
Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna

Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna
Gopis performing Devotional Service to the Lordships Sri Sri Radha Krishna

Chastity, the crest jewel of women. Women intiating gurus, an overview!

Chastity is a jewel adding more beauty to a woman. It has been Vedic civilization even 50yrs ago in India to not send woman to office jobs where they have to work in the midst of men. It's not that they cannot understand technology or office work but to protect them from being exploited by the unscrupulous men in the society. Chastity is a very powerful tool for women but unfortunately they are not taught or trained so well in that respect. Women are compared to sudras but by her chastity, a great south indian woman, Kannagi has burnt the whole city of Madurai in south India. By definition woman are considered sudras but by her chastity she became even more powerful than the Kshatriya King who ruled over the city of Madurai.

Kannagi has remained faithful to her husband at all times even though the husband had affairs with another woman Madhavi. Kovalan, her husband was put to death by an injustice from the King of Madurai. Knowing this kannagi rushed to the spot in the assembly and then cursed the King saying the entire kingdom will be burnt to ashes and so did it happen. The whole of madurai was burnt by her chastity.

In order for men and women to understand themselves better in society while working together at a later point in life in profession,the demoniac class of people have brought co-education which is part of the western educational system. This is another topic in itself which can be talked about for hrs.

Recently I got a message in facebook from a woman asking me to support having female initiating gurus within ISKCON. I thought to bring a few points to have a balanced view in this regard.

First of all this is more of identification of the self with feminine gender and this is all about bringing equal rights in every sphere of life for woman. I am not taking sides of feminism nor going to go against this just because I am having the body 
of a man.

This thought that souls who are in the body of woman are subordinates to souls who are in the body of man in a gross sense has lead to this kind of misconception.

Here there's a warning to those who are considering the souls of acharyas or gurus in the body of men as ordinary men restricted to the body of men.Many many acharyas in the line of disciplic succession like Srila Prabhupada,Bhakti Vinod Thakura, Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati,Rupa Goswami, Sanatana Goswami have
have accepted the form of a human man because of quite a lot of reasons. Even though their Swaroopa in the spiritual world is feminine there's a huge difference from our conditional form of human body of woman and that sac-cid-ananda form of manjaris and Gopis. Not by just wearing a Gopi dress can a woman become a Gopi. The point is we are still suffering from the modes of nature or the forces of nature on our senses,mind,body. We need to understand this first. Bhakti vinoda Thakura sings in a song that this body of mine is not freed from the forces of material nature. Why did they not take a female form when they descended? Think for yourself! It's true we had Jahnava mata but how many such exalted beings we have?

If women are competent and qualified enough who's preventing them from achieving the position of initiating gurus. There are exceptional women qualified for this position but not everyone would be happy to be so,because their roles in the society are different. It's their very nature to take care of children and bring good future to the world by their qualified children. Again I dont know who has this much time to get new new problems into the society to break the heads of GBC. I am quite unsure if they have time to perform their sadhana first.

Srila Prabhupad said that a man can go anywhere around the world and come back without losing himself but a woman cannot go anywhere at anytime around the world and come back safely without losing her chastity.

I am not trying to establish that those in the body of men are highly qualified but just that those in the body of men are lucky enough to get the best out of it without being exploited much. Even physically if man and woman are allowed to fight who will win? Men are meant to protect women and not exploit them like what's happening now. In the name of equal rights some demons want to exploit women. Foolish are those women who could not believe the words of acharyas and scriptures but these demons.

Most people say it was applicable only during those olden days of acharyas,but now woman can be independent. Bhagavad Gita is also old. Krishna spoke the same Bhagavad Gita to Sun God Vivasvan. It's millions of years old but still applicable to all at all times. Krishna did not say I spoke version 1.1 of Bhagavad Gita to Sun God and now it's 1.2 for Arjuna.  No need to rewrite the words of Vyasa deva. It's already complete and perfect.No need of new versions for a perfect software, so are the scriptures.

