Happiness is a state of heart. If you have a peaceful mind ... even if your body is causing you some pain - you deal with it, but you are happy because you have a peaceful mind. But if you don't have a peaceful mind, even if your body is perfect, you are miserable.

So the subtler the happiness, the more powerful it is in affecting our state of consciousness. And the subtle-most form of happiness - which is the essence of happiness - is to connect to the eternal PEACE, the eternal LOVE, the eternal BLISS of the soul. ....

We are all looking for pleasure, we are all looking for happiness, but the only real happiness that can satisfy the heart is within ourselves. And what is that happiness? If we understand theoretically, and gradually through spiritual practice, we get experience, realisation, revelation, that WE ARE ETERNAL, then all the different transformations and changes that happen on the surface of life - we deal with it, but it's not really all that important. It can't faze us. ...

... this ecstatic love - for Krishna, for the All-Attractive Lord - is within the heart of every living being - it's our nature. ... When we have this understanding, then the stress that comes upon us helps us to go deeper instead of being frustrated by what's happening externally. - HHRNS

Added by Nirmala Bhakti dd on September 24, 2010


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