
Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna

Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna
Gopis performing Devotional Service to the Lordships Sri Sri Radha Krishna


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The character of Bharata Maharaj part-2

Even the sinful activities of the material world will subside but the
offences to the devotees of the Lord will destroy the creeper of
devotion completely. Intentional or unintentional, the offence has its
effect. In the case of Bharata Maharaj it's residual effect of some
accidental offence to a Vaishnava-notes from HH.Bhanu Swami Maharaj SB


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The character of Bharata Maharaj part-1

Verbal,mental,physical offences Last longer even upto the stage of
Bhava. This was one reason as to why Bharata Maharaj developed
attachment for deer even after having attained so much attachment for
the Supreme Lord.
And he was so unfortunate to meet death at such a time when he was
thinking of deer. But the Lord is so merciful that he was taking care
of him that he was able to remember the Lord even in the body of deer.
Once after that time Bharata Maharaj never forgot the Lord. But just
that little time which he forgot the Lord has become so detrimental
for him. Of Course that's considered a fall down-notes from HH.Bhanu
Swami Maharaj


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Knife to kill or save?

Knife in d hands of a doctor can save d life while d same knife in d
hands of a rogue can take away life.Same way dis
body,mind,senses,intelligence can b used4d SupremeLord2save our soul
or 4our SensePleasure2kill d soul.A materialist kills his own soul
while a devotee of d Lord saves both himself&others


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Modes of material nature change&we feel changed

We cannot stay in one material mode for a long time. Sometimes the
mode of goodness predominates the mode of passion&ignorance and at
other times the mode of passion dominates the mode of goodness and
ignorance while the mode of ignorance defeats both goodness and
passion. In this way there's always supremacy for one over the other.


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