
Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna

Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna
Gopis performing Devotional Service to the Lordships Sri Sri Radha Krishna



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via GITA COACHING by on 7/18/11

In working with hundreds of devotees from many parts of the world, I have seen that the real effective change and a positive progress starts when a devotee stops blaming anyone, including Krsna, for his distress or lack of success, and takes full responsibility for his life: past, present and future.

Success starts with clarity about what we want in life and what are our main roles (responsibilities and relationships) and with taking 108 percent responsibility for our behavior, our spiritual practice, our service and work, and especially our relationships. Taking responsibility is another great pillar for devotee's success and I always look for an opportunity to encourage it.

As Bhagavad-gita is holistic, so is the Gita Coaching. It helps devotees become more effective in the areas of health, sadhana, service, relationships, etc. As all these areas influence each other, it is important to work on enhancing all of them, as far as possible.

We help devotees to look at their life as an indivisible whole and to see how various parts relate to and influence each other. For a peaceful and happy life, balance is an important factor, which is mentioned in the Sixth Chapter of the Bhagavad-gita.

In helping devotees succeed, Gita Coaching approach does not create dependency, rather it strives to help devotees to help themselves by becoming spiritually and mentally strong and physically healthy. Success happens on the field, when you are not with your coach.

Your coach will provide powerful questions, principles, strategies and tools, but if you want to make progress you need to practice every day, you need to pay the price of success every single day. Accumulation of these sincere, regular efforts attracts Krsna's attention and brings strength and momentum.


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via GITA COACHING by on 7/20/11

There is a group of people who have never experienced a health challenge, a financial setback, a troubled relationship, or a personal problem.

They're called babies.


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We must have the inner fire to overcome obstacles


Sent to you by dinesh via Google Reader:


via GITA COACHING by on 7/23/11

Things are heating up across the globe, but here in Buenos Aires it's rather cool! I hope you're staying cool while chanting Hare Krsna mantra.

Even though it's summertime, this doesn't mean you should slow down the pursuit of your worthy goals.

We're halfway through 2011, and if you haven't made significant progress toward your goals, it might be time for you to focus on strengthening your determination.

High achievers are incredibly persistent, and what fuels them is a relentless determination to achieve their goals, no matter what it takes.

To reach our goals, we must have the inner fire to overcome obstacles, believe in our Krsna conscious dreams (even when it seems that no one supports us), and be willing to sacrifice some short-term pleasures for long-term success.

This quote from Gandhi pretty much sums it up ...

"Every worthwhile accomplishment, big or little, has its stages of drudgery and triumph: a beginning, a struggle and a victory"

Ready to succeed no matter what? Enjoy the articles on this Gita Coaching blog and over 10 hours of Gita Coaching Courses Worldwide to help YOU cultivate an attitude of relentless determination!

Just like hundreds of others who've been through this Gita Coaching process, I believe you'll discover the focus, enthusiasm, resolve and desire to pursue the spiritual life you want.

Akrura dasa


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The Supreme Lord is accepted as the purest of the pure

(Purport to BG 10.12-13 continued)


In the Kena Upanishad it is stated that the Supreme Brahman is the rest for everything, and Krishna has already explained that everything is resting on Him. The Mundaka Upanishad confirms that the Supreme Lord, in whom everything is resting, can be realized only by those who engage constantly in thinking of Him. This constant thinking of Krishna is smaranam, one of the methods of devotional service. It is only by devotional service to Krishna that one can understand his position and get rid of this material body.


In the Vedas the Supreme Lord is accepted as the purest of the pure. One who understands that Krishna is the purest of the pure can become purified from all sinful activities. One cannot be disinfected from sinful activities unless he surrenders unto the Supreme Lord. Arjuna's acceptance of Krishna as the supreme pure complies with the injunctions of Vedic literature. This is also confirmed by great personalities, of whom Narada is the chief.


Krishna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and one should always meditate upon Him and enjoy one's transcendental relationship with Him. He is the supreme existence. He is free from bodily needs, birth and death. Not only does Arjuna confirm this, but all the Vedic literatures, the Puranas and histories. In all Vedic literatures Krishna is thus described, and the Supreme Lord Himself also says in the Fourth Chapter, "Although I am unborn, I appear on this earth to establish religious principles." He is the supreme origin; He has no cause, for He is the cause of all causes, and everything is emanating from Him. This perfect knowledge can be had by the grace of the Supreme Lord.


Here Arjuna expresses himself through the grace of Krishna. If we want to understand Bhagavad-gita, we should accept the statements in these two verses. This is called the parampara system, acceptance of the disciplic succession. Unless one is in the disciplic succession, he cannot understand Bhagavad-gita. It is not possible by so-called academic education. Unfortunately those proud of their academic education, despite so much evidence in Vedic literatures, stick to their obstinate conviction that Krishna is an ordinary person.

Translation and commentary by His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada


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Look at the Other Side..

Look at the Other Side..

A Father was reading a magazine and his little daughter every now and then distracted him.
To keep her busy, he tore one page on which was printed the map of the world.
He tore it into pieces and asked her to go to her room and put them together to make the map again.

He was sure she would take the whole day to get it done. But the little one came back within minutes with perfect map...
When he asked how she could do it so quickly, she said, "Oh... Dad, there is a man's face on the other side
of the paper... I made the face perfect to get the map right." she ran outside to play leaving the father surprised.

There is always the other side to whatever you experience in this world.

Whenever we come across a challenge or a puzzling situation,

look at the other side. There always be an easy

way to tackle the problem.


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