
Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna

Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna
Gopis performing Devotional Service to the Lordships Sri Sri Radha Krishna

We have natural attraction for Krishna!

Krishna consciousness is not a thing to be taught. It's already there within us. All we need to do is to revive it by associating with the devotees of Krishna.
Just as a young man and woman has natural attraction for each other,the soul has natural attraction for Krishna. One instance to understand is when Lord Caitanya went through the forest of jharkhand, he called the wild animals to chant and dance. Tiger and deer embraced out of Love and danced with Lord Caitanya. This shows when our Love for Krishna is revived,we naturally feel Love for all other living beings regardless of the external coverings of the soul.

By becoming a Vedic scholar,Krishna cannot be attained.It's by the mercy that flows from Krishna through His devotees, spiritual master it becomes possible to re-establish the lost Love for Krishna.

This revival of Krishna consciousness or the dormant Love for Krishna only can put off the blazing fire of lust which is burning in the hearts of the conditioned souls.

It's not the number of verses a person can quote from the vedas,it's the mercy the devotee carries within his heart to the other conditioned beings which revives the lost Love for Krishna. Of course the vedic literature can also be used by the devotees to establish the principles that invoke devotional service to the Lord.

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I know now Your divine feet are a refuge free from all sorrow and fear, eternally full of sweet nectar.

Song Name: Ekhona Bujhinu
Author: Bhaktivinoda Thakura
Book Name: Saranagati
(Section: Avasya Raksibe Krsna Visvasa Palana Song 1)


ekhona bujhinu prabhu! tomāra caraṇa
aśokābhoyāmṛta-pūrna sarva-khana


sakala chāḍiyā tuwā caraṇa-kamale
poḍiyāchi āmi nātha! tava pada-tale


tava pāda-padma nāth! rokhibe āmāre
ār rakhā-kartā nāhi e bhava-saṁsāre


āmi tava nitya-dāsa-jāninu e-bāra
āmāra pālana-bhāra ekhona tomāra


baḍo duḥkha pāiyāchi swatantra jīvane
duḥkha dūre gelo o pada-varaṇe


je-pada lāgiyā ramā tapasya korilā
je-pada pāiyā śiva śivatwa lobhilā


je-pada labhiyā brahmā kṛtārtha hoilā
je-pada nārada muni hṛdoye dhorilā


sei se abhoya pada śirete dhoriyā
parama-ānande nāci pada-guna gāiyā


saṁsāra-vipada ho'te avaśya uddhār
bhakativinoda, o-pada koribe tomār


 I know now Your divine feet are a refuge free from all sorrow and fear, eternally full of sweet nectar.

 At the soles of those lotus feet I surrender myself and all I possess.

 O Lord, there is no other protection but You in this world of birth and death.

 At last I know myself to be Your eternal servant, whose maintenance You have assured.

 Life before, without You, held nothing but sorrow. Now I live free from all misery

 Laksmi, desiring such a place at Your lotus feet, executed austerities. Only after securing a place by Your lotus feet did Lord Siva attain his sivatva, or quality of auspiciousness.

 Upon obtaining those feet Lord Brahma became successful in life, and the great sage Narada Muni held those two feet to his heart.

 Your lotus feet drive away all fear. Having held them to my head, I dance in great ecstasy, singing their glories.

 Your lotus feet will deliver Bhaktivinoda from the perils of worldly journey.

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We all are orphans without Radha-Krishna

Actually in one sense we all are orphans because our real mother is Srimati Radharani and our eternal father is Lord Shri Krishna and our real home is Vaikuntha, Goloka Vrindavan, but here we are in this strange place called the material world we are far far away from our mother and father, in the sense that we are repeatedly unconscious of them. The eternal soul which is full of knowledge and bliss has to grow old, get disease then die to do identification of this body. We are like orphans and the goal of life is to be reunited with our mother and father Radha and Krishna, Sita and Rama and how to do so? The lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu has taught us, the Srimad Bhagvatam has taught us simply by chanting, dancing, in the association of the devotees of the lord is simple and sublime, but because of our complicated minds, our tendency is to look for something more difficult because if it's so easy, it must not work. This is the illusion of Maya in action. Lord Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu has come to causelessly give love of God to everyone and anyone, simply accept. It is the precious gift.





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Nrsimha Nectar 01: Glorious Prahalad!

GuruVakya • Divine Quotations by HH Jayapataka Swami
Nrsimhadeva Nectar 01

In the Padma Purana, it mentions that Prahalad, Hiranyakashipu, Nrsingadev, they appear many times. It's not only this one time. At least 3 different…2 different incarnations in other days of Brahma are described in the Padma Purana.

One of those times he (Hiranyakashipu) worshiped Shiva and got the blessing. Another time he worshiped Brahma again. When he was worshiping Shiva and he wanted Prahalad to admit that he was supreme, then he said that, "Well, ok if you don't want to admit I'm supreme at least admit that Shiva is supreme..hes above Vishnu." Prahalad didn't accept that either.

Prahalad was very fixed up Vaisnava. He knew very clearly who the Supreme was. He got prenatal instruction. In the womb of his mother Kayadu he was instructed by Narada muni.

Narada is very merciful. So he saved Prahalad from the Devas and took her to his ashram, when she was carrying Prahalad, and then instructed her. So later she forgot a lot of the things but Prahalad remembered everything. So before he was born, he was already trained up.

The teachers of Prahalad were amazed where did he get all this information from? And they weren't teaching all this Visnu-tattva. So they were surprised!

