
Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna

Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna
Gopis performing Devotional Service to the Lordships Sri Sri Radha Krishna

Krishna Prasadam - Rice and Panneer mutter


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You have given me everything I needed but I didn't make the best of use of it

The Supreme Lord is not with a tinge of reproach for the sufferings and happiness that are experienced by the living entity. The living entity is the cause of various sufferings and enjoyment that is born of contact of senses with the sense objects. The Lord is giving chances to each one of us to come to Him in every way but due to our foolishness we don't turn to Him. My Lord, You have given me everything I needed but I didn't make the best of use of all that you provided. You are never at fault but me!!!

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My dear servants, bring to me for punishment only personswho are attached to family life and worldly enjoyment, which form the path to hell.

Yamaraja then told the Yamadutas:

"Paramahamsas are exalted persons who have no taste for material enjoyment and who drink the honey of the Lord's lotus feet. My dear servants, bring to me for punishment only persons who are averse to the taste of that honey, who do not associate with paramahamsas and who are attached to family life and worldly enjoyment, which form the path to hell.

"My dear servants, please bring to me only those sinful persons who do not use their tongues to chant the holy name and qualities of Krsna, whose hearts do not remember the lotus feet of Krsna even once, and whose heads do not bow down even once before Lord Krsna. Send me those who do not perform their duties toward Visnu, which are the only duties in human life. Please bring me all such fools and rascals."



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Near Death Experience


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Krishna Prasadam - Green Peas Pulav, Panneer Sabji


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Too much first-class eating may stimulate our sex desires, especially sweet preparations.

20 November, 1969
My Dear Gargamuni,
Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated November 17, 1969 with check for $63 and the bank receipt also. Tamala Krishna has gone now to Germany with the Sankirtana Party to install Radha-Krishna Deities there. I hope by this time you have received the shipping documents and invoice sent by the Bank of Baroda as well as by me. So after clearing the goods, please let me know how you have received them. Regarding your expenditures, we do not mind if there is no saving. Our policy should be to collect millions of dollars and spend also millions of dollars or sometimes more. But we should be very careful that we may not be extravagant. For necessary expenditures we have no grudge. I do not know what you are eating, but the eating program should be nutritious and simple, not luxurious. That means capatis, dahl, vegetables, some butter, some fruits and milk. This is necessary for keeping good health. But we should not indulge in sweetballs or halevah or like that daily. Too much first-class eating may stimulate our sex desires, especially sweet preparations. Anyway, eat Krishna Prasadam, but be careful that we may not indulge in luxury. For Krishna we can offer the most beautiful preparations, but for us Prasadam should be very simple. Regarding decoration of the Deities, that is very nice. They should always be very attractive so people who come will be attracted. So, as far as possible economize, and there is no need of savings. But because we are trying to purchase our own building we will have to save something because in the future we will have to pay large monthly installments. I have heard from Tamala that there is a nice church, and they are asking $100,000. Is that negotiation still going on? If so, you can let me know what is the position. Now I shall be very soon going to Boston, and then I shall go to Los Angeles. So what will be the arrangement for my stay there? I shall be glad to hear from you conveniently.
Please offer my blessings to the others. I hope this will meet you in good health.
Your ever well-wisher,
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami

>>> Ref. VedaBase => Letter to: Gargamuni -- London 20 November, 1969


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What's our worth? Bag of bones ?

A house has vertical and cross sectional pillars to support the structure, a human body also has vertical and horizontal bones supporting the structure. This body which we are so much attached to is a bag of bones but takes lifetimes to really experience the soul and get freed from the bodily conception of life.

Even if a woman is ugly, she appears beautiful in the eyes of the husband, that's the power of illusory energy. Those that consider the self as the body which is made of pitta, kapha and vayu and also the byproducts as sons or daughters are no better than asses.

Human life means responsibility. As soon as we do something immediately the reaction is there. Therefore we must watch our way and take actions before we get totally lost.

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Krishna Prasadam - Rice, Kurma


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Krishna Prasadam - Rice, Kichiri


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Even fire is covered by smoke what to speak of activities done with other lower elements?

