Introduction to the Ashtapadi: This Ashtapadi by Sri Jayadeva [Sanskrit scholar] throws lights on Sri Krishna’s frolicking and playing with damsels in the Brindavan garden. This Ashtapadi is said actually to be a one-to-discussion between Raadha and her friend
taaLam: aadi
Composer: JayadEva GOsvAmi
Language: Sanskrit
caraNam 1
candana carcita nIlakaLEvara pIta vasana vanamAli kElicalanmaNI
kuNDala maNDita gaNDayuagaha smitashAli haririha mugdha vadhUnikarE
vilAsini vilasati kEliparE
caraNam 2
pInapayOdhara bhArabharENa harim parirabhya
sarAgam gOpa vadhUranu gAyati kAcid-udancita pancama rAgam
caraNam 3
kA-api vilAsa vilOla vilOcana khElana janita manOjam dhyAyati mugdha
vadhUradhikam madhusUdana vadana sarOjam
caraNam 4
kA-api kapOlatalE miLitA
lapitum kimapi shrutimUlE cAru cucumba nitambavatI dayitam pulakairanukUlE
caraNam 5
kELikalA kutukEna ca kAcid-amum yamunAvanakUlE manjuLa vanjuLa
kunjagatam vicakarSa karENa dUkulE
caraNam 6
karatala tALa taraLa valayAvali
kalita kalasvana vamshE rAsarasE saha nrtyaparA hariNA yuvatihi
caraNam 7
shLiSyati kAmapi cumbati kAmapi kAmapi ramayati ramAm
pashyati sasmita cArutarAm aparAm anugacchati vAmAm
caraNam 8
shrI jayadEva
phaNitamidam adbhuta kEshava kELi rahasyam brndAvana vipinE caritam
vitanOtu shubhAmi yashasyam
1. He who has a bluish body that is bedecked with sandal paste, clad in yellow (peeta) silks, garlanded with basil leaves and other flowers (vanamaali), whose cheeks are adorned with glitters from the studded earrings; is frolicking and playing with the damsels and is amid a modest, simple, naïve damsels! One damsel says to Radha like this: “You, the expert in romance and amusement, are leaving Krishna play with simple, immatured and naïve damsels; Is it befitting Krishna to play with them when you are here? You go at once”.
2. Krishna is surrounded by these women who are simple and naïve, the romantic gestures of Krishna. His sliding and moving wide eyes (vilochana) towards them are so attractive (He himself) that these modest damsels/women who are inexperts in romancing, started gazing and staring at the the beautiful, lotus-like face of His, the eliminator of a demon Madhu (madhusoodhana*); thus, the Lord is amidst these damsels in a delightful (blissful) circle. *Madhusoodhana also means ‘The one who is spilling honey’. Though not everybody is expert danseuses/songsters, romance is common in every lass. Reaching Him is the Goal of every damsel and luckily He is for everyone. Women may be at any point in the circle/row, wherever but they feel Him. Be it bodily reach or envisaged/imagined. This is bringing each lady, a belonging to Krishna.
3. Krishna, now in the ronde, is kissing someone; someone else find Him in their bosom; yet someone else find Him delighting her in full beauty, having a look at the other damsels too (pashyati). Each damsel go after Krishna and everybody readily finds themselves with Him! Such is the delight that Raama** **Rama is the analogy to the one who gives and takes delight in which the other person is delighted. He, the giver of delight, is received with the beaming smiles on the faces of the damsels. Even those women who are peeved or irritated were reclaimed by the Lord and they encircle Him to play and frolic with Him for the diving desire !!