
Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna

Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna
Gopis performing Devotional Service to the Lordships Sri Sri Radha Krishna

Meditation For The New Year


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via Indradyumna Swami's Facebook Notes by Indradyumna Swami on 12/31/12

May the wicked become good

May the good obtain peace

May the peaceful be freed from bonds

May the freed set others free


durjanah sajano bhuyat

sajanah santim-apnuyat

shanto muchyeta bandhebhyo

muktash-chanyan vimocayet


[ A prayer often quoted by the Sri Vaisnava Sampradaya. Source Unknown ]




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Meditating Mayapur


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[srilaprabhupadanectar] Remembering Srila Prabhupada - Cooking for the deities


Cooking for the deities

Sivananda was not an experienced cook, so Prabhupada taught him. The apartment kitchen was small, about six feet square, with an electric stove, a sink, and a little counter space. When Prabhupada said that Sivananda made good eggplant pakoras, Sivananda made eggplant pakoras daily. Then one morning Prabhupada asked, "You're not cooking that eggplant again, are you?"

Prabhupada then taught Sivananda some other things to cook, including a special way to cook cabbage, a way to cook capatis by cooking them on one side in the oven, taking them out, and then cooking them on the other side on the electric burner. Prabhupada asked for mangoes, but it was difficult to find them in Hamburg. Those that Sivananda could find were still green. Prabhupada instructed Sivananda to put the peeled mangoes in a sugar solution for a week; when the mangoes turned black, they became a kind of mango chutney.

Sivananda knew Prabhupadas concern for not wasting anything, so he asked him what to do with the mango peels. Prabhupada seemed surprised, but he said, "If you want to do something with the peels, then put them in mustard oil with salt and turmeric." The devotees tried this, but they found the taste awful except for Mandalibhadra, who liked them.

For breakfast Sivananda would usually take whatever was left on Prabhupada's plate, but one morning there was very little left, so Sivananda began cooking cereal for himself. He had just begun eating the cereal in the other room when Prabhupada entered. Prabhupada took one look at Sivananda's cereal and told him to come into the kitchen. There Prabhupada showed Sivananda how to make halava, cooking farina and butter and mixing it with boiling sugar water. "When you want something to eat," Prabhupada said, "then you can make this halava."

Prabhupada still had his small Radha-Krsna Deities in Hamburg, and They sat on the little altar shelf within his closet. Whatever Sivananda would cook, Prabhupada would have him make up a plate and then bring it and offer it with prayers to Radha and Krsna. One day, while Sivananda was cooking, Prabhupada came to the kitchen door and motioned for Sivananda to come out. He then led Sivananda to the open closet before the Deities of Radha and Krsna. Gesturing to the Deities, Prabhupada said, "It's not for me that you're cooking, but it's for Them."

Prabhupada had come to Hamburg knowing the center was undeveloped. But he wanted to encourage the devotees there and give Sivananda the opportunity to serve him personally. On Prabhupada's behalf Sivananda had so submissively come here and started the center; now Prabhupada had come to encourage him by engaging him as his walking companion, cook, and masseur.

- From "Prabhupada-lila" by HH Satsvarupa dasa Goswami

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The existence of prema sarovar

Krishna, the bee God :)


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via KKS Blog by hina on 1/3/13

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, 2 June 2012, Srimad Bhagavatam 5.13.5)

The story of how prema sarovar came into being. The story basically describes how the divine couple, Radha and Krsna, were meeting in Vrndavan, at the side of Govardhan, and at that time a big bumble bee came. That big bumble bee started to buzz around the divine couple. Radharani, with her veil, tried to sort of send him away but it didn't work, so Madhumangal personally took action and with a stick he went into a full attack mode and the bumble bee finally retreated. Madhumangal chased him into the forest and when he got back, he said: 'I got rid of that Madhu!'

Madhu means bee but it also means Krsna. So when Radharani heard, 'I got rid of that Madhu,' she thought that he got rid of Krsna. She started crying and due to the tears in her eyes she couldn't see Krsna. When Krsna saw this, that she was so touched and that just by hearing that, 'I chased away Madhu,' she started crying, then Krsna also started crying. The water from those tears created prema sarovar and we can take bath in there.

The bumble bee meanwhile was a devotee and was the king of the bees and he had actually circumambulated Radha and Krsna, particularly around the face to get a closer darshan. When Madhumangal chased him away, that bumble bee went back to all the bees. All the bees were in ecstasy to hear from that bumble bee what he had seen and he described in detail. And yes, why not? All the bees are devotees of Krsna and why wouldn't they be devotees of Krsna? After all Krsna has a blackish body like they do, and He wears a yellow dhoti like they do, and He is into music as well, just as they are. Therefore they are convinced that Krsna is the bee God!


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Forever after

Eternal Relationships...


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via KKS Blog by Ragalekha on 12/20/12

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, 20 December 2012, Durban, South Africa, Srimad Bhagavatam 12.6.40)

Eternal love

SSRR_dec 2012I was listening to a lecture of Srila Prabhupada and Prabhupada made a point and said, "Love is for Krsna." We think we love so many things but all that love is not going to last. The only love that can last is love for Krsna; no other love can last no matter how deep it may be experienced now.

Just like between parents and children, such a deep love but then how long are the souls together. Bhagavatam looks at it from the bigger picture; from the bigger perspective of time and is pointing out to us that life-after-life, the living being is going through so many births in the material world and for a moment, like two straws floating together on the river of time, just for a moment these two straws are floating together until the waves will separate them. So our material love, even for those who are so dear to us, time will separate us!

But that doesn't mean that once we have assimilated this philosophy that now we must become cold, and that in this world there is no meaning to human relationships and affection and so on… No, we can remain affectionate but we must understand that those feelings of love only become meaningful if we connect them to the Supreme Lord because then the eternal element comes into the relationship. Then, in that relationship of affection, there is eternal spiritual advancement.

If we are not giving Krsna consciousness to our loved ones then there is no love at all! Then it is just illusion. For a moment, I love you so much then it all disappears again. There is no such thing as eternal love in the material world.

Eternal relationships

dbn_dec 2012_1Sometimes, some souls stay together for a number of lifetimes in different relationships. It depends; they may not always be husband and wife. They may change roles – the husband may become the wife and the wife becomes the husband, or one may become a child. So many varieties of karmic relationships may be there, changes may be there but some souls may be connected for a while, then time will separate them. But between vaisnavas, eternal relationships can be established. They exist when vaisnavas engage together in glorification of the Supreme Lord. Then everything becomes eternal… relationships become eternal and continue in the spiritual world. That is even possible for devotees to continue their eternal relationships in the eternal realm.

Also, the relationship between Guru and disciple is described to be eternal. But the question may be raised, does that mean that the relationship was already there before!? Eternal means ever after but also ever before! This is a topic that has been debated many times and there are opinions. And it is not so (clear)… we don't have so much clear indication. Some have said yes, eternal means ever after and ever before! Others have said, eternal means from now on forever. That if a relationship develops here is this world that it continues forever. Whatever may be, the most important focus for us is that it is forever…

The full class may be downloaded by clicking here.



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