
Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna

Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna
Gopis performing Devotional Service to the Lordships Sri Sri Radha Krishna

Happy people!

Only two kinds of people are happy in this world.
1.The transcendentalist/Paramahamsa who is beyond the touch of
material world even though living in this world. Their sole purpose of
being here is to lift the conditioned souls back to Godhead
2.Foolish sensual person who has no knowledge of Spiritual life.
Actually even the happiness that he gets is only a Sense of happiness
which is due to the contact of senses with Sense objects and is
miserable in the beginning, middle&end.

But the aspirant devotee is lying between the pull of lower animal
nature and the transcendental realm. Even the happiness experienced by
such an aspirant devotee is far more greater than that of jnanis,yogis
or mental speculators.


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Monkey Marriage?

If we dont expect anything from others we dont get frustrated when it is not fulfilled. But when we had some expectation and it is not fulfilled we feel bad and we dont like that situation-SB Mayapur

We want others to act in a way that we like. That is the problem. So from others we should expect very less and from our own self we should expect everything and things are in control for ourself.

To carry out devotional service to the Supreme Lord,we should not keep these expectations from others.

Expectation in the marriage:
s Expectation in the married life for the partners. How should it be dealt with?
A: Arranged marriage is the best way to set up things properly. Because when the man and woman are put together directly to discuss upon, the emotional state of their minds is too high and they think they love each other so much and then they imagine everything will be alright and nice after the marriage and nothing needs to be bothered for now.

But later on, after marriage when the partner finds that the behaviour is not as expected, there will be divorce! Because the attachments and the accustomed things are not so easy to be given up.So in the Vedic way of arranged marriage the boy and the girl are not allowed to directly discuss rather they would not have seen each other. The match is made by third person and thereby even if the match is not proper the boy and the girl would never know who is who.
Th horoscope chart gives an idea of the nature of the man and the woman and hence there can be more chances that the marriage would become a successful one.No two charts can match 100%. Even Lord Shiva and Parvathi are not 100% matching. It's only an adjustment to the expectations but the better one than the monkey marriage where people see each other on a date or something and then decide upon getting together. It's not recommmended for a successful marriage.

Also Marriage is not a part of the devotional service. Marriage itself is a result of one's attachment. But it's a best use of the bad bargain. For one who cannot immediately take up the devotional service directly, these are additional steps to make oneself understand and act religiously to gradually progress towards the path of perfection.

--- SB Mayapur + prior heard points on this topic.



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Everyone thinks of changing the World but no one thinks of changing the self – Leo Tolstoy

Change is something we find difficult to bear in every sphere of life. Be it a new computer software that government employees have to get used to or be it changing our habits which we are accustomed to. Our habits are deeply created impressions in our sub-conscious mind. Unless we consciously uproot our habits with new practices, it is going to be with us till the day we die and even after death it comes with us to the next life.  But it is possible to change ourselves and replace the bad habits with good ones, when we experience a higher taste.


Next comes the question, what is higher taste? The sense objects are higher than the senses, the mind is higher than the senses and the chief of all the senses and hence it is also called as 6th sense. Intelligence is even higher than the mind. And He(soul) is even higher than the intelligence. In our modern world we find research and artificial temporary relief for problems faced with the body, mind, ego. But in the Bhagavad Gita, Krishna gives information even one step higher saying that we are all spirit souls and our perception of the self as body as the cause of all problems in life. We have experience of having pleasure in these different levels right from body, mind, intelligence and ego but very few of us would have actually experienced the pleasure of the soul which is obtained by serving the Supreme Lord.


What makes the soul happy? Freedom? Freedom from the influence of material nature such as the birth, death, disease, old age, lust greed, pride, anger, envy. Knowledge of the self as soul, material nature, Supreme Controller, action, time is essential as well to understand to progress further from the bodily concept of life.

Fish can be happy only when it is in water , not in the sand and the same way we can become happy by reviving the actual position of the soul as servant of the Lord in His Supreme abode.


In short, to change oneself one has to experience a higher taste by practicing Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord constantly, otherwise it's not possible to bear the pull of the material modes of nature from taking us deep in the dark.




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Reflections Of The Spiritual World


GuruVakya • Divine Quotations by HH Jayapataka Swami
Reflections Of The Spiritual World

"The material world and its relationships are a reflection of God's own Spiritual world and its spiritual relationships. He made man in His image and He made the material relationships as a type of reflection so that they can feel that if they want to become like God, it gives them opportunities to have apparently similar kinds of activities.

But in fact they are like the shadow, and Krishna's activities are the original and pure. These are not real relationships. These are a play, a kind of toy dolls, which are given to people in the material world, so that they think, "Okay, I have my own world, I have my own Samsara, my own creation. This is my family, I have created my children, I have created my business", and "my whatever" that they are able to create.

They can become a Brahma and create the whole universe; and ultimately see that everything is Krishna's energy. When they surrender to Krishna – that is pure devotional service. Pure devotional service means to do that is pleasing to Krishna."

HH Jayapataka Swami
From the book: Taking Shelter of Krishna
Courtesy: Mathuradesh Publications



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