> Krishna to Arjuna, "Don't think only your prescribed duty of fighting is defective. The work of a Brahmana also has defects. Even fire is covered by smoke. Even though superficially your prescribed duty may appear inferior to that of a brahmana's, you won't incur sin by doing your own prescribed duty. Therefore it is better to perform one's prescribed duty which is born of one's own nature. It is dangerous to perform another's prescribed duty even though if it's perfectly done. All activities are on the modes of nature, so there will always be some fault, one shouldn't worry about that"
> Bhagavad Gita, Chapter#18

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To open up our mind in confidence with advanced devotees

Question: How should we approach our Guru and the representatives of our guru to constantly monitor us and guide us to free ourselves.Because it's strong instructions,it's crushing our false ego&is painful. Should the dosage be very gradual? Because unless we completely open up our anarthas to the devotees they are going to be left unidentified and grow with us.

Answer: We need to open up our mind in confidence with someone who is advanced in Krishna Consciousness and who has already gone through the problems you undergo. It's required to make progress but the whole idea is to be sincere to try again and again to come to the path of Bhakti. It's like a doctor giving specific dosage to specific people. There may also be many other unwanted desires that are not even yet identified. So it is good to take the guidance of advanced devotees.

- HG.Ravindra Svarupa Dasa



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Krishna Prasadam - Kichiri

Krishna Prasadam - Kichiri 



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Srila Prabhupada: Why? Because I love you.

Disciple: Srila Prabhupada, once you said, "The tractor -- this is the cause of all the trouble. It took all the young men's farm work. It forced them to go into the city and become entangled in sensuality." You said people had to leave the country and the simple life of goodness and God consciousness. And so they went to the city and got caught up in the anxious life, the mode of passion.

Srila Prabhupada: Yes. In the city, people must naturally fall into the mode of passion: constant anxiety due to needless lusting and striving. In the city we are surrounded by all sorts of artificial things for agitating our mind and senses. And naturally, when we have this facility we become lusty. We take to this passionate mode and become filled with anxiety.

Disciple: The country is more peaceful. It's easier to think of spiritual life.

Srila Prabhupada: Yes. There is less disease. Everything is less brain-taxing. In the country the pangs of this material world are less. So you can arrange your life for real profit. Spiritual profit. Realize God; become Krishna conscious. And if you have got a temple in your home or near your home, you have a very happy life. You work just a little -- just for your food -- in the spring a month and a half or so for planting, in the fall a month and a half for harvesting. And in your remaining time, you become culturally enriched. You engage all your talents and energies for realizing God. Krishna consciousness. This is ideal life.

srila prabhupada wallpapers

You see the minute fibers on this flower? No other manufacturing process in this world can do this -- such small fibers. And how brilliant is the color! If you study only one flower, you will become God conscious.

There is a mechanism that we call "nature." And from it is coming everything we see around us. Now, how is it that this mechanism is so perfect'? And who is it that has devised this mechanism?

Disciple: Once in London you said, "People do not know that flowers are painted. Krishna paints them with thoughts."

Srila Prabhupada: Yes. Most people think that by itself, unconnected with a painter, this flower has become beautiful. This is foolishness. "Nature has done it." Who is nature? Everything is being done by the natural mechanism of Krishna. Parasya saktir vividhaiva sruyate: the Lord is orchestrating everything by His innumerable, inconceivable energies.

Anyway, learn to love this natural mode of life, life in a wide-open space. Produce your own grain. Produce your own milk. Save time. Chant Hare Krishna. Glorify the Lord's holy names. At life's end, go back to the spiritual world to live forever. Plain living, high thinking -- ideal life.

Modern, artificial "necessities of life" may seem to increase your so-called comfort. But if you forget life's real aim, that is suicidal. We want to stop this suicidal policy. We don't directly attempt to stop the modern advancement of technology. The so-called advancement of technology is suicidal, but we don't always talk of this. [Laughter.]

People today are extremely attached to this so-called advancement. Therefore when Lord Chaitanya appeared five hundred years ago, He gave a simple formula: chant Hare Krishna. Even in your technological factory, you can chant. You go on pushing and pulling with your machine, and chant, "Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna." You can devote yourself to God. What is the wrong there?

Disciple: The leaders know that once a person starts chanting God's names, in time he'll lose his taste for this anxious life of technology.

Srila Prabhupada: That is natural.

Disciple: So the leaders know you are sowing the seeds of their destruction.

