
Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna

Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna
Gopis performing Devotional Service to the Lordships Sri Sri Radha Krishna - Touch the world - Touch the world

Touch the world

Posted: 08 Jun 2011 11:16 AM PDT

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, Durban – South Africa, April 2011)

We are not just a movement where all the energy goes into itself.  There is a danger that we become a group, and the group spends all its time keeping the group alive, and the group cooks for the group, and the group does plays for the group, and the group has kirtan, get-togethers for the group and so on.  That is of course, nice, but that's not enough.

We must always think, how can we flood the world?  How can we touch the world?  There is such a need – I don't have to tell you.  Everyone can see, everyone can see what a crazy world it is.  And everyone knows that only Krsna Consciousness is the solution.  No-one else has any solution, and people are looking for the solution – many people!  And if we present it nicely, in a reasonable manner, we will be surprised how many people will begin to listen.  And even if they're not ready to listen, still try.  Prabhupada was like that, always trying.

So this is something that is part of our movement – that we think in that mood of generosity, that mood of giving, because Krsna is suhrdam sarva-bhutanam, the well-wisher of all living beings.  We cannot see who lives on the other side of the hill, but Krsna can.  Krsna knows what every living being thinks.  Krsna is waiting for every living being to return back to Godhead.  That's His desire, there's no doubt about it.  So if we are the servant of Krsna, then we must do something, and we can do something in a way that is inspiring to us and inspiring to others.

A trip through Germany

Posted: 08 Jun 2011 02:06 AM PDT

From Heidelberg Maharaja went up north to Cologne, where he stayed for two days to attend the weekly Sunday program.After that he went east to Weimar to give a house program there. The program was small but it created a family atmosphere and was therefore really nice. Most time of the program was spent on bhajanas and Maharaja gave some short Krsna Katha in the end.

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Just go forward

Posted: 08 Jun 2011 01:03 AM PDT

(Kadamba Kanana swami, October 2010, Sydney, Australia)

One should not go backwards; if we have committed to something even if you
haven't signed a contract, still one shouldn't go backwards in spiritual life. That is
part of spiritual culture. If we just make that a rule, 'I don't go backwards, I just go
forwards,' then that is quite a good vow.

Heidelberg Ratha Yatra

Posted: 07 Jun 2011 11:07 PM PDT

From Leicester Maharaja went to King's Cross in London to take a train to Radadesh, Belgium. Those were sunny and relaxed days, perfect to prepare for the upcoming Ratha Yatra.

Then, after three days, it was off to Heidelberg in Germany, where a very nice Ratha Yatra festival took place. Although it was a small Rathe Yatra cart, with small Jagannatha Baladeva and Subadra deities from Harinamadesh, it was perfect to take the procession through the shopping street in the inner city of Heidelberg. In this way the devotees, throughout the whole Ratha Yatra, proceeded through crowded streets and made lots of people hear the holy name of the Lord. The Harinama was powerful, led by glorious devotees like Bhakti Vaibhava Swami, Kadamba Kanana Swami, Ravindra Svarupa Prabhu and Vidya Vicaspati Prabhu. Enjoy!

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Miseries are not Miseries


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via Jyoti Pahuja's Facebook Notes by Jyoti Pahuja on 2/06/11

Because a devotee is freed from all contaminated material association, he is not affected by the miseries of material existence. Even though he appears to be in the material world, he is not affected by the miseries of the material world. How is it possible? There is a very good example in the activities of the cat. The cat carries her kittens in her mouth, and when she kills a rat she also carries the booty in her mouth. Thus both are carried in the mouth of the cat, but they are in different conditions. The kitten feels comfort in the mouth of the mother, whereas when the rat is carried in the mouth of the cat, the rat feels the blows of death. Similarly, those who are sādhavaḥ, or devotees engaged in Kṛṣṇa consciousness in the transcendental service of the Lord, do not feel the contamination of material miseries, whereas those who are not devotees in Kṛṣṇa consciousness actually feel the miseries of material existence. One should therefore seek the association of persons engaged in Kṛṣṇa consciousness, and by such association he will benefit in spiritual advancement. By their words and instructions, he will be able to cut off his attachment to material existence.

