
Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna

Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna
Gopis performing Devotional Service to the Lordships Sri Sri Radha Krishna

Varnasrama ensures the quality of relationships between people so they are satisfied physically, mentally, and emotionally, and can thus peacefully execute their spiritual duties

Varnasrama ensures the quality of relationships between people so they are satisfied physically, mentally, and emotionally, and can thus peacefully execute their spiritual duties.

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Bhakti Vidya Purna Swami, Srimad-Bhagavatam Canto 1, Chapter 19

Devotional service is very simple. It can be attained in a moment. It is a matter of changing perspective. We just have to change our idea that we are the controller and enjoyer to the idea that God is the controller and enjoyer. The whole thing is to convince our mind that devotional service is OK. We worry about losing our identity. If I give up my material identity, will I be maintained? Will things go OK?

We are materially attached because we are in illusion thinking that the material world is eternal and full of happiness. Thus the Bhagavatam is always reminding us that this world is temporary and full of misery. It is not required to tell people that material endeavor is useless since by knowing this world is temporary and miserable, people can figure it out.

Vedic principles involve applying transcendental ideas to the material world.

When devotees would criticize other devotees Srila Prabhupada would correct them by telling them to first take up the service of those they were criticizing, and then they could criticize.

An uttama-bhakti (first class devotee) can be in bhava or prema . From bhava one can fall down, as did King Bharata. So a first class devotee can fall down, contrary to what some people think.

Varnasrama is to insure the depth and quality of the relationships between people so they are satisfied physically, mentally, and emotionally, and can thus peacefully execute their spiritual duties. It is not an economic system. Economics is there so that the other can go on.

Fire analogy: Let say you have a big pile of wood. Some is dry. Some is wet. Some has mud on it. Some has lichens growing on it. And you have a little flame. So what do you focus on, the little flame or the big pile of wood with all its little defects? If you focus on the flame, in time the pile of wood will become a lump of ashes. A devotee focuses on the flame.

In varnasrama one is classified according to one's prominent interests, activities, and abilities, as persons may have characteristics of multiple varnas or asramas.

It is not a problem that people have anarthas (unwanted desires) in the heart. It is a problem when they do not identify them and try to purify or remove them.

Bhaktivinoda Thakura advised that periodically we should analyze our situation and try to increase the quality of our service. If we understand where we are actually at, then we can see how to progress.

Our strategy should be to adjust our situation so the anarthas do not bother the spark of devotion we are fanning. While doing this cultivation, we should focus on the spark of devotion not the anarthas.



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Making a connection with Krishna part 2


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via by hina on 1/24/12

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, Mayapur, November 2011) Lecture – Caitanya-caritamrta part 7

In South Africa one of our leading devotees, who was the head of the BBT. He used to be a Christian activist. He used to go around, putting brochures in people's hand. When he saw the devotees he thought:

" Let me go and save those guys!"

So he went to the harinama party, and stood there with this brochure and was trying to give it to someone, but everyone was involved in the kirtan, and therefore no one was taking it. Until finally one of them said:

"Oh, we've only to take that? Okay I will take it".

And he walked away.

"I saved him! I saved him!"

But when he got home, he was thinking:

"They looked really happy, did those guys!"

And it impressed him so much that he actually went to the temple and became a devotee, and now he is a big leader in South Africa!

1st Devotee: I know a Prabhu who used to be a roller skater in Denmark, and had an attitude, within the roller skaters and the skateboarders' environment. Every time he saw the harinama party come by, then he would throw things at them, such as food, rocks and whatever he could find. And he is now living here in Mayapur!

2nd Devotee: There was a lawyer named Mahaprabhu, who lived in Chowpatty, and had joined the movement around in 1978. He was a gá¹›hastha and had another job. For some reason or other, he was involved in a case, and someone wanted him killed. So that person had hired a hit man, to go and kill Mahaprabhu. So this hit man came to the Chowpatty temple to kill Mahaprabhu. He came to the temple and found the devotees to be so overwhelmingly friendly and nice that he too became a devotee!

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Radha Govinda Dev at Jaipur - An Overview

The Birth of Govind Dev Ji Temple


 The original Govindevji Deity was found about 450 years ago by Rupa Goswami. Govindevji was removed from Vrindaban when the Muslim emperor Aurangzeb tried to destroy it. The original Deity is now in Jaipur, in Govind Devji temple right outside the King of Jaipur's palace.

