
Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna

Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna
Gopis performing Devotional Service to the Lordships Sri Sri Radha Krishna

Where are we heading?

I see everyone going somewhere all the time when I am out. I am also
going somewhere. But dont want to go where others go. Arjuna already
sees everyone entering into the mouth of the virata rupa of the Lord.
He sees many of the heads being crushed by His teeth. And everyone is
helplessly going to the gate of death. It's the timeframe which the
soul forgets to see.Time devours everything&everyone. What is Time?
Time is Krishna!
So we'll get killed anyway but the destination of a devotee is
different that that of one who is nt a devotee of Krishna.


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Sheep mentality

We have this sheep mentality. Sheeps go one after the other in groups
without any reason.We just follow this material world blindly without
any reason. We think,Everyone is doing that way, if i dont do it,i'll
be the odd one out. Prabhupada said,We have to be thoughtfully
independent, even though we follow the scriptures and other devotees.
We should not do something just Becoz a senior devotee does that way.


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Krishna: Yoga or Bhoga?

Krishna: Yoga or Bhoga?

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Sent to you by dinesh via Google Reader:


via GITA COACHING by on 7/9/11

You certainly have limited freedom to choose, but if you choose improperly, you have to suffer. Responsibility and freedom go hand in hand. At the same time, there must be discrimination. Without it, our freedom is blind. We cannot understand right from wrong.

People are very fond of claiming to be free, and in the name of freedom they are prepared to have sex in the street. Such illusioned living entities do not know that there is no freedom at all as long as we are under the grip of material nature. One may claim to have freedom, but nature will soon contradict this claim. We are all conditioned, and we are simply thinking that we have freedom, yet this is all illusion.

No one wants to die, and yet no one is free from death. No one wants to become old, yet no one is free from old age unless he dies young. No one wants to be in bondage to sexual desires, but the desires keep up, even in old age, for old men and old women try to remain young by cosmetic help. One would like to be free and to remain good-looking, but where is that freedom? Nature forces one to become old and wrinkled. So actually there is no freedom; freedom in this material world is simply false.

No one wants to die, but death is certain. No one wants to become old, but old age is certain. No one wants to get sick, but disease is certain. At a higher stage, the living entity does not even want to take birth, but according to Bhagavad-gita birth is also certain. One cannot be free to stop death or birth unless he comes to Krsna consciousness.

Unless one comes to the position of love of Krsna, there is no question of freedom. That is nature's law. In our present state of illusion we have forgotten Krsna, and instead of loving Him we have developed a love for the things of material nature.

This is symptomized in love of dog instead of love of God. In America there is a popular saying to the effect that a dog is man's best friend. In Bhagavad-gita Krsna says that He, God, is the friend and well-wisher of all living entities, but those in forgetfulness of Krsna have replaced God's position with the dog's position.

The living entity thinks that he will be free from love of God by embracing material nature, but actually he is trapped into loving a dog. That is nature. Indeed, it is our nature to love something. There is no freedom, therefore. If we do not love Krsna, we will then be forced to love dog. We do have freedom, however, to make the choice, to choose the object of our love.

- Srila Prabhupada


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Sent to you by dinesh via Google Reader:


via GITA COACHING by on 7/11/11

If You Just Could Live the Second Half of Your Life Differently From The First, What Would You Do With It?

Take Up the Process of Gita Coaching to Create the Meaningful, Fulfilling and Exciting Life You Deserve.

Dear Prospective Devotee Client,

If you've been wondering what should you to to be more happy and more productive in Krsna consciousness ... if you've been downsized from a corporate job where you've spent the last 20 years of your life … if you've recently taken early retirement to pursue your dream lifestyle… if you've been thinking of making a drastic career change because it just doesn't deliver the passion and satisfaction it used to … or if you're just not satisfied with your life at the moment — I have an invitation that could help you create a completely different life for yourself … the life you've been secretly dreaming about.

It's no surprise that, late in life, most people's greatest lament is that they failed to live a life with meaning. They didn't take that "Chance", they didn't make a contribution, leave a legacy, do anything important, or even pursue the one thing that was truly significant to them.

They worry that they'll leave this Earth without having seen very much of it — because they were too busy getting ahead, being cautious, and planning for the future. I have seen this regret time and time again in the faces of my students. When they first arrive at their seminars, they're timid, cautious — perhaps not believing they can create the rich and rewarding lifestyle or passionate pursuits they've been thinking about for years.

Yet over just a few hours of a Gita Coaching Course, their faces begin to brighten as they discover they can begin creating the life they want — regardless of the confines they find themselves in and despite the setbacks they've encountered before.

But aside from the courses in 20 countries, for more than 20 years I have also worked privately with devotees to take them from where they are now to where they want to be. In fact, my greatest enjoyment comes from working directly with people who truly want to make the internal changes and life-changing decisions that will allow them to achieve the goals they want to reach!

The goal of Gita Coaching courses and personal coaching is to feed your mind, body, heart and soul.


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