- Srila Prabhupada (SB 3.25.24 - Purport)


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via Gita Coaching by on 5/06/11

By Janki Pandya

Deep down in every human heart is a hidden, longing, impulse and ambition to do something fine and enduring, to love and to be loved. Why? Because it is the nature of the soul, "sat-cit-ananda". Every soul is eternal, full of knowledge and full of bliss. Each and every person, in whichever corner of the universe we look in, is ultimately looking for love.

Do you ever wonder why the distressed people go to the temple? When they have had enough with the material world and they just want some love and peace, they will go to the temple. The temple is one place where they feel a sense of comfort and peace, by associating with the devotees, by doing darshan (seeing with respect and devotion) of the Deities, by honouring the prasadam (respectfully eating the sanctified food), many people actually feel that life has a meaning.

Our spiritual master Srila Prabhupada had said that people are not so interested in regularly attending churches, mosques, or temples. However, when people visit ISKCON temples, they are looking for that inner spiritual quest which they are not getting anywhere else, they are looking for the love and care which they have been searching for birth after birth, they are coming to receive spiritual enlightenment and inspiration from the devotees living there. Everybody is suffering from anxiety; therefore every devotee should be trained in the caring of devotees. There is no greater joy or reward than to make a fundamental difference in someone's life.
Here are some suggestions of how devotees can develop loving and trusting relationships in devotee communities worldwide:


Temples could have special departments specifically for greeting guests when they visit the temple. Srila Prabhupada said that "anyone who comes to the temple is personally sent by Krishna". Therefore, devotees could welcome guests in that spirit. A trained group of devotees could be there waiting for the guests, however if there are not many guests, one or two devotees are adequate for the service.

The guests could receive a warm welcome from the devotees and they could be given a brochure which explains a brief overview of our philosophy, introduction of who Srila Prabhupada is, introduction of the Deities they have at the temple and a schedule of events that take place.

Srila Prabhupada has often emphasized the importance of prasadam; it will slowly melt the hard core hearts of the general mass of people and gradually re-awaken their Krishna consciousness. Therefore, every guest could be given caranamrita and prasadam (the mangal sweet, sandesh is known for converting people into serious, sincere devotees). At the end of their visit, the guests have already made friends with the devotees and they go home with a smile.

The devotees then keep in touch with the guests and basically do a follow up on them and cultivate them according to the degree they reciprocate. The next time they visit the temple, they will bring their friends and tell them, "I have a friend at the temple, let me introduce you to him/her". So in this way, everyone could be trained in the art of hospitality.

I have been personally introduced in this way to ISKCON, and it makes a huge difference because now you know that somebody is personally there looking after you and cultivating you and the faith in Krishna has been established and you will never want to leave the movement. So the personal touch must be there if we want permanent devotees.


Counselor systems for existing devotees could be set up in every temple. However, it should be emphasized that a spirit of trust and confidence should be imbibed. If devotees do not develop loving relationships with each other, then there is no question of loving Krishna. How can one love Krishna without loving his devotees? Every one of us practicing bhakti is going through purification and we all have our conditioned natures, but we can look at the higher cause and surpass the small differences and arguments we have with each other. Some of the ways of doing this are:

 Serve the devotee you do not like unknowingly or in public.
 Associate more with the person you have offended or don't like.
 Pray to Krishna to help you or pray to the devotee.
 Glorify the devotee.
 Approach a common friend of the devotee who is in good terms with you.
 Invite the devotees for prasadam at your house, make their favorite dish.
 Offer them gifts on special occasions, e.g., birthdays, wedding anniversaries, etc.
 Help the devotees during their difficult times, be there for them, they should not feel isolated
 Do service with the devotee together, the service will melt everyone's heart and whatever disputes they have had in the past will be forgotten.
 Dedicate or sponsor something in their name
 Don't judge devotees on their past, it is one of the worst things a devotee can do, and it will be neither pleasing to Krishna nor guru.
 Attend a Bhagavatam class of the devotee you don't like, and if possible ask a question. It will make the speaker happy and slowly melt his/her heart.

