
Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna

Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna
Gopis performing Devotional Service to the Lordships Sri Sri Radha Krishna

We are not alone!


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via by hina on 6/12/12

(HH Kadamba Kanana Swami, Leicester, England, 4th June 2012) Lecture: SB 1.2.7

I got one of those sweat shirts – a hoodie and on there it said, 'BBT' and it was not from the Bhaktivedanta Book Trust, since it just came from some karmi shop. Just see Krishna sent me this because I am a sankirtan devotee – as the mind goes. Then I got a hat and the label inside it read 'the big big universe.' Yes I'm preaching all over, a big preacher. Within no time I had the hat within the pocket of the sweatshirt and I forgot it somewhere and never saw it again!

Then I got a new hat and on there it read 'INQ,' and I knew what that meant, 'is not qualified.' And with that one, I just couldn't get rid of it! It stayed with me for years and years, because Krishna puffed me up with, 'BBT' and 'big, big universe.' After that I had 'INQ' forever and I will always remember it 'is not qualified. So one can see Krishna in such things. One can see that Krishna is with us, playfully teaching us. He is with us and we are not left alone!

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Renunciation is like karela


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via by hina on 6/13/12

(HH Kadamba Kanana Swami, Leicester, England, 4th June 2012) Lecture: SB 1.2.7

Renunciation is something like karela – like a bitter sabjhi. Okay it's on the menu and it's good for you, but you don't want a whole plateful of karela. That's a bit too much and probably most people eat less of the karela than the sweet at the end:

'Can I have seconds on the karela? Thirds on the karela?'

It's doubtful you know, only some people who are diabetics or something like that will have more of it, but ordinary people would just say:

'Okay I will have a little bit more of that cake and that cream, just a little. Just a tiny little bit to top it off.'

In this way we can see how Krishna Consciousness is very natural since we naturally go for what is inspiring, what is nice, what is giving, what is pleasurable and that is Krishna! That is the only thing. We somehow or other became that propensity, became misdirected, so it has to be redirected. It is not that the propensity has to be suppressed. The propensity to go for beauty, the propensity to go for sweetness, the propensity can simply be developed in Krishna Consciousness!

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If we want to survive


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via by hina on 6/14/12

(HH Kadamba Kanana Swami, 11th May 2012, Sydney, Australia) Lecture: House programme

(Transcribed by Smita Krishna Devi Dasi)

We have to hear from Srimad Bhagavatam. If we don't hear, then how can we enjoy in our spiritual life? And this is the one thing nobody does somehow or other – that part reading. When was the last time we were reading one of those books? In some houses it's still in original plastic! What can we say? It's just one of those things, and then if we do read it's usually on facebook. So I don't know what you get from there. But it's exactly there in Srimad Bhagavatam that we can have the vision and sooner or later if we want to get serious about spiritual life and if we want to survive then it has to come from the Srimad Bhagavatam.

Sanatana Goswami when he was only quite young (still a boy but old enough) then one night he had a dream and in the dream, one brahmana came and offered him Srimad Bhagavatam. So he was quite happy because in those days it was quite rare. Srimad Bhagavatam had to be hand copied; some brahamanas had to hand copy the whole manuscript, huge manuscripts. So most brahmanas would go for the Bhagavad-Gita or something shorter. There were not many manuscripts of the Bhagavatam around, so then in his dream the brahamana gave him Srimad Bhagavatam and he was in ecstasy and then he woke up from the dream.

So that very day, the same brahmana came to his house and gave him Srimad Bhagavatam. That really was something mystic, since he dreamt about it before and then he got it. It was not just someone gave him the Bhagavatam. So he took it very seriously. So this story is found in the 'Bhakti-Ratnakara,' which is a very interesting book because it gives a lot of history of our movement from just after Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and something about six Goswamis, Narottama Das Thakura, Srivasa Acharya and Krishnadas Kaviraja Goswami who lived very long time. Like that Bhakti-Ratnakara is a book to read!

Rating: 7.0/7 (3 votes cast)


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Seriously Engaged


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via Indradyumna Swami's Facebook Notes by Indradyumna Swami on 6/14/12

"When one seriously engages in the devotional service of the Personality of Godhead, fixing the Lord's lotus feet within one's heart as the only goal of life, one can destroy the innumerable impure desires lodged within the heart as a result of one's previous fruitive work within the three modes of material nature. When the heart is thus purified one can directly perceive both the Supreme Lord and one's self as transcendental entities. Thus one becomes perfect in spiritual understanding through direct experience, just as one can directly experience the sunshine through normal, healthy vision." [ SB. 11.3.40 purport ]





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Seeking Immortality


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via Indradyumna Swami's Facebook Notes by Indradyumna Swami on 6/14/12

"We worship the father of the three worlds, who emits the excellent fragrance that nourishes all. As a cucumber is released from it's bondage to the stem, may we be freed from death to immortality." [ Mahamrtyunjaya ] 



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