
Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna

Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna
Gopis performing Devotional Service to the Lordships Sri Sri Radha Krishna

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No1has ever Won d Game of Death by Material Science!

V want2win over d MaterialNature by bodily
strength,children,wife,relatives,wealth.1has2 examine d fact dat his
father or his father's father has died,so he is also sure2die,his
children who r wud b fathers of their children will also die.No1has
ever Won d GameOfDeath wid MaterialScience but by Devotional Service


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Do actions but without reactions,how come?

Arjuna didnt want2fight on his PersonalAccount becoz of his
attachment2d family,society.But LordSriKrsna wanted him2fight on His
behalf&not bother d results of his fighting rather offer
it2Himself(Krsna).Dis is d secret of doing actions without getting
affected by its results&is d PerfectionOfHumanLife-BG


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Stop sinful fruitive actions-willful woes they are!

1must stop2act as d enjoyer of d results of 1's actions either good or
bad,if 1wants2free d self from d cycle of birth&death in 84lac variety
of species from aquatics,plants,birds,beast etc.But act on behalf of d
SupremeLord&abide by His instructions.By doing so,1 is sure2attain
complete happiness :) # SB


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Lord fulfills the desires of devotees in a different way2bring them back2Him


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via Mayapur TV Archives by ashok on 9/04/11


H.G. Vidvan Gauranga prabhu graduated from Mayapur gurukula in early 1990's. He went on to serve in Mayapur in different capacity, at times as secretary for H.H. Jayapataka Swami. He was responsible for an ISKCON authorized matrimonial website. He serves as proof reader for different vaisnava manuscripts awaiting print. He is well known in Mayapur and other areas, as a scholar and for his expertise in the field of vedic culture.

Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 4.13.36-37
SB 4.13.36: As soon as the oblation was offered in the fire, a person appeared from the fire altar wearing a golden garland and a white dress. He was carrying a golden pot filled with rice boiled in milk.

Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 4.13.37
sa viprānumato rājā
avaghrāya mudā yuktaḥ
prādāt patnyā udāra-dhīḥ

saḥ — he; vipra — of the brāhmaṇas; anumataḥ — taking permission; rājā — the King; gṛhītvā — taking; añjalinā — in his joined palms; odanam — rice boiled in milk; avaghrāya — after smelling; mudā — with great delight; yuktaḥ — fixed; prādāt — offered; patnyai — to his wife; udāra-dhīḥ — liberal-minded.

The King was very liberal, and after taking permission from the priests, he took the preparation in his joined palms, and after smelling it he offered a portion to his wife.

The word udāra-dhīḥ is significant in this connection. The wife of the King, Sunīthā, was not fit to accept this benediction, yet the King was so liberal that without hesitation he offered to his wife the boiled rice in milk prasāda received from the yajña-puruṣa. Of course, everything is designed by the Supreme Personality of Godhead. As will be explained in later verses, this incident was not very favorable for the King. Since the King was very liberal, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, in order to increase his detachment from this material world, willed that a cruel son be born of the Queen so that the King would have to leave home. As stated above, Lord Viṣṇu fulfills the desires of the karmīs as they desire, but the Lord fulfills the desire of a devotee in a different way so that the devotee may gradually come to Him. This is confirmed in the Bhagavad-gītā (dadāmi buddhi-yogaḿ taḿ yena mām upayānti te). The Lord gives the devotee the opportunity to make progress further and further so that he may come back home, back to Godhead.


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H.G.Vidvan Gauranga prabhu speaks on S.B. 4.13.36-37
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