Krishna and His brother Balaram did not go to study from Santi Pani muni's wife but from him. In the Vedic culture,the boys of Gurukul are not allowed to even come in contact with the wife of Guru if she's young.

So when devotee women become old may be they can take up this role but I am immature to comment further on this without being a big scholar and leave this to GBC.

So dear devotee ladies, dont get befooled by these innovative ways of thinking beyond the scriptures and sadhus to create your own disaster!



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Foolish cannot understand how a living entity can quit his body - Part [BG.15.11]

Bhagavad-gita As It Is | Part [BG.15.11] 
TEXT 10:
utkramantam sthitam vapi
bhunjanam va gunanvitam
vimudha nanupasyanti
pasyanti jnana-cakshushah
The foolish cannot understand how a living entity can quit his body, nor can
they understand what sort of body he enjoys under the spell of the modes of
nature. But one whose eyes are trained in knowledge can see all this.
The word jnana-cakshushah is very significant. Without knowledge, one cannot
understand how a living entity leaves his present body, nor what form of
body he is going to take in the next life, nor even why he is living in a
particular type of body. This requires a great amount of knowledge
understood from Bhagavad-gita and similar literatures heard from a bona fide
spiritual master. One who is trained to perceive all these things is
fortunate. Every living entity is quitting his body under certain
circumstances, he is living under certain circumstances, and he is enjoying
under certain circumstances under the spell of material nature. As a result,
he is suffering different kinds of happiness and distress, under the
illusion of sense enjoyment. Persons who are everlastingly fooled by lust
and desire lose all power to understand their change of body and their stay
in a particular body. They cannot comprehend it. Those who have developed
spiritual knowledge, however, can see that the spirit is different from the
body and is changing its body and enjoying in different ways. A person in
such knowledge can understand how the conditioned living entity is suffering
in this material existence. Therefore those who are highly developed in
Krishna consciousness try their best to give this knowledge to the people in
general, for their conditional life is very much troublesome. They should
come out of it and be Krishna conscious and liberate themselves to transfer
to the spiritual world. 
Translation and commentary by His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami


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Make before break or break before make,otherwise you'll break yourself!

This concept is actually the way a mobile phone works across the designated cells(towers). Thats why a mobile is also called a cell-phone.
Alright,I'll not break you with technology but someone who knows this concept would really relish it.
Here I am linking this concept with the relationships especially the marital relationships. Astrology is a branch of Vedic Science handed down by God Himself to know what we were in the past and what are our inclinations in the future or what our tendencies are. This really comes to use when we want to get together with a spouse in marriage or to find a suitable person matching the modes of nature we acquired.

It has been Vedic tradition to find a horoscope match of birth charts to see if the partner from a good family is suitable for marriage. Until the charts match&both the families agree upon,the girl and the boy would never even be allowed to see or talk. The birth chart gives an idea of the natural tendencies of the couple. we are aware only of our own mind&body but not of others,therefore astrology is a tool or gift of God to know ourselves and others for better relationships.

It worked all the time so well and there were lasting relationships through out the world when Vedic civilization was prominent. If the horoscope didnt match it's a break before make&no one was hurt in the process. While if it matches, it's a make before break(the connection between the partners is ensured to be strong enough well before marriage to avoid a break)

But today it has become a fashion to date with countless number of people to find a suitable spouse by mere talk& or a dinner. The attraction between man and woman is so Strong that they become highly emotional or kind of flirting or mostly suffering with infatuation. When this is the case, they cannot even think about the priorities or their values of life. Meeting merely sensual demands will not create lasting relationships but more frustration resulting from the expectation of heavenly pleasures. The result of action in the mode of passion is always miserable for the ones involved in it just like a nectar turning to poison. In the western countries,before a woman would approach getting married she would've already lost her virginity and aborted atleast 10 to 20 times. It's considered normal there. Animals dont know what's good and what's bad. If we act like animals we'll become animals for sure by the arrangement of material nature which is controlled at the will of the Supreme Lord.

