
Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna

Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna
Gopis performing Devotional Service to the Lordships Sri Sri Radha Krishna

Is it from me or Kali?

HH.Kadamba Kanana Swami Maharaja: Kali is an agent of maya ultimately. In the Srimad Bhagavatam it is described that along with the mental sons of Lord Brahma, who are different sages, adharma also appeared from Brahma. And then in line with adharma, Kali took birth as one of his sons. And kali married harsh speech. Kali in the Mahabharata is described as one of the lowest of celestials. And then it is described that once there was King Nala. King Nala was a wonderful and great personality and there was one issue, that King Nala desired Damayanti. Damayanti was also have all good qualities and she was having a svayamvara and he on the way to the svayamvara to ask Damayanti. Then on the way to the Svayamvara, Indra appears before Nala. So Nala offers his obeisances and says, 'My dear Lord Indra, please accept my most respectful obesiances, how can I serve you?'

'Ah, Nala,' Indra says, 'I am so pleased with your offering. I am so glad that you are so inclined to serve me. Could you do one thing for me?'

'Yes, yes! Whatever you desire!'

'Nala could you please go to Damayanti and tell her that I am desiring her to be my wife.'

And Nala said, 'But I myself am on the way to the svayamvara to meet Damayanti and to ask her for her hand.'

Indra said, 'you gave your word that you would do whatever I wanted. Then, are you going to break your word?'

So Nala went and Nala met Damayanti before the svayamvara and came as a messenger of Indra. And Damayanti looked at him and Damayanti was immediately attracted to him! And she looked at him and thought, 'foolish boy, what is wrong with you? Don't you see that you are meant for me?' and she said, 'no, you can tell Indra that I will not accept anyone else as my husband but Nala.' So Nala on the way back was again stopped by Indra, 'so, what did she say?' and Nala was totally honestly telling everything that happened. So Indra understood that it came from Damayanti and not from Nala. Then on the day of the svayamvara, not only Indra came but also Agni came and also Vayu came and they all were attracted to Damayanti and they all wanted Damayanti and therefore on the svayamvara, they all took the form of Nala and they all looked like Nala! So there were 4 Nala's! And Damayanti didn't which one of them was Nala and she stood there with the garland not knowing which one to garland! So then she prayed to the Supreme Lord, 'I pray that upon the strength of my chastity, that you may protect my chastity and that I may not garland the wrong man. So please guide me that I will garland the right one.' So she garlanded and in this way it was Nala. And all the other Nala's took their original, demigod forms. And they joined in the whole thing, they could see it was the will of the Lord and it was divine and they took in the mood of good spoors.

So Indra returned to the heavenly planets and everything was fine. Then, then Kali came and said, 'how can you tolerate? This is an insult to the celestials that an ordinary mortal, that just a mere human being dared to enter into competition with the devas. Totally disrespectful! Nala should have withdrawn! Damayanti all right; she's a woman, she might have had her emotions, but Nala should have observed the etiquette! And for breaking the etiquette, he must be taught a lesson! You please allow me, allow me to teach him a lesson…' Indra said, 'all right, tatastu, so be it!'

Then from that day on, Kali followed Nala around. Although it was not Kali Yuga yet, he had a license and he followed Nala around and when Nala was once neglectful in after using the bath, not washing his feet, Kali entered and Kali entered his consciousness and Kali was in the consciousness of Nala! And then Nala was also going through some pastime like Yudhisthira Maharaja- gambling match where he lost everything. And all along Nala thought that he was acting on his own accord and he was totally poor and he had nothing left. He had to leave his kingdom and went to the forest and Damayanti came and they were in the forest. And then Nala thought that, 'I can't offer Damayanti anything, I can't protect her, I'm useless…' and he just left Damayanti and he thought that that was a good decision and his own decision. But it is described in the Mahabharata that it was not his decision; that was the influence by Kali. And in this way, Kali possessed him and he made all kinds of ridiculous decisions but each time he thought that he was acting upon his own intelligence and this is how Kali works.

