This material body of mine is not free from the influence of the forces of material nature. When will I be able to surpass the modes of material nature and relish Your transcendental qualities and affection in Your service? I have nothing to do with the coverings of my soul. Yet I am foolishly engrossed in the activities of these elements of this material world considering a some combination of elements as me and my relatives and friends and enemies.
I have no power on my own to transcend Your illusory energy. I am responsible for all my decisions to associate with the material modes of nature. But how many lifetimes should I rot in this material world having known the real truth about You? Unless You release me I have no other shelter. The shelter of maya is false and she kicks in all directions.
Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna
King Yudhisthira's answers to the Yaksha:
In the great epic Mahabharata, Maharaja Yudhisthira, the son of Dharmaraja is the embodiment of all good qualities. For this reason, he is often referred to as Ajatasatru, one who has no enemies.
In many conversations Yudhisthira reveals his deep understanding of the Vedic scriptures and their practical applications. One day while living in exile in the forest, Yudhisthira finds that while attempting to drink water from a lake, all his brothers have been killed by a mysterious Yaksha (a celestial entity). When Yudhisthira arrives the Yaksha challenges him to answer all his questions or else face the same consequences as his brothers. These questions-answers are like Vedic sutras, short, pithy and practical and deal with piety and religiosity.
Yaksha:: Who is really a helpful companion?
Yudhisthira: Steady intelligence is a very good friend and can save one from all dangers.
Yaksha: How can one acquire something very great?
Yudhisthira: Everything desirable can be attained by the performance of austerity.
Yaksha: What is amrita (nectar)?
Yudhisthira: Milk is just like nectar.
Yaksha: What is the friend bestowed upon man by the demigods?
Yudhisthira: Wife is such a friend.
Yaksha: What is the best of happiness?
Yudhisthira: True happiness comes as a result of contentment.
Yaksha: Why does one give in charity to brahmanas, artists, servants and kings?
Yudhisthira: For religious merit, prestige, maintenance and protection, respectively.
Yaksha: Why does one forsake friends?
Yudhisthira: Lust and greed drives one to forsake friends.
Yaksha: What is the only food?
Yudhisthira: The cow is the only food, for the milk that she produces is used to make ghee (clarified butter), which is used to perform sacrifices, pleased by which the demigods give rain, which causes the grains to grow. Therefore it should be understood that the cow is the root cause of all kinds of food.
Yaksha: What is the king of knowledge?
Yudhisthira: Knowledge pertaining to the Supreme Personality of Godhead is the king of all kinds of knowledge.
Yaksha: What is ignorance?
Yudhisthira: Not knowing one's constitutional duty.
Yaksha: What is the best bath?
Yudhisthira: That which cleanses the mind of all impurities.
Yaksha: What is real charity?
Yudhisthira: Real charity is protecting one from the onslaughts of material nature.
Yaksha: Since dharma (virtue), artha (profit) and kama (desire) are opposed to each other, how can they co-exist harmoniously?
Yudhisthira: These three become congenial to one another when one has a virtuous wife.
Yaksha: Who is condemned to everlasting hell?
Yudhisthira: When one promise a brahmana charity but upon his arrival refuses to give him charity.
Yaksha: What make one a brahmana, birth, learning or behavior?
Yudhisthira: It is behavior alone that make a person a brahmana. Even if one who is expert in the four Vedas, born of brahmana parents, but whose behavior is not proper should be considered a sudra.
Yaksha: Who is pleasing?
Yudhisthira: A person who speaks in a pleasing manner.
Finally the Yaksha asked Yudhisthira four questions of great significance:
Yaksha: Who is truly happy?
Yudhisthira: One who cooks his own food (is not dependant on anyone), is not a debtor (does not spend more than he can afford), does not have to leave home to make in order to earn his livelihood (does not over endeavor for material things) is truly happy.
Yaksha:What is the most wonderful thing?
Yudhisthira: The most amazing thing is that even though every day one sees countless living entities dying, he still acts and thinks as if he will live forever.