Srila Prabhupada: Where is the "destruction"? Rather, it is construction: devote yourself to God, and live forever. This is the proper path. Follow it. You will live forever.

By our method, tyaktva deham punar janma naiti. after leaving your present material body, you don't get any more material bodies. You regain your spiritual body and go back to the spiritual world. And without this spiritual realization, tatha dehantara-praptih: when you leave your present material body, you'll have to accept another material body.

So consider the two methods of living. Which is better? The "advanced" method -- accepting more material bodies. Or our "old-fashioned" method -- accepting no more material bodies. Which is better?

As soon as you accept a material body, you have to suffer: birth, old age, disease, death. The material body means suffering. Therefore, if we prepare so that on leaving this present body we undergo no more suffering, that is intelligent. But if we prepare to receive another material body for more suffering, is that intelligent? Unless you understand the Lord, unless you understand Krishna, you'll have to stay in this material world and accept another body. There is no alternative.

Now our method. We understand, first, that na hanyate hanyamane sarire: when the body is finished, the soul goes on living. Unfortunately, many people have become so dull-brained that they cannot understand this simple truth. Every day of their, lives, people see that a soul in an infant body is going to take on a childhood body, then a teenage body, next an adult body, and later an aged body. People see, with their own eyes, how the soul is transmigrating from one body to another body to still another body.

Nevertheless, with their dull brains they cannot understand that at death, when the aged body is finished, the soul goes on to yet another body, material or spiritual. But people cannot understand this. They are so dull-brained. They cannot make the simple distinction between the body and the soul. It will take five hundred years to teach them this simple truth -- their education is so advanced.

Srila Prabhupada: Thanks to modern so-called education, people have become asses -- no sense of the distinction between the body and the soul.

Are our children here getting enough milk?

Disciple: Yes, as much as they want.

Srila Prabhupada: Yes. Children must get at least two cups of milk a day. If they drink plenty of milk, their body becomes stout and strong, and they develop a keen brain for understanding the distinction between their body and their soul.

Do people see how our simple, natural way of life benefits society? Do they see we are not killing our children through abortion, but rather maintaining them with buckets and buckets of milk? Is this not a better civilization?

Just consider. Due to selfishness, or fear of "overpopulation," people are killing children -- mothers are killing their own children. Is that civilization?

Disciple: In the Bhagavad-gita, Krishna says that those in the mode of ignorance take irreligion to be religion, and religion to be irreligion.

Srila Prabhupada: Religion? For these modern rascals, there is no religion. And there is no morality. For instance, here we have so many children, but never do we say, "We cannot maintain these children -- kill them." We never say that.

So many children? Never mind. Let them all be trained as Krishna conscious, God conscious citizens. Let them live comfortably and drink their milk.

So, which is the better civilization? Running around in motorcars -- put-put-put-put-put -- and killing your own child. Is that civilization?

Disciple: In a sense, many of the children here are not even our own. When, say, a mother with no husband comes here to live with us, naturally we also welcome her children.

Srila Prabhupada: That is compassion. We welcome children -- and the modern rascals kill children. So why do people not see the distinction between our traditional civilization and their so-called modern civilization?

Disciple: They don't have any good argument against our civilization and our compassion, except that they want to be free to do as they like. No hindrances. Complete freedom.

Srila Prabhupada: But they're not free. Rather, they're fools. They're not free. Who can be free of nature's law? But still they're thinking, "We're free." This is simply foolishness.

If you were actually free, that would be another thing. But by nature's law you are not free. You are responsible for even your tiniest act. Commit even the tiniest misdeed, and you are responsible.

So where is your freedom? Ahankara-vimudhatma kartaham iti manyate: "Identifying falsely with his material body, the bewildered soul thinks himself freely doing activities that the body and nature's modes carry out by themselves." Of course, because the soul wants to think himself the independent doer, because he wants to take credit and be "responsible," he becomes responsible. Because he chooses to act not on God's account but on his own account, he becomes accountable.

Again, where is your freedom? The Lord's material energy -- this energy we call "nature" -- goes on working, with or without your approval. If you are free, then why is your body growing old and preparing to die? If you are free, then do not die.

No one wants to die -- unless he's a madman. So how can these modern rascals think they're free when they have to die? What is the answer?

Disciple: They will spout some nonsense. "I accept death as part of life."

