
Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna

Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna
Gopis performing Devotional Service to the Lordships Sri Sri Radha Krishna

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Above These Modes Of Material Nature


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via KKS Blog by (Hina) on 11/24/10

We are interested in Krsna, and Krsna can pull us above these modes of material nature. But we will not be free from the influences, and if we have a nature as I described of rajas - sattva or something like that – then we can expect that transcendental knowledge comes in the middle of that. We'll have years of struggle with our passionate nature. That passionate nature will be there. If we are very much in goodness, then we will slot in more easily in Krishna Consciousness. Immediately in the mind we will be less agitated – more peaceful, but due to the influence of these modes – the agitation may remain.

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, Melbourne, October 2010)


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Yashoda Krishna!

I liked these paintings very much!..


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Measuring Importance by eternity


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via KKS Blog by (aatish) on 11/23/10

Transcribed by Frederick Prabhu
(Kadamba Kanana Swami, Sweden May 2010)

So the Bhagavad-gita is training us in different ways to prepare for this final moment, to remember Krsna. One way is to always have one eye on eternity. To see things from an eternal perspective; to see the world from an eternal perspective, whatever we look at, to measure it next to eternity.
So what is the benefit, or what is the importance of anything? Measure it next to eternity - If you give importance to something you have to put it next to something else, because you have to measure it. So something important, you have to put it next to something unimportant - You cannot make something important without measuring it. Important is a way of measuring - Is It something big. Yeah? ...So we are measuring.

So importance: well, we can measure it with money. Let's measure it that way - so, whatever brings a lot of money, that's important. Right? That's one way of measuring importance.
We can measure importance with ... health. Important! Whatever gives you good health, that's important. That's good - Green and like lots of natural things and fresh milk from the goat or something! So measure it all by health...
So like this, we measure by health. Importance measured by health - but then health is such a thing, you can't win anyway. Right?
No matter what you do, right? I spoke with the minister of health of ISKCON, and ....he wasn't well!
What to do? Health; you can't win even if you try, even if you do everything right. The minister of health is certainly doing lots of right things, eats the right things, does the right exercises, but even he is not always healthy. No one can stay healthy.
Money, ah well, we all know, you have it and then you don't! That's the nature of money. Money is cancala, you can't keep it. Money has to move. You have some money, and then *snatch* then he has the money - because, he's a business man from India! -They're very good!:
" For you I make no profit!"
and before you know it, money has changed from pocket to pocket, but even they cannot keep the money, although they are good at it. That's the nature.

So, important- If we measure importance by all these kind of temporary things, then what's the benefit? But if we measure importance by eternity, then we have come to something that is of lasting importance. So now that we measure everything by eternity, what is the importance of anything? Measure it by eternity, and suddenly the whole world falls into place, everything!
Srila Prabhupada once said that there are so many anarthas, so many unimportant material things and then he said that actually, the whole material body is an anartha. It's actually not important, because it's temporary - Of course that doesn't mean that we neglect it, We use it for a while, but it's something that we use for a while, like a hired car. Yudhistira is here from Oslo and he hired a car, and sure enough he doesn't wanna make any scratches on the car, but tonight he's going to turn it back in. He's going turn it back in and then he'll never think of that hired car again. Why would he? He couldn't care less if someone makes a scratch on it.

So the body is the same, it's like a hired car. We temporarily use it, take care of it, but how important is it? So certainly, while we're in it, we give it attention, but it's not the main focus. So how nice, if we look at everything from a perspective of eternity. It prepares us for the ultimate goal of life, any time that we remember eternity, immediately everything falls into place.
Bhagavatam says: we even go beyond eternity, because we understand that behind eternity is Krsna, - the eternal Supreme Personality of Godhead. So therefore Bhagavatam measures everything in relation to Krsna:
"ṛte 'rthaḿ yat pratīyeta na pratīyeta cātmani tad vidyād ātmano māyāḿ yathābhāso yathā tamaḥ". [SB 2.9.34]
It's one of the nutshell verses of the Bhagavatam. One of the four verses in which the whole Bhagavatam is contained. In that verse it is said that the value of anything is measured in relationship to Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. So that's very nice. If one lives like that, then everything makes sense, everything falls into place. Just whatever it is, put Krsna next to it - Is this good for Krsna, is this beneficial for the service of Krsna?

Transcribed by Frederick Prabhu
(Kadamba Kanana Swami, Sweden May 2010)


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Prabhupada's appearance Day - Lec (part4)


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via KKS Blog by (aatish) on 11/23/10

(Kadamba Kanana Swami,
Prabhupada's Appearance Day 2010, Croatia)

One female disciple never met Prabhupada very intimately, she got initiated by letter in 1974 and  she was staying in the Edingburgh temple in Scotland.  T ribhuvanatha who was temple president, he had inspired her by his preaching -  because Tribhuvanatha was a very inspired devotee. 
Then she became initiated on Tribhuvanatha's recommendation by letter.  She was happy with that because she was afraid to even meet Prabhupada in person. 
She thought: "It was just as well that I got initiated by letter." 
Then later on, she once made a little bag, she sewed a bag and made it very nicely for Prabhupada's kartalas and she sent that bag with some devotee

After some time, one day in temple in Edinburgh came a blue letter -  Prabhupada had used these aerogrammes, these kind of blue things you fold, there's no envelope and you just use that "an aerogramme." 
So this blue letter was in the mail, from Prabhupada to her.  She couldn't believe it:
'For me?!!'
Yes a letter to her and all the devotees came in holding up the letter and said:
 'yeah it's for you'
'no not for me'
"Yes Yes for you yes"
So they all stood around and said:
'Well are you going to open it up?!;
In those days if a devotee got a letter from Prabhupada, there was no such thing as saying:
 'This is a  private letter – I got this letter'
No No, they would just allow the one who received the letter to open it and they were already saying:
'What does he say, what does he say, what's in there!'  everyone wanted to know!
So they wanted to know what parabhuapada wrote – and prabhupada wrote:
"Thank you so much for this bag you made for these karatalas.  It very nice, you are every expert.  It is very nice that you are engaging you're expertise in the service of Krishna, and of course I am only receiving this bag as a a servant of Krishna and I am only using it on his behalf, for his service – so I can receive it.'
Then he said about chanting sixteen rounds, following four regulative principles and like that.
Then this devotee, she was explaining that "If my house was to catch on fire, besides first saving all the living beings in the house, the letter would be the first thing to go for in the house to save, it's my greatest treasure." 
It showed how Prabhupada the great Acharya, the Jagat Guru the spiritual master of the three worlds, that spiritual master that can deliver the three worlds, that spiritual master took the time and trouble to find out the place where an insignificant devotee stayed and took the trouble to write a letter -  and that purchased her. 
That is the one thing that she kept…so many things happenend, she got divorced and this and that , her children left and living alone and trying to survive, not easy and her life moved along…but that letter always stayed there :
 'I got that mercy from Prabhupada, how can I ever forget him or ever neglect his kindness upon me and therefore I must somehow or other try to repay him.'
 In that way that letter sealed the connection with Srila Prabhupada.  In this way Srila Prabhupada connected with so many and just gave himself.

(Kadamba Kanana Swami,
Prabhupada's Appearance Day 2010, Croatia)


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