And thus, in this age, Kali is possessing everyone! It's not just that we are surrounded by the age of Kali and 'it is so bad, it is so bad, it is so bad, what are we going to do?' We are possessed by Kali and a further proof of that is found in Yudhisthira seeing the symptoms of the age of Kali and he saw sons were unobedient to their fathers, husbands and wives were fighting…so the mentality had changed. Kali had entered into their consciousness. So this is what is going on; we are possessed by Kali and all along we thought that it was us. And so many things we are doing being possessed by Kali. But by chanting the 16 syllables of the holy name the influence of Kali can be destroyed.

Therefore Kali in this way is acting like an agent of maya. Maya is ultimately controlling the totality of the material energy and is more powerful than Kali also. Kali is also subjugated to maya. He is not beyond. So in that way Kali is secondary to maya.

That's we say and do things and we say, 'it's me! It's really me! I have to do this, I feel compelled to do it because it's me!' It's not you, it's not us…No. Yes Aatish?



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Check out “KALI-YUGA: The Age of Quarrel (The End)” by Bhaktivedanta Vedic Research on Vimeo

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the flower blossom that attracts the black bee of LordHari's heart

Song Name: Radha Damodara Prestha

Official Name: Volume 2 Ananda Candrikakhyam Radha Dasa Nama Stotram

Author: Rupa Goswami

Book Name: Stavamala

Language: Sanskrit




rādhā dāmodara-preṣṭhā

rādhikā vārṣabhānavī






gāndharvā lalitā-sakhī





imāḿ vṛndāvaneśvaryā


ānanda-candrikāḿ nāma

yo rahasyaḿ stutiḿ paṭhet



sa kleśa-rahito bhūtvā


tvaritaḿ karuṇā-pātraḿ

rādhā-mādhavayor bhavet



1) 1. Radha, 2. She who is dear to Lord Damodara, 3. His greatest worshiper, 4. the daughter of KingVrsabhanu, 5. She who is the crowning garland of mallika flowers on the decorated braided hair of all the gopis,


2) 6. the first of Krsna's beloveds, 7. an expert singer and musician, 8. Lalita's friend, 9. She who is delighted with the friendship of Visakha, 10. the flower blossom that attracts the black bee of LordHari's heart.


3-4) He who reads this confidential prayer, which bears the title Ananda-candrika (The Moonlight of Bliss), and which is beautiful with ten names of the queen of Vrndavana, becomes free of all troubles and decorated with great good fortune. He quickly becomes the object of Sri Sri Radha'-Madhava's mercy.



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I’m not in this world to live up to your expectations and you’re not in this world to live up to mine

"I'm not in this world to live up to your expectations and you're not in this world to live up to mine."
―Bruce Lee

The biggest disappointments in our lives are often the result of misplaced expectations.  This is especially true when it comes to our relationships and interactions with others.

Tempering your expectations of other people will greatly reduce unnecessary frustration and suffering, in both your life and theirs, and help you refocus on the things that truly matter.

Which means it's time to…

1.  Stop expecting them to agree with you.

You deserve to be happy.  You deserve to live a life you are excited about.  Don't let the opinions of others make you forget that.  You are not in this world to live up to the expectations of others, nor should you feel that others are here to live up to yours.  In fact, the more you approve of your own decisions in life, the less approval you need from everyone else.

You have to dare to be yourself, and follow you own intuition, however frightening or strange that may feel or prove to be.  Don't compare yourself to others.  Don't get discouraged by their progress or success.  Follow your own path andstay true to your own purpose.  Success is ultimately about spending your life happily in your own way.

2.  Stop expecting them to respect you more than you respect yourself.

True strength is in the soul and spirit, not in muscles.  It's about having faith and trust in who you are, and a willingness to act upon it.  Decide this minute to never again beg anyone for the love, respect, and attention that you should be showing yourself.

Today, look at yourself in the mirror and say, "I love you, and from now on I'm going to act like it."  It's important to be nice to others, but it's even more important to be nice to yourself.  When you practice self-love and self-respect, you give yourself the opportunity to be happy.  When you are happy, you become a better friend, a better family member, and a better YOU.  (Angel and I discuss this in more detail in the "Self-Love" chapter of 1,000 Little Things Happy, Successful People Do Differently.)

