
Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna

Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna
Gopis performing Devotional Service to the Lordships Sri Sri Radha Krishna

If you find yourself struggling with chanting or the four regulative principles.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: sangeetha sundarajan <>
Date: Tue, 30 Mar 2010 20:36:46 +0530
Subject: Fwd: If you find yourself struggling with chanting or the
four regulative principles.

*Tips for the Struggle*

If you find yourself struggling with chanting or the four regulative
principles, don't be alarmed, it is natural and to be expected for any
individual who makes sacrifices (mental or physical) in order to progress
spiritually. In fact, expect challenges as you move forward, be prepared for
them and gradually work through them rather than evade them, otherwise they
will only come back again and again. *Find your own level of manageable
practice, even though initially it may appear to be a compromise, gradually
work up to the ideal, it may take weeks……., months………, or even years! But,
sincerely persevere and the Lord within the heart will reciprocate.*

*Whenever there is a human impulse, our tendency is to respond immediately
without even contemplating the outcome. In reality there exists a short
moment between an impulse and a response, catch yourself during this short
moment, think first, then act. If this thinking is based on principled
directions (or scripture), you will succeed in holding back the force of
unwarranted impulses.
*Remember, whilst striving for the highest spiritual principles, we still
have responsibilities to our spouses, children and friends. We must be
conscious of their needs before imposing our own*.

In all cases of upholding any vows,* the key principle is DESIRE*, half of
the battle is won if we ourselves make a conscious decision to follow a
practice rather than feel obliged to do so – so desire it!

*Things to do*

· Pray to Krishna for strength and direction. · Learn to take shelter in
chanting, this will help to transform your heart. · Find your own
maintainable level of devotional practice, one which will gradually enable
you to reach the ideal rather than an unrealistic and unachievable end which
will only frustrate you. · *Associate with those who have a slightly higher
level of practice than you do (those who are also struggling but maintaining
higher standards). · Practice some level of self discipline, it is the
genuine path to higher enjoyment.*

*-- HH Bhakti Tirtha Swami Maharaj *

* Please do not print this email unless it is absolutely necessary. *

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SMS Updates of the week!

1 who is content&satisfied&who links his activities with SupremeLord
enjoys happiness without endeavoring4his livelihood.Where is such a
happiness4a materialistic man who is impelled by Lust&Greed&who
wanders in all directions desiring2accumulate wealth? SB#7.15.16

Being engaged in d materialistic activities,d living soul traps
himself in2d cycle of law of fruitive actions.This results in chain of
birth&death in d 8,400,000 species of
life:aquatics,vegetables,reptiles,birds,beasts,uncivilized man,human
form which is d chance2free1self from reactions of work.SB#2.1.5

1 who desires2b free from all miseries must Hear abt,Glorify&also
Remember d Supreme Lord,who is d Controller,Supersoul&d Saviour from
all Miseries-SB#2.1.5 ;)

D real purpose of yogic regulations such as sitting
postures,Pranayama-breathe ctrl is2remove d dirty things like
Lust,Anger,Greed,Pride,Envy from d heart&ctrl d mind,senses&with
intelligence fix d mind on d Supreme Lord-SB#2.1.23.Srimad Bhàgavatam
Answers all questions.It's a 1 stop Solution2all Problems

D dirty things in d heart of a conditioned soul is d root cause of all
troubles4him.He is actually meant2serve d Supreme will of d Lord but
becoz of dirty things in his heart,he likes2serve his imaginary
desires. These desires instead of giving him any PeaceOfMind,creates
new Problems&binds him-SB#2.1.22

Vedanta is d last word of Vedic wisdom&d author &knower of Vedanta
philosophy is Lord Sri Krishna&d highest Vedantist is d person who
takes pleasure in chanting d Holy Names Of d Lord-BG#2.46

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*Important&Useful-Google Desktop to Search anything at Lightning speeds in Local Computer!!


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SMS updates of the week!

Displays of Devotion without the knowledge of God's greatness r no
better than illicit Lover's Affairs-NaradaBhaktiSutra#23

Some good thoughts.Stop looking@what has left u&start focussing on
that u r left with.Never expect Gratitude,but never fail2express
Gratitude.Seek His grace2outperform but never pray4other's
downfall.Every time d World tells u,"u cant",shut it up by ur
results.When d World says,"u can" reply that u'll prove

As a person puts on new dresses giving up old ones,d soul similarly
accepts new MaterialBodies giving up old&useless ones.D soul can never
b cut in2pieces by any weapon,nor burnt,nor moistened by water,nor
dried by wind.This individual soul is
unbreakable,insoluble,everexisting,unchangeable-BG#2.22-24 :-o

When Prabhupada was asked-Is there a Stage of spiritual advancement
from which 1 wont fall back? He said Yes. Very encouraging is nt it :)

If u r unable2work in this consciousness of Me,then try2act giving up
all results of ur work.Charity4good cause is always
recommended2purify1s mind-KrsnaBG12.11

If u cant Practice2give up d results of ur action,then cultivate
knowledge but meditation is better than knowledge&sacrifice is better
than meditation-BG#12.12

O Arjuna!,surrendering all ur works un2Me,with full knowledge of
Me,without desires4profit,with no claims4proprietorship&free from

V say MyHand,MyLegs,my head,my body,my country,my mother,my
father."My" refers2what?Under misconception v understand my body as
myself.As per Vedic Lit. this body is made of 3elements
fire,water,clay.But I am within d body as Consciousness(Soul).V feel
pain/pleasure due2consciousness.Else it's dead matter

6 changes of body.
1.Takes birth@certain time
2.Then grows
3.Growth stops
4.Produces byproducts in d form of sons&daughters
5.Wrinkles&gets old
6.Dies out when too old.
But when d body is finished he(soul) is still within d subtle body of
mind,intelligence,false ego&this subtle body carries him2another gross
body.I've a mind&u've a mind.I cant c urs&u cant c mine.Same way our
intelligence&beyond that is our soul.It's nt possible2learn by

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Who is a Fool-Part 2 Chennai Pandal Program


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