Srila Prabhupada: Death is "part of life"?

Disciple: Yes. "It's natural."

Srila Prabhupada: Well then, rascal, when there is some danger of death, why do you go away? Sit down and die. [Laughter.]

In truth you don't accept death. You're simply bluffing, talking foolishly. You don't want to die. That is a fact. You're talking foolishly -- "I accept death" -- but you don't accept it. No, not at all. But because you have no choice, then you say, "I accept death." The real fact is this: You do not wish to die. Unfortunately, you find you have no alternative. "Oh, then I accept. All right." [Laughter.]

So you can talk like that -- foolishly. [Laughing.] But an intelligent man does not want to die. He wants to become spiritually realized and then return to the spiritual world and live with God. He wants to find the way to avoid death forever.

Disciple: One time a college student bragged to me, "Death? I'm not afraid of death." But when I made as if to strike him, naturally he cringed in fear. "See?" I told him. "You are afraid."

Srila Prabhupada: Even a dog is afraid of death. What to speak of a man. When animals are taken to be slaughtered, they wail with fear. Even animals are afraid of death. So of course man is afraid of death. Everyone is afraid of death.

Disciple: Sometimes people say, "We're enjoying life. Why are you always bothering us about death?"

Srila Prabhupada: Why? Because I love you. And I am intelligent enough to understand that when you die, when you leave your body, you may get a degraded body and spend your next life as a dog. I have concern for you: "Please, friend, don't become a dog."

Let's say a child is flying a kite from the roof of some building, and a gentleman sees him -- running carelessly this way and that, coming closer and closer to falling over the edge. Naturally the gentleman will say, "Hey! You're going to fall!" That is his duty.

Now, the child may scream, "Leave me alone! Why are you bothering me? [Laughter.] Why are you bothering me?"

"Because I am a human being," the man will say, "and you are a foolish child. Therefore, I am bothering you."



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Krishna Prasadam-Pulav, Panneer Mutter Sabji


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Dirty face

By chanting Your Holy Names even my face is looking great, see how you made Your face dirty by smearing the butter all over-Unknown acharya(heard from my sis)

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Becoming Krsna's "yes man"

From: bhakti.vikasa.swami

In the beginning he [Arjuna] was not in agreement with Krsna. He made so
many arguments with Krsna against fighting. And at the end, he agreed.
"Yes," he said. He became a yes man. So we have to become a yes man to the
Supreme Lord. That's all. That is the perfection of our spiritual life. Now
we are all "no men." God says this, I say "no." Stubborn. I say, "no." Now
simply we have to say "yes". That's all. In everything we say, "no" at the
present. Present formation of our existence is to say "no." Anything godly,
we say "no." We shudder even by the name of God. We have come to a certain
stage of our civilized life, that we want to banish God altogether. Not only
saying "no," but we now prepare to agree to the point that there is no
existence of God. So how much foolish we are becoming day by day in the name
of advancement of civilization.

So we should correct this. Now, we shall try to understand our position and
try to say "Yes, there is God, and I am servant of God." That's all.
...Simply we have to agree. "Yes." Yes man. Simply you have to agree, "Yes,"
henceforward we shall become karma-yogi. Then, from that very point, your
life begins. Karma-yoga. The yes man. Mind that, that instead of saying no
to Krsna... Just like Arjuna said no in the beginning: "No, sir. I am not
going to fight. You don't try to induce me, my dear Krsna." He argued so
many things with Krsna. Then, at the last moment, he said, "Yes. I shall
fight." So from "no man" to "yes man," that's all. So we have to agree. We
are now "no men." We say everything about God, "no." Now we have to learn

>>> Ref. VedaBase => Bhagavad-gita 3.13-16 -- New York, May 23, 1966



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Fwd: Miser and liberal

This morning I was thinking whether to save for myself for dinner or to distribute to others. I felt for a while and then thought, distributing  to others give more pleasure than consuming for the self. Of course I had other left overs for dinner, so I was saved anyway. As Srila Prabhupada used to say, Charity begins at home. This quote from Maharaja is so motivating me when I read it myself and giving me the feeling that I did it in the right way.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: bhakti.vikasa.swami

Miser knows his self-interest, "How much nice foodstuff I have got to eat
daily." That's all. And liberal, "How much Krsna prasada I am distributing
to the world."

