāra jīvana, sadā pāpe rata,
nāhiko puṇyera leṣa
parere udvega, diyāchi ye koto,
diyāchi jīvere kleśa
nija sukha lāgi’, pāpe nāhi ḍori,
dayā-hīna svārtha-paro
para-sukhe duḥkhī, sadā mithya-bhāṣī,
para-duḥkha sukha-karo
āśeṣa kāmanā, hṛdi mājhe mora,
krodhī, dambha-parāyaṇa
mada-matta sadā, viṣaye mohita,
hiṁsā-garva vibhūṣaṇa

nidrālasya hata, sukārye virata,
akārye udyogī āmi
pratiṣṭha lāgiyā, śāṭhya-ācaraṇa,
lobha-hata sadā kāmī
e heno durjana, saj-jana-varjita,
aparādhi nirantara
śubha-kārya-śūnya, sadānartha-manāḥ,
nānā duḥkhe jara jara
bārdhakye ekhona, upāya-vihīna,
tā’te dīna akiñcana
bhakativinoda, prabhura caraṇe,
kore duḥkha nivedana
1) I am an impious sinner and have caused others great anxiety and trouble.
2) I have never hesitated to perform sinful act for my own enjoyment. Devoid of all compassion, concerned only with my own selfish interests, I am remorseful seeing others happy. I am a perpetual liar, and the misery of others is a source of great pleasure for me.
3) The material desires within the core of my heart are unlimited. I am wrathful, devoted to false pride and arrogance, intoxicated by vanity, and bewildered by worldly affairs. Envy and egotism are the ornaments I wear.
4) Ruined by laziness and sleep, I resist all pious deeds; yet I am very active and enthusiastic to perform wicked acts. For worldly fame and reputation I engage in the practice of deceitfulness. Thus I am destroyed by my own greed and am always lustful.
5) A vile, wicked man such as this, rejected by godly people, is a constant offender. I am such a person, devoid of all good works, forever inclined toward evil, worn out and wasted by various miseries.
6) Now in old age, deprived of all means of success, humbled and poor, Bhaktivinoda submits his tale of grief at the feet of the Supreme Lord.

Source:ISKCON desire tree


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Every one here is Orphan! So dont look into orphanage for orphans.

There's loneliness felt by every1in this world every moment,but v
try2forget that by tv,radio,cinema.Actually,v r children of God&v have
forgotten our Eternal Relationship with Him.There r many
countries,economically Sound.Still they r not Satisfied.RevivalOfLost
relationship with Him alone Satisfies 100%


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College/School Preaching


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via .: Prabhupada Letters :. Anthology by letters on 12/1/10

1970 December 1: "These engagements at schools and colleges is most important. These are completely new thoughts for the Western world. Once they take up Krishna Consciousness in the colleges, it will be the greatest success."
Prabhupada Letters :: 1970


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Rich/Poor is man-made :(

Everything that moves&not moves within d creation is owned&ctrld by d
Lord.There4 1must accept only things that are set aside his
quota&leave d rest2others2get it equally distributed.This is d real
peace formula as per BG.Actual prob is lack of God Consciousness&not
poverty,famine.Rich/Poor is man-made :(


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