
Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna

Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna
Gopis performing Devotional Service to the Lordships Sri Sri Radha Krishna

Murals of Krishna Balaram Temple, Vrindavan, UP, India

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The Need To Be Respected Is Far Greater Than The Need To Be Guided !!! By Rohan Shanti Shukla

Even before she could learn to possess, she was asked to share. When
she was barely five, she was asked to make sacrifices for the sake of
her brother who was just two. She was still a kid, but her parents
expected her to play the role of a responsible older sister. Thirty
years later, she has a family to her own; so does her brother. She
still feels responsible for her younger brother. She still advices
him… interferes whenever there are ripples in her brother's marriage,
advices her brother's wife on what to feed the child, and how to
parent the child. She is still making sacrifices, but what is she
getting in return? Heartaches, sleepless night and copious tears over
being treated with indifference. Why? Her brother is old enough to
make his own decisions. Even if some of his decisions go wrong, he
feels they are his learning ground. The sister-in-law regards her as
unwanted interference in her marriage. She believes she should have
the freedom to parents her children the way she wants and detests and
idea of others interfering under the guise of being older to her. From
the first word uttered to the first word written to the first steps he
walked… the father played an active part in it. For the son, his dad
was always a superman, a hero and the only role model he wanted to
emulate. Even the son's career counseling was done by Dad. The son
went on to become a first- generation entrepreneur and again it was
his dad who guided him. Today, the son is a celebrated industrialist.
Even today, the Dad waits up every evening to know what happened at
work, but the son feels claustrophobic. He feels that his dad should
give him more space. Dad is going through spells of depression because
he's not getting the same attention he used to get from his son. Dad
feels that he's not needed anymore. The effect of this is showing up
on his health – he is beginning to age a little faster. You can always
be a sister, but you cannot always play the sister. You will always be
loved as a parent, but you cannot always play the parent. Beyond a
point, not everybody can accept a holier-than-thou' approach. A
three-year-old expects to be respected in a certain way and the three-
year-old needs to be respected that way. At three, not being given the
choice of clothes she wants to wear is interpreted by her as not being
respected. At ten, the son wants to read the menu card by himself and
place the order. That to him is his idea of being respected. As a
teenager, she wants to choose her friends; and her parents respecting
her choice of friends is her sense of being respected. Now that he has
worked with you for a few years, he wants to take a few decisions by
himself, and your not overruling his decisions is his sense of being
respected. Every age and every phase of life has some sense of respect
associated with it, and you need to respect that. Through the
intentions may be noble, sometimes our attempt to guide people,
especially unasked for, makes them feel not respected. The need to be
respected is far greater then the need to be guided. Make others feel
respected… let this be your choice. They will take your guidance… let
this be their choice. To live is to live fearlessly. When you have
nothing to hide, you have nothing to avoid. True freedom is found only
in transparent living. The greatest compliment one can give oneself is
to declare, "I am an open book."


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Iron age of addiction,Knowledge of Sankhya-Bhakti Yoga

In this iron age,people are also iron hearted. One's ability to make the most of sense enjoyment is considered advanced civilization now. Truth is looked down upon,but Word jugglery which covers the truth is appreciated.Religious principles are considered obselete&only meant for old timers. What a pity? No one knows what is good for their own self. All have become mad men addicted to the abominable Habits of nasty lust,greed,pride,envy,anger,madness. These habits have
brought only self-destruction and destruction to those around all the time in the past,present and in future as well. This is an age of addiction. We are getting addicted to unwanted things even without our knowledge.
The same activities dancing,singing,sporting which when performed in clubs would otherwise bind us in the cycle of birth&death would liberate us when performed in front of Krishna in His temple for His pleasure. What's the difficulty? The result is twofold.We revive our lost Love for God. Other thing is We get released from the clutches of material energy simultaneously without even endeavoring for it separately.

The senses are like venomous serpents which need a better engagement like a snake charmer charming the snakes. The charm of the bluish boy standing on the banks of the river Yamuna alone can keep the senses intoxicated&free from the poison of the iron age. 