This idea of Love marriage is like a monkey marriage where a man and woman simply meets,talks and then gets married. In kali yuga,the present age in which we live,we'll find that people are valued based on their ability to enjoy the senses. The more one can do sense enjoyment the more one is considered advanced. If you talk sense,you'll be considered uncultured or uncivilized. Advanced Human Civilization means more sense enjoyment according to the modern world.
Going forward in this yuga,this marriage will only be based on skin.

The very word "Divorce" is part of this mileccha basha(english language). There's no such thing in Vedic civilization. There's no equivalent word for divorce in any of the indian languages.
For instance-in tamil language this word was coined as VivahaRatthu from two separate words. "Vivaha"-meaning marriage and "Ratthu"-meaning cancel.

This is getting very prominent even now in india due to the influence of the western unculturedness or uncivilizedness.

A God-centered life would never break relationships. It's because they have no higher values of life or they seldom see marriage as a means for building community projects for the welfare of the world. 99% of the people dont know really what's marriage all about or they think that it's for a different reason than it actually is.

Remember that the rule is simple in a Vedic Marriage-"Make before break or break before make,but dont break yourself in the process"

Courtesy# Sri Radha Govinda Dasi for her valued contribution in her book "How to mess up your life with astrology"-(online book link can be found at the right side of my blog)

Sent using a Sony Ericsson mobile phone

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HH Jaypataka Swami on Gaura Purnima, 2012

Live From Sri Mayapur Candrodaya Mandir!
Date: March 8th , 2012
Topic: Gaura Purnima
Speaker: HH Jayapataka Swami
Paramananda madhavam sri caitanya isvaram. The situation in Navadvip and the
whole of India that time was that people were religious but they were not
spiritual. They were religious just to show on the outside but actually they
did not know the purpose of religion. People spent a lot to marry off their
daughter, to put on a big show to show that they were very religious. One
such wealthy had no more daughters to marry off then he married a female cat
or a female dog or some demigod. So this was not even in scripture. Marriage
is for human beings. Like that they were doing all sorts of bogus religious
activities just to show off.

The Vaisnavas were seeing how the people were wasting their valuable human
life and nobody was taking up the process of bhagavat-dharma. At that time
Sitanath Advaita Gosai was feeling very concerned about how to deliver the
fallen souls. So He decided to do a special fast and yajna to bring the Lord
down. Since He was an avatara of Maha Visnu therefore His name was Advaita.
So He is non-different from Krishna. So He said, "Since I am non-different I
will bring Him down. He must come also."

So He began fasting and He was worshipping His saligram sila. By the way
they say that saligrama is still in Santipura if you want to see. So He
worshipped the saligram with Ganges water and Tulasi leaves and manjaris and
loud crying - Govinda, Govinda, Hare Krishna - to bring the Lord down. His
loud cries went all over the universe. His worship, his fasting! So this
also reached Lord Caitanya and He agreed to come down.

At the same time or a similar time Jagannath Misra and Saci-mata had eight
daughters but mysteriously each daughter died after childbirth. Jagannath
Misra was very frustrated so he did a Visnu yajna for a son. Thus he was
blessed with a son whom he named Visvarupa. Visvarupa was an expansion of
Lord Baladeva. So he was Sankarsana. He was very powerful. He had prepared
the womb to receive Lord Caitanya.

Then Jagannath Misra had a dream where he saw a radiant light come on his
head to his heart and cross over to the heart of Saci-mata and go into her
womb. So he told her about his dream. He thought, "A great soul will be born
to us." And then she became pregnant. Everybody changed. They started
treating Jagannath Misra with so much respect and they gave him donations.
He was a poor brahmana and so doing his duties he barely made ends meet. But
now he was getting things were made of gold and silver. He was amazed at
what happened. "It was like the goddess of fortune was living in my house."

