
Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna

Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna
Gopis performing Devotional Service to the Lordships Sri Sri Radha Krishna

Notes from Janmashtami lecture 2011-HH.Bhanu Swami Maharaj

There are 2 kinds of appearance of the Lord.One is Lord revealing
Himself within the heart of the devotee.Another is the Lord manifests
Himself personally in a way that even the athiest,demons and common
man can see Him with naked eyes. It's made possible by the
inconceivable potency of the Lord. It was just 5000 yrs ago that the
Supreme Lord manifested in this among the mortal beings of this world.
Once in a day of Lord Brahma,the Supreme Lord comes Svayam,in His
original primeval form from whom all other plenary portions of the
Lord manifest.
Certainly the demons see the Lord differently than His devotees do.
Even Demons like sisupala got liberated and got a form in the
Spiritual world. The Lord is attractive even to the demons. When the
demons are attracted to the Lord,they too get liberated. Even
Putana(because of her maternal Love for the Lord when He appeared as
Vamana) was given the position of a nurse in the Lord's abode.
People in Kali yuga are also demons can appreciate Krishna and Krishna will
Certainly give them the perfect destination. The demons like Sisupala
were constantly thinking of the Lord because they were attracted by
the noble qualities of the Lord and His character and His beauty. But
other demons like Duryodhana were not thinking of the Lord and so they
werent attracted to Him.
Devotees dont see the Lord as Lord but as child who needs to be taken
care of,for otherwise it would harm the child. Of course they believe
that the child is protected by Lord Vishnu. They see that this boy is
one among the cowherds like us and therefore cannot be God. Sisupala
also thought that the Lord is not even a King and just a cowherd boy
and cant be God. There was a boon that mother of Sisupala took from
Krishna that He should not kill Sisupala and Krishna said ok to
forgive him for his offences 100 times.
When Sisupala insulted Krishna for the 100th time,he got completely
purified and was killed by Sudharshana Chakra. But by this time he was
allowed to enter vaikuntha with a Spiritual form.


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People of Kali yuga r more fortunate than others who are'nt.

Those who were in the previous yuga were not so fortunate,that they
never would've heard of Krishna.But people of Kali yuga r so fortunate
that they've a chance to hear about Krishna,Svayam Bhagavan,the
original personality of Godhead who is d source of all
existence&expansions of d cosmic manifestation.


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Enemy is friend?

When we get hurt by someone we see the person to be our personal enemy
and also think that person to be the cause of our distress but really
that person is just an instrument to get back our own karmic
reactions. He's really our friend indeed ;) who's helping to clear the
past karmic reactions. So developing personal enemity wont help
nullify or minimize our own karmic reactions.


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The Miscommunication Mess!

Miscommunication among the devotees is very common becoz of the
influence of kali.So we should always ensure v r well understood and
in d event of mismanagement/misunderstandings,v should be
ready2forgive&hold open talks2avoid friction in devotee relationships
which would otherwise get sour day by day,event by event across
various situations.


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God a Blue Boy?

Posted: 21 Aug 2011 02:05 PM PDT

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, Slovakia)

It's gone very deep is Krishna Consciousness. It's touched us on a very deep level!

There was a devotee who was trying to leave Krishna! He left this movement and after three years, on the outside he wrote a book:

'God a Blue Boy?'

So the whole book was about:

'How is it possible that God is a Blue Boy?'

I met him in the street one day and I told him:

"Just see, you've left the temple three years ago and still you had to write a book about Krishna."

It goes so deep. You can't forget Krishna…you can't…..even when you try. Sometimes we want to forget Krishna. Sometimes we think:

'Can I just be in maya for one day?'

But we can't…..we will always remember Krishna!



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