>>> Ref. VedaBase => Bhagavad-gita 2.46-62 -- Los Angeles, December 16, 1968


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Krishna Prasadam - Tomato rice, Brocolli


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He shall remain my Lord even if He handles me roughly in His embrace or makes me brokenhearted by not being present before me.

āśliṣya vā pāda-ratāṁ pinaṣṭu mām
adarśanān marma-hatāṁ karotu vā
yathā tathā vā vidadhātu lampaṭo
mat-prāṇa-nāthas tu sa eva nāparaḥ 
Sikshastakam - 8

I know no one but Kṛṣṇa as my Lord, and He shall remain so even if He handles me roughly in His embrace or makes me brokenhearted by not being present before me. He is completely free to do anything and everything, for He is always my worshipful Lord unconditionally.



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Anatha to Sanatha


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500 Reasons why you're my best friend

Reasons why you're my best friend

#001 - I can tell you anything and you won't be shocked. 
#004 - When I'm really down you cry with me. 
#023 - I'd trust you with my life and you'd trust me with yours. 
#033 - We have private jokes. 
#038 - I take pleasure in your competence. 
#051 - I know your moods so well that I know exactly when to press you to tell me what's wrong- and when to leave you in peace. 
#052 - You're honest but tactful. Usually. 
#054 - If I'm way out of line, you tell me.And when I'm doing a good job, you tell me that too. 
#065 - You think I'm smart, capable, clever and pretty. You're my one-woman cheering section. 
#094 - Sometimes we're under a lot of stress and we snap at each other.Look, these things happen between friends. We get past it. 
#098 - You send me encouraging e-mails at critical moments and I send them to you, too. 
#109 - You stop me firmly when I start apologizing for things that aren't my fault. 
#110 - You bring your problems to me and let me help you solve them. 
#122 - We don't look alike and we don't sound alike- but we think alike on all the important things and that's what counts. 
#124 - You make room for me in your life, even when your life is crowded and busy. 
#125 - I'm not embarassed to cry in front of you. 
#128 - I admire your self-control: You actually think before you speak. 
#132 - I appreciate how you ferret out my secrets when I really want to tell you but can't quite bring myself to do it. 
#139 - No one else gives me the total attention you do, when I have a problem or just need to talk. 
#142 - I never felt that any of our arguments or disagreements would end our friendship. 
#160 - When I'm procrastinating hopelessly, you give me the push I need to get going. 
#175 - You know my dark side and I know yours. No judgments. 
#183 - I don't have to watch what I say when we're talking, the way I do when I'm talking with certain other people. And you know who I mean. 
#209 - Somtimes you give me tough love when I really need gentle love- but I know that's because you're worried about me. 
#215 - There are a few dicery things lurking in my past and you're the only one who knows about them- but you don't hold them against me. 
#226 - You love to laugh. 
#230 - You're better than a sister: No sibling rivalry. 
#248 - You laugh at my jokes. 
#249 - You always know the right thing to say. 
#252 - Sometimes you don't have time for me. That might make me sad or hurt for a while, but hey, you'll be back. 
#274 - Your love for me is as unconditional as mine is for you. 
#300 - One hug from you is worth 10 from any other friend. 
#366 - You never get clingy, but you don't mind if I occasionally do. 
#460 - You're an angel on my shoulder. 
#463 - We take pride in each other's accomplishments. 
#466 - We've hit a few rough spots, but with love and patience we smoothed them out. 
#477 - Secrets are secrets and we'd never reveal each other's. 
#486 - The good, the bad and the ugly- we've been through them all and we're still friends. 
#500 - You may misbehave, I may misbehave, but best friends accept best friends, misbehavior and all. That's how it is.



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Krishna Prasadam - Moraya upma, baked potatoes and salad


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All varna and no ashrama makes a devotee a dull boy ;-)

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All varna and no ashrama makes a devotee a dull boy ;-)

Varna should be centered around ashrama, otherwise it is a disaster. Ashrama is the shelter for the conditioned soul. In the ashrama worshipping and satisfying Vishnu is the primary goal.

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Don't ever smell the food you cook for offering

By smelling we contaminate the food or any substance that we offer to The Lord. It's for this same reason we are not supposed to smell the flowers or the incense before offering.

