
Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna

Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna
Gopis performing Devotional Service to the Lordships Sri Sri Radha Krishna

Does a fallen soul have to be depressed? : Krishna

Dhanurdhara Swami June 30th, 2010
June 30, 2010
Does a fallen soul have to be depressed?
A saintly soul prays in the mood of dhainya, utter humility:
“For my own pleasure I never fear to commit any sin. I am devoid of pity and full of selfishness; I’m sorry at others’ happiness and am an inveterate liar. Indeed, I take delight in others’ miseries.” Amara Jivana – Bhaktivinoda Thakur
If the great devotees feel like this, shouldn’t the actually fallen practitioner of bhakti feel depressed and ridden with guilt?
Remorse is certainly healthy, but does the sincere and weak need to feel shame? I don’t think so. I found a reference to support this.
“Having awakened faith in the narrations of My glories, being disgusted with all material activities, knowing that all sense gratification leads to misery, but still being unable to renounce all sense enjoyment, My devotee should remain happy and worship Me with great faith and conviction. Even though he is sometimes engaged in sense enjoyment, My devotee knows that all sense gratification leads to a miserable result, and he sincerely repents such activities.” [emphasis mine] (Bhag. 11.20.27-28)
I like the balance. We do need to be humble and repent if we cannot maintain our practices. We shouldn’t, however, embrace the type of shame and excess guilt that is depressive and lowers self esteem, that makes the adoption of spiritual life miserable and debilitating.

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Sing the praises of Lord Shri Ram 

by Gauravani Das

Shri Rama chandra kripalu bhaja mana harana bhava bhaya darunam
Nava kanja lochana kanja mukha kara kanja pada kanjarunam

O my heart! sing praises of Lord Shri Ram, who absolves the greatest
fears due to the cycle of life and death, and whose eyes, mouth, hands, 
and feet are like a newly blooming red lotus

- Saint Tulasidas


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Elevating One Another

Elevating One Another

A devotee shows compassion to those poor souls who are wanting in spiritual knowledge by enlightening them in order to elevate them to Krsna consciousness. That is one of the duties of a devotee. He should also make friendship with persons who are on an equal level with himself or who have the same understanding that he does. For a devotee, there is no point in making friendships with ordinary persons; he should make friendship with other devotees so that by discussing among themselves, they may elevate one another on the path of spiritual understanding. This is called ista-gosthi.

Adapted from HH.Indradyumna Swami
[ SB 3.29.17 purport ]


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V cant recognize God without proper eyes,even if He's b4us!

It's not necessary4God2appear in front of us in order4us 2accept
Him&His presence.He's not obliged2come in front of us by our orders
becoz He's not our servant rather v r His servants.Wen v pls Him by
our actions,He may reveal Himself@His own will like Sun showing
Himself in d day.v've2work4Him&wait2c B-)


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A devotee has faith


Sent to you by dinesh via Google Reader:


via Jyoti Pahuja's Facebook Notes by Jyoti Pahuja on 12/04/11

 On the part of a devotee, he has faith.

His faith is transmitted actually. It is a matter of transmission offaith. The amount of faith we have in our heart to that extent we will be able to influence our sincere audience, sincere listeners. Andthat's the point the demigods are making here, that transcendentalreality, we have to recognize that beyond this material nature thereis another reality, transcendental reality, spiritual sky, and we haveto see the spiritual sky. And when Krishna comes that spiritual skybecomes manifest. Those who are fortunate they can see it themselves.

But even then when Krishna withdraws His pastimes sadhus are leftbehind who speak about Krishna's transcendental pastimes. The scriptures like Srimad Bhagavatam and Bhagavad Gita they describeKrishna's transcendental pastimes. And just by hearing about those pastimes we develop our faith in Krishna. And what does the sadhu do?He reconfirms our faith. He intensifies our faith. And as a result ofthat bhavanti hrt-karna-rasayanah kathah. [SB 3.25.25]

We develop

taste for this hearing by which our ears and heart becomes completely satisfied and as a result of that we develop our attachment to Krishnawhich causes the cessation of material suffering. And due to thisattachment we develop our love for Krishna.



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