About Temple...
The Great Grand Son of Lord Shri Krishna. He asked his Grand Mother as to how Lord Shri Krishna looked like; Then He made an image as per the description given by her. She however, said that not all but the Feet of that image looked like those of Lord Shri Krishna. He made another image, yet she said that the Chest looked like that of Lord Shri Krishna. Thereafter, He made the Third Image and looking at the same she felt Blush and Nodded that yes that was what Lord Shri Krishna Looked Like!!! The First One was known with the Name Lord "Madan Mohanji". The Second One got recognition as Lord "GOPI NATHJI". AND the Third One, The Divine Majestic Holy Image is LORD "GOVIND DEVJI".

presthalibhih sevyamanau smarami

In a temple of jewels in Vrndavana, underneath a desire tree, Sri Sri Radha Govinda, served by Their most confidential associates, sit upon an effulgent throne. I offer my humble obeisances unto Them. [Sri Caitanya Caritamrita Adi 1.16]

The Radha Govinda Temple is seen as one of the most impressive examples of North Indian architecture. It sits in the middle of the Yogapitha, the sacred place where Radha and Krishna would meet.

The deity of Govinda, believed to have been established thousands of years ago by Krishna's grandson Vajranaba, was rediscovered by Srila Rupa Goswami in the 16th century. The construction of the temple was begun under the direction of Raghunath Bhatta Goswami and his disciples, headed by Raja Man Singh (a general in the Army of Emperor Akbar) and was completed in 1590. Jiva Goswami praised Emperor Akbar in his Govindam Mandir Astakam (Eight Prayers in Glorification of the Govinda Temple), which is carved into the temple's stone. The inscription reads "Emperor Akbar is a very kind-hearted person and a Vaishnava. I give my blessings to Emperor Akbar. In his kingdom all the Vaishnavas are living very peacefully."

Less than 100 years later Emperor Aurangzeb ordered the temple's destruction. Before his soldiers arrived the deities of Radha and Govinda were moved. They now reside in the grand Govindaji temple in Jaipur.

Before its destruction the temple stood seven stories high. Just two stories remain. Still, the Radha Govinda Temple remains a towering monument to Lord Govinda and a place where one can feel a connection to the great saints of the past and the history of Krishna devotion in Vrindavan.

Kaustubha das

Robert Stoetzel is a New York based photographer traveling and photographing in India trough March 2009.

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One who thus develops the spiritual qualities is not affected either by the creation or by the destruction of the material world-[BG.14.02]

Bhagavad-gita As It Is | Part [BG.14.02]
idam jnanam upasritya
mama sadharmyam agatah
sarge 'pi nopajayante
pralaye na vyathanti ca
By becoming fixed in this knowledge, one can attain to the transcendental nature like My own. Thus established, one is not born at the time of creation or disturbed at the time of dissolution.
After acquiring perfect transcendental knowledge, one acquires qualitative equality with the Supreme Personality of Godhead, becoming free from the repetition of birth and death. One does not, however, lose his identity as an individual soul. It is understood from Vedic literature that the liberated souls who have reached the transcendental planets of the spiritual sky always look to the lotus feet of the Supreme Lord, being engaged in His transcendental loving service. So, even after liberation, the devotees do not lose their individual identities.
Generally, in the material world, whatever knowledge we get is contaminated by the three modes of material nature. Knowledge which is not contaminated by the three modes of nature is called transcendental knowledge. As soon as one is situated in that transcendental knowledge, he is on the same platform as the Supreme Person. Those who have no knowledge of the spiritual sky hold that after being freed from the material activities of the material form, this spiritual identity becomes formless, without any variegatedness. However, just as there is material variegatedness in this world, in the spiritual world there is also variegatedness. Those in ignorance of this think that spiritual existence is opposed to material variety. But actually, in the spiritual sky, one attains a spiritual form. There are spiritual activities, and the spiritual situation is called devotional life. That atmosphere is said to be uncontaminated, and there one is equal in quality with the Supreme Lord. To obtain such knowledge, one must develop all the spiritual qualities. One who thus develops the spiritual qualities is not affected either by the creation or by the destruction of the material world.
Translation and commentary by His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada


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Making a connection with Krishna part 1


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via by hina on 1/23/12

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, Mayapur, November 2011) Lecture – Caitanya-caritamrta part 7

Anyone who has contact with devotees is making a connection with Krishna! In Amsterdam in the late seventies we used to have harinama. Whenever we would go to do harinama in the city, there was a man who owned the vegetable stall, and he would always throw rotten tomatoes! So we knew when he came by to watch out, and so we ducked. But later that man became a donor and he gave vegetables to the temple!

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