
Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna

Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna
Gopis performing Devotional Service to the Lordships Sri Sri Radha Krishna

Breaking India-Part-1

Breaking India, Part-1

We don't identify ourselves even as Hindus because it was only the people on the other side of the river Sindhu who perceived the followers of Vedic culture as Hindus. Vedic culture is for everyone. India is the Spiritual Leader of the World. In other words, India is the super power in terms of spiritual heritage. America is already a super-power in terms of machines. But the people living there are already miserable. They cant sleep or they cant go outside freely, because there are gangsters of drunkards roaming around the city and would kill us anytime.


Why did the British, Dutch, Portuguese and everyone else fought to conquer India, because India is rich in everything. Even materially everything is available in India. Food that grows so easily in the Indian soil. So many incarnations of the Lord are in India. It's the best place in the world for spiritual practice. The culture is still conducive for spiritual practice. But people here are looking at the west for foolish machine advancements which cannot make them happy.


Vedic culture has been all around the world since time immemorial. The archaelogical findings have been hidden by the people or big shots(politicians and scientists and those whose main aim was to make people think what they want them to think) who did not want to promote the vedic culture but their self interests. There were big statues of Maha Vishnu found in Mexico, Russia and many other countries. But these were kept hidden from the public.


People want to promote themselves and not God. Atleast the Christians and the Islamists promote Jesus and Allah while the false hindu saints today promote themselves.


A sense of separation has been created by the politicians among the people. One example is, in the Pakistan's Newpaper called Dawn, whenever they mention about India, they say only as enemy. So in this way the politicians have already created civil war among the people.


There are benefits provided by the government for Christians so if you get converted to a Christian you get allowances. This way people tend to convert themselves. The politicians, they have no idea for doing any good to the public. They have only self-interest to amass more wealth when in power. So they create vote-banks for themselves by creating or supporting groups. They have created groups such as Dalits, Aryans, Dravidians etc.


In Sri Lanka, the refugees were offered a place to live in other countries provided they get registered themselves as Christians. So when living with a family, a person would think about the children and wife and then this seems to be the only way to emigrate from the place which is full of riots.


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Loneliness/Emptiness within the heart!

We may have all material facilities in our life.But the soul can never
find satisfaction in computer programs or other games/sports in
reality.There r different levels of pleasure.
1.Body-Sensual pleasure
2.Mind-Winning a chess Game
3.Intelligence-Writing a successful computer program
4.Soul-Spiritual bliss obtained by Devotional Service to Krishna
Actually we all feel the loneliness of being separated from God. In
order to forget this loneliness we fill our lives with
sports,cinema,dating/relationships with the opposite
gender,children,family. But none of these things give us complete
satisfaction for ourself.


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Win over material nature?

V want2win over d MaterialNature by bodily
strength,children,wife,relatives,wealth.1has2 examine d fact dat his
father or his father's father has died,so he is also sure2die,his
children who r wud b fathers of their children will also die.No1has
ever Won d GameOfDeath wid MaterialScience but by Devotional Service


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And now, now become a brahmana!


Sent to you by dinesh via Google Reader:


via by (Jan) on 26/02/11

Prabhupada pointed out that the brahminical initiation is not given because someone is a brahmana, or someone is qualified - but rather that it is given as an opportunity. That is the way it works in a Vaisnava community.
In the world, one is first qualifying and then the glorious day comes and: "Here is your diploma. Dada!" You get the funny hats and so on, and then a big ceremony and you get it. You are so happy, for five minutes, especially that your study days are over.

All right, that's good. But in Krishna consciousness it's totally different, we are getting the initiation before we are qualified. "
"All right, here is a brahminical thread, take it! - and now become a brahmana.
" We saw a slight inclination towards brahminical behaviour. We saw a little spark. We saw that there was some tendency to follow the scriptures, to dedicate to the scriptures - now, really do it! Now live up to it!"
That's the idea.

So the challenge is there for us, and maybe throughout our life. These initiations are not a one time event, but rather they are a lifetime mission, to make it through, to live up to it. It's not so easy to live up to it, and even if there are moments of weakness - there can be - but the vow doesn't go away. It just stays. That's the thing. It's like, one might temporarily fall away from the standards but the vow is just still there, and it will just stay.

Sometimes I point out, that therefore if you don't follow the vow, then it's there to beat your heart, then it just beats our heart, it just reminds you, of what you are supposed to be.

But if you take the vow, then it's something like Krishna planting pearls. In that story where Krishna plants the pearls and they produce many pearl bushes, which everyone thought was impossible. Nanda Maharaja said: "Krishna, pearls, you know, you can't plant pearls!" Krishna said: "No, you can, you can!" "Krishna, no Krishna.""

But every day, Krishna took care of his pearls and watered them with milk, and they did produce very nice bushes with pearls – so many!
Krishna said: "See, see!"

So in the same way, we can plant these vows of initiation and they will produce so many pearls. So that we should understand.

(HH Kadamba Kanana Swami, Durban, South Africa, February 2011)


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Holding anything back ?


Sent to you by dinesh via Google Reader:


via by (aatish) on 28/02/11

Krsna is quite demanding.
He is merciful but demanding at same time. Sometimes Krsna does gives some extraordinary mercy just like that - but in the end He is demanding, because Krsna is not looking just what you do - sometimes it is said that Krsna is looking at what you are holding back.

Not that Krsna has no appreciation for what we are doing-He does.
It's said He is Acutya. Never fails to appreciate a tiniest little bit of service done. But especially when we become little bit more serious about spiritual life then Krsna starts to work on what we are holding back.

Transcribed by Yamuna Devi Dasi
(Kadamba Kanana Swami, Feb 2011 Prague)


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