3.  Stop expecting (and needing) them to like you.

You might feel unwanted and unworthy to one person, but you are priceless to another.  Don't ever forget your worth.  Spend time with those who value you.  No matter how good you are to people, there will always be one negative person who criticizes you.  Smile, ignore them, and carry on.

In this crazy world that's trying to make you like everyone else, the toughest battle you'll ever have to fight is the battle to be yourself.  And as you're fighting back, not everyone will like you.  Sometimes people will call you names because you're "different."  But that's perfectly OK.  The things that make you different are the things that make YOU, and the right people will love you for it.

4.  Stop expecting them to fit your idea of who they are.

Loving and respecting others means allowing them to be themselves.  When you stop expecting people to be a certain way, you can begin to appreciate THEM.

Pay close attention, and respect people for who they are and not for who you want them to be.  We don't know most people half as well as we believe we do; and truly knowing someone is a big part of what makes them wonderful.  Every human being is remarkable and beautiful; it just takes a patient set of eyes to see it.  The more you get to know someone, the more you will be able to look beyond their appearance and see the beauty of who they truly are.  (Read The Mastery of Love.)

5.  Stop expecting them to know what you're thinking.

People can't read minds.  They will never know how you feel unless you tell them.  Your boss?  Yeah, he doesn't know you're hoping for a promotion because you haven't told him yet.  That cute guy you haven't talked to because you're too shy?  Yeah, you guessed it, he hasn't given you the time of day simply because you haven't given him the time of day either.

In life, you have to communicate with others regularly and effectively.  And often, you have to open your vocal cords and speak the first words.  You have to tell people what you're thinking.  It's as simple as that.

6.  Stop expecting them to suddenly change.

If there's a specific behavior someone you care about has that you're hoping disappears over time, it probably won't.  If you really need them to change something, be honest and put all the cards on the table so this person knows how you feel and what you need them to do.

For the most part though, you can't change people and you shouldn't try.  Either you accept who they are or you choose to live without them.  It's might sound harsh, but it's not.  When you try to change people, they often remain the same, but when you don't try to change them – when you support them and allow them the freedom to be as they are – they gradually change in the most beautiful way.  Because what really changes is the way you see them.  (Read A New Earth.)

7.  Stop expecting them to be "OK."

Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle, just like you.  Every smile or sign of strength hides an inner struggle every bit as complex and extraordinary as your own.

Remember that embracing your light doesn't mean ignoring your dark.  We are measured byour ability to overcome adversities and insecurities, not avoid them.  Supporting, sharing and making contributions to other people is one of life's greatest rewards.  This happens naturally if we allow it, because we all share very similar dreams, needs and struggles.  Once we accept this, the world then is a place where we can look someone else in the eye and say, "I'm lost and struggling at the moment," and they can nod and say, "Me too," and that's OK.  Because not being "OK" all the time, is perfectly OK.


People rarely behave exactly the way you want them to.  Hope for the best, but expect less.  And remember, the magnitude of your happiness will be directly proportional to your thoughts and how you choose to think about things.  Even if a situation or relationship doesn't work out at all, it's still worth it if it made you feel something new, and if it taught you something new.




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A prayer to The Lord

My dear Lord, I am not afraid of the my rebirth for my innumerable reactions that accrue for my past and present actions but just that if you assure me to always help me remember You by keeping me in Your devotees' association and sing Your glories with millions of mouths like Ananta  deva, I can goto any part of the Universe without fear.  I am not undermining Your potency to rip off my sins but still seeking Your mercy always.

There is nothing more I need than that. You are already taking care of my necessities like my beloved father. I am confident that all the obstacles in the path of my devotional life will eventually move away as I become sincere and be absorbed in Your thoughts and glories. I love you my Lord :) 

You are the only object of love and I have been foolishly reposing my love with those that doesn't deserve it. I hope I won't make the same mistake again and again. 

My part of controlling the mind and senses is my responsibility and Your part is to always keep me at Your lotus feet. Your illusory energy is covering You from me and i have no strength on my own to uncover them or even to understand where I am.



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