Yaksha: What is the real path to follow in this life?
Yudhisthira: The best path is to follow in the footsteps of the pure devotees, for they are the actual Mahajanas whose hearts are the sitting places of the real truths regarding religion.
Yaksha: What is news? (that is What is real situation in the material world?)
Yudhisthira: The material world is like a frying pan. The Sun is the fire, the day and nights are the fuel. The passing seasons are the stirring ladle and time is cook. All living entities are being thus fried in this pan. This is the real news of what is happening in the material world which is a miserable place full of ignorance.
These questions and answers cover a wide gamut of instructions from being successful to pious to religious. Pleased by the answers of Yudhisthira, the Yaksha who was none other than Dharmaraja (the father of Yudhisthira and the embodiment of religiosity) revives all the brothers of Yudhisthira and offers him many benedictions.
What is the friend bestowed upon man by the demigods?
Our spiritual life is also similar to that where we have to be on guard for every moment to make sure we are acting according to the will of The Lord and for The Lord and His devotees. Any moment the enemies within can start attacking and we should be well equipped with all types of weapons such as maha mantra, faith, enthusiasm and prayers to continue the fight. Krishna will send arms and support if we fight faithfully on His behalf. Even if we die in the battle we will be considered for having fought for His sake.
Sometimes we may loose our hand or legs or even head in the fight. Casualties are common in a battlefield and is expected. So there is glory in any case if we are faithful.
Spiritual warrior
The mind is a prostitute which is always trying to sell ourself for a cheaper price for ulterior material pleasures which doesn't even last for long.
The Treasure of all long lasting pleasure that we all are looking for is within the core of our hearts in experiencing our loving relationship with Krishna. Just like a young man and woman have natural attraction due to sexual impulse, let my attraction to You flow spontaneously, Govinda.
Sell ourself for a cheaper price?
How do I become serious in devotional life?
Jayapataka Swami: It is said if you serve the pure devotee of the Lord, a Vaisnava, then you will become serious in Krsna consciousness. Because a pure devotee is very serious, you will have to become serious serving him. In one case, Prabhupada’s living quarters was being painted. Yamuna Devi Dasi was organizing all the things in Prabhupada’s room and she was expecting to get praise. She was waiting for Prabhupada to praise her. But Prabhupada started looking at the paint. She then thought , ‘Oh, its not going the way I thought.’ Prabhupada was looking somewhere he must find the defect. So he’s looking and looking and finally he tried to open one window. He couldn’t open it because the paint had shut it. “Why the window is not opening?” Then Yamuna Devi Dasi, she broke down into tears. She did not get praise, but instead Prabhupada found one thing wrong in the room that the window is shut. After that she became very serious and realized, never think that we have done anything perfect. We should always think we should do better for the Lord.
How do I become serious in devotional life?
What goes comes around. If you kill, you will be killed. If you insult, you will be insulted. This is nature's laws. No one can escape. Nothing is happening by chance.A boomerang is a very nice example. If you throw it, it will come back to you at the same speed.
If you insult, you will be insulted
Some say that everything Srila Prabhupada spoke as absolute and blindly apply everything to others, may be not for the self. But if we take a step back and see, we can understand that Prabhupada was very cautious about what he was saying to whom.
For instance, one time Srila Prabhupada wrote a letter to a person saying not to eat avacadoes. But during those days it was customary to publicly read the letters of Prabhupada addressed to anyone by everyone. Later this message spread to everyone and they even stopped offering avacadoes to deities. When this came to Prabhupada's attention, he said it was specific to the person he addressed.
So while quoting letters of Prabhupada we should be very cautious. Conversations and lectures are different. It takes a lot of intelligence to really apply the right thing at the right time to the right person.
Caution - Careful in quoting the Letters of Srila Prabhupada
Thank you for everyone that came in my life. I have learnt and still learning many lessons from each of you. In the course of time I am Learning my own tendencies, strengths and weaknesses.
When there is a bad message to a king, usually the messenger is fearful to bring such a message to the king because usually a king will put the messenger who brings bad message to death. It's not the fault of messenger but it's the destiny.
