
Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna

Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna
Gopis performing Devotional Service to the Lordships Sri Sri Radha Krishna

Give your heart even when it hurts

Give your heart even when it hurts

18 May 2014 by  Leave a Comment

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, 30 March 2014, Cape Town, South Africa, Sunday Lecture)

love-heart-clockGive your heart to everyone, even if they don’t give anything back. It hurts sometimes when people are hard-hearted and not responding properly but take that pain with patience and carry on. Somehow, keep on chiseling at stone. Get through that barrier. In the Netherlands, we say that some people have a block of concrete in front of their head. Just chisel right through! Give your heart. That is a vaishnav - we give our hearts.

The heart is involved in being merciful to the conditioned souls. The heart is involved, it is not just, “Yeah, I’m having a great time here with my pakoras and so on …” No! How can I have my pakoras when people are suffering in the world? How can I sleep when there is still even one person who is caught in the cycle of birth and death? How can I sleep?

This is how Krsna feels. Krsna is emotionally involved. He is thinking, “How can I enjoy unlimited pleasure in an ocean of transcendental bliss if there is still one person missing?” 

Of course, he is enjoying in an ocean of transcendental bliss at every moment but he wants that one person also to be a part of it – that is Krsna. So, if even Krsna is emotionally involved, how can the devotee not be? We are emotionally involved with everyone, not only our own little circle. Open the heart to everyone!



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I depend on You

I depend on You

27 Dec 2010 by 

In my life many times I have been in extreme circumstances – many times. We were driving in the car between Mayapur and Calcutta. I told the driver: 
“Aasthe, Aasthe” which means slow. 
“ Dheerae, Dheerae” 
I told him because he had the tendency to speed up in the villages. I don’t know but some drivers do that, whenever there are people they try to drive faster(laughter). I don’t know what it is but they do that. So he was one of those and so I told him to slow down in the villages.

But suddenly, a cyclist who was also not slowing down, and got in the middle of the road and right in front of our car and, ‘Bang!’ we hit him and then our car flew off the road – and it rolled! In the next moment I was flying! I didn’t know that I could fly, but I could! (laughter). I was flying and then I had a landing on the grass – which I guess was good – on the part that we usually sit on! I was not sitting for a long time! 
You can understand that, that was definitely a situation and what do we do at such moments?

I was lying at the side of the road, and the people who were Bengalis were angry…

Someone in their village had been injured, but still alive, and they thought that I was responsible. So there was a whole angry crowd that were around me. I learned Bengali on the spot on that day! (laughter). I didn’t speak Bengali but I learnt it right there and then and managed to say to them;

“Did you get the driver?”

They said; “Driver?…driver?”

“Did you get him? He must be getting away”

So all the men said, “Yes let’s go, and get the driver!”

So that was good. So we get in very difficult situations, and of course we have to do something practical at the time of death! But we also have to remember Krsna! Ultimately we take shelter of Krsna! I was there and I realised;

“Krsna I’m in big trouble…Krsna I mean I cannot runaway now…Krsna I depend on You and whatever you want, but it’s up to You”.

Then I became peaceful, and could accept: “Alright whatever Krsna desires”
That is transcendence. Transcendence is not that we pray on our knees;

“Oh Lord, oh Lord! Please save me! Please save me Lord !” – No that is not transcendence.

Transcendence is; “My Lord I’m placing myself in your hands. You know what is best, and I’m leaving it up to you.” 
I mean the situation got out of control – not just a little bit, but totally. 
“Now there is nothing I can do anymore. Now all I can do is leave it up to You.” This is the transcendental state of consciousness, where one stops trying to be the controller!

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, Chowpatty, 12th December 2010)



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Words of arrows can kill the heart


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Friends of enemies are also enemies

Anger pride envy madness greed lust are all friends with each other. So think well before allowing anyone of them into your system.  If you give place to one of them they will bring their friends also one by one.



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Baby steps and mercy

When the babies first learn to walk they slip and fall down quite a few times until their bodily limbs become strong enough to attain stability. 

Similarly with our weak faith in Krishna, we fall down many times becoming prey to the glamour of the material energy and get stuck. 

We can make progress with a little support from our spiritual master, the father, the baby learns to walk steadily despite the impediments on the way. 

Srila Prabhupada said he has given all his mercy to his disciples. If you voluntarily put knife on your neck nobody can help you. Similarly we voluntarily associate with the modes of material nature and get contaminated despite the mercy of Guru and Lord Caitanya that protects us from illusory energy.


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