
Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna

Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna
Gopis performing Devotional Service to the Lordships Sri Sri Radha Krishna

The divine protector within and without - Bahir Nrisimho Hrdaye Nrisimho

My article after quite a long time.....

Only once if a soul surrenders to the Lord sincerely with all heart, the Lord, Sri Ramachandra Bhagavan assures such a soul be protected from the cycle of birth and death.

We being covered by the blunt material senses & the lust cannot see how the Lord is personally taking care of His devotees like us who are struggling with our sadhana and the principles. We cannot understand that so easily. 
When we neglect the austerities and the sadhana a little, Krishna takes away His protection and then we will see that nothing in our life is easy without Krishna's protection. And it is He who has been protecting all these while. You can feel the darkness when you slightly get away from the light. 

Actually we can realize that when we slightly try to digress ;-) Then our false ego is slashed and the faith in the Lord is increased manifold. There is no more evidence required to feel the protection of the Lord for a devotee who realizes the protection of the Lord every moment. This is for even the beginners or the sadhakas. Then think about those who are constantly & spontanesously engaged in His service. The Lord gives His heart and Himself for such devotees and He Himself is conquered by the love of such devotees. The way the Lord reciprocates is mystical. There's nothing in this world that is aloof from Him. Every single atom in this world interacts with us based on our level of sincerity and devotion to the Lord. 

We have to be like monkey as well as like a Lion cub. Baby monkey will tightly hold on to his mother and regardless of the way the mother jumps, the child monkey will tightly hold the mother and wont fall down. Like this we have to stick to the process of devotional service tightly. If we do so, the Lord is like a Lion who will take the cubs with His mouth and protect from falling down into the clutches of the evil of birth and death. 

Today I am so happy that I can see that the Lord is protecting personally in every instance in my life. For materialists they will get whatever they want instantly but for me, He is not so lenient. He is hard with me for my own good and there's no one who cares like Him all the time. I am trying my best to regulate the attachment and aversion pertaining to the sense objects. 

But it is on contract ;-) If I do so, the Lord has to protect me, otherwise it is mechanical and artificial. Artificially controlling the senses is not possible. My endeavors and efforts are not enough. But without the association of His dear devotees I can make no progress and get no inspiration to move on to the next step.

Arjuna had aversion to fight because it brings pain to see his relatives dying. In his case he could not give up fighting goto the forest and beg alms like jnanis because his nature was not that and is against his dharma, nor was he attached to earthly or heavenly kingdom. He was equiposed so victory or defeat doesnt matter to a soul like Arjuna.

Earlier I didnt understand how a devotee can realize the paramatma also. Now I can see that the Lord is within the heart directing the wandering of all beings. When devotees go out for preaching, it is the Lord who inspires them to talk the right thing to the right person, otherwise how does the devotee knows the mind of the people to who they are talking to as we are not antaryami.

In Srila Prabhupada's life, one time in his childhood he lighted some match sticks and suddenly his dress caught fire and out of no where some person came and put off the fire and vanished in no time. Srila Prabhupada says this in one of his conversations. It is obvious for us who would have come to save him from fire. He already knows his mission, one time when one of his god brothers asked him, do you wonder who will carry out the mission of our Guru Maharaja Srila Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Thakur as per the prediction? Prabhupada answered that none of you will do that. The implicit meaning is he will do that.

Quote begins:

In her poem "There Is a Reason for Everything," the poet Helen Steiner Rice wrote:

Our Father tests us often

With suffering and with sorrow;

He tests us not to punish us,

But to help us meet tomorrow.

For growing trees are strengthened

When they withstand the storm;

And the sharp cut of a chisel

Gives the marble grace and form....

So whenever we are troubled

And when everything goes wrong,

It is just God working in us

To make our spirits strong.

More interesting facts about Krishna's test are here:

Quote ends



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Prasadam yesterday : Veg rice and Okra fry


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Home work - Week 3

1. Why does a self- realized person have no more duties to perform? Why should he still perform prescribed duties? 

A self-realized person knows his position as Krishna's eternal servant and he is already acting according to the will of the Lord and his actions are pleasing to the Lord, so he doesnt need to satisfy any other living being nor  he is dependent on any other living being or demi-god. The demi-gods will be automatically pleased by the actions of a self-realized person who is acting on the will of the Lord.

Even though a self-realized person has sufficiently purified his heart and need need not perform his prescribed duty, it is for educating the public, ignorant and foolish persons who will consider themselves highly advanced and may imitate the great personalities. Even though Arjuna may perform his duty well when he quits the battle field and lives in the forest by begging like a jnani without performing actions, the common men may consider themselves equal to Arjuna and will fall down. 

Without sufficient purification of the heart one should not abruptly stop the prescribed duties for it may put oneself in a difficult situation. Destruction in the course of one's prescribed duties is better than desrtuction in performing another's duty even perfectly.

"mahajano yena gatah sa panthah" - CC Madhya 17.186. Whatever actions a great man performs, the whole world pursues regardless of what the action is all about. So learned persons should not induce the ignorant mass of people to stop work, rather engage them in Krishna conscious work and gradually help them to attain the state of perfection or Krishna consciousness.

King such as Janaka attained perfection solely by performing prescribed duties. Even Lord Krishna Himself performs prescribed duties when He descends to this world in the human form. He is the Supreme controller and the Supreme Enjoyer, but still to not to bewilder the common men in straying from prescribed duties He does so. 

Sometimes Krishna may act against the prescribed duties with gopis and other devotees. But that is due to the affection He has for His devotees. In any case if Krishna's activities appear different from His words, His words are only to be taken into consideration for we cant imitate His actions anytime.

2. State the three degrees of lust covering the soul together with their respective examples.

1. Fire is covered by smoke - Compared to human beings who can easily invoke the God consciousness with little effort.

2. Mirror is covered by dust - Animals such as birds, beasts who cannot  understand the purpose of life and God consciousness. ( A few exceptions I could think of here are Gajendra and the animals in the dham. There's nothing wrong in being an animal in Spritual world :) . In Mahaprabhu's pastimes, the tigers, deers embracing one another and dancing in ecstasy. Some of the souls in the dham are animals because of offenses in their past lives )

3. Embryo is covered by womb - Trees which almost lost their consciousness or low consciousness which is bound so hard into the material modes of nature.


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Srila Prabhupada on marriage

Krishna Consciousness is a Society. Society means men, women, children, families, etc. Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu married twice. Nityananda, Adwaita Acharya, Srinivas, Gadadhar, they are all married men. Srila Prabhupad was a family man. Krishna married 16,108 times. Married life is allowed, it is a part of Krishna Consciousness

The purpose of marriage is for husband and wife to assist one another in their service and progress on the path of love for Krishna.  As we will read, Srila Prabhupad encouraged and wanted that all women be married. Especially every young woman must be married. Srila Prabhupad encouraged that brahmacari should remain life-long brahmacari, if possible. At least it is advised to wait as long as they can. Brahmacari is time for self-control, austerity. To build up strong character. Srila Prabhupad instructed, and Manu states in the Manu Samhita, that a boy should put off marriage up until the point when his service or duties become hindered due to mental agitation. Then he can marry. But, for girls, Prabhupad taught that prior to puberty they should be married. And girl should be given a child as soon as she is able. 

Room Conversation August 15, 1971, London 710815rc.lon 



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Kamada Ekadasi - Offerings & Darshan


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