Similarly we may try to punish or develop hostility with the people who are instruments of our karma. But that will not help us in anyway. Patience and Tolerance will help us to see things in proper perspective and forgive them&accept reversals gracefully as mercy of The Lord.
Haridas Thakur was beaten at 21 market places until he was acting dead himself, he tolerated patiently. So what's the point in our sighing for blame or manipulation?
Bad message of a messenger
A doctor who doesn't know the right amount of dosage to the right amount of patient is eventually going to kill the patient than helping him survive.
The duty of a spiritual master diksha/siksha guru is also similar. If there is over dosage or under dosage the patient will die. Therefore it is essential that there is conversations back and forth between the guru and disciple for better understanding. Blind faith and sentimentalism won't work.
Over/under dosage kills a patient
From: "bhakti.vikasa.swami"
Radha-vallabha: He is nineteen years old, the boy that wrote that. And he
made arrangement with another devotee to marry her daughter at a later date.
She's only twelve. So I've told him not to do anything until I spoke to you,
because I don't think this has ever been done in our movement yet, the Vedic
system. So I had a few questions about it. First of all I told them that
they shouldn't associate until the actual time that they get married. That's
true, isn't it?
Prabhupada: No, no, [before] marriage, they do not speak. That is the
disease in your country, that... There is no objection nineteen-years-old
boy and twelve-years girl, it is very good combination, but the culture is
so bad that after few days they will separate.
Radha-vallabha: Yes. That's the actual problem.
Prabhupada: If they stick to have one husband and one wife, it is very good.
Or even the man can marry more than one wife. That is allowed in the Vedic
system. The difficulty is nobody remains as wife, nobody remains husband. It
is very dangerous. That is against Vedic... Otherwise man can have more than
one wife, but woman cannot marry more than one husband. But the system --
the boys and girls intermingle so freely, and in your country there is no
restriction -- naturally it becomes adulterated. That is the danger.
Radha-vallabha: So he wanted to know that...
Prabhupada: Knowing or no knowing, they'll not do it even. So what is the
use of consulting me? They'll break. They'll promise and they'll break. How
you can make them standardized? They will break.
Radha-vallabha: They have to be responsible people.
Prabhupada: They'll never become. That is my experience. So what is the use
of consulting me? They'll never become. Almost impossible. They'll not keep
Radha-vallabha: So then it should just be up to them.
Prabhupada: What is the use of consulting? They'll promise and they'll
Radha-vallabha: Yes, you were telling me in Hawaii about that, that that is
the difficulty. They have no responsibility. All right, I'll tell him that.
Prabhupada: Otherwise there is no objection. I married; my wife was eleven
years old.
Radha-vallabha: You were responsible, though.
Prabhupada: Everyone in India responsible. That is Indian culture still.
Radha-vallabha: When they agree at this young age, they should wait till
they get older, right?
Prabhupada: Yes. Generally a girl attains puberty at fourteen years,
thirteen years. In India, because it is tropical climate... I think in
Western countries they attain puberty not before fifteen, sixteen years. So
although a girl is married before puberty, she is not allowed to go to the
husband until she has attained puberty. Formerly, in our days also, after
attaining puberty there is another, second marriage. Then the husband and
wife live together.
Radha-vallabha: Is there a minimum age for the man?
Prabhupada: Minimum age means generally the husband must be older than the
wife, at least five years' difference.
Radha-vallabha: What is the most amount of years they can be different? What
is the maximum amount of years there can be difference?
Prabhupada: Man has no maximum. Even an eighty-years-old man can marry a
sixteen-years-old girl. [laughter]
Radha-vallabha: Because this one devotee has a daughter twelve, and he
wanted to marry her to a man twenty-six, but he thought that was too much
Prabhupada: Yes. That is too much difference. But eight years, ten years
Radha-vallabha: Eight or ten years is best. So he also wanted to know if...
Prabhupada: That is healthy.
Radha-vallabha: He wanted to know also...