It's actually the same material elements transformed into poison because of the enviousness of snake. The same material elements transformed to different ones by the consciousness of the living entity. Food is converted to blood in the process of digestion, the body of a man automatically converts his blood to semen by his thinking of a woman, a mother her blood to milk to feed the baby. All this is acintya-inconceivable. The nails, hair that are growing are also inconceivable to us.

In the actual sense,we are simply observers and only choice makers with what is provided to us by nature. Even the evacuation which is our normal day to day activity is controlled by a demigod. 

" Everyone is forced to act helplessly according to the qualities he has acquired from the modes of material nature; therefore no one can refrain from doing something, not even for a moment"- BG-3.5

Therefore,knowledge of the real self as soul,the field of
activities-body,nature,the controller-The Supreme Lord,the actor,the
actions,time are knowable&considered as knowledge by Krishna
Himself.Besides this anything else is ignorance. Only a pure devotee
of Krishna can completely understand this knowledge which
differentiates the material elements-jadam from the
Spirit-Cetanam,conscious entity,which is to be knowable.

This is why Krishna says in Bhagavad Gita that the Sankhya philosophy
is already contained in Bhakti Yoga and only the less intelligent
class of men make a distinction between sankhya-yoga and bhakti-yoga.




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Drops of Bhakti!

1. If one has money , he spends it for sense gratification when that
becomes uncontrolled one does sinful activities.
2. In varnashrama dharma one has rules , they are allowed to have
money but it should be spent in a lawful way and not sinful.
3. According to the guna also the rules changes , a person in sathva
gun has to follow more rules than the others.
4. Bhakthi is beyond the gunas and it is for everybody , one who is in
or above or below varnashrama dharma can practise bhakthi.
5. Only qualification is for bhakthi is faith and the hope is that
one will ultimatly transcend the whole system and simply dedicate
everything to the supreme lord.
6. The principle of bhakthi is superior ,when other rules obstruct
bhakthi they can be given up-HH.Bhanu Swami Maharaj SB#5.14.7
Source#SB notes from Priyadarshini Mataji


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Material nature seems to produce life,but Supreme Lord is the life force in everything that pervades [BG.14.03]

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Date: Wed, 25 Jan 2012 05:36:24 -0500
Subject: Bhagavad-gita As It Is | Part [BG.14.03]

Bhagavad-gita As It Is | Part [BG.14.03]


mama yonir mahad brahma

tasmin garbham dadhamy aham

sambhavah sarva-bhutanam

tato bhavati bharata


The total material substance, called Brahman, is the source of birth, and it is
that Brahman that I impregnate, making possible the births of all living
beings, O son of Bharata.


This is an explanation of the world: everything that takes place is due to the
combination of kshetra and kshetra-jna, the body and the spirit soul. This
combination of material nature and the living entity is made possible by the
Supreme God Himself. The mahat-tattva is the total cause of the total cosmic
manifestation; and that total substance of the material cause, in which there
are three modes of nature, is sometimes called Brahman. The Supreme Personality
impregnates that total substance, and thus innumerable universes become
possible. This total material substance, the mahat-tattva, is described as
Brahman in the Vedic literature (Mundaka Upanishad 1.1.9): tasmad etad brahma
nama-rupam annam ca jayate. The Supreme Person impregnates that Brahman with
the seeds of the living entities. The twenty-four elements, beginning from
earth, water, fire and air, are all material energy, and they constitute what
is called mahad brahma, or the great Brahman, the material nature. As explained
in the Seventh Chapter, beyond this there is another, superior nature—the
living entity. Into material nature the superior nature is mixed by the will of
the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and thereafter all living entities are born
of this material nature.

The scorpion lays its eggs in piles of rice, and sometimes it is said that the
scorpion is born out of rice. But the rice is not the cause of the scorpion.
Actually, the eggs were laid by the mother. Similarly, material nature is not
the cause of the birth of the living entities. The seed is given by the Supreme
Personality of Godhead, and they only seem to come out as products of material
nature. Thus every living entity, according to his past activities, has a
different body, created by this material nature, so that the entity can enjoy
or suffer according to his past deeds. The Lord is the cause of all the
manifestations of living entities in this material world.

Translation and commentary by His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami

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