
Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna

Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna
Gopis performing Devotional Service to the Lordships Sri Sri Radha Krishna

Knife to kill or save?

Knife in d hands of a doctor can save d life while d same knife in d
hands of a rogue can take away life.Same way dis
body,mind,senses,intelligence can b used4d SupremeLord2save our soul
or 4our SensePleasure2kill d soul.A materialist kills his own soul
while a devotee of d Lord saves both himself&others


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Modes of material nature change&we feel changed

We cannot stay in one material mode for a long time. Sometimes the
mode of goodness predominates the mode of passion&ignorance and at
other times the mode of passion dominates the mode of goodness and
ignorance while the mode of ignorance defeats both goodness and
passion. In this way there's always supremacy for one over the other.


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Leader means suffering

Leader means suffering.The King is responsible for the wrong actions
of the subjects.So it's a very dangerous position to accept
leadership.Once there was an injured dog in the Kingdom of Lord Ram
Which was waiting outside the assembly for justice from the Lord.
When enquired, the dog said a Brahmana hit him with anger on his head
for no fault of his and it was bleeding. Then the Brahmana was brought
to investigate the matter and the incident was found to be true.
Brahmana should not be punished by the King. So the dog said let him
become a Spiritual Leader. Everyone in the assembly was wondering How
that could be a punishment. Lord Ram said,the dog is well versed with
the intricacies of karma. The dog then said, I was a Spiritual Leader
in my previous life. I was taking good care of the followers yet I
didnt know what mistake of my followers brought me to the body of a
dog. This Brahmana could not control his anger&if he becomes a
Spiritual Leader,he's sure to fall down and suffer for many births
-excerpt from Ramayana.


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A wise old monkey!

Hare Krishna,

I heard the following story once from an old brahmacari in temple. The idea he told was, we are enjoying the material life like the young monkeys in the story without heeding to the Spiritually advanced ones(compared to the the  wise old monkey in the story) and think that those in the temple undergoing austerity are foolish. But the fire of material life will burn us in due course of time which we seldom realize.


By: Rajiv Lochan Das-Facebook
A Wise Old Monkey A king used to maintain a group of monkeys for providing entertainment for his sons. The monkeys were very nicely fed with sumptuous delicacies every day. The leader of the monkeys was well-versed in the scriptures of such wise personalities as Sukracrya, Brhaspati and Canayaka, and he used to teach the other monkeys these scriptures. There was also a pack of sheep in the king's palace and the little princes used to ride them for fun. One of those sheep was very fond of eating anything from the palace kitchen. The cooks in the kitchen had to beat the sheep quite often to prevent it from causing mischief. The monkey leader thought that this kind of behaviour every now and then may result in something disastrous for the monkeys in the long run. The sheep are extremely gluttonous and the cooks, on the other hand, are very adept in beating the sheep with whatever they find at hand. In case the cooks any time start hitting the sheep hit a burning stick from the fire, then the furry body of the sheep would surely start burning. When such a burning sheep starts running around in frenzy and by chance enters into the nearby horse stable, then the hay inside will catch on fire and the entire stable along with it's horses will be a blazing fire in no time. One ancient expert Salihotra, who is well versed in animal husbandry prescribes that burns on horse flesh can be healed by animal skin obtained from monkeys. Accordingly, the king will have the monkeys killed. Apprehending thus, the wise old monkey leader called along all the monkeys confidentially and told them, In a place like this where the sheep and the cooks are in constant confrontation, we, the monkeys, are sure to meet with our destruction. So, let us take refuge in a forest somewhere before we are destroyed en masse. But the arrogant young monkeys did not have any respect for the wise old monkey's advice. They simply ridiculed the old monkey, saying, You must be under some sort of delusion due to your advancing age, and so you are talking like a lunatic. We are not interested in leaving the place for forest life only to live on distasteful fruits; here we are being fed with nectarean varieties of foodstuffs by the princes themselves. Upon hearing the puffed-up monkeys retorting like this, the old monkey told them with tearful eyes, O fools, you do not know the results of such pleasure. Do not you know this will be ultimately destructive for you! So let me leave for the forest alone - I do not want to see your deaths. Saying thus, the monkey-leader started for the forest, leaving behind all the other monkeys. Following this, one day that greedy sheep entered into the kitchen. The cook struck the beast with burning firewood. Immediately the sheep started crying and ran straight into the nearby horse stable. As the sheep, with the fire all over it's body, started rolling desperately over the hay-stack kept in the stable, the entire pavilion caught fire and many of the horses were burnt to death while the others just ran a mock, resulting in a great consternation all over. The king immediately summoned his veterinary surgeon for the treatment of the horses. The surgeon quoted Salihotra's prescription that monkey's tallow was essential for the quick healing of the burns suffered by the horses. So the king ordered that treatment should immediately be undertaken to save the horses, and accordingly he also issued his instructions to kill the monkeys to collect their tallows. The monkey leader got the news and was very much depressed.  PURPORT :--  This moral story as narrated by  Lion Guru His Divine Grace Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura Jagad Guru Srila Prabhupada Those who contemplate that the ageing advisor (spiritual master) might be under delusion and may not know more than a common person knows, and thus follow evil companions, will certainly meet with a disastrous end in everything.  


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Developing a Stronger and Deeper Faith

Posted: 09 Jun 2011 03:01 PM PDT

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, 2005)

So in this way, there is a natural choice. It is said that Krishna – He looks very fresh and old, and young, but he is the oldest of the oldest! He is the oldest and at the same time – he is the original person:

'Govindam adi-purusham',

So, the more we find out about him, the more theologically it also begins to make sense, and in this way our knowledge is growing and growing. The more we hear – the more our faith is also deepening, and the more we say:

" Well maybe…maybe there is something to it after all".

Then when we say:

"Alright let me try the experiment, and I'll start doing some devotional service".

So when we do that, then the result is that Krishna becomes attracted by our service, and the result is that He begins to reciprocate. He begins to take the initiative towards us.

So now it's no longer just book knowledge – no longer just hearing, but now it also begins to happen. There is practical experience, and there is actually realization coming, that Krishna is a reality – a part to deal with… a part to play with, and in this way people develop stronger faith in Krishna! In this way, eventually they will get very serious about it.….because sometimes you wonder:

"What is it that tips the balance? That makes people do it?"

But that's what it is, to actually get some practical experience of Krishna!

To Glorify Krishna

Posted: 09 Jun 2011 02:06 PM PDT


(Kadamba Kanana Swami, Melbourne, March 2011)

The best is to simply glorify Krsna and that's what Prabhupada did. He didn't care about such things like, where he was, or who the audience was. He would just glorify Krsna, and that's the essence, because the purity is the force – not intellectualism, if we are intellectually try to cater for the audience.  Prabhupada said:

"In our preaching, we are not trying to please audience, but we are trying to please Krsna. That's an important point!"

We are faithful to pleasing Krsna. We are not trying to present ourselves in such a way that the audience will be pleased. No! If we are in our speech we are trying to please Krsna, then automatically people will be attracted, because purity will be there – that is guaranteed.  So we should simply please Krsna!

Trust and acceptance

Posted: 09 Jun 2011 12:17 PM PDT

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, Radhadesh, May 2011)

Vaisnavas must develop relationships with one another of trust, of accepting each other.  Trust and acceptance – acceptance with our shortcomings, with our faults, knowing well that everyone has them and how difficult it is to come to pure devotional service.  How much effort it takes to become more and more purified – more and more effort!  And with that, we need to be more together.  We need to be much more together.

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