Meanwhile the devas knew the Supreme Lord was going to make His appearance
and so they came and offered their prayers to Lord Caitanya in the womb of
Mother Saci. They prayed that, "You are going to give out love of Krishna
freely to all the conditioned souls. So we are Your devotees in the heavenly
planets, the devas and we need Your mercy more. We don't have material
problems because in heavenly planets there is a very comfortable lifestyle
but we have two problems. One problem is that sometimes the daityas, the
asuras attack us and we have to fight against them risking our lives.
Secondly we are so comfortable that we forget to worship You. Therefore we
live in a kind of sense gratification and as a result we don't get love of
Krishna. So we need Your mercy more. We need Your mercy so that we can get
love of Krishna. So please have mercy on us."

Normally the devas would be invisible but somehow Saci-mata saw their
shadows. By the will of the Lord they cast some shadows so she thought a
spirit has come so she started to chant Nrsimha mantras -

namas te narasimhaya prahladahlada-dayine
hiranyakasipor vaksah-sila-tanka-nakhalaye [Sri Nrsimha Pranama]

So the devas thought, "How can she see us? How does she know we are here?
This is all because of the Lord." So they had to suddenly leave. So they
thought so many things are happening. The thirteenth month of her pregnancy
had come up so Saci-mata went to see her father who was Nilambara Cakravati.
He was a famous astrologer. So they asked him when the child would be born.
He said that He will be born this month at an auspicious time. So He was
born on a full moon day. That day was a lunar eclipse. Since He is like a
moon and is unblemished why would He need in the material moon which is full
of marks?

So the moon was covered by Rahu and because of the lunar eclipse at that
time all the Hindus went into the water of the Ganges and they thought it
was pure to chant. Otherwise they wouldn't chant the holy names aloud. But
in the water they chanted - Govinda, Govinda. Haribol. Haribol, Haribol.
Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare/ Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama
Rama, Hare Hare. So Srivas was hearing the loud chanting of the holy names
and he said to his sons, "Why do they say this is an inauspicious day?
Listen how everyone is chanting loudly the holy names. This is very
auspicious." The Muslims heard the Hindus chanting and they were making fun,
mocking the sinful Hindus - Haribol, Hare Rama hahahaha, Hare Krishna,
hahahaha. So somehow or the other everybody was chanting Haribol, Haribol,
Haribol Hare Krishna.

At that auspicious time Lord Caitanya appeared at the sunset and moonrise.
Then even though they did not know why all the devotees began to dance. They
felt so happy. Haridasa Thakura, Advaita Gosai, Srivas and everybody were
dancing [Sings] Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare/ Hare Rama,
Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare. At that time as was customary Saci-mata was
outside the house in a little cottage built under the neem tree. So Lord
Caitanya was born under a neem tree. Therefore He got the nickname Nimai. A
neem tree was considered very auspicious because it would keep away all the
evil spirits, ghosts etc.

At that time the village ladies came to visit to see the newborn baby. He
was golden in color. Taking the opportunity the heavenly devas descended
from the heavenly planets and went along with the local residents to see the
baby whom they knew to be an avatara of Lord Krishna. Mother Saci saw these
beautiful ladies and wondered where they were all coming from. She did not
know that some were devas and some were from other planets. At that time it
was all the auspicious - simha, lagna, rasi - all the auspicious stars and
astrological influences were there. All the planets lined up just to please
the Lord.

On this day actually when the Ganges was brought down by Bhagirath had faced
a lot of different problems. One problem was with Jahnu Muni. Jahnu Muni
drank the Ganges. That problem was solved and Jahnu Muni re manifested the
Ganges but the Ganges stopped outside the birthplace of Lord Caitanya and
Bhaghirath was crying, "Why you are stopping?" And she said, "It will soon
be Gaura-purnima and I want to be here on that day so that I can get the
special blessings then I will go with you down to Sindh."

So today is also called the Ganganagar(?) day. The day of Lord Hanuman
spreading love of Krishna along the Ganges. On this day many devotees like
to take their bath. If you go in the morning you will get covered with
colors. If you go in the afternoon it should be okay. But you must go in a
group. If you are swimming please be very careful. Just dip and out or take
some water.