Prabhupada: And in no case... The girl must not be older than the boy.
That's not good at all.
Radha-vallabha: At the time of the agreement, when they are not yet old
enough, they do not associate at all. So not until the actual marriage do
they associate or wear white or anything like that.
Prabhupada: No, even they can be married, but no association.--Ref. VedaBase => Room Conversation -- February 27, 1977, Mayapur
Good advice about marriage, but they will not take it
I love you.......
A Little Girls Potato Experiment Will Change The Way You Think About Food!
Wisdom is not memorizing slokas, wisdom is applying the slokas to your life
Hare Krishna Prabhujis and Matajis,Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada and Srila Gurudeva.When people trouble/irritate us, give us pain, speak with us angrily, our normal natural tendency is to retaliate. The golden words, "No counteraction is the best counteraction", gets evaporated from our hearts and all we want to do is to take the judgement rod in our hands and punish the people who offend us. But if we introspect ourselves, how many times were we peaceful after such retaliation? Did it do any good to us or the people who offend us? The answer is always a "No". It only caused us more pain and suffering, and made others more and more inimical to us. So neither do we progress spiritually or materially, nor do we help other souls to go close to Krishna.Ramayana tells us how Bharatha and Shatrughna were not present in Ayodhya at the time of Rama's exile. So once they returned to Ayodhya, they were shocked to hear about the death of king Dasaratha and Rama's exile to the forest, along with Sita and Lakshman for a period of 14 years. They became all the more furious when they heard that Kaikeyi had caused all this chaos, being instructed by her servant Manthara. After doing the final rites for their father, the sons returned to the palace. On the way they met Manthara and pulling her into the palace, Shatrughna said, "This wicked one shall now reap the fruits of her evil deeds! She has brought acute and unbearable pain to all in this house, as well as to all the citizens of Ayodhya. Watch now as I punish her!"He dragged Manthara violently across the floor and her ornaments broke and scattered. Kaikeyi heard her servant screaming and came quickly to help her. Seeing her, Shatrughna began rebuking her with harsh words. Kaikeyi was pained by Shatrughna's sharp words and ran to Bharata for protection. Bharata moved away from his mother and spoke to the furious Shatrughna. He said "Even when sinful, women should never be slain. You should therefore forgive this maidservant. Indeed, I would have slain My own mother if the eternal moral law did not forbid it—and certainly such an act would never be pleasing to Rama. Our pious brother would never speak with Us again if He heard that We killed this woman."Bharatha was definitely angry with his mother as well as with Manthara. But he was more concerned not to displease Lord Ram by punishing these women. This is a very important lesson for us. We are reminded of conversation between one devotee and our beloved spiritual master H H Mahavishnu Goswami Maharaj. That devotee asked Maharaj, "After your physical absence, if some one misbehaves, how to deal with them?" Maharaj gave a beautiful response. "Whenever you are speaking with that person, just think that I am standing right there next to you." Many a times we wrongly think Guru and Krishna are far far away and that it is our duty to take the judgement rod. As soon as we start thinking like that both Guru and Krishna will become silent spectators of our deeds and we will have to suffer the reactions for the same. On the other hand when we tolerate the miseries, just to please Them, then They will guide us to come out of all entanglements. Maharaj also used to say that the more you tolerate, the more good you do to your offenders.In the above instance we find that Bharatha's statements, made Kaikeyi realize that she had done a grave injustice to Lord Ram. She had always loved Ram and wondered how she decided to send him to exile. She didn't feel like blaming Manthara also as she began to understand that it was all due to will of providence and even Manthara was just a instrument in the hands of destiny. So here we see that by not punishing Kaikeyi, Bharatha was able to help her realize her mistake.So we pray at the lotus feet of Gurudev, Srila Prabhupada and Sri Krishna to help us to always remember Their presence next to us, so that we sanely tolerate the onslaughts of material nature. Only such tolerance can give us real peace of mind.Thank you very muchYours in service of Srila Prabhupada and Srila Gurudeva,Sudarshana devi dasi![]()
