
Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna

Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna
Gopis performing Devotional Service to the Lordships Sri Sri Radha Krishna

Doubts can be resolved by Saintly Souls


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via GLORIOUS KRISHNA by Jyoti & Vidya on 1/25/12

At times, when doubts and restlessness assail us, we must remain fixed in our resolve. The best remedy for doubts is to seek the association of saintly persons. Saintly souls who are learned in the conclusions of the revealed scriptures and have realized the Supreme Lord can dissipate our doubts and calm our restless mind with unequivocal instructions and exemplary actions.

>>> Ref. VedaBase => RTW 5.1: The Highest Use of Intelligence


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Vrindavan Daily Darshan - 26.01.2012


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via GLORIOUS KRISHNA by Jyoti & Vidya on 1/26/12

A devotee does not attach much importance to the pains and trouble pertaining to the body because he knows perfectly well that he is not the material body. He does not identify with the body; therefore he is freed from the conception of false ego and is equipoised in happiness and distress. He is tolerant, and he is satisfied with whatever comes by the grace of the Supreme Lord. BG 12.13-14, Purport

Without being fearless, one cannot be joyful. The bhaktas, the devotees, are fearless and always joyful because they are constantly engaged in the service of the lotus feet of the Lord. SB 4.24.52

Fill your consciousness with service towards the Lord and keep always within your heart the Divine Darshan of Sri Radha Shyamsunder, Sri Krishna Balaram and Sri Gaura Nitai and dive in the bliss of being Krishna Conscious. Jai Srila Prabhupada!



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Yesterday's Visit to Ter Kadamba


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via Indradyumna Swami's Facebook Notes by Indradyumna Swami on 1/25/12

When Srila Rupa Gosvami would sit in his bhajan kutir at Ter Kadamba and write about the pangs of separation that Radha and Krsna felt for one another, the leaves of a nearby Kadamba tree would fall off just like tears running down the face of someone in pain. And when Sri Rupa wrote about Radha and Krsna's ecstatic loving reunion the Kadamba tree would immediately sprout new leaves and blossoming flowers. By the mercy of a pure devotee like Srila Rupa Gosvami the Kadamba tree could understand and appreciate the intimate and confidential subject matters which we pray to also understand one day.


Kirtan and Krsna-katha at Ter Kadamba yesterday.


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Making a connection with Krishna part 4


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via by hina on 1/25/12

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, Mayapur, November 2011) Lecture – Caitanya-caritamrta part 7

Devotee: In Fiji, when the temple opened in Sigatoka, just over the fence, maybe four or five metres away from a house that was owned by a big businessman. When the temple's kirtans got going, he'd get very disturbed. So he started a court case to have the temple closed down and move out of the residential area. So the battle at the court was going on for a few months. One day his Christian friend said:

"Let's go to a lecture by the Hare Krishnas. I want to find out what their philosophy is, because people are always telling me that the Hare Krishnas know the answers to everything. So let's go!"

So this businessman went with his friend, and Tamal Krishna Maharaja was lecturing. So he put up his hand and asked a question, and Tamal Krishna Maharaja said:

"Come and see me tomorrow at the temple."

So he came the next day, and was very patient and well behaved. He waited for a long time and finally got to see him, and after asking him the question, Tamal Krishna Maharaja said:

"Oh, I know who you are. You're our next door neighbour, who is making a court case against us."

He said:

"Yes, that's right"

So Tamal Krishna Maharaja said:

"I have a challenge for you. You take these beads and everyday chant sixteen rounds, for three months, and at the end of three months, if you are not feeling differently about the action, then we will move the temple, and it will be closed down. You have my word for it. Otherwise you have to withdraw the case."

So the businessman was thinking and said:

"Three months is not very long. I will make it six months."

So for six months he was chanting sixteen rounds. He was doing it secretly and would creep out of the house, jump over the fence and go to the maṅgala-ārati, and chant the sixteen rounds. His family didn't know anything about this. At the end of the six months they were all surprised that he withdrew the court case. And he became the vice temple president! He was called Nityananda Chandra Das and is now the temple president of Dallas!

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Making a connection with Krishna part 3


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via by hina on 1/25/12

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, Mayapur, November 2011) Lecture – Caitanya-caritamrta part 7

So if anyone has a story, then please tell us. I have one also. There was a hells angel, who was the king of hells angels. His name was Peter and he had a big motorbike. He wore a German army helmet and underneath it his face was covered with a black cloth with two holes for the eyes with red rings around it. The letter 'Jack', with 'Lord to spare' were on his back. He was a huge big guy, and somehow or other met the devotees (as they were travelling on sankirtan) and they gave him some cheese sabji. And he like the cheese sabji…boy did he like the cheese sabji.

After that they came past a few times in the area and each time they met him, he said:

"Cheese sabji!!"

So they had to cook cheese subhji for him. One day we heard a sound in Amsterdam, and it was a motorbike coming into the street. It was incredibly fast and terribly loud, which stopped in front of our door. When the door was opened, there was this hells angel in a German helmet, with everything on, including the black mask, and he said:

"Cheese sabji!!"

And we understood! We didn't know who he was, but we gave him cheese sabji. So from that time on he sort of became a devotee, but he stayed as a hells angel. So one time we were on harinama and he was sort of following behind. We were going across the street, and were just crossing the street, when there was a car there (the driver in that car was really aggressive) which was trying to drive into us! Out of nowhere, suddenly this hells angel flies into the sky and with his big metal boots he walked over there towards the car, by making noises….'crack…crack…. crack' and jumped up on the other side and gave that guy a look, who became totally quiet – that was devotional service!

It wasn't that long but later he died. But I will always remember Peter for having done that devotional service.

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