Srila Prabhupada has built a house in which the whole world can live. We have opened our hearts to do this. It has already been predicted by Caitanya Mahaprabhu that this Krishna Consciousness Movement will spread to every town and village in this universe.

Krishna's mercy is already there, all we have to do is simply become instruments to carry out and execute this message, and Krishna will empower us. But we have to give it our 110%. Between what happens to us and our response is a space, in that space lays our freedom to choose our response. Ultimately, Krishna has given us free will so it is up to us to use it intelligently.

* Janki Pandya lives in Nairobi, Kenya. She has been in Krishna Consciousness for the last four years. She works as a banker at Victoria Commercial Bank Ltd and she is a Relationship Officer for the Customer Service Department. Her service at the temple is cooking for the Sunday Feast at the local ISKCON Nairobi temple.


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via Gita Coaching by on 6/06/11

Suppose I am a little baby, and some worm is biting me. I cannot say "Mother" -- because at time I cannot speak -- "something is biting on my back." I am crying, and mother is thinking that "The child is hungry. Give him milk." (devotees laugh)

Just see how much this... I want something, and I am given something else. That is a fact. Why the child is crying? He is feeling uncomfortable. Then, in this way, I grow.

Then I do not want to go to school. I am forced to go to school. Yes. At least, I was like that. (devotees laugh) I never wanted to go to school. And my father was very kind. "So all right. Why you are not going to school?" I would say, "I will go tomorrow." "All right." But my mother was very careful.

Perhaps if my mother would not have been little strict, I would not have gotten any education. My father was very lenient. So she used to force me. One man would take me to school.

- Srila Prabhupada Lecture


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via Gita Coaching by on 8/06/11

The Devotee Care Committee (DCC) met during the GBC Strategic Planning Meeting held in Mumbai from 15-23 October 2008. Interestingly, the Devotees Care Committee was born of the Preaching Committee. Members of the Preaching Committees reflected that if the devotees are not well taken care then preaching would not have any lasting effect. They understood that preaching can attract people but it doesn't keep them.

The GBC body recognized the need to care for devotees individually and collectively and thus formulated the DCC. The first Committee members included Jayapataka Swami, Kavicandra Swami, Bir Krishna Goswami, Bhakti Purshottama Swami, Revati Ramana Das, Prasanta Devi Dasi, Achutya Priya Das and Chandrashekhar Das. Now there are many more.

Members of DCC realize that caring for devotees is a matter of consciousness and culture where every devotee is concerned about the needs of another devotee. In ISKCON we aim to promote higher understanding of the Absolute Truth and if devotees are unhappy then they would extend a similar spirit to the society at large. Vaishnava culture is a culture for caring and the DCC strives to create facilities through which devotees can access help whenever they need it.

The DCC plans to connect with devotees requiring assistance in various ways. The Committee will soon host a website which will include exhaustive information, resource guide and references of devotees and projects in various parts of the world. The DCC hopes to collect information and give access to the various resources available for devotees' needs.

The prime focus of the DCC is to instill and implement the idea that every devotee is cared for within the Vaishnava community. Sometimes devotees are insensitive to other devotees while in some cases devotees don't' want to express their concerns for whatever reasons. Either they think 'I don't want to complain to anyone' or they feel that nobody is interested.

There are examples were devotees don't feel cared for. For instance, devotees feel the Temple President doesn't care for them, wives think that the husbands don't care for them, some full-time devotees feel insecure about the future and the practical aspects of dealing with hospitalization, old age, etc. The DCC plans to address these and many more concerns of the devotees.

His Holiness Kavicandra Maharaja, a member of the DCC said, "Lord Caitanya stressed that Vaishnava seva is really important. We want to gradually work towards caring for devotees. When devotees realize that we care for them they feel a sense of belonging and can express what they feel and what they need. We want to realize this goal and work on every level possible to make it a reality. We want devotees to know that they are most important and projects is a result of people".

Devotee Care wesbite will soon be up at this link:

And here is a Devotee Care website of South Africa:


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