[granthraj] Effects of Tolerance
I feel so close to You right now
More sastric backup to "Medicine in candy - restricted sense enjoyment in pious activities"
Posted by dinesh
Jan 10
From: Priyadarshini bvks
yesterday only i came across these words in SB 11th text 25. you also wrote the same in your words without changing the meaning. these are those lines in SB: Vedas promise innumerable material rewards even promotion to heavenly planets, to those who faithfully execute the vedic injunction. Lord Krishna explains such rewards are like the candy offfered to a child, who then faithfully takes his medicine.Material enjoyment is certainly the cause of suffering since all enjoyable objects are subject to destruction along with the so-called enjoyer.Material life is simply painful and full of anxiety, frustration and lamentation. We become agitated by seeing a so-called enjoyable object, such as the naked body of a woman, a beautiful residence, a sumptous tray of food or the expansion of our own prestige, but actually such imagined happiness is simply the intense expectation of a satisfaction that never comes. One remain perpetually frustrated in material existence, and the more one tries to enjoy, the the more one's frustration increases.Therefore, the vedic knowledge which aims at ultimate peace and happiness on the spiritual platform cannot possibly authorize the materialistic way of life. Material rewards are employed by the vedas merely as inducement for the conditioned soul to take the medicine , Submission to the Supreme Lord.But those who are veda vata rata claim that religious scripture are meant to facilitate sense gratification in the ignorance of the conditoned life.Srimad Bhagavatam is our real friend, this i realise now. how the words are slashing us.On Thu, Jan 9, 2014 at 11:35 AM, dinesh <> wrote:
It was during my childhood I torture my mother and father to take the bitter medicines for diseases. For each tablet, I will make my mother wait for half an hour and she will be begging me to swallow the tablets faster.
I usually had the fear if the taste of the tablet is experienced I might feel like vomiting and sometimes it really induced vomit.
My father however had a trick to make me swallow the tablets. He used to hide the tablet inside a banana and give it to me and I would swallow some and others I would feel when chewing them.
Our Supreme Lord Sri Krishna also has similar plans for our disease which is to enjoy the matter. There are samskaras in the form of pious activities which also has restricted sense enjoyment in it. The whole idea and the purpose is to regulate our addiction to bad habits and purify us so that we can experience the love with Him. The purpose is not to increase our material sense pleasure but to gradually make us forget it.
Posted By dinesh to Krishna at 1/09/2014 11:35:00 AM
More sastric backup to "Medicine in candy - restricted sense enjoyment in pious activities"
I usually had the fear if the taste of the tablet is experienced I might feel like vomiting and sometimes it really induced vomit.
My father however had a trick to make me swallow the tablets. He used to hide the tablet inside a banana and give it to me and I would swallow some and others I would feel when chewing them.
Our Supreme Lord Sri Krishna also has similar plans for our disease which is to enjoy the matter. There are samskaras in the form of pious activities which also has restricted sense enjoyment in it. The whole idea and the purpose is to regulate our addiction to bad habits and purify us so that we can experience the love with Him. The purpose is not to increase our material sense pleasure but to gradually make us forget it.
Medicine in candy - restricted sense enjoyment in pious activities
Entrance Into Eternity Part I: Moonrise (trailer)
One time there was a news that the Himalayan mountain is going to give birth to children and there was a huge crowd to see when the child mountains are going to come. Finally, they noticed rats coming out from the mountain after such a long awaited time. Similarly the big universities of the world are creating only rat like people and not those that can help the society. The defect of modern education is it's failure to see the hand of God in everything and is producing millions of rats and Godless civilization with no aim in life.
Excerpt from Srila Prabhupada
Flash news : Universities making millions of rats
tad açma-säraà hådayaà batedaà
yad gåhyamäëair hari-näma-dheyaiù
na vikriyetätha yadä vikäro
netre jalaà gätra-ruheñu harñaù
Certainly that heart is steel-framed which, in spite of one's chanting the holy name of the Lord with concentration, does not change when ecstasy takes place, tears fill the eyes and the hairs stand on end.
