
Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna

Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna
Gopis performing Devotional Service to the Lordships Sri Sri Radha Krishna

Beauty is worse than wine, it intoxicates both the holder and the beholder

This is true but, we are forced to get ugly by the time which devours everyone and everything. We always wanted to be beautiful and attract everyone around. But we are controlled by the material nature which is very stringent in its laws. It's a matter of time as far as this material world is concerned. The living entity fails to see the time factor with which he is carried, just like clouds are carried away by the mighty wind. This temporary beauty of the material existence is only a reflection of the real beauty that exists in the Spiritual World where everyone is as beautiful as the Lord Himself. The Supreme Lord is a person and the name befitting Him is Krishna which means "All Attractive". He is the most beautiful being who attracts all living beings from plants, animals, insects, stones and stone hearted persons in the entire manifestation of both spiritual and material existence. How many years does the beauty queens or actresses can attract the public?


In this world, we don't find loving exchanges between different species of life because the living beings, the souls are covered by their gross material and subtle bodies.But this loving exchange is possible between different species when we all see the reality that we are spirit souls and connect themselves with the real source of existence . And the perfection of loving exchange is possible only with the Supreme Person who is our ultimate refuge.


When Lord Chaithanya went through the forests of Jharkand, even the animals were able to feel the ecstasy by hearing the holy names from the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna Chaithanya Himself. Tiger and Deers were embracing and dancing. Such is the potency of the names of the Lord. It can bring ecstasy to the soul regardless of the physical, mental, intellectual coverings.


As far as beauty of the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna is concerned, there's no one who can surpass Him in beauty. When Krishna personally appeared in this planet 5000 years ago, all the animals and the residents of the Vraja bhumi were attracted to Him. And the Gopis they were cursing Lord Brahma for having created the eyes with momentary blinks. They could not even stop beholding the beauty of Krishna even for a moment when the eye blinks. Such is their Love for Him. And if there's anyone who can get intoxicated by His beauty, that is the perfection of Life!
The Supreme Lord is the most beautiful person and hence the name Krishna!!!


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Grace Beneath a Full Moon

Grace Beneath a Full Moon

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One may cleanse himself daily by taking a bath in water, but if one
takes a bath even once in the sacred Ganges water of Bhagavad-gita,
for him the dirt of material life is altogether vanquished.
(Gita-mahatmya 3)

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The Bhakti Plant [BG.10.14]

(Purport to BG 10.9 continued)

The spiritual plant of devotional service gradually grows and grows until it penetrates the covering of the material universe and enters into the brahmajyoti effulgence in the spiritual sky. In the spiritual sky also that plant grows more and more until it reaches the highest planet, which is called Goloka Vrindavana, the supreme planet of Krishna. Ultimately, the plant takes shelter under the lotus feet of Krishna and rests there. Gradually, as a plant grows fruits and flowers, that plant of devotional service also produces fruits, and the watering process in the form of chanting and hearing goes on. This plant of devotional service is fully described in the Caitanya-caritamrita (Madhya-lila, Chapter Nineteen). It is explained there that when the complete plant takes shelter under the lotus feet of the Supreme Lord, one becomes fully absorbed in love of God; then he cannot live even for a moment without being in contact with the Supreme Lord, just as a fish cannot live without water. In such a state, the devotee actually attains the transcendental qualities in contact with the Supreme Lord.

The Srimad-Bhagavatam is also full of such narrations about the relationship between the Supreme Lord and His devotees; therefore the Srimad-Bhagavatam is very dear to the devotees, as stated in the Bhagavatam itself (12.13.18). Srimad-bhagavatam puranam amalam yad vaishnavanam priyam. In this narration there is nothing about material activities, economic development, sense gratification or liberation. Srimad-Bhagavatam is the only narration in which the transcendental nature of the Supreme Lord and His devotees is fully described. Thus the realized souls in Krishna consciousness take continual pleasure in hearing such transcendental literatures, just as a young boy and girl take pleasure in association.

Translation and commentary by His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

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  • Technorati - Developing Devotional Service Part 3 ( Study == Fail??)

18 Jul 2011 03:43 PM PDT

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, 2005)

Sometimes there are tests and we do not pass them. Yes it means that we did not do our homework! Before the test if you do not do your homework, then you might fail the test, although it's within your capacity to pass it. So in that way we may fail certain tests, but we have the means, and if we carefully take shelter of the process of Krishna Consciousness, then we will not fail the tests, but if we are not careful and inattentive to take shelter properly of the process of devotional service, then we might fail the test and we might feel that so many tests are too much for us!

As soon as we start to take the process of devotional service again(this is a nice thing)that even if you fail in devotional service; even if you fall down from the process; or deviate from the process, then there is no need for any atonement, since all you have to do is immediately take up the process again and immediately you are situated again….properly on the path and there is no loss!



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