
Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna

Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna
Gopis performing Devotional Service to the Lordships Sri Sri Radha Krishna

It's fire all over, not the time to gossip but to evacuate

When there is fire catching up around, we can't talk unnecessarily but take immediate measures to escape the danger zone. Similarly we are afflicted with the fire of lust in this material world which is burning in our hearts for millions of lifetimes. We don't have much time to examine the cause of the fire but to take shelter of the rain which is the mercy of The Lord in the form of His Holy names, forms, pastimes.

No matter how many buckets of water you pour or bring tankers of water, you can't extinguish the forest fire. Only rain can put off a forest fire. We should invoke the mercy of The Lord by our service to Him and His devotees.

To keep complaining about the situations and people won't help but immediate action.

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Krishna Prasadam - Rice, Curd/Yoghurt and Channa Sabji


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Krishna Prasadam - Puri and Panneer Mutter Sabji


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Krishna Prasadam - Coconut Rice, Brocolli, Steamed tapioca roots


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Never consider yourself the cause of the result of your actions and never be attached to not doing your duty

Arjuna: Do I incur sin by killing my own kinsmen? Is there anyone in the past who attained perfectin by this process?

Krishna: King such as Janaka attained perfection solely by performing prescribed duties. Prescribed duties should not be given up for the sake of bodily discomfort.

Never consider yourself the cause of the result of your actions and never be attached to not doing your duty. One who acts as he is obligated without false ego shall not incur any reactions for his actions.


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