Vaikuntha world
For breakfast Srila Prabhupada took the juice of local coconuts, which were golden colored, and found it delicious. He also took his favorite fruit, mango, which grew abundantly there. His class was in the evening, and so he took time in the morning to speak with Abhirama. Abhirama presented an idea of forming a farm community in Florida. He told Srila Prabhupada about Disney World in Orlando, where maya was presented expertly.
"We should also have a place like that," Prabhupada replied. "It should be called Vaikuntha World." A farm community, Prabhupada said, should be according to varnasrama, and everyone should be engaged according to his propensity and occupation.
The evening class was a treat. It was cool, about seventy degrees, compared to the oppressive heat of the day. The setting was dramatic. Spotlights shone on Srila Prabhupada as he sat on a vyasasana under the banyan tree, while guests and disciples sat around his feet. Prabhupada chose to speak on the first verse of the Thirteenth Chapter of Bhagavad-gita. Although he lectured regularly on Bhagavad-gita as he traveled, he did not use consecutive verses from city to city. In each city, he would open the book at a different place and begin from there.
Srila Prabhupada had repeatedly taught that the basis of Bhagavad-gita and of all spiritual life is to hear submissively from the spiritual master. "Our Krsna consciousness movement is teaching people how to become submissive to the authority." Again he recalled the psychiatrist who visited him in Caracas. The man's arrogant unsubmissiveness had made an impression on Prabhupada; even so-called educated men were too proud to submit themselves to absolute authority.
"This psychiatrist's question was," Prabhupada said to his audience in Miami, "The problems of the world are increasing, so what is your prescription to solve these problems?' So the problem is very easy to be solved. I gave the example that the body is here, and there is something which is moving the body, the living force. So that living force is the driver of the body, and also the body is described in the Bhagavad-gita as a machine."
Prabhupada explained the Bhagavad-gita verse, commenting that real knowledge was to know the difference between the self and the body. To manufacture a nice car or machine was not education.
"In India," Prabhupada said, "he who knows how to join wires and bring current like an electrician is called a mistri. Mistri means worker.' But that does not mean he is educated. Education is a different thing. But at the present moment the education is technical. Formerly this technical education was entrusted to the demons. Formerly they also manufactured big, big airplanes, but that was being done by the demons -- not by the great saintly persons or sages, no. That was being done by the demons. The yogis could also produce wonderful things by their yogic mystic power. That was another thing. But generally, where there was a question of manufacturing, that was being done by the demons. Education, however, means brahma-vidya, to understand what is the living force within the body -- What is his constitutional position? How is it working? Where from it has come?"
On the second night Prabhupada lectured again. Each talk was lengthy, and he answered all questions. As the last question on the last evening in Miami, one of the devotees asked, "Srila Prabhupada, if someone takes prasadam even once, is it true that they are guaranteed at least a human body in their next life?"
"Yes," Prabhupada replied. "You go on simply eating, that's all. And all of my devotees, they have come to me simply by eating prasadam." As he said this, Prabhupada was beaming, smiling, looking all around. When his glance fell on Abhirama, the temple president, who sat beside him, Prabhupada said, "You, too, Abhirama?" Abhirama looked sheepish and said, "Yes, Srila Prabhupada." Prabhupada made other devotees admit their attraction for krsna-prasadam. "You also?" he asked one after another. "You also?" Everyone admitted, until the audience was thrown into laughter and appreciation of prasadam.
"Yes," Prabhupada continued in good humor. "So we give all facilities. If you cannot do anything, please come and eat with us. All right, thank you very much."
- From "Prabhupada-lila" by HH Satsvarupa dasa Goswami= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
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