
Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna

Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna
Gopis performing Devotional Service to the Lordships Sri Sri Radha Krishna

Faith & individual effort are essential, even though mercy is available like radio waves in the air

1. The material world is compared to the forest where there is lot of
struggles and also ocean where the person is drowning and not able to
cross . These eg are to show the hopeless condition of the material
2. The material world is made up of gunas and human beings acts ,
thinks, desires within the gunas and the result is also within the
gunas as rebirth.
3. Whatever birth it may be whether a human or devata or animal it is
still in the material world.
4.In case of devatas the struggle is less however it is also in the
material world and their body is also material. The animals also have
suffering but their awareness is less.
5. Jiva is not very intelligent to take the msg and advice of the lord
as paramatma , so it is delivered through devotees.
6. To accept it At first the jiva has to have faith which is the
product of mercy of the devotees and the supreme lord. The mercy is
there in all stages but to advance the jivas effort is required to get
knowledge and sadana is necessary- HH.Bhanu Swami Maharaj ( SB#5.14.1)
Source# Notes from Priyadarshini Mataji


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Devotional service gives higher taste to rise above the ulterior modes and the pain inflicted from that!

1. In the material forest thieves are ones own senses, one needs to
continuously supply objects to satisfy the senses.
2. The problem is its very difficult to control the mind and senses.
But krsna also tells one must try and do repetition to control
3. The only possible way is to give the senses a higher taste. It
may also be material like advancing from one guna to another.
4. The first stage of sense control is that he is not the body but
the atma. It also happens through jnana for which one has to be in
sathva gun
5. Other process is directly getting bliss by engaging in the service.
6. Higher taste completly eradicates any enjoyment in the material
world even liberation. In order to stop the plunders the best process
is to engage in Bhakti
- HH.Bhanu Swami Maharaj ( SB#5.14.2)
Source# Notes from Priyadarshini Mataji


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A glimpse on a-Swamis and glories of Parampara!

This Vedic literature, is suitable for all time,everyone and of all
ages and it's perfect because it's compiled by the perfect being Srila
Vyasa Dev.Before coming to Krishna consciousness I had a chance to
read Karma yoga-a book from Aurobindo, but I hardly understood
anything in that. They dont know what they are talking about,How can
others understand that? It was full of mental concoction. I remember
only one thing from that. It was said that we have to imagine a shield
of net above us to protect us from danger or evil.Simply foolish and
childish. But Srila Prabhupada's Bhagavad Gita,I am able to atleast
theoritically grasp with my dull head. Srila Prabhupada presented
Bhagavad Gita, as it is. No addition, no deletion. I am so fortunate
and grateful for having been saved by Srila Prabhupada,the Saviour of
the fallen conditioned souls and Jagad Guru-Spiritual Master of the
whole world.
Also I read once in my curriculum in school that this rascal
Vivekhananda saying that playing football is better than reading
Bhagavad Gita. All activities lead us to the same path. How come? If I
study for doctor.How is that become an engineer?
When he came back from the US, he brought a woman from there. But
Srila Prabhupada made Sannyasis in the west and imported them to
Somehow due to the influence of Kali,this bogus aSwami Vivekhananda
became famous in South India. His guru named RamaKrishna Paramahamsa
was another culprit. In Vedic literature it's said that except
wife,every other woman should be regarded as mother. But this fool
used to enjoy sex profusely with wife and when he becomes impotent,he
would call her mother.
aSwami Vivekhananda was so much fearful of Srila Bhakti Siddhanta
Saraswati Thakur,the Lion Guru who would smash bogus religion and


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via GITA COACHING by on 8/8/11

In the US as the elections in 2012 approach (and elsewhere as elections approach), voters will suddenly receive a "newsletter" from their Representative or Senator apprising them of all that's been done for them.

This demonstrates a very low respect for voters' intelligence.

Where were the newsletters during the prior few years?

Why not keep in touch electronically more frequently?

This same hypocrisy holds true for any organization, public or private, for-profit or non-profit.

Don't merely contact people when you want something or need them.

Stay in touch, provide value, offer free help.

Relationships aren't built on contacting someone solely when you need them for your own self-interests.

- Alan Weiss,


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Sent to you by dinesh via Google Reader:


via GITA COACHING by on 8/8/11

There was a Christian monk that said, "Act as if everything depends on you, and pray as if everything depends on God."

We are responsible in front of Krsna for our lives. We don't want to engage Him in our service. We want to do things, knowing that the results depend on him. But we want to make a proper, sincere effort.

There is a very nice tool for procrastination. It's three words - do it now. If you think you have to do something, do it right now, if you don't have anythiing super urgent to do in that particular second.

One of the keys to success is - do the first step. Get up and do the first step: make that phone call, do this exercise, write this letter, write this CV, etc.

Just do the first step, and then the second step and third step, and you will start moving like anything.


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