HH Jayapataka Swami
Nrsimha Caturdasi, 2008
Sridham Mayapur

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Blazing NrSimhadev

Blazing NrSimhadev

In district Sangli in southwestern Maharashtra l i e s   a   l i t t l e   k n o w n   v i l l a g e   b y   t h e   n a m e   o f Nrsimhapur, and an even lesser known form of Lord Nrsimhadeva. Known to the locals as "Jwala [flaming] Nrsimha", this impressive sixteenhanded form of the Lord standing on one foot has been the protector and benefactor of his reverential devotees for thousands of years.
The local tradition related to this deity has been compiled in a book known as Kåñëa-mähätmya. A verse reads as follows:

 yadä punas-tadä bhaktyä tapaù kartuà paräçaraù
 närasiàhaà tadä dhyäyan kåñëä-tére muneçvaraù

The foremost amongst the sages, Parashar, performed austerities on the bank of the river Krishna with a heart 
full of devotion, meditating on Lord Nrsimhadev.According to the local tradition, Lord Nrsimhadev was pleased with the devotion of Parashar Muni and hence appeared in a wonderful sixteen-handed form. This was the same blazing form that the Lord 
had assumed while killing Hiranyakashipu.Seeing that it was not possible for anyone to establish this ferociously blazing form on earth, the Lord ordered Parashar Muni to immerse him in the river Krishna. With a heavy heart, the sage immersed the deity in the water. 
Centuries later, around the year 178 A.D., a brahmin couple staying at a village named Anjana had been 
cursed to become blind and dumb by a sage. 

On begging forgiveness, they were advised by the sage to perform austerities for the pleasure of Lord Nrsimha to absolve themselves of the curse. After twelve years of rigorous austerities, the Lord appeared in their dreams and told them that he now wished to establish himself on earth as a deity and asked them to approach the local king named Bhimadev to get him out of the river. When asked 
how they would find the exact location where he was under the water, the Lord told them to place some dry  kuça grass in the stream and that they would find him exactly under the place where the grass caught fire. After that darçana of the Lord, the 
couple immediately regained their sight and speech and set off to inform the king.On hearing the request of the couple, the king sent 
his entourage to discover the deity. While searching in the river according to the procedure specified by 
the Lord, one of the blades of grass caught fire and the wonderful sixteen-handed form of the Lord was discovered from the depths of the river.On examining the deity, the devotees could see that the Lord was positioned with his left leg raised and bent in order to place the demon Hiranyakashipu upon it, and also to hold the left arm of the demon to prevent him from escaping. His other foot was placed firmly on the doorstep of Hiranyakashipu. On the left side of the Lord were small deities of Lakshmi-devi and Prahlad Maharaja. On the right 
side were deities of Bhudevi (the earth goddess) and Garuda. All around the form of Lord Nrsimha were wonderful carvings of the famous daçävatäras, ten incarnations of Lord Krishna. Most of these carvings can be seen even today. Unfortunately, the carving of 
Garuda has been lost and two hands of the Lord have been separated due to rough handling. These two 
hands have been preserved at a pujäri's home nearby.Jwala Nrsimha has been worshipped since then with 
great pomp and reverence, and was visited by many prominent saints of Maharashtra. The current temple 
structure was built under the guidance of Hemadri Pant, the disciple of the great vaiñëava scholar Vopadev and 
commentator on Vopadev's magnum opus entitled Muktä-phalam. Hemadri Pant was an expert diplomat, 
administrator, poet, theologian, and scholar.Mentioned by Srila Jiva Goswami in  TattvaSandarbha as a historical authority, Hemadri 
Pant held the position of minister in the court of King Ramachandra Dev of the Yadava dynasty of 
Maharashtra. It was under the guidance of Hemadri Pant that the temple was constructed by the king 
in 1273 A.D. The architecture of the temple is of a unique style named after Hemadri Pant, which 
relies on usage of locally available raw material.The temple has two main doors — one on the 
northern side and another on the eastern side. Visitors generally enter through the eastern door. 
The deity is located 14 feet under the ground, and in order to reach there one has to climb down steep 
staircases and pass through narrow tunnels many of which are under several inches of flowing water 
from the nearby Krishna river. The temple complex contains a painting and samädhé of a siddhamahätma named Sri Siddheshwar Maharaja. 

The devotees meditate on the wonderful sixteen arms of Jwala Nrsimha as follows:

dhyeyo yadä mahat-karma tadä ñoòaça-hasta-vän
nåsiàhaù sarva-lokeçaù sarväbharaëa-bhüñitaù
dvau-vidäraëa karmähau dvau cätroddharaëa-kñamau
cakra-çaìkha-dharäv anyäv anyau bäëa-dhanur-dharau

khaòga-kheöa-dharäv anyau dvau gadä-padma-dhäriëau
päçäìkuça-dharäv anyau dvau ripor-mukuöärpitau
iti ñodaçador-daëòa-maëòitaà nåharià vibhum
dhyäyed-ambuja-néläbhaà ugra-karmany-ananyadhiù

Amongst all types of meditations on the great activities of the Lord, let there be meditation on the 
sixteen-handed Lord Nrsimha, the Lord of all the worlds, decorated with all ornaments. Two of his 
arms are engaged in tearing apart the demon Hiranyakashipu, while two others prevent the demon 
from resisting. Two others carry the disc and the conch, while two others carry a bow and arrows. 
Two others carry a sword and a shield, while two others carry a club and a lotus. Two other hands 
carry a rope and a chastisement rod, while two others are placed on the crown of the demon. In 
this way, the sixteen hands of the almighty Lord Nrsimhadev are decorated. One should meditate 
upon this dark-hued lotus like form of the Lord, who is the performer of ferocious activities and the 
master of infinite universes. 

Originally published in # KK Bindu


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