In any case this is a very auspicious day. Lord Krishna although He appeared
came in Kali-yuga as a devotee. He did not broadcast that he was the Lord. A
few times to some individuals, to Advaita Gosai He showed who He was.
Otherwise he would not allow anyone to break the protocol that He was a
devotee because that was His lila. As a result many people don't understand
how Lord Caitanya is actually an avatara. But if you see in the various
scriptures He was predicted - that the Lord would come in Navadvip, He will
be the son of Saci who will live for 24 years as a grhasta and 24 years as a
sannyasi. All these things are predicted. So He matches up. He also did
activities which no ordinary person could do. Also His symptoms matched with
the prediction. So these are the three things how to confirm an avatara.

In two hundred years His movement was covering the whole of the eastern
India. It was affected. But somehow there was an influence of sahajyaism
that ...His movement. People thought that just by imagining they could be
considered as a sakhi or some great devotee rather than try to please
Krishna, try to serve Krishna, try to do what Krishna wants. Then Krishna
will automatically recognise the devotee. Instead they just imagined that I
could be whatever I want without doing any real service or sadhana. This was
due to the whole influence of the Daityas. They teamed up with Kali to get
the ...

So our great acaryas like Bhaktivinoda Thakura and Bhakti Siddhanta
Sarasvati Thakura had to fight to re-establish Vaisnavism where it belongs.
In the time of Bhaktivinoda Thakura there were 30 apasampradayas. He sang
about them: aula, baula, kartabhaja, prakrta-sahajiya, sakhi-bheki,
jati-gosai, gaura-nagari. All those sampradayas are still there but they are
not as strong as they used to be.

One time one of our friends, an editor of a paper had his office and
residence in Navadvip brought over one sadhu. She was wearing a sari. I
thought this was a chaste lady. She turned around and revealed she was a
sakhi bheki. That means a man who is dressed like a lady. The mood was like
a sakhi. He wants to experience what it feels like to be a manjari by
dressing like one externally.

Prabhupada was saying how Bhaktisiddhanta fought to establish Krishna
consciousness and to take away the dominion of the caste brahmanas who were
controlling the whole thing. So these caste brahmanas the deferred that
anyone who is not born brahmana, even if they are born brahmanas but have
some lack in them are not bona fide. So they basically said that such great
acaryas like Sanatan Goswami, Rupa Goswami, Narottama Syamananda and so many
others are all unbona fide. They are only bona fide. So Bhaktisiddhanta
Sarasvati Thakura had to go andcall a big meeting and then he said how a
Vaisnava has all the qualifications of a brahmana and more.

So these caste brahamanas came together and they said Lord Caitanya is not
an avatara. They claimed to be Lord Caitanya's descendants. Then
Bhaktisiddhanta said from the Vedas and the Puranas how Lord Caitanya was
predicted. Thus he established lord Caitanya to be actually Krishna avatara.
After that these caste brahmanas were defeated.

So Prabhupada was able to initiate devotees all over the world as brahmanas,
as Vaisnavas because of the work done by our previous acaryas. We have now
the great duty to keep up the fight. Our duty is to establish Lord Caitanya
in His rightful position as Krishna Himself who came as a devotee to give
freely love of Krishna, to show how to be a devotee and for some internal
reasons. So this is our duty. Once Prabhupada said: work now samadhi later.

I went to Srila Prabhupada when I became a devotee. I called my parents and
I though they will be very pleased. I called them and told them, "Now I am a
devotee and i have all these high moral standards." My father said, "I am
disowning you. I am turning your name over to the American army. You have to
fight in the Vietnam." I went to Prabhupada and said, "What shall I do? My
father wants to turn me over to the army." He said, "Better you fight in
Krishna's army."

So I joined Krishna's army. [Applause] So we need a lot of soldiers in an
army. I am old now but still I am trying with my last breath to do something
for Srila Prabhupada. All of you can please do something to spread this
movement. The next thing I like to say he is a very good warrior - Sivarama
Maharaj. The parliament n Hungary has declared Iskcon as a bona fide
religion. All glories to HH Sivarama Swami and the Hungarian devotees.
[Applause] Kirtan or any questions? We have a few minutes for questions.