That heart is steel-framed....
There are six principles favorable to the execution of pure devotional service: (1) being enthusiastic, (2) endeavoring with confidence, (3) being patient, (4) acting according to regulative principles [such as śravaṇaṁ kīrtanaṁ viṣṇoḥ smaraṇam – hearing, chanting and remembering Kṛṣṇa], (5) abandoning the association of nondevotees, and (6) following in the footsteps of the previous ācāryas. These six principles undoubtedly assure the complete success of pure devotional service.
What are you waiting for?
Very Inspiring Dont miss it-Wishes on Bhagavad Gita Jayanti from US congress woman, Tulsi
Posted by dinesh
Jan 04
> She speaks from her heart unlike any other politicians who are doing lip service.
> Yours
> Dinesh
Very Inspiring Dont miss it-Wishes on Bhagavad Gita Jayanti from US congress woman, Tulsi
'Ah, Nala,' Indra says, 'I am so pleased with your offering. I am so glad that you are so inclined to serve me. Could you do one thing for me?'
'Yes, yes! Whatever you desire!'
'Nala could you please go to Damayanti and tell her that I am desiring her to be my wife.'
And Nala said, 'But I myself am on the way to the svayamvara to meet Damayanti and to ask her for her hand.'
Indra said, 'you gave your word that you would do whatever I wanted. Then, are you going to break your word?'
So Nala went and Nala met Damayanti before the svayamvara and came as a messenger of Indra. And Damayanti looked at him and Damayanti was immediately attracted to him! And she looked at him and thought, 'foolish boy, what is wrong with you? Don't you see that you are meant for me?' and she said, 'no, you can tell Indra that I will not accept anyone else as my husband but Nala.' So Nala on the way back was again stopped by Indra, 'so, what did she say?' and Nala was totally honestly telling everything that happened. So Indra understood that it came from Damayanti and not from Nala. Then on the day of the svayamvara, not only Indra came but also Agni came and also Vayu came and they all were attracted to Damayanti and they all wanted Damayanti and therefore on the svayamvara, they all took the form of Nala and they all looked like Nala! So there were 4 Nala's! And Damayanti didn't which one of them was Nala and she stood there with the garland not knowing which one to garland! So then she prayed to the Supreme Lord, 'I pray that upon the strength of my chastity, that you may protect my chastity and that I may not garland the wrong man. So please guide me that I will garland the right one.' So she garlanded and in this way it was Nala. And all the other Nala's took their original, demigod forms. And they joined in the whole thing, they could see it was the will of the Lord and it was divine and they took in the mood of good spoors.
So Indra returned to the heavenly planets and everything was fine. Then, then Kali came and said, 'how can you tolerate? This is an insult to the celestials that an ordinary mortal, that just a mere human being dared to enter into competition with the devas. Totally disrespectful! Nala should have withdrawn! Damayanti all right; she's a woman, she might have had her emotions, but Nala should have observed the etiquette! And for breaking the etiquette, he must be taught a lesson! You please allow me, allow me to teach him a lesson…' Indra said, 'all right, tatastu, so be it!'
Then from that day on, Kali followed Nala around. Although it was not Kali Yuga yet, he had a license and he followed Nala around and when Nala was once neglectful in after using the bath, not washing his feet, Kali entered and Kali entered his consciousness and Kali was in the consciousness of Nala! And then Nala was also going through some pastime like Yudhisthira Maharaja- gambling match where he lost everything. And all along Nala thought that he was acting on his own accord and he was totally poor and he had nothing left. He had to leave his kingdom and went to the forest and Damayanti came and they were in the forest. And then Nala thought that, 'I can't offer Damayanti anything, I can't protect her, I'm useless…' and he just left Damayanti and he thought that that was a good decision and his own decision. But it is described in the Mahabharata that it was not his decision; that was the influence by Kali. And in this way, Kali possessed him and he made all kinds of ridiculous decisions but each time he thought that he was acting upon his own intelligence and this is how Kali works.