After offering of course it is transcendental and we can pass on the flowers to be smelled by devotees.


Metallic objects are cleaned by earth(sand/clay)

Wollen cloth is cleaned by simply drying up in the air

Body is purified by taking bath.Mind/Soul is purified by Mantra/chanting the Holy names of The Lord.

Rain water is purified by stagnation for 10 days.

Large water bodies such as rivers or running Water are not contaminated.

Small water bodies or ponds are contaminated by regular usage.

Earthen pots and few other objects covered by dirt are purified over a period of time when exposed to sunlight.

Usually objects that are made of earth are cleaned by water or air.

All purification happens over a period of time and so time is also a major factor in the purification process.

By thinking of The Lord constantly, the mind and soul can be kept pure always.

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I am not this dream

From Śrīla Prabhupāda: "So here is the recommendation. Try to become Krsna conscious. And then you'll not be disturbed with all these external, ephemeral changes of the material world. Not only of this body, practically..., practically one who is advanced in spiritual life, he's not agitated by the so-called political upheavals or social disturbances. No. He knows these are simply external, ephe... Just like in the dream. It is also a dream. The... Our present existence, it is also dream, Exactly like we dream at night. In dreaming, we create so many things. So this material world is also a gross dreaming. Gross dreaming. That is subtle dreaming. And this is gross dreaming." "I am not this dream" 72/11/21 Hyderabad, Bhagavad-gita 2.15

Courtesy: Kalachandji Katha


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Krishna Prasadam -Rice, Spinach and Dhal, water melon


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Love or Hate?

When you love someone, you love everything about that person, whereas if you hate someone, you will hate everything about that person. This is how a mind influenced by 3 modes of material nature works.

A person who loves God does not hate anyone in the world but only love with compassion. By regularly contemplating on the words of God from scriptures like Bhagavad Gita and Bhagavatham, one can easily transcend the influence of material modes of nature.

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Krishna Prasadam-Green peas Pulav and Panneer Sabji


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It is from the rope of their desires that they will one day hang

The demoniac have unlimited desires, and driven by those desires they are drowning in the ocean of sense gratification until the moment of death (pralaya-antäm). The demoniac possess determination, but only for sense gratification. Päça means "rope." Äçä-päça-çatair means that they are caught in the net of attempting to satisfy their myriad desires. It is from the rope of their desires that they will one day hang.




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The real purpose of religion

The real purpose of religion

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, September 2013, Cape Town, South Africa, BYS lecture)

spiritual worldWe have an interesting story about a female saint in the Islamic tradition.
One morning, she came out of her house carrying two buckets, one with fire inside and the other, with water. And people saw her and said, "Oh! What are you going to do with all that fire and water?"

She said, "With the fire, I'm going to burn heaven, and with this water, I'm going to put out the flames of hell."

"You're going to burn heaven?"

She said, "Yes, I'm going to burn heaven because most people are only interested in spirituality because they want to attain heaven, and others are into spirituality because they're afraid to go to hell. I'm going to burn heaven and put out the flames of hell so that people will take up the real purpose of religion, which is to develop love of God."




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Krishna Prasadam- Rice, Yoghurt, Channa Dhal Sabji


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8 Wonders of the Jagannath Temple

8 Wonders of the Jagannath Temple in Puri are as follows–

1.Flag always flaps in opposite direction of air.

2.From any place in Puri you, will always find the Sudarshan Charka (Charka at top of Temple) facing you.

3.Normally during day-time, air comes from sea to land and during evening, the vice-versa occurs. But in Puri it's totally opposite.

4.No bird or planes fly above the Temple.

5.The shadow of the main dome is invisible at any time of the day.

6.The quantity of cooked food inside the Temple remains same for the entire year. But that same quantity of prasadam can feed few thousand people and 20 lac people, Still it won't get wasted.

7.In the Temple kitchen, 7 pots are kept on each other and cooked on firewood. In this process the contents in the top pot get cooked first and then the bottom one.

8.After entering from Singhadwara's first step (from inside of the Temple), you can't hear any sound produced by the ocean. But, when you cross the same step (from outside of the Temple) you can hear it. This can be noticed clearly during evening.



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Krishna Prasadam- Veggie noodles and Avacado milk shake


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Krishna Prasadam - Chapatis, Lima beans Sabji


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