Prabhu: Maharaj your holiness inspired our enthusiasm and dedicated
devotional activities. Today the 526 birth anniversary of Lord Caitanya. You
just mentioned that we are all members of the spiritual army of Lord
Krishna. We are so much inspired by your devotion and dedication. Just
mention please Lord Caitanya is the universal Lord. Why do so many people
say that only brahmana can become the pujari of Lord Krishna temple? Why
Lord Caitanya mentioned that: prthivite ache yata nagaradi grama, sarvatra
pracara haibe mora nama. Lord Caitanya said that: kiba vipra, kiba nyasi,
sudra kene naya, yei krsna-tattva-vetta, sei 'guru' haya [Cc Madhya 8.128]
Why so many spiritual personalities say that only guru should be a brahmana?
Hare Krishna.
HH Jayapataka Swami: Because some authorities do not know the Vaisnava
philosophy. If they know the Vaisnava philosophy they do not say that. That
is why you have to read Prabhupada's books. There are ample books, ample
sastra that says that one is brahmana not by birth. Krishna also says:
guna-karma-vibhagasah [Bg 4.13] By quality, by work. He does not say janma
karma, He says guna karma. So these people just want to establish their
birthright. By birth right they are brahmana bandhu. To become a brahmana
their parents should have done garbhodana samskara. If they did not do that,
then they are not really brahmanas. In Kali-yuga one should be a Vaisnava
and then automatically the twelve qualities of a brahmana will manifest in
that devotee. There are many examples were the brahmanas did not know
Vaisnava philosophy as taught by Srila Prabhupada. They are in their little
box. They don't see the bigger picture. They don't know all the sastras. To
preach in India you have to know the sastra because people are a bit more

I was standing in Hyderbad outside the general Post Office and someone
walked up to me and said, 'Excuse me. In chapter 12 of Bhagavad-gita, verse
18 says that..." You don't get that kind of question in America or London
usually while standing on a public street. So here you have to know
philosophy. If you do then there is no problem. Sastra supports - we are not
just sentimentalists.
Mataji: Hare Krishna Maharaj. We are very grateful for the activities we
have done in the past few years. Your health condition is not so good. My
question is if we do some sinful activities and you have to take them. Is
there any way you can teach us how to avoid that or to improve that so that
you cannot take too much of our sins?
HH Jayapataka Swami: One thing is if you sin a lot, doing sinful activities.
Through our daily activities of Tulasi puja, japa, seeing the Deities we can
burn lot of karma. From the disciples side they should avoid committing
sinful activities. The siksa guru does not get sinful activities unless he
gives wrong siksa. The diksa guru gets some reactions if the disciple
doesn't follow. Like Prabhupada said if they come up want to advance in
Krishna consciousness and if they are serious and sincere you should not
turn them away. So we have some testing to see if people are really serious
beyond that what can we do? Kirtan! [Applause]

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Pooja, 4 year old baby looking for her parents

Dear Readers,

Excuse me for the in appropriate content. Since my blog is being viewed across the world with proper keywords, I decided to help this soul to get back to her parents if they could search with her name in Google, it's possible that my blog may help them get their child.


Dear Friends,
The below 4yrs baby name POOJA was kidnapped by a person at some place and now she is under Kerala Police custody. Since the baby could not communicate her identification clearly, Police is struggling to find her parents. The flg information was given by the baby which may or may not be correct also. Requesting all to forward her photograph to the maximum people in India to identify her parents / relatives.

Hope this will cost only your time and will help one life.

Information given by the baby :


Father's Name : Mr. Rajkiran
Mother's Name : Mrs. Munny Devi
Language : HINDI
Place : Nagaluppi (this was pronounced by the baby which Police could not find such a place. The place must be related to the mentioned name). She is having one younger Brother & Elder Sister.
Pls do not ignore this mail.
Kindly forward.
It will cost you nothing more than few minutes......
A life is at stake

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