And thus, in this age, Kali is possessing everyone! It's not just that we are surrounded by the age of Kali and 'it is so bad, it is so bad, it is so bad, what are we going to do?' We are possessed by Kali and a further proof of that is found in Yudhisthira seeing the symptoms of the age of Kali and he saw sons were unobedient to their fathers, husbands and wives were fighting…so the mentality had changed. Kali had entered into their consciousness. So this is what is going on; we are possessed by Kali and all along we thought that it was us. And so many things we are doing being possessed by Kali. But by chanting the 16 syllables of the holy name the influence of Kali can be destroyed.
Therefore Kali in this way is acting like an agent of maya. Maya is ultimately controlling the totality of the material energy and is more powerful than Kali also. Kali is also subjugated to maya. He is not beyond. So in that way Kali is secondary to maya.
That's we say and do things and we say, 'it's me! It's really me! I have to do this, I feel compelled to do it because it's me!' It's not you, it's not us…No. Yes Aatish?
Is it from me or Kali?
Check out “KALI-YUGA: The Age of Quarrel (The End)” by Bhaktivedanta Vedic Research on Vimeo
Posted by dinesh
Jan 04
Check out "KALI-YUGA: The Age of Quarrel (The End)" by Bhaktivedanta Vedic Research on Vimeo.
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Check out “KALI-YUGA: The Age of Quarrel (The End)” by Bhaktivedanta Vedic Research on Vimeo
Song Name: Radha Damodara Prestha
Official Name: Volume 2 Ananda Candrikakhyam Radha Dasa Nama Stotram
Author: Rupa Goswami
Book Name: Stavamala
Language: Sanskrit
rādhā dāmodara-preṣṭhā
rādhikā vārṣabhānavī
gāndharvā lalitā-sakhī
imāḿ vṛndāvaneśvaryā
ānanda-candrikāḿ nāma
yo rahasyaḿ stutiḿ paṭhet
sa kleśa-rahito bhūtvā
tvaritaḿ karuṇā-pātraḿ
rādhā-mādhavayor bhavet
1) 1. Radha, 2. She who is dear to Lord Damodara, 3. His greatest worshiper, 4. the daughter of KingVrsabhanu, 5. She who is the crowning garland of mallika flowers on the decorated braided hair of all the gopis,
2) 6. the first of Krsna's beloveds, 7. an expert singer and musician, 8. Lalita's friend, 9. She who is delighted with the friendship of Visakha, 10. the flower blossom that attracts the black bee of LordHari's heart.
3-4) He who reads this confidential prayer, which bears the title Ananda-candrika (The Moonlight of Bliss), and which is beautiful with ten names of the queen of Vrndavana, becomes free of all troubles and decorated with great good fortune. He quickly becomes the object of Sri Sri Radha'-Madhava's mercy.
the flower blossom that attracts the black bee of LordHari's heart
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January 2014
- My inability and Your mercy
- What is the friend bestowed upon man by the demigods?
- Spiritual warrior
- Sell ourself for a cheaper price?
- How do I become serious in devotional life?
- Life is on the wheels of the thoughts of mind
- If you insult, you will be insulted
- Caution - Careful in quoting the Letters of Srila ...
- Bad message of a messenger
- Over/under dosage kills a patient
- Good advice about marriage, but they will not take it
- I love you.......
- A Little Girls Potato Experiment Will Change The W...
- Wisdom is not memorizing slokas, wisdom is applyin...
- [granthraj] Effects of Tolerance
- I feel so close to You right now
- More sastric backup to "Medicine in candy - restri...
- Medicine in candy - restricted sense enjoyment in ...
- Entrance Into Eternity Part I: Moonrise (trailer)
- Flash news : Universities making millions of rats
- The most powerful armor
- That heart is steel-framed....
- What are you waiting for?
- Very Inspiring Dont miss it-Wishes on Bhagavad Git...
- Is it from me or Kali?
- Check out “KALI-YUGA: The Age of Quarrel (The End)...
- the flower blossom that attracts the black bee of ...
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